The Ridge North Lilydale | Winery/Vineyard
The Ridge North Lilydale
Phone: +61 408 192 000
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25.01.2022 So Sorry..things have got away from us a bit.and as it’s just the two of us, we have to postpone our Sunday Cellar Door openings at The Ridge NL until October. It’s always a delight to share our wine with so many amazing guests. What fun it’s been! Sadly we have to play catch up in the vineyard for a little while; but rest assured we will be back in full swing SUNDAY OCT 4TH! We look forward to that! ... Regards, Harry & Susan. . . #Lilydale #Scottsdale #karoola #Lebrina #derby #dorsettas #mountainbikes #bluetiers #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #tassiescallopfiesta #winetas #brandtasmania #pinot #sparklingtasmania
24.01.2022 Cellar-door open Sunday 10:30 to 5pm. 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale, off North Lilydale Road which is just out of Lilydale on the Scottsdale side. Welcome!! . . #taswine #tascellardoor #tassiestyle #tasmaniawine #Tasmanian #tasmaniagram #northeasttasmania #longweekendtasmania #winetasmania #buysomethingtasmanian
24.01.2022 Times may be strange, but dont be a stranger! . . Come to our Cellar-door today: 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. Turn into North Lilydale Road, on the Scottsdale side of Lilydale. 4km to our Sign, turn into Browns Road, just 1k... Over the Hill and Round the Bend! Thats Us .... . #tassiestyle #northeastttas #tasdrive #drivetasmania #dorsettas #mountainbikes #mountainbike #TasWineFest #taswine #winetas #buysomethingtas #Scottsdale #Lilydale #derby #stHelens #bridport #tassiescallopfiesta See more
23.01.2022 "Wherever wine grapes are grown, it is beautiful" -- Margaret Mondavi . #winetasmania #tassiestyle #taswine #tasbeautiful #tassie #tasmanianmade #tasmanian #tasmaniagram #tasvintage #stayhome
23.01.2022 Long and the short of it... - longest night, shortest day - make the most of it by joining us at cellar-door Sunday 10:30-5pm . . #tascellardoor #taswine #tourismtasmania #buysomethingtasmanian #tassiestyle #tasbranded #tasmaniawine #tasmanianmade #tasvintage #tasmanianvineyard #tasmaniatravel #tasmanianwine #northerntasmania #northeasttas #northeasttasmania
22.01.2022 Kookie's looking after the vineyard today; we're at Cellar Door after you... . . 10:30am to 5pm this Sunday, at 106 Brown's Road, North Lilydale. Turn into North Lilydale Road just out of Lilydale on the Scottsdale side. 4km to our Sign into Brown's Road. Bottle sales and we talk you through tastings of our NV Sparkling Rose, unwooded Chardonnay and tantalising Pinot Noir. You will be warmly welcome! .... . . #Tasmanian #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #tassiescallopfiesta #winetas #brandtasmania #pinot #sparklingtasmania #Sparkling #mountainbikes #bluetiers #dorsettas #Lilydale #Scottsdale #bridport #derby #stHelens #northeastttas See more
21.01.2022 For Pops who Pinot . . #tassiewine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #taswine #Tasmanianwinefestival #tasmanian #tasmaniawine #tasbranded #pinot #pinotnoirday #pinotnoir #pinot Tas #piñotas #pinotastic #internationalpinotnoirday
20.01.2022 Stay safe and good! Were in catchup!! . . We shall warmly welcome you back to our Sunday cellar door from 4th October 2020. .... . #Lilydale #Scottsdale #dorsettasmania #northeasttas #bluetiers #bridport #bluetiermountainbiketrail #brandtasmania #buysomethingtasmanian #pinot #sparklingtasmania #Chardonnay #tascellardoor #tasdrive See more
19.01.2022 Presenting our NV Sparkling Ros at Tasmanian Wine Festival this weekend, . . #tasmanianmade #tassiestyle... #TasWineFest #Tasmanianwinefestival #sparklingrose #sparklingwine #hobart #winetasmania See more
19.01.2022 Sunday Cellar Doors at The Ridge North Lilydale... Promises to be a lovely day, see you here! 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale. Take the North Lilydale Road, at the crossroads on the Scottsdale side of Lilydale for 4kms, then turn into Browns Road.... We're just.... Over The Hill and Round The Bend
18.01.2022 Stay safe and good! We're in catchup!! . . We shall warmly welcome you back to our Sunday cellar door from 4th October 2020. .... . #Lilydale #Scottsdale #dorsettasmania #northeasttas #bluetiers #bridport #bluetiermountainbiketrail #brandtasmania #buysomethingtasmanian #pinot #sparklingtasmania #Chardonnay #tascellardoor #tasdrive See more
16.01.2022 End of another great cellar-door Sunday... Let there be song!
15.01.2022 Sparkling from The Ridge North Lilydale at TasWineFest, get your tickets! See you there.... or at Cellar Door this afternoon . . #TasWineFest #tourismtasmania #tasmanianmade #tassiestyle #tasmaniatravel #tasmaniawine #tasmaniawines #Tasmanianwinefestival
15.01.2022 Staying home in Pinot Meunier. . . #taswine #winetasmania #meunier #sparklingrose #sparklingwines #tassiestyle #tasmaniawine #tasmanianvineyard #tourismtasmania
15.01.2022 At 350m altitude, Tassie s highest vineyard post? . #tasmanianmade #taswine #winetasmania #vinetas #tasmanianvineyard #tasvintage #tassiestyle #tasmaniatravel #tasmaniatravel #tasmaniawines #tassiepics #tasmaniawines #tasbeautiful #tourismtasmania
14.01.2022 After the harvest, autumnal rest. But not for us, always something else to do! . . #taswines #winetasmania #tasmania #coolclimatewines #vineyardvines #pinotnoir #chardonnay #sparklingsydney #australiansparkling
14.01.2022 No border restrictions on our Pinot Noir
13.01.2022 So Sorry..things have got away from us a bit.and as its just the two of us, we have to postpone our Sunday Cellar Door openings at The Ridge NL until October. Its always a delight to share our wine with so many amazing guests. What fun its been! Sadly we have to play catch up in the vineyard for a little while; but rest assured we will be back in full swing SUNDAY OCT 4TH! We look forward to that! ... Regards, Harry & Susan. . . #Lilydale #Scottsdale #karoola #Lebrina #derby #dorsettas #mountainbikes #bluetiers #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #tassiescallopfiesta #winetas #brandtasmania #pinot #sparklingtasmania
13.01.2022 For Pops who Pinot . . #tassiewine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #taswine #Tasmanianwinefestival #tasmaniawine #tasbranded #pinot #pinotnoir #pinotnoirday #pinottas #pinotastic #internationalpinotnoirday
13.01.2022 Perfect day for our cosy cellar-door... . . Open 10:30am to 5pm, at 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. Turn into North Lilydale Road on the Scottsdale side of Lilydale, then into Browns Road. .... . Bottles sales and sample tastings of our NV Sparkling Ros, Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. . And pssssst: ...... . best coffee in the district at The Bean Barrow in Main Street Lilydale . . #northeasttas #northeasttasmania #tassiescallopfiesta #TasWineFest #dorsettasmania #Lilydale #Scottsdale #bluetiermountainbiketrail #bridport #derby #mountainbikestasmania See more
13.01.2022 Sunday Cellar Doors at The Ridge North Lilydale, mountain emerging... . 10:30am to 5pm, this and every Sunday, at 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. . #tassiewine #winetasmania #taswine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #pinot #Lilydale #northeasttas #tassiewine #sparklingwines #tassparkling #sparklingrose #sparklingtasmania #pipersbrook #pipersriver #bluetiers
12.01.2022 "Eat and drink as friends" The Taming of the Shrew, Act 1 Scene 2. Thanks for sharing, dear friends. 2016 Pinot Noir by The Ridge North Lilydale . . #pinotnoir #taswine #winetasmania #winefromtasmania #tassiestyle #tassie #tasmaniawine #tasmanianmade #tasmanian
12.01.2022 Somewhere in QLD, small capsules of Tasmanian essence... rising through their matrix to deliver minute messages of sensory joy from the wind and rain of the Ridge line of origin . . #sparklingwines #tassparkling #tassparkle #tassparkly #sparklingwine #sparklingtasmania #sparkling #sparklingrose
12.01.2022 Make yourself at home at our Cellar-door this Sunday... . . Open 10:30 until 5pm, 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. Turn into North Lilydale Road which is just out of Lilydale on the Scottsdale side, 4kms towards our mountain, then right into Browns Road. .... . Bottle sales and we talk you through tastings of our NV Sparkling Ros, fresh unwooded Chardonnay and tantalising Pinot Noir. You will be warmly welcome! . . #Lilydale #Scottsdale #bridport #derby #launceston #northeasttas #madeintasmania #makeyourselfathome #mountainbikes #bluetiers #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #tassiescallopfiesta #winetas #brandtasmania #pinot #sparklingtasmania @ The Ridge North Lilydale See more
11.01.2022 Hey thanks everyone, great first outing for Tasmanian Wine Festival, beautiful people, beautiful weather, beautiful venue... bring on #TasWineFest 2021 . .#tasbeauty #tasbeautiful #tasmanianmade #tassiestyle #tourismtasmania #tasmanian #tourismtasmania #tasmaniawines #tasmanianwine #Tasmanianwinefestival #tasmaniatravel #theridgenorthlilydale
11.01.2022 Ready Steady Go for Tasmanian Wine Festival RBGH . . #tasmanianmade #tourismtasmania #sparklingrose #theridgenorthlilydale #Tasmanianwinefestival
10.01.2022 No border restrictions on our Pinot Noir #Repost @winerambles (@get_repost) A cracking cool climate Pinot Noir from the crew @theridgenorthlilydale using grapes from North Lilydale in Tasmania. ... Opened this one for a cheeky celebration and it provided a right treat!! Beautiful aroma of red ripe fruit and drinking was an elegant, earthy ride through juicy cherries with a twist of cranberry for me. Finish is a proper silky tannic ride that lasts for a nice length of time and gives a real sense of where this wine came from. Awesome drinking **This bottle was provided by Harry from The Ridge as a generous offer to taste with no obligation but to try. I loved this one so posted it . . . . #theridgenorthlilydale #tasmanianwine #tassiewine #australianwine #aussiewine #australianwines #wineaustralia #pinotnoir #pinot #redwine #redwinelover #redwines #wineo #winenight #winenights #winewinewine #winelovers #winelife #winelove #winedrinker #wineday #winetime #winetastings #winegeek #winestagram #instawine #instawines #wineofinstagram #winesofinstagram
10.01.2022 Taste...GOLD! Cellar Door Sundays at The Ridge North Lilydale . Our 2018 Pinot Noir awarded Gold Medal at Royal Hobart Wine Show 2020. .... We're thrilled to be amongst our fellow Tasmanian medal winners. . Taste to take home: 10:30am to 5pm at 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. . #tassiewine #winetasmania #taswine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #pinot #Lilydale #northeasttas #pinotnoir See more
10.01.2022 Tassies highest vineyard post. Bring on vintage 2020. Ready or not. . . .#tassiestyle #taswine #tasbeautiful #tasbranded #tassie #tourismtasmania #winetasmania #coolwine #highelevationvineyards #highvineyards #highaltitudevineyards #highlatitudestyle #highlatitudevineyards #coolclimateviticulture #coolclimatewines #sparklingwine #sparklingrose #sparkling #wineswithattitude
08.01.2022 Taste GOLD! Sunday Cellar Doors at The Ridge North Lilydale... . Our 2018 Pinot Noir awarded Gold Medal at the Royal Hobart Wine Show 2020. . We're thrilled to be amongst our fellow Tasmanian medal winners. ... . Our Sunday Cellar Doors are open 10:30am to 5pm, at 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale. . Orders online through our link in profile. . #pinotnoir #pinot #pinottas #tassiewine #winetasmania #taswine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #Lilydale #northeasttas See more
07.01.2022 Sundays Cellar Door re-opens at The Ridge North Lilydale this weekend... . 10:30 am to 5 pm at 106 Brown's Road North Lilydale. Just 1km on the Scottsdale side of Lilydale, take North Lilydale Rd for 4kms, then into Brown's Road. Bottle sales and tastings, meet the growers and take in the view where valley meets the mountain. ... Join us! Over the Hill & Round the Bend
07.01.2022 Sunday Cellar Doors at The Ridge North Lilydale: join the fun! . . Offering tasting and sales of our Sparkling Rosé, Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. .... . 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale, TAS 10:30am to 5pm. . . #tassiewine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #pinot #pinotnoir #tasmanian #tasmaniawine #tasbranded #taswine #tassparkling #sparklingrose #sparklingwines #sparkling See more
06.01.2022 Kookies looking after the vineyard today; were at Cellar Door after you... . . 10:30am to 5pm this Sunday, at 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale. Turn into North Lilydale Road just out of Lilydale on the Scottsdale side. 4km to our Sign into Browns Road. Bottle sales and we talk you through tastings of our NV Sparkling Rose, unwooded Chardonnay and tantalising Pinot Noir. You will be warmly welcome! .... . . #Tasmanian #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #tassiescallopfiesta #winetas #brandtasmania #pinot #sparklingtasmania #Sparkling #mountainbikes #bluetiers #dorsettas #Lilydale #Scottsdale #bridport #derby #stHelens #northeastttas See more
06.01.2022 Heres a quick introduction to the sights and sensations of The Ridge North Lilydale. As Tassies highest vineyard, were all about Altitude Latitude & Attitude.
06.01.2022 Good day for laying low... at The Ridge North Lilydale . . We turn mountain air into wine! .... Link to our online shop in bio, or come in to taste at our Sunday Cellar Doors. . 106 Browns Road North Lilydale, Upper Pipers, North East Tasmania. . #coolclimateviticulture #comedownforair #pinotnoir #Chardonnay #tassiewine #winetasmania #taswine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #Lilydale #northeasttas # See more
05.01.2022 Every Day is Ros Day! Taste and select yours this Sunday at our Cellar-door open 10:30 to 5pm. 106 Browns Road North Lilydale, off North Lilydale Road which is just out of Lilydale on the Scottsdale side. Looking forward to seeing you here! . . #nationalrosday #tascellardoor #taswine #tasbeautiful #tasbranded #tasmaniawine #tasmaniagram #tasbeauty #tasmanianvineyard #sparklingtasmania #SparklingSydney ... #northeasttas See more
04.01.2022 Staying home in Chardonnay
04.01.2022 On the pruning tools today but tomorrow we welcome you to cellar-door! Open 10:30 to 5pm at Bridestowe Ridge Vineyard, 106 Browns Road North Lilydale. Off North Lilydale Road, which is about 1km on Scottsdale side of Lilydale. . . #cellardoorwithaview #cellardoortasmania #coolclimateviticulture #northeasttasmania #Tasmanian #buysomethingtas #TasWineFest #taswine #winetasmania #tasmanianmade #tasmaniantimes #scotthenry #tastouring
04.01.2022 Grown 1000 feet above. Enjoy at any level. 2019 Chardonnay unwooded. Order through the link in bio. . #taswine #tassiestyle #chablis #unwooded #chardonnay
04.01.2022 Winter vista @TheRidgeNorthLilydale . . See you in Spring! Cellar door re-opens Sunday 4th October. ... . . #tassiewine #Lilydale #Scottsdale #dorsettasmania #northeasttas #bluetiers #bridport #brandtasmania #buysomethingtasmanian #buysomethingtas #sparklingtasmania #tascellardoor #tasdrive See more
03.01.2022 Fine Art & Wine at Cellar Door Sundays, The Ridge North Lilydale... . . Take in the view, where valley meets mountain, 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale, 10:30am to 5pm Sundays. .... Where we turn mountain air into wine. . Taste to take home, share stories, enjoy! . #tassiewine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #taswine #winetasmania #pinot #pinotnoir #tasmanian #tasmaniawine #tasbranded #Lilydale #northeasttas #bluetiers #bridport #brandtasmania #buysomethingtasmanian #sparklingwines #tassparkling #tassparkle #tassparkly #sparklingtasmania #sparklingrose #Chardonnay See more
03.01.2022 106 Browns Road North Lilydale
02.01.2022 What comes with being Tassies highest vineyard... pretty cool! . .#taswine #tasmaniawine #winetasmania #coolclimateviticulture #coolclimatewines #tassiestyle #tasbeautiful #tasbeauty #tassiepics #tasvintage #tasmaniagram #tasbeauty #tasmanianvineyard
02.01.2022 Dark days are upon us, but... . #theridgenorthlilydale offering free delivery to anywhere in Australia for online orders of The Ridge North Lilydale 2017 Pinot Noir, 2019.Chardonnay (unwooded) and NV Sparkling Ros. Call us for any order assistance 0408 192 000. Stay safe. #taswine #winetime #wineandfood #winetasmania #winelover #australianwines #tasmaniawine #tasmanianwine
01.01.2022 White waratah loves mountain air at The Ridge North Lilydale... . . Come see on one of our Cellar Door Sundays! .... . 106 Browns Road, North Lilydale. . . #sparklingwines #tassparkling #tassparkle #tassiewine #tassiestyle #tascellardoor #taswine #winetasmania #pinot #pinotnoir #tasmanian #tasmaniawine #tasbranded #Lilydale #northeasttas #buysomethingtasmanian See more
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