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Taximiser in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Tax preparation service

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Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 1300 124 124


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23.01.2022 2015 FEDERAL BUDGET SUMMARY - Main Points - Company tax rate reduced to 28.5% - Small business write-off on assets purchased up to $20,000 until June 2017... - 5% discount on tax payable for small business - Immediate deduction for professional services when starting a business - Car deduction methods reduced from 4 to 2 - Personal tax rates no change - New child care subsidy - Increase in ATO penalty amounts applied (no surprise) - One single portal for business and company registration - GST now applied to imported digital products and services - Change to pension asset tests - Amendments to parental income testing Contact us if you would like our free 2015 Budget Review Newsletter.

23.01.2022 Our March Newsletter Released! March edition includes articles on: - Fringe Benefits Tax - Your Business Basics - Self-education Expense Deductions... - SuperStream Guide - Capital Gains Tax explained - Proposed changes to Employee Share Schemes Sign up on the left if you wish to receive our complimentary newsletter.

22.01.2022 We have moved! Our new office address is now 1/538 South Pine Rd, Everton Park, 4053. Our contact numbers will remain the same: National: 1300 124 124 Local: (07) 31621550... although presently we are in the process of changing providers and will be back online within a week. Please phone us direct on 0401 427772. See more

21.01.2022 INCOME TAX EMAIL SCAMS I received an interesting email from Mr Hinkle from the ATO last week stating I had a refund of over $4,000 for my 2014 tax return! Thats funny.... I had already lodged my tax return for 2014 last year! ... Scamsters or Scumsters (I like to call them) will try and make their emails authentic by using an email address that copies information of government departments. MR HINKLE DOES NOT = $4,142.75 REFUND MR HINKLE = DELETE RECOMMENDATIONS: - Remember that the Australian Taxation Office never sends email correspondence. - Never respond via email. - Please delete these immedicately as opening them could unleash a virus onto your computer. - Report any income tax email scams to the ATO. Read more from the ATO and what to watch for:

19.01.2022 Christmas Closure Times Our office will be closed for the Christmas break from: Monday 21st December and will reopen on Wednesday 6th January. The ATO will be closing from Thursday 24th December to Sunday 3rd January.... We wish all our clients a happy and safe Christmas and prosperous new year! See more

19.01.2022 ATO Email Scams - There have been an increasing number of clients receiving emails supposedly from the ATO. The ATO will never send correspondence via email relating to refunds. The ATO only contact taxpayers via post or telephone. Please delete these emails and do not open them.

18.01.2022 TAX TIME IS HERE! Give us a call on 1300 124 124 or make a booking online if you have your 2015 tax details ready. We are also available after hours until 7.30pm Mon-Thurs, Friday until 5pm and Saturdays 9am-3pm. Online booking via telephone appointment are only available for standard tax returns.... Click the link below: See more

18.01.2022 July Newsletter Released Articles in this months newsletter: Questions Answered - $20,000 Immediate Write-Off Tax Deduction Misconceptions Deductions for your Holiday House... Insurance through SMSFs Essentials of Succession Planning Small Business Ombudsman Please contact us or click on the link below if you would like a copy of our newsletter which will be emailed to you monthly.

15.01.2022 WATCH OUT!! The ATO may attack!! Dont let this be you. You dont want to come into battle and under fire with the ATO when it can be avoided. - Get your taxes and BAS up to date... - Respond promptly to mail notices received - Let us handle the situation and give you peace of mind. We can deal with them on your behalf. See more

13.01.2022 SUPER CO-CONTRIBUTION - Time is running out! You have until 30th June (in theory earlier to allow for processing time by your super fund) to deposit after tax dollars into your super account to claim up to maximum of $500 extra as a government contribution. You will be entitled to the full contribution if your adjusted taxable income(ATI) * is less than $33,516 and meet other criteria. The entitlement cuts off when adjusted taxable income exceeds $48,516 and is pro-rated. T...o be eligible you need to meet certain other criteria. ie: This means if your ATI is under $33,516 for 2014 and you put $1,000 into your super, the government will contribute a further $500. We recommend doing this transaction by the 2nd week in June at the latest to allow time to be processed by your superannuation fund. * Adjusted Taxable Income = Taxable Income (gross wages - allowable deductions) + reportable fringe benefits + reportable employer super contributions. Further details: ATO site -

13.01.2022 TAXIMISER TAX TIP - Depreciation of Work Items As an employee, you are able to claim a deduction for an item you buy such as equipment and use for work purposes (or a %). If this item is over $300 (inc. GST) the item will need to be depreciated over a number of years according to the useful life of the asset.

13.01.2022 Remember when lodging your 2013 tax return you will have until 31st October to lodge it yourself before the ATO consider it to be late and possibly charge late lodgment fees. If you register as our client before this date you may well have until April/May next year before needing to lodge.

10.01.2022 Pay or get Arrested - ATO Scam There is a phone scam circulating at present where a caller claiming to be from the ATO demands payment for overdue debt.... If payment details are not provided over the phone then the caller claims they could be arrested. Please be wary of this type of call. Further information: ATO - Protect yourself against phone scams

10.01.2022 SMALL BUSINESS $20,000 ASSET WRITE-OFF If you purchase a new asset up to $20,000 you will be able to claim the full amount as a deduction off your business income. EXISTING ASSETS?... If assets were previously held in a general pool, under the simplified depreciation rules and the pool balance is under $20,000 you are able to write-off these assets immediately in the 2015 tax return. WHAT IF MY ASSET IS MORE THAN $20,000? Equipment purchased of $28,000. You will not be able to write-off $20,000 immediately but the asset may be pooled at 15% for the first year then 30% on the balance in the second. If the equipment is leased please contact us for further information on its treatment. WHEN DOES THE MEASURE END? June 30th 2017. IS THE MEASURE LAW YET? The proposed change has not yet been enacted but will be backed from budget night (12th May 2015). TAX SAVINGS? The tax saving of a sole trader who purchased a vehicle (new or second hand) of $18,000 would reduce his business expenses by this amount and in turn reduce the taxable income by $18,000. For example if taxable income before business asset purchase was $55,000 (marginal tax rate of 19%), after the deduction for business he would save approx. $6,480 off the estimated tax bill. OUR VIEW Should I go out shopping now? This incentive will be around until June 2017 so there no real urgency to purchase now if you can hold off unless you are estimating a rather large tax bill on its way! Bear in mind that just because an incentive is available does not mean you go out and buy an asset if not affordable in your circumstances. You will need to look at your cash flow situation and whether the existing asset actually needs replacement. The benefit should also out way the cost! More information (ATO):

10.01.2022 EASTER BREAK We will be closed for Good Friday and also Easter Monday and will be back on Tuesday. Eat lots of chocolate and be merry... (and make sure the kids get hypo)! Dont let that bunny get away!!... Enjoy your mini-break! EASTER TIP: If the bunny is travelling between jobs the fuel may be claimed as a tax deduction. Disclaimer: We dont condone this type of behaviour...only recommended for professional stunt rabbit racers.

10.01.2022 BAS - AVOID ATO LATE LODGMENT PENALTIES! Make sure if you have Business Activity Statements to complete that they are lodged on time as the ATO may issue late lodgment penalties. The Failure to lodge on time penalty (FLT) for a small business starts from $180 up to 28 days late and could go up to $900 if over 113 days late. Interest may also be imposed.... If preparing these yourself you will have at least 1 month after the end of the period to lodge. You will have further extensions of time if lodging electronically via the business portal or lodged by us (up to 2 months after reporting period closes). If you have questions regarding how the penalties are applied please contact us or refer to the ATO link below for further guidance.

09.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE AND READ ALL THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION Our online booking system is for: SALARY or WAGE TAX RETURNS (Current & New clients) RENTAL PROPERTIES (Current & New clients)....Continue reading

07.01.2022 2014 TAX RETURNS DUE SOON! If you have not yet lodged your tax return for 2014 it will be due within the next 4 weeks before the ATO considers it late and possible penalties imposed. Penalties are imposed at $170 for every 28 days overdue, capped at $850.... There are some exceptions: - If you are assessed and expecting a refund no penalty will apply. * Note that your tax return for 2014 may already be considered overdue if you have prior tax returns outstanding. CALL US NOW TO BOOK IN A TIME - 1300 124 124

05.01.2022 Family Assistance Entitlements June 30th 2015 Deadline Make sure that if you are entitled to receive family assistance payments for the 2014 financial year, you will need to lodge a claim by 30th June 2015. Your 2014 tax return will also need to be lodged by this date or your payments may be cut off even if 1 day overdue! Even if you do not need to lodge a tax return for tax purposes Centrelink must still be notified by 30th June 2015.... Further information Time Limits for family assistance payments

02.01.2022 Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter! Our newsletter has tax tips, tax discussion topics and short articles which you will find easy to read. An email will be sent in the first week of each month which includes a link to a downloadable PDF copy. You can unsubscribe at any time.

02.01.2022 TAXIMISER TAX TIP - Is Your Rental Property Jointly Owned? If you own a rental property with another person, their share of income & expenses relating to the investment property needs to be reported in both tax returns in the same proportion as the legal title of the property. The common split is 50/50 but in some cases it may be another percentage. Check your legal title to be sure!

01.01.2022 APRIL NEWSLETTER RELEASED! Articles in this months newsletter: - ATO Cracks Down on Online Sellers... - Income Tax Implications of Property Lease Incentives - Single Touch Payroll Initiatives - Tax on Tips and Gratuities - Marriage Breakdown & SMSFs - Lost Super Please click on the link below if you would like a copy of our newsletter which will be emailed to you monthly.

01.01.2022 Have you completed your 2013-14 tax return? If not try our new online booking system for telephone appointments by clicking on BOOKNOW under APPS. For more information visit our website:

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