Tania Dalton | Sport & recreation
Tania Dalton
Phone: +61 435 272 229
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25.01.2022 For anyone who thinks that I don’t understand what it’s like to be overweight, unfit and unhealthy - well, I do * I don’t have photos of myself at my biggest - no iPhones back then I still have this (very attractive angle...) one on the left as my little brother was in the original as well (the photo on the right is a couple of years ago) *... I don’t have the best genes My dad died of a heart attack when he was 47 and was probably an undiagnosed diabetic My dad’s parents were both very overweight and although they lived quite long lives, their quality of life was not good for many years Like my dad, I put on weight easily and I like food a lot * Although most of my life I have been fit and healthy, I had a few years where my reality was very much different I like to think this has helped make me who I am today and also allows me to be more understanding of the struggles some people go through with their weight and lifestyle * At my lowest point I can remember having KFC chicken burgers (2) most nights for dinner - usually in my car as didn’t want my housemate to see me eating them I would buy and eat a cake all to myself (not a piece, an entire cake - in one day!) I rarely cooked meals for myself or exercised - I was working 2 jobs then and cooking/exercise weren’t a priority And, I drank a lot of alcohol - a lot! * I can’t quite recall what prompted my change in lifestyle But I could have quite easily taken a different path and perhaps be now suffering lifestyle diseases or worse, have died prematurely like my dad * What I’m trying to say, is that I have had to make a conscious effort to look after my health And it’s not always easy for me - I’ve in particular really struggled during my menopause transition But I do know that being fit and healthy, not only makes me feel good but also allows to me pursue physical challenges that I never would have imagined possible when I was overweight and unhealthy at 20 * Maybe you have been less than healthy for much longer than I was but I truly believe it’s never too late to change your life and your future Will it be easy? Probably not Will it be worth it? Without a doubt, yes * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmid See more
24.01.2022 My biggest mistake dealing with menopause? * As a personal trainer, I’m actually a little embarrassed to share this, as it’s been my ‘thing’ since I received my first barbell for my 15th birthday And, in hindsight it was obvious *... However, as I hit menopause at basically exactly the same time that I immersed myself in training for my ever elusive Ironman triathlon (still training ), I neglected strength training It was a combination of the time required to commit to swim, cycle, run training and also the exhaustion and other issues I was experiencing as my estrogen levels plummeted * The postponement of my event and the pandemic has now allowed me the time to really look more into how I need to adapt to my new post menopause biological state - ie my body now works differently than it did during my fertile years As you may have seen, I’m also in the middle of studying a specific Menopause for Athletes course (athlete meaning - anyone who exercises intentionally) * What I have learned so far - strength training is ultra important for post menopausal women - we must make time - we should include a variety of training types - ideally HIIT workouts, heavy resistance training and plyometric/power training Basically, now our estrogen is diminished, this is the answer if we want to optimise our body composition, maintain muscle mass and strength and minimise bone density loss - ie who doesn’t want this! * At the moment I’m playing around with how I can incorporate these training methods with triathlon training and also managing my arthritic toe joint - and of course life! It’s not totally easy but I know that with a bit of creativity and commitment, it’s totally possible Already after a few weeks, I’m beginning to feel better (note, I am also combining this with some changes to my nutrition) * I’m sharing snippets of my workouts now on my Reels There is going to be lots of variety (as that’s always been how I train) and my workouts will evolve as I find the right combination for my new post menopause body Whereas a few months ago I was feeling quite overwhelmed with the changes I had experienced, I’m now actually excited to see where this new journey takes me * See more
24.01.2022 Regaining confidence in my body and femininity after entering post menopause... * I consider myself to be health conscious, educated and in-tune with my body But all that didn’t prepare me for the shock I experienced physically and emotionally as my hormones flatlined at menopause over the last 18 months *... With an awful lot of questioning, researching and studying, I now feel I’m back on track and in control While I’m not totally happy with some irreversible changes I’ve experienced, I’ve now almost eliminated most of the usual menopause symptoms naturally and actually enjoying some of the freedoms that not having periods provide (no more fluctuating hormones, no contraception issues etc) * Menopause affects everyone differently but from talking with other women, many of us seem to experience some kind of loss of confidence in both our body and femininity * And that’s what I’m on a mission to change * I truly believe that with awareness, guidance and a change in our thoughts about how we perceive this new stage, that we can make this one of the happiest, most vibrant and fulfilling times in our life * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
23.01.2022 How do you manage stress? * Something I’ve become so much more interested in as I age, is how much stress affects our health Previously I must admit I only considered exercise and nutrition as the main contributors to healthy ageing but of course it’s much more complex *... Looking back now, I also feel that not managing stress well contributed to my dad’s sudden heart attack, ending his life at only 47 * Of course, stress is part of everyone’s life But how we deal with it can be the difference between health and happiness or possibly disease and discontent Stress affects us emotionally but us physiologically * I have to admit that, like my Dad, I haven’t always managed stress in my life well I tend to ruminate, not move on from upsetting experiences well and generally struggle with being a people pleaser * I know it’s possibly always going to be an issue for me, so I’m trying to implement strategies to help Things like meditation, improving my circadian rhythms, spend more time in nature, exercise of course and basically learning to acknowledge my feelings but not allow them overtake my life (easier said than done ) I also realise that I need to make more time to slow down and take time out to enjoy simple things like a cup of tea * My health journey continues to evolve * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
23.01.2022 Happy festive season! I’ve been mia most of this year from social media, however this time has allowed me to reevaluate many aspects of my health, life and direction for the future Hopefully from now on, I will be back to regular posting, with a focus of exercise, nutrition and healthy lifestyle ideas relating to optimal ageing If there is anything you would like see more of from me, then please let me know Looking forward to reconnecting and sharing ideas ... * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 See more
23.01.2022 Part of my current health book library... * I’ve been obsessed with reading books and magazines about health from way back in primary school And I’ve been studying courses in health now for 27 years *... Although I do not have a university degree, I consider myself a life long learner and I can’t see that ever changing, regardless of my age In fact, I think now that my children are a little older and more independent, I’m finding that at almost 52, I now have more time to devote to learning and developing my skills as a health coach * I suppose you could say this is my passion in life * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
21.01.2022 Has the reason why you exercise and look after your health changed as you age? * For me, whereas once I maybe exercised more for aesthetic reasons, now my goal is to be fit and strong and healthy so that I can do things like complete triathlons, surf, hike up mountains and walk everywhere while I’m travelling * Over the last few years I’ve multi day hiked in Tasmania and New Zealand (these photos are from last year’s hike of the Routeburn track)... My pack usually starts out around 18kg (with the kids there is a lot of food and we have only ever hiked the self guided way - ie very unglamorous but fun in shared dorms and carrying all your own gear) and I have to carry that up and down rough mountain tracks for up to 8+ hours a day It’s great exercise but you enjoy it so much more if you are fit and healthy * As this is another activity I only took up in midlife, I have lots and lots of tracks I still want to hike - best motivation ever to continue living a fit and healthy life * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
17.01.2022 Can owning a dog improve our health? What’s your opinion? I’d have to say yes * Apart from the enormous amount of daily exercise that owning a Kelpie in suburbia requires (you will see doing laps at the dog park ball throwing, being dragged along on my run and walking the streets at night), Chilli brings my family and I so much love and joy ... * Apparently owning a pet can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure (when they aren’t destroying your backyard ) and teach you to live more in the moment * Can’t imagine life without my ‘working dog’ * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #itsadogslife #kelpielove See more
12.01.2022 I celebrated 52 years on earth yesterday * It was a nice reminder to myself that ageing (and in particular healthy ageing) is a privilege that many people won’t experience * I can’t wait to see where the future takes me ... * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause #thisis52 See more
09.01.2022 It’s not about age - it’s about mindset * This is the philosophy behind a fabulous new movement called Super-A And, I’m so excited to be featured on the cover of their online journal together with my article ‘Is Nature The Secret’ (would love you to read it and let me know what you think - I’ll link the journal and my article in my stories and Super-A highlights folder)... * The Super-A Journal came from the simple observation that over 40’s need to be better represented in the media - and the content is specific to those who want to age optimally * I think it’s such an exciting time to be a midlifer and I love that Wayne Lèal and Josh Salzmann have collaborated to help change the narrative around ‘ageing’ * The Super-A platform will be an over 40s online fitness club, lifestyle journal and TV show I definitely want to be a Super-A and I know many of my followers here feel the same - this will be the place to help us all achieve that * Exciting things to come from Super-A! * #madeinfitness #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 See more
08.01.2022 I am surrounded here by midlife people who also think and live this way - thank you all for inspiring me * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause
08.01.2022 New Years resolution - relax more and read more books * One of the main things I neglected to consider with regard to my health as I transitioned to post menopause was the detrimental effects that stress/high cortisol levels had on my body, particularly as my hormones flatlined For an ‘always busy’ person like myself, it was a big wake up call Earlier this year I basically wore myself down... I had a low white blood cell count (not great during covid) for 6 months (which has thankfully now corrected itself) and blood tests have also shown that I had glandular fever * Now that I’m feeling quite good again, the challenge is not to allow myself to slip back into my ‘busy’ habits again - not so easy of course but I’m now making a conscious effort to find more time to do things like this * It’s the first time at home over the summer holidays in forever for me and I’m actually enjoying it Sadly, I don’t have a pool in my backyard but I’ve purchased a blow up one and it’s quite a good alternative - going to try to use it as an ice bath - if I get courageous enough * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 See more
06.01.2022 Another glamorous day in Melbourne lockdown... * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause
06.01.2022 Making workouts fun... * I have to admit that I hadn’t been having enough fun with my training over the last year or so while I was struggling with triathlon training and menopause But that’s all changing now *... I’m back to my strength training and sharing my workouts in my Reels (I accidentally deleted this one, so posting it again now) * Often people think that workouts need to be done in a gym or with fancy equipment Personally, I enjoy being a bit more creative and train outdoors whenever I can * I have a couple of old tyres (I used to have a car full when I was running boot camps - it was very funny driving around with them stacked around me in my car ) and they have to be one of my favourite pieces of equipment As you can see here, they provide a fabulous workout for my entire body (Tossing things is also very therapeutic ) * I’ll be posting new workouts a couple of times a week on my Reels going forward - hope I can inspire you to get outdoors and have some fun with your fitness * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
06.01.2022 My post menopause diet... * If you follow my stories, you will see that I have gradually been making changes to my diet to help manage menopause symptoms and also optimise my health as my hormonal status has altered * I really do feel that nutrition has (and will continue to) played a significant role in basically eliminating night sweats and other annoying symptoms... Nutrition is also playing a big part in helping to change my body composition (after I lost significant amount of muscle mass when my hormones flatlined) and better cope with Ironman training * Lockdown has enabled me to spend a lot of time in the kitchen trying out new ingredients and adjust the way I eat - it’s actually been great * I’ll be sharing more detail about all this going forward - but basically, it doesn’t mean eating less (as some people recommend) - yeh! And, I like to think more in terms of what I’m adding, rather than removing * One addition I have recently made is Maca powder Maca root can provide many benefits to menopausal (and athletic menopausal) women (Note - it is quite powerful and not recommended for those on thyroid medication - always do your own due diligence before trying things like this) However, I’ve found it quite a strong flavour and somewhat of an acquired taste - but now enjoying it I add it to my tumeric and matcha lattes and have also been experimenting with it baking * One of my recent successful recipes is a Matcha Maca Choc Chip Cookie - which contains Maca powder and loads of other healthy ingredients such as quinoa flakes, oats, almond flour, coconut, matcha powder and 70% dark choc chips I’ll post the actually recipe soon when I calculate the macros etc * If you use Maca, I’d love to know how you consume it * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
05.01.2022 Over 50 and not invisible... * I know a lot of women feel invisible as we age and transition into menopause And I have at times as well - for various reasons *... My body started changing shape in all the wrong ways, my skin started sagging, my energy levels were depleted for a time, my kids no longer thought I was great and I experienced (unexpected) feelings of loss that my childbearing days were over I had also reached 50 and not fulfilled my career goals or anywhere near my intellectual potential - partly because of circumstances but mostly because of my lack of self confidence and inability to take risks * At 52, I am now acutely aware of my own mortality (already living 5 years longer than my dad did helps a lot) and realise that I can either live the rest of my life merely existing or I can actually live the life I’ve always imagined possible for me It’s not a difficult decision really * Age (and menopause) provides us with this wonderful opportunity to use our past experiences (and even failures) to help us find and use our passions and talents to make a difference - to both our own lives and also to others Hopefully we have another half a life still to live, enjoy and contribute to society * I’ve been reading, studying and living health and fitness for almost 40 years now but for some reason still experience imposter syndrome feelings at times I had a good think about this recently and realised that many experts in this field were’t even born when I completed my first course nearly 30 years ago - and perhaps I do actually have something still to offer As I noted in a post recently, I’m ageing but I’m also increasing in value - I think we all are * So, I urge any other midlifers who have perhaps also found themselves contemplating ageing, invisibility and life, to start showing up, using their voice and contributing to redefining what ageing is all about Let’s use our experience, wisdom and age - and be VISIBLE * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
05.01.2022 I’ve chosen rebirth - exciting times ahead * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50
05.01.2022 Yesterday I interviewed nutritional therapist Jackie Lynch on Instagram live about her new book The Happy Menopause - Jackie also answered lots of queries about how nutrition can help manage symptoms and optimise our health at this time of life https://www.instagram.com/tv/CGRqgRejk8b/
04.01.2022 Last day of 2020 * Not the year I think anyone ever imagined For me, it has brought challenges but also an opportunity to rethink many aspects of my life and allowed me to find a slightly different direction in which to move forward into this next phase of my midlife journey *... I’m excited to see where 2021 takes me and looking forward to connecting and hopefully meeting more of my friends here in real life Also looking forward to dressing up more often - even I am slightly over living in track pants and being isolated home * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 See more
03.01.2022 ‘I’m just saying, I guess, there’s another version, after this version, to look forward to. Because of wisdom or hormones or just enough years going by. If you live long enough you quit chasing the things that hurt you, you eventually learn to hear the sound of your own voice’ * This is a quote I read somewhere recently and it resonated with me deeply... I feel that it beautifully describes the change that menopause and age has brought me * I’ve been quite open about how the transition to post menopause has been a huge challenge for me - in many ways However, in addition to now (fairly successfully and naturally) managing a somewhat different body with forever diminished estrogen/progesterone (ie it has been quite profound and will remain this way for the rest of my life), I’ve also gained more than I could have ever imagined I now have the confidence and desire to speak up about issues I’m passionate about, use my experiences to help other people and most importantly, to live more authentically * Life really does get better with age * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
01.01.2022 Keeping health simple... * It’s that time of year when we are inundated with advertisements for the latest trends in weight management and ways to transform yourself in the new year * What I’ve found, after over 30 years of learning, trying and observing fads, trends and people struggling with their weight and health (including myself at times), is that there is no magic pill or regime that will result in lifelong weight management, fitness and health... * It really is as simple as making a healthy lifestyle a choice, being consistent and realising that health is not something you do for a 6 or 12 week ‘challenge’ * To truly be healthy for life, we must find movement, nutrition and mindfulness practices that we can easily incorporate into our everyday lives, that we enjoy and that can become habits that we eventually just do without thinking too much about * One simple healthy habit that has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, is taking at least 10,000 steps per day (My daily average for the last 12 months is over 14,000 steps per day) I haven’t always recorded my steps but I do know that I have adapted my lifestyle to allow me to move a lot throughout the day If I have days when I don’t move so much, my digestion doesn’t work as well, I don’t feel as energetic and I don’t sleep as well * But, most importantly, one of the main things I do, is to view movement, eating healthy food and incorporating mindfulness practices not as an inconvenience but as an opportunity Simple * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 See more
01.01.2022 What motivates you to lead a healthy life and age well? * For me, of course it’s so I can be here for my children but also, one of the things that is important to me is to be able to travel actively (when we can again) I was very late to travel and I have so much I want to see and experience *... 2 years ago to celebrate my 50th, I had one of the best experiences of my life when I undertook a solo trip to Santorini I rented a little Airbnb villa in Armeni Bay at the bottom of a cliff in Oia The only way to access my villa was via boat or by clamouring up and down the rough steps of the cliff (swipe to see the climb) The villa, although very simple, was so cheap considering it opened up to the water and in such a gorgeous spot - the reason, I assume, was that not many people would be happy trekking up and down the cliff every day * It was during this trip that I truly appreciated my decision to live a fit and healthy life and motivated me even more to continue my efforts to age optimally * I can’t tell you how many times I climbed that cliff - several times a day sometimes - I loved it - it helped work off all the fabulous Greek food I was consuming I awoke a few hours after arriving and hiked the track to and from Fira in the heat (quite a long walk the morning after around 30 hours of travel to get there - but great for jet lag) I also swam in my little bay in the mornings with a local couple and was taken to a spot where we drove the boat into a cave and climbed onto rocks and jumped off into the Agean Sea And there was such much more * I would have never have had this totally amazing experience if I hadn’t taken care of my health so well I hope to be having adventures like this into old age * #healthyageingcoach #beautifulmidlife #proage #lifebeginsat50 #naturalmenopause See more
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