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Tandem Birthing Co.
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25.01.2022 A BATCH MADE IN HEAVEN Today Tandem Birthing Co spent the day baking these delicious Lactation Cookies with our very own recipe! These cookies contain special ingredients to help boost your milk supply- yep, that’s right, cookies for your milk makers... We have made an exciting decision to release a DIY lactation cookie mix! We know they are super tasty but you will have to try for yourself! We are sure you will love how easy they are to prepare, how delicious they taste and the boost in your milk supply! KEEP AN EYE OUT ON OUR SOCIALS BECAUSE OUR DELICIOUS DIY LACTATION COOKIE MIX WILL BE LAUNCHING VERY SOON! Aly + Talia x
11.01.2022 Inductions can be offered to women for many reasons but the festive season should not one of them Induction rates increase around Christmas and this is NOT a valid reason. Your baby will come when ready and unless medically indicated, an induction is not appropriate to avoid your baby sharing their birthday with Christmas festivities. ... Medical professionals use scare tactics like maybe you should consider being induced as the OB will be away on your due date or the hospital will be less staffed over the holidays so an induction will be safest option. Close to 50% of women are induced and there are absolutely reasons for medical inductions that are informed patient choices BUT Christmas should not be one of those reasons. Remember, the risks and benefits of induction should always be considered and informed decisions without the pressure of an OB’s holiday schedule or the worry of your baby being born on Christmas Day should be made when it comes to birth. You are in control mumma! Your baby knows exactly when they are ready and unless medically necessary, we should allow this amazing physiological process to lead the way. Your baby will arrive when they are ready, and if that happens to be the 25th December then hey, you’ve just received the greatest Christmas gift of all- a true Santa baby #induction #birth #birthmatters #maternalrights #christmas #holidayseason #inducedlabour #pregnancy #pregnancyaustralia #pregnant #doulas #sydneydoula #christmasbaby #santababy #christmasisnotareadonforinduction #birth #birthwithoutfear #birthwithconfidence #birthwisdom #informedbirth
05.01.2022 Posted @withregram @justinezappa Chills. Tears. Aaallll the feels. This video of @justinezappa birthing her rainbow baby has us in total awe of birth, yet again. ... Birth is such a powerful, primal and transformational process. Overwhelming, exhausting and at times painful? Yes. But worth it? EVERY DAMN TIME! This birth looked every bit as healing and special as we are sure it felt. Try and watch without shedding a tear- we dare you x #birthvideo #australianbirthstories #birthspace #birthisbeautiful #beautyinbirth #birthwithoutfear #rainbowbaby #healingbirth #australianbirth #homebirth #homebirthing #birthwarrior