Tara Shields Kinesiology | Medical and health
Tara Shields Kinesiology
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19.01.2022 HOME MADE ORGANIC COLD-PRESSED JUICE . Hydrating and nourishing myself on a cellular level. Today I made an organic celery, cucumber, zucchini, carrot, kale, lime, apple and ginger juice! . Fresh juice is a wonderful way to flood the body with nutrients on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning ideally. Your body will instantly absorb the bioavailable minerals, vitamins, bioflavonoids, chlorophyll and antioxidants.... . What's your favourite juice combination? Do you feel better with green juice? @ Byron Bay, New South Wales See more
19.01.2022 FRIENDS: QUALITY OVER QUANTITY. . Tag a friend who has been with you through thick and thin. . Who loves you unconditionally.... Who always supports you. Who sees your light. Who helps you shine your light brighter. Who isn't afraid of your shadows. Who rides all the ebbs and flows of life with you and shows up. . Prioritise friendships that make you FEEL good. Prioritise friendships that support your growth. . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
15.01.2022 Release the word SHOULD from your vocabulary and replace with COULD. . Do you find yourself saying you SHOULD do something and putting unnecessary pressure on yourself especially during this time of self isolation? . I should exercise.... I should eat healthier food. I should meditate. I should be more productive. . Change your shoulds to coulds then ask yourself why you're not doing it. The shoulds create a huge amount of anxiety. Saying should is saying we are wrong or someone else is wrong and this simply isn't the case. Saying should is suggesting we have failed or are not good enough. . Shifting to stating you could do something is an opportunity for growth and expansion. It allows you to be present with yourself and rekindle that relationship with the most important person in your life, YOU. Could gives you a choice and therefore FREEDOM. . Ask yourself this question. If I could do something, why am I not? Is there a valid reason I'm not desiring to do something? Maybe you need to be less productive right now and maybe it's best for you to be resting not exercising. It's ok to slow down. It's ok to surrender. But maybe there are other blockages standing in the way of what you could be doing. Self enquiry will allow you to truly see the WHY. . I believe that should is one of the most damaging words in our language. Every time we use should, we are, in effect, saying ‘wrong.’ Either we are wrong or we were wrong or we are going to be wrong. I don’t think we need more wrongs in our life. We need to have more freedom of choice. I would like to take the word should and remove it from the vocabulary forever. I’d replace it with the word could. Could gives us a choice, and we are never wrong. ~ Louise L. Hay . I invite you to take the time to observe all the times you say 'should' over the day. . Comment below if this resonates with you! . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
15.01.2022 ORGANIC BANANA PANCAKES MADE WITH @pancakeswithpurpose pancake mix. . Made with the flour of organic bananas that didn’t make it to the supermarket because of their appearance. They are gluten free, vegan and taste amazing! . I had no idea that one third of all organic bananas are rejected from major supermarkets due to small imperfections. These bananas are still perfectly edible and @pancakeswithpurpose have made them into flour, so genius! Banana flour is nutritious and ...contains healthy prebiotics which are fuel for the good bacteria in our intestines! . These pancakes contain organic buckwheat flour, organic green banana flour, organic tapioca flour, organic coconut sugar, baking powder, guar gum and salt. . Have you tried making pancakes with alternative flours? @ Byron Bay, New South Wales See more
15.01.2022 WHEN SHOULD I VISIT A KINESIOLOGIST? . Quite simply, when you feel stuck and are looking to improve your health, your energy, your wellbeing and your inner connection to yourself to live the life you want and be the person you want to be. . Kinesiology can help you with any ailment that is physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or nutritional. This could mean wanting to cure a persistent injury, seeking to lose weight, identifying food intolerances or even clearing an emotion...al blockage from a past trauma that’s stopping you from moving forward. . Through guided, supportive and comprehensive sessions online via Skype, Zoom or FaceTime I work with clients of any age (babies, the young and the young at heart) to resolve any of the following: . ~ Stress ~ Depression ~ Anxiety ~ Emotional issues ~ Past traumas ~ Clearing emotional blockages ~ Sports performance ~ Prevention and recovery from injury ~ Muscle pain and imbalances ~ Food allergies and sensitivities ~ Prevention of illness ~ Brain integration issues ~ Learning difficulties ~ Weight management ~ Nutritional deficiencies ~ Achieving your goals to reach your full potential ~ Enhancing energy, health and wellbeing . If you feel called to send me a private DM or comment below to speak to me further about your goals. . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
13.01.2022 STICKY DATE PUDDING. Gluten free and refined sugar free. As a birthday treat I made my fiance a sticky date pudding birthday cake! We aren't having cacao right now so although we love chocolate we opted for this instead and it was so amazing. I modified a recipe from @taste_team and chose to use organic ingredients. I also swapped out the flour for gluten free flour, the refined sugar for coconut sugar and the cream for coconut cream.... INGREDIENTS 250g pitted dates, chopped 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 1/2 cups boiling water 125g organic unsalted butter, softened 1 cup coconut sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 eggs 1 3/4 cups gluten free self-raising flour, sifted CARAMEL SAUCE 1 cup coconut sugar 300ml organic coconut cream 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 60g organic unsalted butter METHOD Preheat oven to 180C. Grease and line your chosen baking pan. Place dates and bicarbonate of soda into a bowl. Pour over boiling water. Allow to stand for 20 minutes. Using an electric mixer, beat the butter, coconut sugar and vanilla until pale and creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Using a large metal spoon, fold through date mixture and flour until well combined. Spoon mixture into prepared cake pan. Bake for 35 to 40 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Turn onto a plate. Make sauce Combine all ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring often, until sauce comes to the boil. Reduce heat to medium-low. Simmer for 2 minutes. Pierce pudding all over with a skewer. Pour 1/2 cup of warm sauce over warm pudding. Stand for 10 minutes. Cut into wedges. Serve with remaining sauce. Recipe from @taste_team @ Byron Bay, New South Wales
12.01.2022 'Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.' ~ Rumi . What is holding you back from deeply loving yourself, unconditionally? . Do you feel open to receive love?... . Comment below or send me a private DM if you're ready to break down barriers and fall in love with yourself first. . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
11.01.2022 NEW PODCAST with @kate_caddle ~ Reprogram Your Subconscious and Live Your Best Life. Episode number 9. . You can find the link to 'The Awakened Pregnancy Podcast' here ~ @kate_caddle . In this episode we talk about how our sub-conscious programs can hold us back from having what we truly desire in life. I explain how kinesiology works, and what results you can expect when working with me. We talk about how limiting beliefs can hold us back from conception and our ideal birt...h and breastfeeding experience, and what you can do to help reprogram them. . From the moment we say we want to have a baby, we begin a journey and we have no idea where it will take us! There are so many milestones and challenges to becoming a mother from falling pregnant, pregnancy itself, labour, birth, recovery, sleeplessness, overwhelm, mothers guilt (this is REAL!), surrendering into what is, letting go of the you that existed pre baby, surrendering into the present, oh and then doing all of that all over again if you decide you want another baby. This is where Kinesiology can help! . My hat goes off to every single mumma! You women are incredible! You all wear invisible capes, but I see them everyday! I am here to support you throughout your entire fertility and motherhood journey! Let's go deep into what's really going on, that's stopping you from being the best version of you and the best mum you can be! You are not alone! Let's do this together and create the abundance and success you deserve! . Tag a friend if they need to hear this today! . My gorgeous friend @wabisabiwell is pictured during the pregnancy of her first born. See more
09.01.2022 GREEN SMOOTHIE RECIPE . A quick and easy snack that packs in a huge amount of nutrition and only takes a few minutes to make! . This smoothie is a wonderful way to get in a huge amount of leafy greens whilst also tasting amazing!... . RECIPE ~ . 1 banana 1 tbsp flax seeds 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 cup of coconut milk 100 grams baby spinach 1 tbsp peanut butter (or your favourite nut butter) Sweeten with fresh medjool dates, stevia, honey or your preferred sweetener. . You can also add cinnamon, vanilla, greens powder, maca or your favourite superfoods! . Blend together in a high speed blender until smooth and creamy. . Tell me your favourite smoothie recipe!? . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
09.01.2022 BOUNDARIES Continuing on from my last post. . Swipe right for five inspiring quotes on boundaries and why they are essential for a healthy and balanced life. You might also like to read my last post with 10 steps to setting boundaries in your life. . I hope these quotes inspire you to put yourself first and make good choices for yourself because you know your value. Setting boundaries is an act of self love and self respect.... . Lead by example by loving yourself so deeply that others will follow your lead. 'You best teach others about healthy boundaries by enforcing yours.' ~ Bryant McGill . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology @ Byron Bay, New South Wales See more
08.01.2022 Setting boundaries is an act of self love and self respect which is what I teach in my clinic every day. Boundary setting is an essential skill for a healthy balanced life. Despite this many people struggle to set boundaries and are unsure how to express their needs in real life scenarios. Here are 10 steps to setting boundaries.... 1. Become clear on what your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual limits are. Honour yourself and your needs and wants. 2. Tune into how you feel in situations and be particularly aware of the emotions: discomfort, resentment and overwhelm. These feelings are signs that potentially boundaries need to be set but first take the time to self evaluate why you are feeling this way. 3. Be direct with your boundaries. In some scenarios with people we know well and are connected to, we may not need direct boundary setting, but for others being direct can be essential to be heard and to set boundaries. 4. Give yourself permission to set boundaries because you have self worth and it is an act of self love and self respect. Often times the emotions of fear, guilt and self doubt may arise when intending to set boundaries. It's normal to feel this way when we fear someone else's reaction. Setting clear boundaries is fundamental to healthy relationships. 5. Reflect on your past and present relationship dynamics and ask yourself whether there has been unhealthy patterns present for some time. These may have unconsciously caused you to lack skills in setting and preserving healthy boundaries. 6. Make self care a priority. Prioritising self care gives us the motivation to honour ourselves and put ourself first. 7. Seek support from others who understand healthy boundaries. This may look like speaking to friends, a counsellor or a coach. It may also be seeking self help books or courses. 8. Be assertive. People are not mind readers and we need to be able to have the courage to communicate our boundaries clearly and respectfully. 9. Practise! If setting boundaries makes you anxious, begin with setting small ones and develop your skills from there. Setting boundaries requires self awareness, courage, practise and support. Continued below.
06.01.2022 'With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.' ~ Wayne Dyer . What is holding you back from seeing the silver lining? Every single one of us experiences challenges in our lives, but it's how we respond to them that matters. Allow yourself to feel sad, angry and frustrated but move through these emotio...ns and then use the tools you have to come out the other side stronger than ever. . Kinesiology facilitates this process on a unconscious level and allows you to shift emotions fast and uncover core triggers that are keeping you stuck. . Leave a comment below or DM me if you would like to know more about how kinesiology can help you! . tarashieldskinesiology.com @tarashieldskinesiology See more
06.01.2022 In 2009 I moved from an industry that focuses on people LOOKING good, into one that focuses on people FEELING good. And it was the best decision of my life. . For over 10 years in my hometown of Melbourne, I worked in the competitive world of fashion as a Buyer and Designer, I traveled internationally, made amazing money and was living my dream life. . I worked hard and I lived hard. And it was killing me.... . My health started to decline I couldn’t sleep, I had night sweats, constantly experienced digestive problems and migraines, and was perpetually stressed and anxious. I ended up in a cycle of drinking caffeine to wake me up and alcohol to calm me down at night. There was also certainly no time to eat well or exercise. . My dream life had turned into a nightmare and I knew I had to change my path, before I became chronically ill. This is when I was introduced to Kinesiology, and it literally changed my life. . After only a few sessions with my Kinesiologist, I could already feel a difference I was happier, healthier and more at peace. After a few more sessions, I had the courage to leave my old life and create the life I really wanted. I completely turned my life around. . I left my high-pressure Melbourne life to study Kinesiology full-time for three years at The Australian Wellness Centre in Byron Bay. Today, I’m a fully qualified AIK Kinesiologist (Australian Institute of Kinesiologists) running a busy Kinesiology clinic based in Byron Bay. I offer a supportive, nurturing, compassionate and confidential holistic natural therapy service for clients here in Byron Bay and worldwide via online Skype sessions. . I truly believe Kinesiology can renew your life because I am living testimony of how it can bring health, happiness, and vitality to your reality. . I feel blessed to be able to help people on their journey toward living a life of optimal health so they, too, can reach their goals and full potential. . Continued below. See more
03.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful Mum! . It’s been nearly a year since you’ve passed and they say the first year is the hardest with all the mile stones. Today is a another one of those days. . I miss you so much Mum! ... . I often say to people you can empathise and sympathise with others when they lose a parent but to actually go through it is a whole other world and it’s one crazy roller coaster ride of emotions that seem to come and go at the strangest times. . One day you can be feeling happy and light and then a memory will pop up and you will feel the sadness and sorrow again. . I really do believe that it’s so important to connect in with these not so nice emotions as they arise as a way of healing the pain and trauma. We need to feel it to heal it. . So today I sit here having a little cry, allowing myself to feel sorrow, sadness and loss to then move through these emotions and come out the other side feeling light, happy and content. . E-motion is just energy in motion so when we suppress it, hold it and get stuck in it, we create great dis-ease and disharmony on a physical, mental, emotional and biochemical level as it takes a lot of effort to suppress these natural emotions. . Imagine holding a glass of water in your hand out in front of you... not so painful for the first few minutes right? But holding on to it for hours, days, weeks, months or even years, would be excruciatingly painful. This is exactly how we feel with our emotions when we don’t allow space for them to really been seen and heard. . So take a moment today to allow time and space to feel your emotions... whether you’ve lost your Mumma, your not able to visit your Mumma or you are grieving not being a Mumma, take a moment today to sit with what’s coming up. I will energetically be holding you in that space to really feel. You are safe to explore and you are always supported. Sending you all lots of love on this special day! See more
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