Tasmanian Clay Target Association | Interest
Tasmanian Clay Target Association
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25.01.2022 Hi All, Being human is hard sometimes and you miss stuff, i missed mentioning that also on; Sunday 25th October Hobart CTC 75tgt Champion of Champions ... & 25tgt graded meterage Apologies See more
24.01.2022 MERSEY CLAY TARGET CLUB's annual 2 day shoot program for your information and planning. Smith & Others Road Sassafras Tas ANNUAL TWO DAY MEMORIAL SHOOT ... SATURDAY 16thst JANUARY, 2021 Please Note Events will start 9 am sharp PRACTICE AT 8.30 am 1. 50 Tgt Point Score Championship 1st and 2nd Each Grade Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades Sponsored by G R & A M Whiteley 2. 50 Tgt Double Barrel Jack Cunningham Memorial Championship 1st and 2nd Each Grade Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades Sponsored by RFW Auto Electrics Pty Ltd Kalgoorlie WA SUNDAY 17th JANUARY, 2021 Please Note Events will start 9 am sharp PRACTICE AT 8.30 am 3. 50 Tgt Double Barrel Denis Whiteley Memorial Championship 1st and 2nd Each Grade Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades Sponsored by RFW Auto Electrics Pty Ltd Kalgoorlie WA 4. 50 Pr Double Rise Championship Graded AA, A, B, C - Sash and Cash Prize** 1st and 2nd Each Grade Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades, Ladies, Juniors and Veterans Sponsored by N & N Brown and M & S Johnston Nominations for Program (2 days) $125, L/V $110, Jnrs $80 Overall High Gun Over Events 1,2 & 3 Sash and Portable Fridge (value approx. $900) Sponsored by the Whiteley Family High Gun Sashes - Ladies, Juniors (Sponsored by Robbie Elmer) & Veterans over Events 1,2 & 3 JUNIOR ENCOURAGEMENT SASH & PRIZE To be awarded over events 1, 2 & 3. Sponsored by Robbie Elmer Presentations at the end of each day. Canteen Available. Club reserves the right to alter program if the need arises. President Mike Johnston 0477 153 153 [email protected] or Secretary John Veal 0400 296 616 [email protected]
24.01.2022 This Saturday, 10am start. Plenty of time to shoot & be home in time for to watch the AFL Grand Final
24.01.2022 Cressy results!
24.01.2022 Good evening all, This weekend will see some great memorial shoots at Mersey & St Helens! Saturday 21st November;... Mersey CTC 50tgt Past Members memorial & 50tgt kevin & Doreen Aylett Memorial Also will you be the lucky shooter to win your noms for Mersey's 2 day shoot, shoot both events, your in. Sunday 22nd November; St Helens CTC: 50tgt DB & 50tgt SB Trevor Singline Memorial & 20tgt STATE Walk up Things are warming up, throw your gear in the car & head out and support our Clubs! Enjoy our great sport!
23.01.2022 Just a reminder this Saturday!
23.01.2022 West Coast CTC today!
23.01.2022 Mersey CTC today with the Jack Martin Memorial with overall won by Sean Johnson. The Atkins Deauville Doubles was won by Shane & Tom Johnston who won both open & family section! With the added bonus of flash targets being thrown for a cake of chocolate throughout! A few pics to follow;
22.01.2022 Good afternoon all, A bit of positive press for us, your welcome!
22.01.2022 Burnie shoot Saturday honouring Bob Weeding!
21.01.2022 Good evening all, This is the last you will hear from me as there are no shoots for the rest of the year! But next year kicks off on Friday with;... Friday, Jan 1, 2021 Hobart CTC 100tgt DB Saturday, Jan 2, 2021 St Helens CTC Complimentary (Post Christmas) dinner. 9 30am Start Event 1: 30 T Points Score Ted Symons Memorial Sponsored by The Ladies Committee Event 2: 30 T Single Barrel New Year Championship Event 3: 50 T Double Barrel Laurie Viney Memorial Sponsored by Tim & Ruth Aulich High Gun Sashes Over Full Program O/A and 3 Grades plus Ladies and Veterans Sponsored By Grant & Sandra Ellis Junior High Gun Sponsored by Ray & Michael Jones Make your new year resolution to smash more clay targets, throw the sunscreen in & get out there next year! Happy new year everyone!
21.01.2022 A great day for some SKEET at the BCTC today! The stiff breeze gave us all some tricky targets, but it was still a solid turn-out for the occasion. Despite s...ome technical difficulties, it was still a great day and we hope everyone had a good time! Congratulations to all our winners, and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon at the BCTC! See more
21.01.2022 Hobart CTC today sponsored by N Maine, everyone enjoyed the day, happy new year!
20.01.2022 Please see below the program for Mersey Clay Target Club's 3 day shoot in January.
20.01.2022 Don't forget the Don & Sperry Day tomorrow and there is a lucky shooter draw if you shoot both events you have the chance to win.... Your nominations to the TCTA Carnival for 2021.
20.01.2022 Hi all, At Mersey Clay Target Club's November shoot, if you shoot both events you might be the lucky shooter who wins free nominations for the Club's 2 day January shoot! Who will the lucky person be???? Also... Mersey Clay Target Club have an extra shoot on to host the State Mixed Targets which were missed because of COVID-19. SATURDAY 5th DECEMBER, 2020 10 am Start 1. State Mixed Targets Championship (10 DB, 10 SB, 10 PS & 5PR DR) Graded AA, A, B & C O/ $25.00 L/V $22.00 J / $16.00 Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades 2. 25 Pair Double Rise Graded AA, A, B & C Prizes 4 Grades O/ $25.00 L/V $22.00 J / $16.00 A good warm up to the Xmas shoots.
19.01.2022 Please see State carnival program for your information; Please also note late entries will be accepted at a $10 late fee per event.
19.01.2022 Good evening all, The weather is really warming up now ideal shooting conditions, this weekend we have; Saturday 14th November Burnie CTC... 25tgt Skeet & 50tgt DB & 25pr DR Also Saturday, Spring Bay CTC 20tgt PS Continental & 50tgt DB Remembrance Day Championship & 30tgt DB Sunday, 15th November Bothwell Gun Club 100tgt PS Don't forget the sunscreen, take a mate with you and have a great day out enjoying our sport!
19.01.2022 Letting everyone know that Mersey Clay Target Club program for the xmas shoot will start at 9:00am with 50 PS & followed by Deauville doubles, 1 tgt lucky shooter, xmas lunch skeet will be after lunch plus another novelty event!
18.01.2022 Good evening all, The last of the xmas shoots this weekend with many options available; Saturday, 19th December Mersey CTC 9:00am Start... 50tgt PS Jack Martin Memorial & 20pr Deauville Doubles & 25 Skeet & 25tgt Novelty Sunday, 20th West Coast CTC 50pr Double Rise & 25pr Deauville Doubles Or Bothwell Gun Club 20pr State Deauville Doubles & 30tgt PS & 30tgt SB & 40tgt DB Or Hobart CTC 25tgt Chocolate Shoot & Marshall family Trophy. & 1 tgt miss & out Wishing everyone a safe & happy xmas and many smashed targets In the new year!
18.01.2022 Bothwell Gun Club today into the Central Highlands, the weather was fine until, the shooting got underway! Congratulations to all the winners & those that got regraded! Winners & scores in pics!
18.01.2022 If your planning on coming to our State carnival, there is some useful travel info below, in regard to restrictions and what you need to do! Please read!
18.01.2022 Good evening all, As xmas closes in we have some great shoots coming up; Saturday, 12th December Burnie CTC;... Bobbie Weeding Memorial Champion of Champions 25 Skeet, 25 SB Continental, 10 DB, 10 SB, 10 PS, & 10pr DR. Xmas lunch provided! Or Spring Bay CTC 20tgt PS & 50tgt Xmas DB Championship & 30tgt SB Xmas lunch supplied Sunday, 13th December Tasmanian Gun Club 100tgt DB & 25tgt Skeet BBQ lunch provided The weather looks great support the clubs in the run upto xmas. Good luck everyone!
18.01.2022 Mersey Clay Target Club today with consistent rain & intermittent wind making conditions interesting! Results in pics and thankyou to Buildrite who sponsored the Continental point score club championship with overall eon by Aydan Morse from Gary Post 1st AA and Graham Blaskett 2nd AA, well done all!
16.01.2022 Burnie CTC today!
16.01.2022 Good evening all, All roads lead to Tas Gun Club this week which is the only shoot on! Sunday, 8th November; 50tgt Skeet... & 25tgt SB Continental & 25tgt PS Continental & 50tgt DB Continental Enjoy the warmer weather & get out there and enjoy our great sport!
16.01.2022 Don't forget our December competition day next week - 12th. Christmas lunch will be provided. Program is 20t PS Cash Divide, 50t Xmas DB and 30t SB. Our grounds are looking magnificient thanks to a marathon mowing and brushcutting effort by Chris Chapman and his family.
16.01.2022 Good evening all, This weekend there is a state title & our first xmas shoot on offer. 5th December, 2020... Mersey CTC STATE Mixed Targets & 25prs Double Rise Sunday 6th December Cressy Gun Club 50tgt PS & 30tgt SB & 1tgt miss & out Xmas lunch supplied. Clubs are starting to spread the xmas cheer so get behind them and support them. Enjoy our great sport, ensure you help at clubs where you can!
15.01.2022 Good afternoon all, This week you have one opportunity to get a shot in; Sunday 4th October Cressy Gun Club;... 30tgt PS off 18m & 75tgt Mixed Tgts off 18m The weather looks like its going to be a bit wet so take a rain coat, enjoy our wonderful sport!
15.01.2022 Another great day with some great shooting thanks to all those that came and supported us this weekend we look forward to seeing you again soon congratulations Beau Caville on overall high gun 2 years in a row
14.01.2022 It's only 2 weeks away, if your coming from the mainland please check the Tas gov website for covid compliance! We look forward to seeing you all here in Tassie!
14.01.2022 St Helens today with a rather brisk cold southerly that made for an entertaining day! The Almer Tucker Skeet Championship was one of the first events; Overall Brett Smith, B grade Grant Ellis, ... C grade Mark Dennis Event 1B 50tgt DB AA Bruce Barker A Michael Goss B Ruth Aulich C J Stagg The Ian Palmer Memorial 50tgt DB After a shootoff Was won by Jake Wilson A Richard Phair B Ray Jones C J Stagg 4 shooters shot off on 48 in a fitting tribute to a wonderful man, plus his beloved Richmond won last night! Pics of winners & action shots as well!
14.01.2022 Good afternoon all, Well we're spoilt for choice this weekend, starting with; Saturday, 10th October:... Burnie CTC 50tgt Skeet & 50tgt Skeet Doubles Or Spring Bay CTC- 2 day shoot starts; 100tgt DB Continued Sunday 11th October; Please see Spring Bay FB Page for program Or Tasmanian Gun Club 50tgt Skeet & 100tgt Darrel Height Memorial The weather looks fantastic, break out the t shirts, sunscreen & hats. Some great shoots on this weekend, good luck all who venture out for a shot, enjoy!
13.01.2022 Tasmanian Gun Club today with the Darrell Height Memorial overall won by Graham Blaskett after a shoot-off with Paul Francis, A grade was won after a shoot-off, by Tony Palmer from Chris Strickland, B grade was won by Jim Briggs and C grade Craig Dawkins, a great day had by all!
13.01.2022 Tasmanian Gun Club today with 2 possibles taking AA Stuart Browning and A grade Justin Campbell. Just a few shots of the day below:
13.01.2022 Hi All, For our State carnival in January, 23,24 & 25 the following will be selling ammo: The Sports Hut ... Stuart Browning Falcon - Stuart has asked that you don't contact him he will be on ground from Friday 12pm Brian Bailey Bronze Wing Looking forward too seeing you all there!
13.01.2022 Don & Sperry shoot today, with Cressy taking out both teams event from Mersey and closley followed by Burnie, a great competition between clubs. Individual winners Tim Atkins won both events in AA. Overall a great day, shot in the spirit of the sport! Some pics from the day!
12.01.2022 Good evening everyone, This week we have; TCTA Don & Sperry Day... Saturday, 31st October; 50tgt DB & 50tgt PS Club team events for each 50tgt event. Plus fun team event over 100tgt! & Sunday, 1st Nov, Cressy Gun Club 50tgt DB President's Trophy & 50tgt Handicap The weather is warming up so lets get out there, throw the sunscreen in your bag, catchya on the weekend!
11.01.2022 West Coast CTC today a great day showers threatened but didn't eventuate the Champion of Champions was won by; Tim Atkins, A grade Aaron Ford, B grade S Dennison and C grade James Triffett. The handicap resulted in 4 shooters with a possible and after a shoot off it was won by Tim Atkins, 2nd S. Dennison and 3rd Jack Stacey. Scoreboard & action shots below;
11.01.2022 Click like on the ST Helens gc page guys
11.01.2022 St Helens CTC today beautiful day, great competitions, see pics for results etc;
11.01.2022 Happy new year everyone, This weekend sees; 9th January, 2021 Burnie CTC ... 100tgt DB Championship & 15 Pr DR Or Spring Bay CTC 20tgt DB & 50tgt DB New Year Cash Stash & 30tgt PS Sunday 10th January Tasmanian Gun Club Mini carnival 25tgt DB & 25tgt SB & 25tgt PS & 25tgt Handicap There's lots of shooting on in the coming weeks, i hope to see you all out enjoying our great sport!
10.01.2022 18th October 2020- Bothwell Gun Club Event 1: 25 T Continental DB sweepstakes Event 2: 25 T Continental PS... Graded AA - A - B - C Cash prizes Event 3: 50 T Continental DB Graded AA- A - B - C Cash prizes.
09.01.2022 Afternoon all, Next weeks TGC shoot is 50tgt Skeet & 100tgt Darrel Height Memorial, ... Put this on your must do list!
09.01.2022 Good afternoon all, Please see Mersey Clay Target Club have an extra shoot on to host the State Mixed Targets which were missed because of COVID-19. SATURDAY 5th DECEMBER, 2020 10 am Start... 1. State Mixed Targets Championship (10 DB, 10 SB, 10 PS & 5PR DR) Graded AA, A, B & C O/ $25.00 L/V $22.00 J / $16.00 Prizes and Sashes Overall and 4 Grades 2. 25 Pair Double Rise Graded AA, A, B & C Prizes 4 Grades O/ $25.00 L/V $22.00 J / $16.00 A good warm up to the Xmas shoots.
09.01.2022 Good evening all, We have a good variety of shooting this weekend you can head to; Saturday, 28th November;... West Coast CTC 75tgt Champion of Champions & 25tgt Handicap Sunday, 29th November Hobart CTC 50tgt DB & 25tgt Continental & 25tgt Skeet & 25tgt Side by Side ##Delegates ## reminder TCTA meeting Sunday 10:30am start Summer is on our doorstep, enjoy the great shooting on the run upto xmas. Remember lend a hand at each club you go to, this spreads goodwill amongst our sport!
09.01.2022 Spring Bay yesterday!
09.01.2022 Mersey Clay Target Club today state mixed targets, plus 25 pair double rise, weather was perfect some great scores, congratulations to Ted Richey who won overall 1pt down.
08.01.2022 Congratulations to our State Secretary & fellow shooter on their marriage today!
05.01.2022 Cressy shoot this Sunday 4th October -10am start. 30 Target Point Score (off 18m) - graded sweepstakes 75 Mixed Targets (off 18m) sponsored by Cindy and Shane ...Yates. Fingers crossed for some good weather!
05.01.2022 Burnie Clay Target Club today for their xmas shoot, the Bob Weeding Memorial. 6 squads competed to take the honours. C grade Craig Dawson, B grade Jason McLaren, A grade Jason Cody and AA Tim Atkins. Pics & scores below;
04.01.2022 Spring Bay CTC!
04.01.2022 With the Don & Sperry Day coming up here is a photo of a photo of the 1987 winners of the Don Taylor teams event, what club & who are they & what grades do you think they were?
04.01.2022 Good evening all, This weekend see's options galore, but before the weekend gets here tomorrow; 22nd Oct, Thursday; Spring Bay CTC ... 75tgt DB Dash for Cash Saturday, 24th October, Tasmanian Gun Club; 100tgt State Skeet Championship & West Coast CTC 50tgt PS & 50tgt DB Sunday 25th October; St Helens CTC 50tgt Skeet Or 50tgt DB & 50tgt DB Ian Palmer Memorial The weather looks ok, get out & enjoy our great sport ! A good weekend to warm up for the Don & Sperry shoot next weekend!
04.01.2022 The results from Bothwell on Sunday! Had a good number of shooters. Bit cold but enjoyable.
03.01.2022 The program for the Mersey Clay Target Club 2 day shoot plus Double Rise Day! A great warm up for the State Carnival!
02.01.2022 West Coast CTC today for their xmas shoot great fun day! With double rise & deauville doubles! DD winners were Beau Caville & Tim Atkins after a shoot off, DR as per scoreboard Pics !
02.01.2022 Good evening all, Xmas is upon us and there's only 1 option this weekend! Boxing Day 26th December Tasmanian Gun Club ... 75tgt Skeet & 75tgt Champion of Champions The Golden Goblet awarded to O/A Highgun On behalf of the TCTA committee i want to wish you all a merry xmas and a happy new year full of smashed clay targets!
01.01.2022 Good afternoon all, This week we have the weekend covered with; Saturday 17th October Mersey CTC... 30tgt SB & 30tgt DB & 50tgt PS Continental CLUB Championship sponsored by Buildrite Or On Sunday 18th; Bothwell Gun Club 25 DB & 25 DB Continental & 50tgt State DB Continental Championship The weather will be fine, get out into the great outdoors & enjoy our sport. #Tip for this week: the bins on the lanes are for you to place your empty shells in please use them or pick them up before leaving the layout! Thats one thing the club volunteers will appreciate!
01.01.2022 Mersey CTC today a beautiful sunny day, 9 squads enjoyed some fantastic shooting highlights were in the Past Members Memorial Gary Enniss taking overall just beating Jack Stacey, who won A grade. The Kevin & Doreen Aylett Memorial was keenly contested with the last 3 shooters being Aydan Morse, Nick Brown and Tim Atkins. With Aydan taking overall and Nick 1st AA. Congratulations to Luke Hancock who won the lucky shooter prize of free noms to theJanuary shoot. Places & action pics below;
01.01.2022 Don Taylor & Sperry Marshal day is coming! The club teams are comprised of the following; AA, AA, A, B and C. If you don't have all grades you can borrow from another club. However the home club gets first divs, on the shooter & there scores can only be used once Best scores from each grade, for each club to count a nominated person from each club to collate scores and present to the office... An additional fun team competition will be ran over the 100tgts with teams comprising of AA, A, B, C, V, L and/ or J to make up your team. Could be anyone, make up a fun name, you could have a team of farmers, women, mechanics, truck drivers etc. This team needs to be nominated on a form prior to 10am on the day and the team captain is responsible for collating scores after competition.
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