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Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hobart, Tasmania | Business service

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Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Locality: Hobart, Tasmania

Phone: +61 3 6236 3600


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25.01.2022 Have you heard what's on? -

24.01.2022 Applications close at noon tomorrow!

24.01.2022 Time Management Essentials workshop. Ideal for employees who are required to manage multiple tasks and priorities in a workplace. Secure a place in this workshop in Hobart or Launceston for next week. Book now.

23.01.2022 There’s still a couple of spots left...register before 12pm

23.01.2022 Why Magesh combined multiple super accounts to save Starting a family made Magesh realise how important it is to be in a top-performing super fund that puts members first. When he discovered he had multiple accounts and was paying fees on all of them, he decided to roll his super into one fund with AustralianSuper. Before deciding if AustralianSuper is right for you read the Product Disclosure Statement at AustralianSuper Pty Ltd ABN 94 006 457 987, AFSL 233788, Trustee of AustralianSuper ABN 65 714 394 898.

23.01.2022 Have you got your COVID-19 Safety plan in place? If not be sure to register for this session, we are all responsible for keeping each other safe

23.01.2022 Hurry! JobKeeper! Before Friday 21 August employers must revisit their employees eligibility for JobKeeper 1.0 to ensure eligible employees are captured under the one-in-all-in rule and to maximise entitlements. This includes employees that became eligible with the new 1 July test....

22.01.2022 Buy Something Tasmanian Feature Business This Week: Mabel and Meg #buysomethingtasmanian #madeintasmania #lowheadtasmania #buylocal #shoplocal #tasmania

22.01.2022 This week we have updates on: Jobkeeper changes, Small Business grants, TCCIs Business Briefing session for September + more..

22.01.2022 Buy Something Tasmanian Feature Business this week: Vertigo MTB #vertigomtb #buysomethingtasmanian #backtassiebusiness

21.01.2022 Have you heard what's on? -

21.01.2022 TCCIs fortnightly "Whats on" electronic news is out now

21.01.2022 Limited tickets available, on sale until 2 December, unless sold out. Secure your ticket today:

20.01.2022 Derwent Valley Employer Workshop Series The TCCI are delivering three free workshops, aimed at addressing the needs of Derwent Valley employers. Take advantage of this free offer, normally valued up to $622 per workshop.... Workshops: Managing workplace change and risk Tuesday 18 August 2020, 5.30pm - 7.00pm COVID Recovery opportunities to adapt and de-risk Wednesday 2 September 2020, 5.30pm - 7.00pm Being an employer of choice Wednesday 23 September 2020, 5.30pm - 7.00 pm

19.01.2022 Huon Valley Business Workshop Series starts next week The TCCI, with the support of the Huon Valley Council are delivering a series of three workshops, aimed at addressing the needs of Huon Valley businesses. COVID Recovery opportunities to adapt and reduce risk... Ready to Respond? managing your workforce Time to re-evaluate? managing your finances Places are limited. Find out more below.

15.01.2022 Have you invented the next big thing? Dont forget to protect it with a patent! @IPAustralia has launched new initiatives to support small to medium enterprises protect their intellectual property. Check out their new SME Portal, which features a range of tools and resources to help your business:

14.01.2022 TCCI TRAINING - Book HERE: Upcoming courses: 1 Dec Time Management Essentials online delivery 3 Dec Customer Service Essentials 9.30- 1.30 Launceston... 3 Dec Understanding Buyer Behaviour (maximise sales) 12.30- 3.30 pm Launceston Limited places, book now top avoid disappointment!

14.01.2022 Be sure to log into this Free session today @2:30pm

13.01.2022 e news 9 September 2020 -

13.01.2022 Were putting Tasmania first by strengthening our Buy Local Policy.

12.01.2022 The Small Business Sustainability and Recovery Grant Program is now open to applications

11.01.2022 Are you working in a service environment, selling products or services? We have limited places available for next weeks Selling and Customer Service Essentials workshop in Hobart and Launceston. Find out more.

11.01.2022 It is often argued that emotional intelligence (EI) is more important to an individuals performance than IQ. Unlock your potential by attending one of our Emotional Intelligence Plus workshops in Hobart, Launceston or Online in August. Hobart workshop on next week. Register now:

11.01.2022 Have you heard whats on? -

11.01.2022 Tasmania will soon open its borders for safe travel bubbles with three Australian states from August 7, Premier Peter Gutwein has revealed. SEE WHERE YOU CAN TRAVEL TO

10.01.2022 Dont miss out on our courses for September. Book via this link:

10.01.2022 Upcoming Webinar: POSTCARD FROM THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE) Market Update and Opportunities for Tasmanian Exporters Presented by Austrade representatives in the Middle East market specifically for Tasmanian exporters, this webinar will provide the latest market update on the UAE. ... Free of Charge Date: Tuesday 2 March, 2021 Time: 4.00 pm 5.00 pm AEDT Book Now or Find Out More here:

10.01.2022 Register here:

06.01.2022 Free Derwent Valley Employer Workshop Wednesday 2 September 2020, 5.30pm 7.00pm New Norfolk RSL Club... COVID Recovery opportunities to adapt and de-risk Identifying and harnessing opportunities Business strengths and weaknesses Securing the workforce you need Identifying and managing risks Contact the TCCI Business Hotline on 1300 559 112 or email [email protected] to register

06.01.2022 TCCI wants to understand how you see us and our advocacy efforts. Let us know what you think

05.01.2022 This weeks e-news has details on the following: TCCI Training Workplace Relations masterclass series Protecting your IP in International Markets... Business Briefing Session: Unfair Dismissal Managing workplace change and risk - Derwent Valley workshop Find out more below

05.01.2022 Managing employment obligations series: Employees and social media -

04.01.2022 MYTH: TCCI only represents big business FACTS: 60% of TCCI members employ less than 19 employees 18% employ between 20 and 49 employees... 16% employ between 50 and 199 employees 6% employ more than 200 employees See more

04.01.2022 Lets Back Tassie Business and Buy Something Tasmanian today and every day! Feel free to tag us or share your pics below #buysomethingtasmanian

02.01.2022 Last chance to book for this free digital session (includes breakfast) in Launceston Registrations close today

01.01.2022 #BREAKING: From 17 September, Tasmanian premises used for sports, recreation, physical activity and wellness, including gyms, will not be required to be staffed at all times while they are open. What does this now mean for you?

01.01.2022 Limited spots left in our upcoming training - Book Now: 23 Feb - Communicate with Influence 23 Feb - Managing Difficult People ... 4 March - Customer Service and Sales Essentials 4 March - Time Management and Goal Setting 2 March - Customer Service and Sales Essentials 2 March - Time Management and Goal Setting

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