Building in Tasmania | Government organisation
Building in Tasmania
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25.01.2022 Important online training from the ABCB commenced on 15 October 2020 and is available until 15 October 2021 for compliance practitioners in NCC compliance, "Evidence of Suitability". You can register online and also subscibe to updates on training at: This training has also been added to the CBOS training events calendar which is available at:
24.01.2022 If you wish to submit your feedback to the national review of Disability Access to Premises-Building Standards you have many options to voice your view and submit an opinion, such as; Ways to engage We want to make it easy for you so here are some ways to have your say.... Take the online survey We ask several open questions about your knowledge of the Premises Standards and experience with disability access in buildings. We give you prompts to guide your thinking. These questions are optional and you can choose not to answer them. Instead you can make a general comment. Upload a video, audio or written submission The online survey lets you skip the questions and just upload a file. Send your feedback by email or mail If you are unable to participate online, download the Offline survey form below. Fill in your response and email the form to [email protected] Or mail the form to: Premises Standards Review Team, Industry Growth Division, Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, GPO Box 2013, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Talk to our team on the phone Our team is available to hear your feedback by phone. Call 02 6213 6764. Find out more at
23.01.2022 Master Builders Tasmania King Island forum is happening on 12 October 2020. The all day forum covers a range of subjects from the eDoc system to contracts and conflict resolution training. Register on the Eventbrite website at
23.01.2022 Amendment 1 to the National Construction Code (NCC) has been adopted by all States and Territories as at 1 July. Find out about the key changes at
22.01.2022 The ABCB is running a campaign for industry and consumers "Look for the WaterMark". The WaterMark Certification Scheme is a mandatory Scheme for plumbing products to ensure they meet the health, safety and fit for purpose requirements of the Plumbing Code of Australia. Products covered by the Scheme are evaluated and certified against an applicable product specification and then listed on the WaterMark Product Database.... Find out more about the campaign at
21.01.2022 National Construction Code
21.01.2022 The Centre for Environmental Training is offering "Land Capability Assessment for On-site Wastwater Management" courses starting on 7-8 September. The course brings you up to date with all aspects of land capability (site and soil) assessment, design and management systems to comply with current legislation. You can enrol online;
20.01.2022 The HIA are offering virtual webinar sessions on subjects such as Financial Modelling and the Industry Outlook in October and November. Simply go online to register at,-a-,-Financi
20.01.2022 Lead in Plumbing Products Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) This RIS is being conducted by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) on behalf of the States and Territories. and considers whether reducing lead content in plumbing products in contact with drinking water can have a measurable benefit in reducing the lead content in drinking water. The scope of the proposed changes excludes Network Utility Operators systems on the basis that there is no evidenc...e to indicate these contribute to lead leaching into the drinking water supply up to the point of connection to the premises. The ABCB invites interested parties to provide comment on all aspects of this consultation RIS. Responses are invited unitl 11.59pm 1 March 2021 and can be submitted via the ABCB’s consultation hub. See link below; See more
19.01.2022 Why We Are Consulting The law says we need to review the Premises Standards every 5 years. This is our second review and we’re in the discovery phase. We want to hear from anyone affected by the Premises Standards. We want to understand if the Standards are working as intended and where we could improve them.... You can be: someone with a disability a family member, carer or friend a disability advocate in the building industry from government or local council Your initial feedback will help us work out what to focus on in our review. The initial consultation period is open until 2 November 2020. Later we’ll ask for more detailed feedback on a discussion paper. You’ll have ongoing opportunities to comment. To submit your online survey or to find out more about engaging with the review or talking to the Review Team go to
18.01.2022 HIA training for Mental Health First Aid is being offered in Hobart and Launceston during September, Launceston on 21 and Hobart on 24 and 25 September. You can register online at
18.01.2022 Certain permits granted under the Building Act 2016 have been extended for 6 months due to the disruption and delays in the industry from the COVID-19 pandemic. Our fact sheet and details are available at;
17.01.2022 Follow the "Look for the WaterMark" campaign.
16.01.2022 The HIA are offering training sessions in October as virtual events online on subjects such as financial modelling, leading teams and business planning. You can register on the HIA website at
15.01.2022 Gain CPD points and complete waterproofing training that is being organised by Master Builders Tasmania. Enrol online at
15.01.2022 Master Builders Tasmania is offering training courses scheduled throughout June and July and you can register online.
14.01.2022 Reminder for all gasfitters that there is essential training available in November covering a wide range of issues. The training is being presented by trainers from Master Plumbers Victoria and the Gas Standards and Safety Tasmania. The training not only covers up to date knowledge and skills required to work competently and safely in the industry it is 4 points towards CPD. The training is conducted as a free online webinar and you can enrol at
13.01.2022 A survey released by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) want public views on audit reporting in the industry impacting compliance with legislation, the National Construction Code (NCC) and Australian Standards. The survey can be accessed via this link: The survey is open until Tuesday 14 July 2020.
12.01.2022 The Tasmanian Government has introduced a real time fuel price app that is free to download and allows all Tasmanians to find cheaper fuel with FuelCheck TAS. Download available for Apple and Android Find out how at;
12.01.2022 Reminder for anyone who is involved with or has an interest in, building and construction, disability access,National Construction Code or the Disability Discrimination Act there is an opportunity to participate in the review of the Disability (Access to Premises Building) Standards 2010 until consultation closes closes on 2 November 2020. The purpose of the Premises Standards is to make sure: people living with a disability and their family members, carers and friends equal access to public buildings building certifiers, developers and managers fulfil their responsibilities to people with disabilities under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Find out more at
10.01.2022 Burnie Municipality first to introduce new Tasmanian Planning Scheme and apply Determinations for building in hazardous areas. This month the Government announced that another milestone has been met in delivering a single Statewide planning scheme, with Burnie City Council being the first municipality in the state to introduce the scheme. As a result of the introduction the works in hazardous areas provisions of the Building Act 2016, including the five Hazardous Areas Direc...tors Determinations, will take effect in the Burnie municipality only. These determinations provide requirements for building and demolition in hazardous areas, specifically rules relating to bushfire, coastal inundation, coastal erosion, landslip and riverine inundation hazards. For now the new determinations only apply to Burnie City Council area. They will take effect for other municipalities, when those municipalities introduce the Tasmanian Planning Scheme in their specific area. In the meantime, those municipalities will continue to abide by the existing Directors Determinations. The Determinations are available on the CBOS website at by searching, hazard determinations. See more
10.01.2022 The ABCB has provided a short video to explain what is a WaterMark and the importance of their current "Look for the WaterMark" campaign.
09.01.2022 Reminder - Only a few places remaining Erosion and Sediment Control Workshops: Sydney, NSW, 8-11 September 2020 Enrol online at
08.01.2022 This course aims to provide guidance and understanding of matters that impact the development and acceptance of Performance Solutions. The 90 minute course will answer questions for practitioners such as: How and when should a Performance Solution be used? What goes into a performance-based design brief (PBDB)? Who is responsible for their preparation?... How do you assess and verify compliance? You can register online at
08.01.2022 Training course update aimed at design practitioners and designing in bushfire prone areas.
06.01.2022 CBOS would like to inform our stakeholders that the ABCB has released a suite of documents regarding the regulatory impact that accessibility requirements have on the National Construction Code (NCC). The documents explain the project and the Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS) process. The ABCB are encouraging public submissions to help inform the Board about the proposed changes and impact on building regulations and the NCC. The public consultation period will be open for ...responses until 31 August 2020. You can access the documents at this link.
06.01.2022 Reminder for all Gasfitters: there is an online webinar on 25 February 2021. The webinar will: Cover the recent publication of the revised Australian Standard AS 5601.2: Gas Fitting Caravan and Boats - highlighting amendments from the previous standards that gas fitters need to be aware of. Advise gas fitters on the roll out of the LCC 27 valve type in LP Gas leisure cylinders and what the gas fitting industry should expect... Update gas fitters on the application of the Gas Safety Act 2019 and Gas Safety Regulations 2021 and what that means for the gas fitting industry. The training is also 3 points towards CPD. The training is conducted as a free online webinar and you can enrol at:
05.01.2022 An unlicensed electrical contractor was fined $20,000 in the Hobart Magistrates Court this week after our office took legal action for unlicensed work installing a solar system. His Honour, Magistrate Marron commented in his decision that the contractor had performed work that was both defective and dangerous to the occupants of the property and his actions caused reputational damage to legitimate tradespeople. This case highlights that the licensing of building trades not only protects the interests of consumers but also helps promote community confidence in a competent, qualified and safe electrical industry. You can read more about the case on our website at;
05.01.2022 Free training is available in November to keep gasfitters up to date with essential knowledge and skills to ensure they are meeting their responsibilities under legislation and industry expectations. The training is delivered by Master Plumbers Victoria and Gas Safety Standards Tasmania and is focussed on safety and quality standards. You can enrol here for the webinar at
03.01.2022 National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 edition is now expected to be adopted by states and territories from 1 September 2022. The delayed adoption of amendments due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the normal processes means a delay of four months. It has however been more important for these processes to be delayed so stakeholders have the opportunity to fully participate. Details are available at;
02.01.2022 To Register:
02.01.2022 A discussion paper was released today for public comment by the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) seeking responses to recommendations about addressing shortcomings identified in the National Construction Code. The consultation period is from today until Sunday 23 August 2020. The documents and consultation form can be accessed on: For further information you can visit the website at:
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