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Tarotology in Collingwood, Victoria, Australia | Tutor/teacher

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Locality: Collingwood, Victoria, Australia

Address: 3 Hoddle St 3066 Collingwood, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Starman Tarot (Sacred Clown | 4 Pentacles)... Have faith this week Tarotologers. Limitation, fear and pain are illusions, they are creations of the mind and no more. They are necessary for us to experience endlessness, joy and love. Two sides of the same coin. We are being asked to acknowledge the different masks that we wear. Consider the personas that we use - Father, Mother, Friend, Son, Daughter, Work Colleague, Mentor, Leader, Aunt, Uncle - the list is endless. Our self-construction may no longer truly fit who we are or who we want to be. We can see beyond the truth and the reality that we have created. Let go of the false identity and truly embrace a newer version of ourselves. What we think of as ‘I’ is an invention of all personas. A kaleidoscope so to speak. When we say ‘I’ we are referring to our story, not us as a human. Our story is made up of perceptions, patterns, behaviours and beliefs that may no longer be valid. Is this version of ‘I’ what we want or desire? Renew, refresh and rebirth ourselves. This week there will be an opportunity to reinvent ourselves, take on new beliefs, become more functional as a human. What do you see in the 4 Pentacles? Do you see the golden mask being let go or being called in. They are both the same. To let go is to bring in and to bring in is to let go. Love n light Craig xxx

24.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot card for the week... Deviant Tarot (Devil | Ace Wands) | Starman Tarot (Sacred Clown)... Honouring the new moon this week by using the Deviant Tarot. The new moon energy this week is helping us to move away form the drama, the chaos, the old stories. There's some devilish mischief happening this week and we're being told that it's time to move away from an unhealthy past-time or obsession or attachment with something. Something or ourselves will shake us out of this unhealthy attachment, 'burn it away' and push us into living a radical experiential existence where we truly experience each and every moment - the good, the bad, the happy, the sad, the ugly, the beautiful.. All of it, not just one perspective. Have faith that this unknown existence is exactly where we’re meant to be. There are good things about to begin this week. We have that passion, the fire, the creative impetus to really step into something new and exciting. We will set the world on fire with our creativity and passion as we move away from the old stories, the unhealthy attachment, the drama. Firstly, we have to recognise what is holding us back before we can move on from it. Take the time at the beginning of the week to sit with this and identify what we want to leave behind. When we make the first small action the rest will fall into place. There’s freedom, newness, a sort of potential for us to really create a new paradigm for ourselves in the next week. A little word of warning this week... The cards are showing a lot of fiery activity this week. Be mindful that while fire holds the ability to create / regenerate it can also destroy if left unchecked. Control our passion this week. Love n light Craig xxx

19.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Starman Tarot (Judgement) | Fountain Tarot (4 Coins)... Last week, we were asked to begin to move forward from something that had been ‘frozen in time’. To take a reflective and measured stance and begin to make the changes from a heartfelt and passionate place. This may have begun, however the cards are saying that the pace needs to quicken! This week, the cards are saying that the Universe is about to step in and create the pathway forward. Judgement talks about fate / destiny. It is the hearing / seeing of a sign that is so loud that we won’t miss it. It’s time for us to begin to reach again, to embrace our fullest potential and begin to ‘climb’ knowing that there will always be something squirrelled away for another day (4 Coins). We will never be left without. Ultimately, it is our free will choice which direction to take however the cards are saying it’s time to move on and the Universe is providing the option. We may not be able to understand the larger process and cycles of life however there is an event this week that will bring clarity, focus and understanding. It’s time to ‘come in from the cold’, experience a great revelation, clear unfinished business and open ourselves to our fullest potential. Love n light Craig xxx

15.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Fountain Tarot (7 Swords | Ace Wands)... The cards have been prompting us quite regularly about compromise and letting things from the past go. Again this week, we are being reminded about the potential for passion and growth once we truly let go of what is holding us back. The mental, the intellect, the story that we’ve created about a particular situation is still haunting us. This week, we are being given the opportunity to see this story, this perception play out in front of our eyes. From there, it is our choice to let it go or not. Choice is ours to make. When considering what to let go, be aware that it’s not always easy to ‘let go’. Sometimes we cause ourselves pain when releasing and or changing perceptions. The pain it causes is what holds us back, yet is it the pain or the fear of the perceived pain. We are being given the potential for focused intention this week, to create and bring about transformation. It will be a brief moment this week, one that will highlight what needs to be mentally released. be courageous, make our move and take bold steps forward. Love n light Craig xxx

12.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot card for the week... Starman Tarot (Prince Cups) | Fountain Tarot (4 Coins)... There is an area of our lives where we have withdrawn, reverted back into our ‘caves’. A recent event has potentially caused emotional confusion. This may be unrequited love or a forgotten idea / direction that has been ‘frozen in time’ (4 Coins). We’ve been placing value in this area for quite sometime and it has become habitual rather than an investment. This week the cards are asking us to consider which area of our lives we need to change. In this area we believe we’re adding value yet we have actually stagnated or allowed ourselves to wallow. It’s ok to wallow as gold can always be found in the cold and desolation. It’s up to us to take a reflective and measured stance toward the area and approach the change with generosity, emotional freedom, connectedness with others and clarity of values (Prince Cups). As we make the required changes we will either passionately reconnect with the forgotten idea or seek something else to put our passions in to. Either way, we will move and change. Connectedness with others is the key. Love n light Craig xxx

11.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Starman Tarot (The Chariot) | Fountain Tarot (Wheel of Fortune)... Positive good fortune this week, if we allow it to occur. Our head and hearts are not in balance this week which leads us to feel fenced in, closed off and uncertain of the direction to take (Chariot). It’s almost like we are preparing to fight, but fight what? Time for fighting and constant protective mechanisms is ended. Be guided by our intuition. There’s a sense of stagnation coupled with uncontrolled chaos, movement and chance this week. Sounds paradoxical! Is it that the stagnation and indecision to move forward has created the chaos and potential chance encounters we need to get moving again? The universe is providing us a fate / destiny moment this week (Wheel of Fortune). Things come, things go. It’s time for endings and beginnings. Opportunities will be presented. Allow ourselves to be open to the random encounters with chance without the investment in any outcome. Take it as it comes, stop being protective, be open to the possibilities. The encounters may come from somewhere completely unexpected, left field, areas unconsidered. BE OPEN. Yes there is a plan. Yes we know where we are going. There is no need to be so rigid and in control. Have faith. Have less control and less restriction to open us to the potential of unexpected growth and development. Love n light Craig xxx

11.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot card for the week.... Starman Tarot (5 Cups | 9 Pentacles) | Fountain Tarot (The Chariot)... We've arrived at a point in our journey where a decision is to be made. We appear to have stopped moving (The Chariot) and contradictions have begun to surround us. We can choose to remain still or harness our focus, determination and concentration to step into the future we desire. One choice will lead us into a situation where we may feel that we are overwhelmed by our emotions. A sense of being swept away, of spilt milk. We may feel like no-one understands us. A Why me? situation. One choice will lead us to take charge of our destiny and to realise our fullest potential. A moment where we harness our resources and attract opportunities that free us from attachments and create a sense of independence. A belief that we are connected to the matrix of abundance. We’ve come to a fork in the road. Which direction do we choose? Our ‘plan’ has been eternally written. We will choose the direction that we are destined to travel. It’s time to stop vacillating and take control. Love n light Craig xxx

08.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Transparent Tarot (7 Swords | 4 Swords | Page Swords)... A word of warning this week Tarotologers - it's going to be a 'heady' week. All is not what it seems (7 Swords) and there may be nefarious activity at play. Forewarned is forearmed. There may be gossip or slander occurring out of earshot. Our ideas may be stolen and credit given elsewhere. It may be dishonesty in a relationship. It may be that the people we are spending time with are draining our energy. It’s time to wake up and be mindful. We’ve been ‘asleep’ to this and potentially not wanting to believe that it’s occurring. Possibly subconsciously ‘pushing’ the situation away (4 Swords). Be mindful of our surroundings, grow eyes in the backs of our heads, pay attention to any little detail which seems ‘out of place’. Use our investigative, impetuous, analytical and logical approach to uncover the truth (Page Swords). It’s time to uncover and move away from what is occurring. Be aware that it may be us who is conducting the nefarious activity. With all Swords in the spread, it’s highly possible. There doesn’t seem to be a confrontation, more a sense of revelation and walking away. Love n light Craig xxx

05.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the Week... Druidcraft Tarot (Death & 5 Cups) | Starman Tarot (Sacred Clown)... There’s a sense this week Tarotologers that we’re avoiding making a change that we know we need to make (Death). We are being held back by our own predisposition to focus on a loss, or on what we are missing or what we are yet to have (5 Cups). This predisposition no longer serves us. We had bought into a story and for a time we wallowed. Now we are to have faith and trust that letting go of the predisposition is exactly what we are meant to do. What do we have to lose? Life is full of ups and downs, twists and turns, bites and stings. Without all these we wouldn’t experience the joys, the bliss, the excitement, the happiness of our lives. We’re caught in a ‘mood’, a ‘wallow’, a ‘something’. These feelings are beneficial, like all feelings they are an indicator that something within requires attention. It’s when we become caught that we need something to shock and shake us loose. There is something this week that will indeed shock and shake us (Sacred Clown). Once again, have faith and trust that what is occurring is what is meant to occur to create the much-needed change. We can feel the stirring of change within us. We’ve allowed ourselves to wallow for long enough. No sense crying over spilt milk. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again. Now is the time to leap without thought and allow ourselves to be taken. Endings are beginnings. Love n light Craig xxx

03.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Starman Tarot (Queen Pentacles) | Fountain Tarot (9 Swords)... Forewarned is forearmed Tarotologers. This week there is a potential that we may lose sight of ourselves, to be neglectful of our value (Queen Pentacles) and to expel too much energy into nurturing things which are no longer of value to us. This self-neglect may lead to anxiety, worry, stress and feelings that we are being overtaken by dark thoughts (9 Swords). There may be gossip, rumours, hearsay or 2nd hand information surrounding us this week. We may be caught in a negative spiral, one where we believe we are drowning. It’s our choice to invest in this or to sift reality from make believe and break the cycle of irrational thoughts. The beauty of free-will and of Tarot, enables us to make the necessary changes to move away from the things that we don’t like and move toward things that will have a positive impact. Understand the cycles and seasons our own nature and use this understanding to nurture and generate positive wealth, value and growth (Queen Pentacles). In the darkest of times, we have the power and energy to move ourselves away from the illusion of worry, isolation and panic. Plant our feet firmly on the ground to get out of our head. Invest in realistic and resourceful solutions that will provide us heartfelt nourishment. Love n light Craig xxx

02.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Starman Tarot (Princess Swords) | Fountain Tarot (The World)... This week, as we begin to move with ease and satisfaction, we will begin to rise above the old traditions, the old views, the old thoughts and begin to broaden our perception. Things no longer need to be the same as they’ve always been. We are being gifted the opportunity to integrate all that we have learnt, discovered, felt, seen and unseen to bring a cycle to completion (The World). Know that when a cycle ends, a new cycle begins. We have a new level of mastery gained from what we have learnt to face the new cycle. Take risks this week, think differently, rise above and think like we’re ‘going out on a limb’ (Princess Swords). Broaden our vision, sharpen the mind and penetrate the drama surrounding us to uncover the truth, the facts. What is the truth and intent that we are discovering? The seed which was planted last week has provided a paradigm shift, a change in thought and a new direction. There is a completeness, balance and inner mastery that will come from this clarity of thought, the new view, and the sharpness of mind. Love n light Craig xxx

02.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Druidcraft Tarot (3 Swords) | Fountain Tarot (Page Swords)... Something of an internal nature this week Tarotologers. It’s time to look at a scar from the past. There is heartache there (3 Swords). This may be recent past or long past, either way the pain that this scar carries makes it feel as though it happened yesterday. There is a sense of deep wounding from this event, a wounding that still impacts us today. Time to use our inquisitive nature, our curiosity and our ability to uncover what’s concealed (Page of Swords) to search for the truth behind this scar. The event that occurred no longer has any hold on us, yet we are allowing the story to hold us back. True wisdom comes from experiencing, understanding and releasing the pain. It doesn’t excuse the cause nor should we forget that it occurred. What it enables is for us to look back at it, understand it, see how it is effecting our lives today and release it with wisdom love and understanding. Learn from this event and use it to redefine and reshape our own true self. We will no longer be confined by the pain and stories from our past. We will use our insight and confidence to begin to redefine our own truth. Be ready for the unexpected as the truth may not be what we first thought. Love n light Craig xxx

02.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot card for the week. Starman Tarot (Ace Pentacles) | Fountain Tarot (High Priestess)... The week ahead is leaning us to continue our journey from the previous weeks though it’s time to take a different approach. We are being asked to sit quietly, in solitude and reflect on our life experiences (High Priestess). There is great insight to be had as we sit centred within our extremes and truly listen to what our inner voice is telling us. Our connection to source this week is heightened, we essentially have a 'direct line' so to speak. Thoughts and ideas will be uncovered and they will emerge and expand. Make note of these thoughts and ideas, they'll go as quickly as they come. One of the ideas that will come from our stillness was planted some time ago and is starting to push at the borders of our reality (Ace of Pentacles). It is yearning to be released from our internal confines and be given the nurturing and growth that it needs to thrive. It is a gift from within and from above. Establish good habits, employ the magic of nature, plant the acorn knowing it will become an oak Braveness is required to sit in isolation, in stillness and listen to the truth. The seed will be identified from the insights that will be received. Nurture this seed and enable its future growth. Never has there been a better time. Love n light Craig xxx

01.01.2022 Hello Fellow Tarotologers!!! Tarot Card for the week... Fountain Tarot (3 Swords | Ace Cups)... We will experience a situation this week that brings back pain from the past. We will begin to re-live this story as if it was yesterday. The pain we feel is real though it no longer has a place in our hearts. Yes, we need to honour the past experience. Yes, we need to experience the pain. Yes, we need to always remember the past experience. This experience has shaped us and has created the beautiful person we are today. No longer will the pain entrap us and keep us beholden to the story we have created. When we remove the swords (the pain) from the event and from the story, we open ourselves to the potential for our cups to overflow with love. To experience the potential to give and receive love. A pure love, a complete unconditional heartfelt opening. An opening that will overflow with abundance, nourishment, love and compassion. Allow ourselves to remove the pain, trust in our emotions and experience the outflow and inflow of love. Love n light Craig xxx

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