Tarwyn Park Training in Rylstone, New South Wales | Education
Tarwyn Park Training
Locality: Rylstone, New South Wales
Address: Glen Alice Road 2849 Rylstone, NSW, Australia
Website: https://www.tarwynparktraining.com.au
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25.01.2022 See you tomorrow at Witta Market We will have our delicious pastured eggs, pork, lamb and chicken
24.01.2022 Hmm... where does this wonderful ‘weed’ / plant belong in the ecological succession? Diego Bonetto, Sydney ‘weed’ foraging expert to the rescue! with the lo...vely @friendlyfarmsnetwork at another inspiring and informative @tarwynparktraining #NaturalSequenceFarming course. #WonderfulWeeds #EcologicalSuccession #MulchFarming #RestoringAustralia #RegenerativeAgriculture #generationrestoration #ThinkLandscape See more
24.01.2022 The work that started a new Hydration Revolution. Peter (Andrews) Pond. it.
24.01.2022 FATAL ERROR O PRÍINE KLIMATICKEJ ZMENY? Iste ste sa stretli z informáciou, že na púšti v noci klesá teplota až na bod mrazu a cez de neznesitené horúavy. T...o preto, lebo v prostredí chýba termoregulácia a tou je voda. Púš však nemôže by tam, kde je voda. Lebo energia vody (modrá energia) s energiou slnka (žltá energia) za prítomnosti CO2 (bezfarebný plyn) v atmosfére spúša proces fotosyntézy a tá produkuje biomasu (zelená krajina). Takto je aj s farbami. Originálne farby sú žltá a modrá a ich prienikom je farba zelená. To znamená, že zelená krajina je produktom energie vody na zemi, Slnka na nebi a uhlíka vo vzduchu . Našastie nie je v moci loveka zastavi toky energie Slnka na našu Zem. Horšie je to s vodou. Objem vody môžeme v ase i priestore meni a to brutálnym spôsobom. Preto sa veké asti planéty Zem menia na vysušenú krajinu. Vo vysušenej krajine skáe teplota od extrému po extrém. Odborníci usúdili, že extremalizácia teplôt je výsledkom globálnej klimatickej zmeny a našli aj vinníka. Sú nimi producenti skleníkových plynov CO2. Experti totiž dospeli k záveru, že ke priemerná teplota planéty rastie a rastie aj koncentrácia skleníkových plynov v atmosfére, tak musí by príinou klimatickej zmeny zvyšovanie koncentrácie skleníkových plynov CO2. K tomu záveru došli klimatológovia na základe spracovaných dát o raste teploty a oxidu uhliitého a to rozvinuli do scenárov, v ktorých chýba voda! Predpokladali, že stav vody v atmosfére je nemenný a to bohužia nie je pravda. Voda (H2O) je skleníkový plyn a jeho objem v atmosfére je neporovnatene väší s objemom skleníkových plynov CO2. A ak by ozaj bolo príinou klimatickej zmeny zvyšovanie koncentrácie skleníkových plynov, potom by nám stailo vysušova krajinu, aby sa menej H2O dostávalo do atmosféry a mali by sme problém klimatickej zmeny vyriešený. Z fyzikálneho hadiska nie je podstatné, i skleníkový plyn je istý, alebo špinavý. Ono to však je presne naopak. Vplyvom odlesovania, odvodovania, vysušovania a peatenia zemského povrchu produkcia skleníkových plynov H2O do atmosféry sa znižuje ovea rýchlejšie, ako je zvyšovanie koncentrácie skleníkových plynov CO2 z priemyselnej innosti loveka i z utlmovania fotosyntézy vplyvom vysušovania krajiny. Navyše znižovanie produkcie skleníkových plynov H2O do atmosféry sa deje nie globálne ale lokálne, maximálne regionálne. Najdramatickejší pokles produkcie skleníkových plynov H2O je v sídelných útvaroch, kde sú rozsiahle plochy zapeatené" a dažová voda bez možnosti vsaku a výparu, je odkanalizovaná do morí a oceánov. Stalo sa totiž bežnou praxou, že všetku dažovú vodu zo spevnených povrchov odvádzame do najbližšieho potoka, i rieky a tie pre istotu tiež zabetónujeme, aby sa ani kvapka nestratila z koryta, ale odtiekla do mora. Sú ešte alšie zaujímavé súvislosti. V zelenej krajine s dostatkom vody prebieha permanentný výpar vody do atmosféry. To sa deje priinením Slnka. Energia Slnka, ktorá teie do krajiny, dvíha vodu z ekosystémov a tým ich ochladzuje, lebo na výpare vody sa spotrebuváva ohromné množstvo energie slnenej energie, ktoré sa mení na latentné teplo. Latentné teplo sa presúva do vyšších vrstiev atmosféry, kde sa pri kondenzácii vodných pár uvouje a ohrieva ju. Toto je jeden z najdômyselnejších klimatizaných zariadení planéty Zem. Možno aj tu treba hada vedecký škandál" klimatológov, ktorí sa pomýlili" v urení o koko storoí zmiznú Himalájske adovce. Preo? To preto, lebo znižovaním intenzity vertikálneho prenosu tepla od zemského povrchu do atmosféry je možné predpoklada pomalší proces roztápania Himalájskych adovcov. A keže experti, scenáristi a simulátori" klimatickej zmeny vo svojich scenároch naalej nepoítajú s možnými zmenami toku energie vplyvom zmien vodného režimu krajiny, tak by sa mali minimálne zamyslie, namiesto uprav scenárov klimatickej zmeny rôznymi bulharskými" konštantami. Pri každej alšej nepredvídanej udalosti budú nútení scenáre upravova zas? Strata dôvery klimatológov má alší nebezpený precedens. To využívajú klimaskeptici na dokazovanie, že klimatická zmena neexistuje. o tiež nie je pravda. Klimatická zmena prebieha. Nie však globálne, ale regionálne v závislosti od stavu poškodenia krajiny zadržiava dažovú vodu vplyvom peatenia" zemského povrchu v tom ktorom regióne. Sprievodným javom regionálnych klimatických zmien spôsobených vysušovaním krajiny je utlmovanie procesu fotosyntézy. Tým sa menej uhlíka (CO2) ukladá do vegetácie a viac ostáva v ovzduší. Uhlík je potrava rastlín. A tam, kde nie je voda, nie je ani vegetácia a neprebieha ukladanie uhlíka vo vegetácie. Keže v globále ubúda vegetácia (odlesovanie, urbanizácia, dezertifikácia), pribúda uhlík v atmosfére. Vodný a uhlíkový cyklus na kontinentoch sú navzájom na sebe závislí! Dalo by sa poveda, že úbytok skleníkových plynov H2O z atmosféry sa snaží planéta Zem kompenzova pribúdaním skleníkových plynov CO2. Klimatológovia tomu hovoria pozitívna spätná väzba. Záver teda znie: Zvyšovanie koncentrácie skleníkových plynov nie je príinou klimatickej zmeny, ale len sprievodným javom klimatickej zmeny". To však neznamená, že by sme mali akceptova pribúdanie skleníkových plynov CO2 v atmosfére. Práve naopak. Posilovanie produkcie skleníkových plynov H2O do atmosféry môžeme oisova atmosféru od uhlíka. Navyše, zvýšenie produkcie skleníkových plynov H2O v atmosfére oderpáva teplo od povrchu Zeme a prenáša ho do vyšších vrstiev atmosféry. Ak by sme teraz zaali s riešením zvýšenia schopnosti zadržiava dažovú vodu v krajine, problém klimatickej zmeny by bol vyriešený za 20 rokov, možno aj skôr. Vyriešili by sme zárove globálnu krízu vody, globálnu potravinovú krízu i globálnu bezpenos. To sa však nepodarí, lebo o by robili experti na klimatickú zmenu i ich odporcovia. O om by sa hádali? Takže teraz nezáleží na obchodníkoch s teplom, s vodou, i klimatickou zmenou, ale na nás obanoch, i vieme prekabáti" spomínaných obchodníkov a naštartova zbieranie dažovej vody vo svojej záhrade, alebo vo svojom parku a ozdravova si vlastnú klímu a necha obchodníkov nech sa hádajú. Vieme dobre, ako sme systematický, trpezlivo a usilovne doteraz pracovali na riešeniach, ktoré vysušovali prostredie kde žijeme. Robili sme to preto, lebo odborníci za nás mysleli a navrhli nám používa systémy zbavovania sa dažovej vody. Keže sme kultúrni obania, vieme sa z vlastných chýb poui a chceme robi dobro pre novú generáciu, aby nemala traumu z klimatickej zmeny, preto meníme paradigmu vody: dažová voda je dobro pre udí, potraviny i prírodu, spôsobuje rados zo života, zabezpeuje rozvoj hospodárstva i ozdravuje klímu". Preto od dnešného da my všetci zaíname usilovne pracova na riešeniach zadržania dažovej vody tam kde padá. Nepustíme dažovú vodu do kanála, ale jej umožníme zadrža sa tam kde padá, aby sa mohla vypari do atmosféry a ozdravi klímu!
24.01.2022 Another GREAT outcome!!! Upper Mooki Creek embrace Peter Andrews methods to HYDRATE country. Thanks go to Craig Carter and ALL those community members who attended our TPT workshop at Blackville last year, who were inspired to put this bid in after completing our 4 day workshop. WELL DONE. https://www.theland.com.au///reeding-the-ecosystem-signs/
24.01.2022 Meet our New International Partner Network: https://www.restoreclimate.com/
23.01.2022 This pioneering project and its great outcomes were inspired by the genesis of Tony Cootes vision and Peter Andrews genius and for a better future for ALL aussie farmers. It is an INSPIRATION for all to see and witness, on how, we can all farm better, TOGETHER.
23.01.2022 Our TPT message :-
23.01.2022 Forage Farms - DOING THINGS DIFFERENTLY.... FOR REAL!! Whilst many business owners claim to be doing things differently, I was pleased to visit a business ear...lier this week that actually adheres to the mantra. Stuart and Megan Andrews, the owners of Forage Farms in Kybong (in the Mary Valley), own and operate a farm that produces pastured chickens and pigs as well as grass-fed lamb. This is not your traditional farm - not by a long stretch. Whilst the Andrews are doing things differently, this isnt a marketing ploy. It is farming as nature intended it to be. The chickens (all 6000 of them), pigs and sheep are free to roam free in large paddocks and there are no chemicals used in their entire operation. The result is nutritious food that tastes amazing! If you have the opportunity to try the products produced by Forage Farms, I encourage you to do so. Not only will you be supporting a local family farming operation, youll also be introduced to food that isnt mass-produced, is chemical free and tastes better than anything you can buy from the supermarket. For a list of stockists who sell Forage Farms eggs, check out this link - https://www.foragefarms.com.au/pages/foragers-map. To get your hands on their pork and lamb, go directly to Forage Farms online shop - https://www.foragefarms.com.au/pages/foragers-map. I encourage you to take a close look at Forage Farms by visiting their website - https://www.foragefarms.com.au/pages/home. If you truly want to experience a business operation thats dedicated to doing things differently, get in touch with Stuart and Megan via their website and ask them about attending a farm tour. #foragefarms #freerange #localssupportinglocals #axialitigationlawyers #everymovematters
22.01.2022 Join with us at Glen Alice. Become part of the innovative adaptors to plants and water, rehydrating country. Were Working Together with Local Communities to engage , build capacity and share knowledge to build greater understanding of how systems function.
22.01.2022 Peter Andrews OAM, once regarded as Australias Premier Studmaster, with Rain Lover standing at Tarwyn Park and many other famous thoroughbreds such as Ngawyni, all of whose health, fitness, and stamina was built on the high carbon, wetland soils of Tarwyn Park, in the NSW valley of Bylong. Thanks for the great post Perth Racing>PR Punters and BEST wishes for the inaugural Ngawyni Stakes at Belmont Park, Perth this Saturday.
22.01.2022 Natural Sequence Farming with Tarwyn Park Training last week from Alex Bogle What a learning curve! Four days of making new friends on the beautiful Umbiella fa...rm (thanks Terrie and Stewart) and learning about Natural Sequence Farming on the Tarwyn Park Training course. Such a privilege to learn from Peter & Stuart Andrews and John Fry. Kerrie did an incredible job facilitating and was spot on with her introduction of Diego Bonetti for a Weedy Dinner prepared by Alice (when can I order one of those lasagnes Alice? and the Prickly Pear jelly cake yum!). We learnt how to use surveying equipment for marking contours, read topographic maps and identify helpful weeds in our paddocks. Feeling very fortunate and especially keen to learn more and get implementing to improve the hydration and fertility in our beautiful valley. #slowtheflow #becarefulwheretheanimalsgo #letallplantsgrow #filtrationisamustknow :) Alex Kerrie: and now we have another 5 community members graduating from the 4 day Tarwyn Park NSF Training. Photos by Alex and Kerrie
21.01.2022 Thanks Andre. Let ALL Plants Grow.
21.01.2022 We are very excited to announce that our very first batch of pasture-raised chicken is now available on our website. Our 100% pasture-raised chickens are rais...ed how chickens are meant to be: outside, on pasture, with room to forage. They get to live a no nasties, no-nonsense lifestyle. Being raised on regenerative pastures and never seeing anything artificial, whilst being moved to a fresh patch of pasture daily. See more
21.01.2022 I purchased this artwork from the First Nations artist, Jane Cooley. Entitled "Uluru, My Country," it tells the story of how the Anangu, First Nations people se...e and view the landscape. I meet the artist when I purchased the painting and I was privileged enough to engage with her about MY understanding of the iconography. My interpretation is inserted in the text boxes. Jane Cooley commented, "that be a pretty good job, young fella". We can learn so much from others and it totally aligns with Peter Andrews understandings of how the unique terrain & ecosystem that is Australia, operates. ‘Always was, always will be’. See more
20.01.2022 Banking water in the floodplain. Great drone footage shows what can be achieved when natural infrastructures are restored and WATER in the flowlines reconnects with adjacent floodplains to restore functionality and life into our farming systems. Well done MRI. https://vimeo.com/444437022
20.01.2022 Onya Pete. Spot on target. If people want to learn more and understand how they can rehydrate the country, cool the climate, attract more dew, then JOIN US at TPT as we run the only course in Australia that teaches all of this information. Learn from the Father and Son team of Hydration in Australia, Peter Andrews OAM, and his son Stuart. Peter Andrewss work informed the great outcome at Mulloon. Join the growing movement. Learn how to re-couple the carbon and water cycles.... Grow the planet. See when our unique Tarwyn Park Training program is in your community by visiting our website www.tarwynparktraining.com.au ~ It will change your LIFE forever, and the way you look at your country and hold water and fertility to build your farming systems. https://www.theland.com.au//hydrating-landscape-key-to-t/
20.01.2022 Europe in drought.
20.01.2022 Round 4 of the Smart Farms Small Grants is now open, with applications closing at 11:00 pm AEDT, 9 October 2020. The Australian Government is offering grants v...alued between $5,000 and $100,000 to support one to two-year projects that will help farming, forestry and fishing groups and communities increase their awareness, knowledge, skills and capacity to adopt smart and sustainable agriculture practices. Information is available online, or contact our Regional Agricultural Landcare Facilitator Peter Arthofer on 4799 3500 or [email protected] if you would like assistance. The grants are funded through the National Landcare Program AgForce Queensland AgForce North Dalrymple Landcare Committee Chrrup Lower Burdekin Landcare Association Inc Coastal Dry Tropics Landcare Inc Greening Australia Canegrowers Burdekin Limited Canegrowers Burdekin Limited Growcom Australia FutureBeef Southern Gulf NRM
17.01.2022 Paul Newells, an ecological farming pioneer, has removed ALL internal fencing from his property. And look at the results.
16.01.2022 Youre SO right PK...." in the last 10 years we lost all we had worked so hard for. We need a mighty reinvestment in manufacturing and Training ......and start to be a nation again". WE ARE DOING just that PK. Training farmers and Land managers how to HYDRATE and build fertility like the way Nature did it for eons. Its a massive task of NATION Building.
16.01.2022 Australia too has/had amazing plant biodiversity. PNG has seen a lot of rainforests cleared felled for timber to help grow its fledgling economy, bu hopefully the International Carbon credit system will help to secure much of that islands natural assets. "Let ALL Plants Grow".
15.01.2022 Our Partners, TMI new Strategic Plan.
15.01.2022 Peter Andrews and Rod Obree had a dream. Now its a reality.
14.01.2022 Let ALL Plants grow.
14.01.2022 This is a copy of a review that I posted to TMI FB Page back in November 2017, when Tony Coote was extant and battling a life-threatening illness. It was my way of saying "Thank you Tony for your great support".....Duane Norris.
11.01.2022 KEEPING ANIMALS COOL IN SWELTERING HEAT & HUMIDITY As temperatures soared across the south-east, the Gympie region sweltered in 36 degree heat, six degrees... above the November average. Forage Farms owner Stuart Andrews (pictured) says while his staff are used to the heat, special care and attention must be paid to the animals on warmer days. The chicks and pigs struggle in the heat, he said. We put our misters on for them to stay a bit cooler too. Mr Andrews says while heat was one challenge of working on a farm, humidity was the real killer. Yesterday was even worse, the humidity was higher and that takes a greater toll on the animals and the humans than just the heat, he said. But everyone’s fine, this is just another day (for Kybong). It just slows everyone down. Tara Cassidy
10.01.2022 Congratulations to this week’s graduates of our Natural Sequence Farming training course held at Umbiella, in the beautiful Glen Alice valley. What a fantastic group thanks for coming along and learning about the importance of rehydration, biodiversity, increasing fertility and repairing landscapes. So many people to thank for making this week happen. Stuart Knox & Terrie Wallace for hosting our training at your property.... Kerrie Cooke from CaperteeValley Landcare for all your assistance in making it happen. Alice for the awesome catering and the fantastic dinner on Wednesday evening using local ingredients and produce including Umbiella beef and edible plants from the paddock. Diego Bonetto, who joined us for our plant day, from Wild Stories and The Weedy One sharing all your knowledge and experience of those useful edible and medicinal plants we call weeds. Big thanks to John Fry for all your assistance during the week. Huge thanks to Peter Andrews for his assistance in our training and for all his tireless work in sharing his knowledge of the Australian landscape. Without that, none of this would be possible. See more
09.01.2022 We had a fabulous field day on landscape rehydration techniques last Thursday. Great information, questions and discussions with Megan and Stuart Andrews of Tarwyn Park Training and 33 landholders. Thanks to Sarah Burrows and Richard Daugherty of 'Balala Station' for hosting us.
09.01.2022 Andre Leu is giving some great info on our NQ plant biodiversity. Thank you Andre, we know you love your plants. Plants and WATER. Carbon capture and storage makers.
08.01.2022 Applications are now open! Natural Resource Management (NRM) Drought Resilience Program Landscapes is the first Future Drought Fund program to be rolled out. ...NRM bodies have a vital role to play in helping communities achieve their drought resilience objectives and I encourage local organisations to submit their proposals. The program aims to promote and implement transformational practices, approaches or systems - these will be used to improve the management of natural resources to build drought resilience of agricultural and broader landscapes. Find out more at https://www.agriculture.gov.au//future-drou/nrm-landscapes
08.01.2022 "Gday. Im Costa Georgiardis from Gardening Australia. Over many years, Australian Story has followed the remarkable efforts of farmer Peter Andrews to drought-proof the land. His unorthodox methods were once considered heretical but a growing band of supporters has taken up his cause. At Mulloon, outside Canberra, a like-minded group of land-holders set out to prove that the Andrews method works. Now, during one of the worst droughts in living memory, their results are cause for hope". this was Costas intro to the Australian Story "Hope Springs", November 2018. The story has had a worldwide audience on YouTube of over 1.3m views and over 2m views here in Australia.(Figures courtesy of the ABC).
07.01.2022 We dont have these rodents in Oz but we have the next best thing. A unique landscape that performed the same role but using plants (reeds).
07.01.2022 Support the great work Uncle Bruce is doing? We do at TPT. The Team at Tarwyn Park acknowledge the Traditional Owners of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.
07.01.2022 With the addition of water many more things are possible.
07.01.2022 Together we are trying to inform and fix the land.
07.01.2022 HYDRATING the DRIEST CONTINENT. Professor Tim Roberts. Uni of Newcastle. Personal correspondence. "21 July 2020"...Continue reading
05.01.2022 Join with TPT at Glen Alice, in the magical valley of Capertee for the ORIGINAL and only course offered in Australia on Hydrating Country. Come to the visit the Traditional Lands of the Wiradjuri People and the surrounding Lands of the Gundugarra and Dharug Peoples. RESPECT. https://www.countryroad.com.au/editorials/regeneration/
04.01.2022 It has been great to witness the CHANGE in direction that SFL has undertaken in recent times, with a much greater emphasis on a whole systems approach, rather than the original reductionist soil science approach. Very pleasing also to see ecologists at the helm now at SFL. "I too, am eager to see if Complex Open Systems Science has made it into the teaching of biology yet because Ecosystem science is properly represented by complex open system science, in which time is relative, space is the unifying object, and ecosystems are unique entities, not cohorts in populations" ~Pers. comm Prof Haikai Tane. Watershed Ecology NZ. Posted in Academia. Water and plants are the basic building blocks of pedogenesis and water, plants and animals are another building block. Plants are powered by sunlight. Remove PLANTS and the whole system collapses.
04.01.2022 Slowly, the world is catching on. http://www.neelu.net//plants-rule-water-cycle-water-cycl/
04.01.2022 After our last booked out farm tour, we have a new date announced. On Saturday 8th August come and visit Forage Farms. Take a tour around the farm and learn abo...ut our regenerative farming philosophy. See all our animals and learn what pasture-raised is all about. Get your tickets at https://buff.ly/2EeX3JE. See more
03.01.2022 Truthseeker. " The best science is demonstrated by referencing examples in Nature, where DEDUCTIONS can be made from self-evident truths, and replicating those patterns, processes, and functions, to deliver predictable positive outcomes".
02.01.2022 Our next Natural Sequence Farming field day with Stuart Andrews, Tarwyn Park Training (son of Peter Andrews who pioneered NSF). Sept 4th at Goomburra, details on the poster, numbers limited, book online at https://landcare-field-day-4sept.eventbrite.com.au/
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