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22.01.2022 Train the mind to accept thoughts and release through meditation. Remember to keep the practice regular

21.01.2022 So much happens in the brain, even science doesn’t fully understand it. What we do know is that stress is a big contributor to how we think and respond, our perception of our world, and mental illness. Constantly being exposed to stress of any kind pushes us to our limits, this is called chronic stress. When we are in this state, this is where health issues can form, poor decisions are made and is also detrimental to our mental health. ... Why is this important to understand? It’s in this space that people are pushed beyond their limits, isolation occurs and in extreme cases, some people decide to take their life because they feel they are a burden and can’t cope with the pressure they feel they are under. We live in a world that is hyper connected and over stimulated, asking a friend or family member if they are ok is great to start the conversation - but are you prepared if they say no? All they want is someone to listen, give them the time of day and hold space for them. Let them get everything out that’s in their mind. I mean EVERYTHING. @ruokday and #worldsuicidepreventionday are great initiatives that show great support to the mental health sector. @lifelineaustralia is also a great resource to talk with someone if you are looking for that anonymous conversation. Suicide is serious and the stats are only growing, especially with COVID-19. Knowing how to respond once the conversation is more important in my view, than actually starting it.

20.01.2022 Catching up after our meditation stream is always a blast with this guy He caught me a bit off guard tonight with the upcoming release of my program - no do overs when it’s live

20.01.2022 The physical toll of living with a mental illness is extremely exhaustive. Before you judge someone for being lazy or pessimistic, check in and see how they are going.

19.01.2022 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads who put their best foot forward, no matter what’s going on in here

18.01.2022 What are you grateful for? I may be a little overweight from occasional comfort eating, a twinge here and there, however I am rarely sick from having a solid immune system, and I contribute that to the work I do for my emotional well-being. At an early age, I figured out the two are linked and that stress was linked to my physical health.... As a baker, which feels like a lifetime ago, I was working long hours and consuming large amounts of caffeine to stay awake and alert. The trade off being I was always stressed, and exhausted from a lack of sleep, causing me to live with acid reflux on a daily basis. Once I started looking after my emotional health again by reducing caffeine and meditation for stress management, my physical health started to improve. Chronic Stress can cause a lot of physical illnesses, to name a few: high blood pressure migraines heart palpitations gut imbalances anxiety Find a balance by developing a practice that reduces stress in your life, your body will thank you and so will your family

17.01.2022 Learn to accept yourself for who you are Only then can we take steps for personal growth

17.01.2022 Step into vulnerability

17.01.2022 Take the lesson and learn from it, it’s only spilt milk. He does make a mean hot chocolate

16.01.2022 I love Adam Roa and the content he creates, especially his poetry

15.01.2022 Release whatever it is that’s clouding your judgement. Like a web, our mind requires constant work. The kind of work that unveils deep buried truths that you have avoided - until you face it head on, healing is not possible

14.01.2022 How often do you listen to your body when it talks to you? It’s ok to admit you don’t feel quite right, that there’s an imbalance. It’s ok to seek help when you need it to improve your overall wellbeing.... It’s ok to put everything on hold and unplug to reset. For me, being mindful of what my body is telling me is the ultimate skill for my mindset. If I’m running around like crazy in my business and I don’t pay attention, I know I will burnout or injure myself in a way that will take a long time to heal. Tune in. Unplug. Pay attention.

11.01.2022 You are responsible for your own happiness, the choices you make - and ultimately, the outcome of those choices. I haven’t been able to train most of the year due to a knee injury, it’s been tough mentally because running and boxing was my physical outlet to manage stress. Thankfully, today marks 8 weeks out of a brace, everything aligned and I went for a 3km jog.... The outcome was a feeling of gratitude and euphoria for overcoming an injury, doing something I enjoy and gives back to my health in so many ways. Start making better choices and take back ownership of your life

08.01.2022 The number one thing I have done through Covid-19 to show up for myself and my family is put my health above all else. When I started feeling anxious, I started walking; movement and breathing are great ways to maintain heart and emotional health through increased blood flow. Having scenery like this at our doorstep makes it very easy to get up early and go for a walk, that’s one thing I am grateful for ... How has Covid-19 changed in your daily life?

07.01.2022 Just finished reading this! Such a great insight to how men think and react caused by the mix of hormones released into the brain and body due to the different situations we find ourselves in and the stages of life.

05.01.2022 Be kind to yourself.

04.01.2022 Rather than ask someone what they do, ask if they are happy! It will start a different conversation

03.01.2022 Creating a daily routine is important for your overall well-being. It offers a sense of control, and relieves stress by taking the pressure away from decision making - it’s like being on autopilot! The last few months has thrown my routine out the window, and I am finding it challenging to get back into it, out for a morning walk and meditating while the sun rises ... How are you getting routine back into your life?

02.01.2022 This kid loves a bit of rough and tumble play whether it’s wrestling and climbing over me, or even throwing some punches at my stomach As much as I love letting him discover who he is and trying new things, one thing he tests are the boundaries we have set. The good thing is I now understand it’s programmed into him being a male, typical boys behaviour is the general response, however no amount of rule setting is going to change that, and will probably cause him to go behin...d our backs even more! If he is cheeky now, can’t say I’m looking forward to puberty and the extra boost of hormones we will be facing

01.01.2022 Dear Change... Your energy is constant, a whirlwind of choices. Although I feel your presence every minute of every hour, always by my side, I fear you.... I need change in my life, to wash away the pain, the self pity, the self sabotaging beliefs. Yet I fear that my identity will go too, so I know I will never fully embrace what you can offer. I am not fully ready to let go of who I am, to become the person I can because of fear.

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