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Taylor Made Health in Miami, Queensland | Medical and health

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Taylor Made Health

Locality: Miami, Queensland

Phone: +61 429 876 994

Address: 2190 Gold Coast Highway 4220 Miami, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 I offer online consultations and I am more than happy to discuss any health issues and give you clear direction. Please contact me to arrange a time. Skype, Zoom and Viber. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #sleep #brain #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #crohns #fungal #boswellia #probiotics #gut #guthealth #covid #viral #immune

24.01.2022 Natural Killer Cells. NK Cells go after cells affected by viruses and shut down the whole cell, killing the viruses inside and stopping the infection. Echinacea, astragalus, turmeric, ginseng, vitamin A, C, E and zinc increase numbers and function (effectiveness) of our NK Cells, shitting down the infection on a cellular level. NK Cells also kill tumor cells. Double bonus. The first 2 pictures are actual live blood analysis photos of NK Cells in clinic.... I am available for appointments and can specifically look at your immune system. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #flu #gut #guthealth #covid #viral #immune See more

24.01.2022 Weight loss is easy if you deal with the underlying cause of the weight gain - but what is it for you and how is it caused for you? The concept of weight loss being so difficult is due to us not addressing our own biochemistry. It doesnt have to be hard. It is a matter of working the problem to bring the correct solutions for your body. Please feel free to forward this on to anyone who may benefit from reading this.... See more

23.01.2022 If you are wondering if there is a molecular mechanism for weight gain during isolation then here is the answer for you. Oxytocin, the social hormone, down-regulates appetite. Keep up the social interaction, through legal means of course, as oxytocin is the hormone that increases social bonding. Oxytocin reduces the stress response including anxiety which is why we feel better in the company of others. "In rodents and nonhuman primates, chronic oxytocin administration leads t...o sustained weight reduction by reducing food intake, increasing energy expenditure and inducing lipolysis. Oxytocin might improve glucose homeostasis, independently of its effects on weight. Clinical studies are beginning to translate these important preclinical findings to humans. This Review describes key data linking oxytocin to eating behaviours and metabolism in humans. For example, a single intranasal dose of oxytocin can reduce caloric intake, increase fat oxidation and improve insulin sensitivity in men. Furthermore, a pilot study of 8 weeks of oxytocin treatment in adults with obesity or overweight led to substantial weight loss. Together, these data support further investigation of interventions that target pathways involving oxytocin as potential therapeutics in metabolic disorders, including obesity and diabetes mellitus. Therapeutic considerations and areas for further research are also discussed." See more

22.01.2022 Immune function is always important. Natural immune function can be tracked on-screen in Live Blood Analysis. Until the end of March, I am offering a 30 minute immune check for $60. We can see how your white blood cells are working for you. Contact me to book your appointment now. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #healing #immune #antiviral #virus

22.01.2022 What is antibiotic resistance? It is when the bacteria pump the antibiotic medication back out of their cells, preventing antibiotic toxicity. The antibiotics cant do their job and the antibiotic resistance means that we cant use them to kill the infection. What we can do is use bacterial eflux pump inhibitors to retain the antibiotic in the bacteria. We can just close and lock their exit door.... And we can do it with herbs and spices. These herbs and spices include black pepper, thyme, rosemary, lovage, lemon balm, anise, myrrh and cinnamon. I think that you may have a few of those in the spice rack. Then we can also use antibacterial herbs with berberine and hydrastine as the antibiotics. Then we use immune regulating herbs and nutrients (Vitamin A, C, E and D3, zinc) to support the immune system. Sound like a better plan? See more

21.01.2022 The bearer of bad news. There has been advertising masquerading as 'news' circulating (for quite a while) that suggests that alcohol is in some way good for us. This is incorrect. Alcohol still causes cancer, and a serve of red wine is 140ml. Even though red wine may have antioxidants there are many, many other sources of antioxidants that would be a lot better than something that also contains alcohol.... It is a good publicity stunt but it doesn't take away the alcohol content and the effects that it has on our systems. The upside to this is that you understand what antioxidants are and how they are so important to us, however, they are very abundant in our healthy food choices. If you would like to cut down on your alcohol consumption all you have to do is keep on doing the same thing, just replace the beverage. That means to keep the routine, even the same glass, and exactly where you keep the bottle in the fridge but just drink something else instead. This could be a mix of mineral water with a touch of juice or a Kombucha. Keeping the routine is important because the routine signifiers for you it is your time to be calm and have time for yourself. The actual beverage is not important. For some cultures it is tea that signifies time to relax or have some 'me time'. Remember to take time out for yourself but do it in a healthy way, and in a way that suits you.

20.01.2022 How do you lose weight when you have inflammation? You dont. It cant happen because the cellular signalling is off and you cant regulate your own metabolism. This includes your brain signalling which encompasses hunger and fullness signals and how much fat is actually on your body. Leptin signalling from the fat cells to the brain is dependent on the receptors working correctly. This does not happen with inflammation states as the leptin levels go up and up but the ap...petite remains the same or even increases. This is why it can be so difficult to lose weight once the weight is on. If you have inflammation, how does your thyroid hormone work? Does it fight its way through? Often not, and the thyroid is very sensitive to this process, as seen in gluten sensitivity and thyroid issues that come together as fatigue, forgetfulness, weight gain and depression. The issue that we have is to find what is irritating you. What is causing your inflammation? It could be anything and it may not be what you think. This is why, in clinical practice, I make sure that you get the testing that you need that corresponds with your health issues. Now that I have the opportunity to find out your issues in the one session it is time to look at what is going on with your biochemistry and find practical, every day ways to get you the results that you want. Today is always the day. For a consultation, contact me on 0429 876 994. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #sleep #brain #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #leptin #cellwellbeing See more

20.01.2022 Neurotoxins come in all forms and affect everyone differently. One person may not react to a chemical, and yet it may be debilitating for others. Wheat is a good example of this, as is monosodium glutamate or food additive 621 or aspartame containing artificial sweeteners. Gluten and casein are also implicated in schizophrenia, and I have posted about this before. Not knowing why we are unwell or get sick is very stressful. We need answers and they need to be in a form which... is understandable and workable for the person. There are ways to get answers and they are available now. The body can heal itself if the irritants are removed, the nutrients for healing are available and the body is supported. For more information on any of these issues, please contact me.


19.01.2022 Nutrition and the brain. Your brain is ever changeable. Your brain can change from one day to the next due to the available nutrients in the pool....Continue reading

19.01.2022 This article could have been a lot longer, but at 1,855 words, I promise I was trying to get to the point. Your emotions are just as much biochemistry as they are spiritual, social or any other part of what makes us human. We are, after all, just a sack of chemical reactions held up by internal scaffolding. So before you take yourself personally, it is time to think more critically about our physical bodies and how they actually work. The story is so much more complex than... we realise. I have worked for years to not only study the 'why' but also to make the course of action easy. I have the tests and the tools to find out why you are not feeling your best. This is what really matters, not a one-size-fits all approach that doesn't address your body. I want to find the cause and treatment for your body only. I want to find your cause. To learn more, please contact me for an appointment. #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #cellwellbeing #allergy #anxiety #depression #health #wellbeing #anxious #vitamins #minerals #probiotic #gut #adrenal

17.01.2022 Cortisol is a huge driver of weight gain in perimenopausal and menopausal women. The downregulation of cortisol and the re-regulation of estrogen and progesterone are what is required to bring balance back to the body. Estrogen and progesterone play important roles in our body - and brain! - and are made in our reproductive organs and the endocrine (hormone) tissue. Did you know that fat tissue is part of the endocrine (or hormone) system of our bodies and produces over 80 different chemicals? The weight gain is a symptom, complementary therapies bring the hormones back to where we would like them to be. To suit us. To benefit us. To learn more, contact me for an appointment.

17.01.2022 Magnesium is important for nervous system function, muscle relaxation, metabolism and energy production, rest and sleep and bone health. There are many products and brands so it is better to find out which one is perfect for you before deciding on a plan.

16.01.2022 Bread = proprionic acid = obesity I have been gluten free for 20 years. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #sleep #brain #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #probiotics

16.01.2022 Is Crohns disease in part internal dandruff? Did you know that a fungus commonly found in human hair that is one of the main causes of dandruff is also one of the casues of Crohns disease? The malassezia yeast is also highly related to the development of Crohns disease. Genetically, some people have a lower response to fungal infections and would benefit from herbal therapies that have anti-fungal activity (boswellia, artemisia, pau darco, culinary herbs, certain probiotic...s) as well as a gut wall healing protocol and vitamin D3 (IBD rates higher in Tasmania). #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #crohns #fungal #boswellia #probiotics #gut #guthealth #hair See more

16.01.2022 Well, I am ready! There is more but it cant be shown.

14.01.2022 There are many nutrients and herbs that can help create an environment that viruses cant live in, but the easiest way to deal is with heat. Using a heat wheat bag on your chest and throat is a very good way to create an environment that the virus cant live in any more. Having the areas warm for around 2 hours completely disrupts their life cycles but has no real effect on you.... This treatment is effective on the bladder as well, as part of the usual herbs and antibacterial medicines. We usually get a fever as a normal and very important part of our immune response, but creating a localized fever is easier and more effective.

14.01.2022 Hi everyone, I have started a new Facebook page to help people out with their Cell Wellbeing report results. If you're interested in using the easiest way possible to find out exactly how your body is feeling, this is definitely the test for you.

13.01.2022 Candida has been a buzz word for years, but it is actually a problem in us due to over cleaning and extensive antibiotic use that has caused a great deal of imbalance in our gut flora. Herbs can help to bring back the balance. The right probiotics can re-establish good gut health, which we know translates to good brain health. ...

12.01.2022 Tinnitus is quite common but we have it for our own reasons. Read more here and if you have any questions, please contact me directly. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #brain #tinnitus #liver #kidney #allergy #allergies

12.01.2022 5 simple ways to boost your immunity: The first thing is to understand where youre starting from. Look at your symptoms in everyday life, including blood when youre brushing your teeth (vitamin C) general fatigue (B vitamins) or fear of catching a cold (zinc) and loss of smell or taste (zinc). Understanding your sunlight to vitamin D3 conversion is important as well as vitamin D3 balances the immune system so that you are going after viruses and not food particles (alle...rgies). So it is good to understand if you may have nutritional deficiencies that are holding you back. Then look at the bigger picture which are health problems that you actually have and look at how to counter-balance them. This is really important as comorbidities (big health problems) are what brings you down when others dont seem to get sick. Taking care of your health and increasing your nutrients, especially vitamin D3, is a way of taking out an insurance policy on yourself so you dont get sick in the first place, or if you do get sick, its very mild. To see your immune system in action and implement a plan that suits your body, make an appointment today. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #sleep #brain #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #hypertension #vitality #viral See more

12.01.2022 It is an interesting question: "If I stop eating wheat (or gluten), wont I develop an intolerance to it?" The short answer is: No. Your body either likes it or not. So you can eat wheat as you like if your body doesnt have a problem with it, just as any other food type. To your body, food is 3 things:... - Simply a food. Your body utilises the nutrients. - A medicine. Your body uses the nutrients for repair and restoration, or to assist with an ongoing issue. - A toxin or poison. Your body doesnt like it and will react poorly to it. Going off gluten containing foods completely and then reintroducing them is simply a good way of seeing if your body is not compatible with that particular food at this point in time. Instead of having to do food challenges, I have a very clever machine in my office that analyses your cells to find your nutrient deficiencies including vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and amino acid (protein) deficiencies, food intolerances, fatty acid deficiencies, physical stresses such as heavy metals, radiation exposure or chemical exposure, and EMF sensitivities. For more information, please contact me.

11.01.2022 I am very proud to present my new baby in clinic. My new addition is the Cell Wellbeing test platform that gives us the 30 page Optimal Wellness Report in 15 minutes. This report outlines the top 10 food intolerances with a separate section for food additives, 14 vitamins, 16 minerals, 23 antioxidant groups, protein deficiencies (23 amino acids), EMF sensitivities at work and at home, viral, bacterial and parasitic presence as well as post viral conditions. The test also pinp...oints essential fatty acid deficiencies which can affect your brain, eyes, skin and joints. The test is available today and a full copy of the results are emailed to you for your permanent records. Contact me today for an appointment. See more

11.01.2022 One of the reasons I run the Cell well-being report in clinic is to find out what E- numbers your body doesn't like. This is on page 26 of the 37 page report. Please contact me if you would like your own report which details everything that your body needs and everything that your body doesn't like. It's simple, relevant to you and finds your issues so we can fix them and move on. #cellwellbeing #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #vitamin #minerals #health #wellness #naturopath

10.01.2022 Every single mineral is needed for blood sugar regulation and carbohydrate metabolism, not just chromium and vanadium. Manganese, potassium, zinc and magnesium are vital for metabolic function and all, when in deficiency states, are associated with poor blood sugar regulation and diabetes. I am here to make deciphering the issues easy. Please contact me for an appointment....

09.01.2022 Dont let anybody tell you that food cant support your immune system. Your food and the active ingredients within can actually do more than that. Apigenin, a natural plant flavone, is a potent antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer agent. Focusing on the natural bioactive compounds with pro-health properties that are naturally available in our fruits and vegetables can help us prevent the diseases that will affect all of us such as stroke, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimers disease, depression and age-related function decline which are massive public health burdens worldwide, especially in developed countries like Australia.

09.01.2022 My clinic is still open and consultations are available until further notice. I am offering 30 minute immune system checks for just $60 and my full normal consultation. Come and see your immune system in action. The pictures below represent viral spiking in 8-point dried blood analysis in a patient.

08.01.2022 Question time: Why do people "burn-out" or get to the point of exhaustion? You will use your adrenals if your thyroid is not up to the job. Your thyroid won't work if you are low in one substance, such as iodine, selenium, tyrosine or your vitamin co-factors.... With the lack you will use your adrenals to get through the day. The adrenals only have so much to give, so we end up with adrenal burn out. Mitochondria - one nutrient missing will slow down everything and you will go into survival mode with slow cellular metabolism. This could be just one or two nutrients, such as vitamin B3 or biotin. An example of a deficiency that ends up in a lack is iron deficiency anemia. Your body uses iron in your red blood cells and does not substitute. It just goes into a deficiency state. And: We take on too much and don't ask for help, or our requests go unheeded. It's not the answer, it's your answer that is needed. The solution depends on what your body wantd. To find out more and start addressing the underlying issues, contact me for an appointment.

08.01.2022 Hi everyone, I have started a new Facebook page to help people out with their Cell Wellbeing report results. If you're interested in using the easiest way possible to find out exactly how your body is feeling, this is definitely the test for you.

07.01.2022 We now have the technology for us to assess 800 epigenetic factors in 15 minutes, including food intolerances, immune reactions and environmental burden. The test verifies exactly what is going on with your body, today. This means that all through your treatment we are only dealing with your issues and your concerns.... You keep the full 37 page report. To find out more, contact me..

07.01.2022 Why we eat what we eat is fascinating - is it genetics or is it our social programming? We can find out why weight loss is difficult, and then we can do something about it that is specific to your body. That is when you stop feeling frustrated and start living. Genetic testing is easy and anonymous. All you need it do is contact me for an appointment.... #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #bloodsugar #liver #obesity #weightloss #weight #dnatesting See more

06.01.2022 Look at these beautiful photos of the NK Cells. NK Cells are your first line of defence. These are textbook pictures from my clinic. My clients refer to NK cells as "Pac Man". To make an appointment, contact me to discuss your needs.

06.01.2022 Do you feel like certain foods just don't agree with you? I actually help people with intolerance testing. There are 5 categories: ... 1. autoimmune reaction (Coeliac disease) 2. Anaphylaxis reaction (peanuts, crustaceans) 3. Allergic reaction (corn, soy) 4. Intolerance reaction (any foods) 5. Irritant reaction (sulfites, ginger) You could experience different foods in different ways, and the same foods can fall into different categories for different people. Your reaction could be immediate, within 30 minutes, after 3 hours or only show up later as headaches and joint pain. There are many ways of testing, one is just to see what resonates with you.

05.01.2022 Dehydration. Would you like to see a magic trick? This is the same person, just 2 glasses of water and 15 minutes later.... Live Blood Analysis, Brightfield. Notice the picture on the laptop screen. The red blood cells are stuck together in what we call Rouleau. We can't give oxygen to our cells, and therefore make energy, if they are stuck together. This is why we may feel fatigued. Water is so important. All metabolic processes occur within water and we are a water based form. Notice the second picture on the larger screen. All of the red blood cells are flat and moving independently. Isn't that the way that you would want your cells to be, what you want your blood to look like. I can get a large amount of information from a small amount of blood. To see it for yourself, brightfield, darkfield and the Oxidative Stress Test, contact me for an appointment. #cellwellbeing #microscope #naturopath #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #vitamin #minerals #health #wellness #health #blood #livebloodanalysis

05.01.2022 Confused yet? In the age of the internet we seem to have access to every single piece of information that you could possibly think of but at the same time that it seems that we are more confused than ever before. It is not only about having access to the information it is about asking the right questions. For example: can you jump off a bridge? Yes you can. You can do whatever you want. SHOULD you jump off a bridge? No you should not. You could get seriously injured or ev...en die. Can you go on that diet? Yes. SHOULD you go on that diet? Probably not. But if so, how long for? Maximum six weeks? Then what? Its no wonder people get confused. Asking the right questions in the right way enables you to find the right answers instead of going around in ever decreasing circles of frustration. Learning how to ask the right questions is not easy and sometimes you may need help to determine and define what you need to ask, working back from what you are trying to achieve. It is not easy because the human body is so complex. Defining what is also not working is also not easy to do. Sometimes it takes specialist help to define the questions and find the answers quickly and without stress. This means that you can make the right lifestyle decisions that suit your body and not someone elses. After all, it is about your body and your health and everybody is different. If you have any questions, contact me at your convenience for an appointment. #naturopath #nutrition #healingwithfood #health #wellness #foodismedicine #plants #natural #lifestyle #medicine #sleep #brain #bloodsugar #liver #deficiencies #diet See more

05.01.2022 Withania somnifera regulates body mass into older age as well, preserving our strength and preventing falls. In average age, withania/ashwagandha helps increase... strength with training. I take my Ashwagandha every day and have for years, it is even safe in breastfeeding. "This study reports that ashwagandha supplementation is associated with significant increases in muscle mass and strength and suggests that ashwagandha supplementation may be useful in conjunction with a resistance training program." See more

04.01.2022 Don't like repeating yourself? Iodine may be the supplement for you(r family). Iodine deficiency causes many neurological problems in all stages of life.... According to the WHO (all opinions reserved) "deficiency during pregnancy not only results in brain damage to the fetus, but also in low birth weight, prematurity and increased perinatal and infant mortality." And: "iodine deficiency in children is responsible for disorders in physical and cognitive development, and hypothyroidism. It results in impaired cognitive and motor development which affects a child’s performance at school." "In adulthood, it affects productivity and the ability to find a job. Iodine-deficient people may forfeit 15 IQ points, and nearly 50 million people suffer from some degree of iodine deficiency-related brain damage." The question becomes, are we taking nutrition seriously? I don't think we are. For more information on nutritional deficiencies and proper supplementation, please contact me for an appointment.

04.01.2022 How many children do poorly in school due to undiagnosed food allergies and intolerances? We need to understand the gut brain connection to assist children to make the most of themselves in school to enable them to do well in the future.

04.01.2022 Good Golly Miss Moly(bdenum) Molybdenum (pronounced moleb denum) is an essential mineral that is very much needed in our bodies. Moly helps to prevent and treat cancers and getting enough is great prevention. It is an antioxidant in the body and is essential for the enzyme mARC which detoxes hydroxylated bases that cause DNA mutations.... Moly, along with zinc, helps to regulate copper levels in the body (we still need copper, it’s not the bad guy). Moly is essential for the detoxification of alcohol. Moly lowers uric acid levels and helps prevent and treat gout. Moly helps eliminates sulfites and helps with sulfur preservative sensitivity such as the 220 preservatives in wine and dried fruits. Sulfur sensitivities are triggered by foods and symptoms include wheezing, nausea and hives, just like an allergic reaction. Moly is a co-factor for many enzymatic reactions and the processing of sulfur-based amino acids including cysteine and methionine, both essential for detoxification and methylation in the body. Moly is needed to generate ATP in the mitochondria and is essential for the conversion of foods to energy. Foods high in molybdenum include beans, lentils, chickpeas and black-eyed peas, almonds, cashews and hazelnuts, tofu and other soy products, leafy veg, eggs, whole grains such as millet, tomatoes and cucumbers. The RDA for Moly is 45mcg and 55mcg for pregnancy and lactation. One of the first deficiency symptoms is headache and rapid heart rate. To find out more, contact me for an appointment.

03.01.2022 Inositol, vitamin B8 (biotin is B7 and folate is B9) is not only one of the key treatments for PCOS but also helps nerve regeneration. Inositol is also lower in people with depression, along with other vitamins and minerals, and supplementation can help with mood regulation. Inositol reduces the number of panic attacks and other anxiety measurements in Clinical Research. Inositol is also used in obsessive compulsive disorder, mood swings and PMS and regulates cholesterol le...vels. Inositol is very important throughout the brain and the body. To find out what your body needs, please contact me for an appointment. #cellwellbeing #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #inositol #PCOS #brain See more

03.01.2022 The Gluten-Thyroid Connection. I would write about it myself but there is just so much good information from other people that I would rather direct you on. Chris Kresser has a good article: And this one is great as well. I have been told since forever that any thyroid condition is initiated by a gluten intolerance which could mean that the gluten intolerance started 10 years ago. Most gluten intolerances are initiated by the pesticides used in wheat that kill off our good bacteria and initiate leaky gut which leads to our wheat intolerance as wheat is a very hot, scratchy grain which builds on the inflammation started by the pesticide/bacteria kill off cycle. More information here: This can be reversed when the gluten is no longer present as the immune system will 'calm it's farm' as they say. In the future and if re-introduction becomes an option for non-allergy or coeliac people, a small amount of organic spelt, kamut (Khorasan wheat) or organic lactobacillus sourdough bread may be tolerated in the initial stages. You may be able to build up your tolerance after your gut has healed, which will heal your thyroid by default and any other organs and tissues that have been affected by the inflammation such as the joints and skin. This is an easy and positive outcome to a problem that has far-reaching effects. The thyroid is not only important as the master energy producer for the body - so we don't use, overuse and burn out our adrenals - but also for a happy brain and self. The thyroid is highly associated with the regulation of mood as well as metabolism and all efforts should be made to keep the thyroid as healthy as possible for as long as possible. For more information or to discuss this matter further, please contact me directly. See more

03.01.2022 There are many nutrients and herbs that can help create an environment that viruses can't live in, but the easiest way to deal is with heat. Using a heat wheat bag on your chest and throat is a very good way to create an environment that the virus can't live in any more. Having the areas warm for around 2 hours completely disrupts their life cycles but has no real effect on you.... This treatment is effective on the bladder as well, as part of the usual herbs and antibacterial medicines. We usually get a fever as a normal and very important part of our immune response, but creating a localized fever is easier and more effective.

02.01.2022 We cant expect our body and brains to work when our digestive system is not working. There needs to be a standard of living within ourselves and this can not be achieved if we have long-term and ongoing digestive issues including IBS, ulcerative colitis and diverticulitis. I want to know why these are happening, and I want to deal with all of the reasons behind what is going on, no matter what they are. I am not just interested in the quick pill solution which is just a co...ver-up. I expect results. Some of the products that come out have years of research behind them, with this product, VSL#3, it is 15 years of research with the spotlight placed on the product. We need our good bacteria. It is the prevention as well as the treatment. "VSL#3 is a high-concentration probiotic preparation of eight live freeze-dried bacterial species that are normal components of the human gastrointestinal microflora, including four strains of lactobacilli (Lactobacillus casei, L. plantarum, L. acidophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus), three strains of bifidobacteria (Bifidobacterium longum, B. breve and B. infantis) and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. thermophilus. Data from noncomparative trials suggest that VSL#3 has clinical potential in the treatment of active mild to moderate ulcerative colitis and as maintenance therapy for patients with ulcerative colitis in remission."

02.01.2022 Dehydration. Would you like to see a magic trick? This is the same person, just 2 glasses of water and 15 minutes later.... Live Blood Analysis, Brightfield. Notice the picture on the laptop screen. The red blood cells are stuck together in what we call Rouleau. We can't give oxygen to our cells, and therefore make energy, if they are stuck together. This is why we may feel fatigued. Water is so important. All metabolic processes occur within water and we are a water based form. Notice the second picture on the larger screen. All of the red blood cells are flat and moving independently. Isn't that the way that you would want your cells to be, what you want your blood to look like. I can get a large amount of information from a small amount of blood. To see it for yourself, brightfield, darkfield and the Oxidative Stress Test, contact me for an appointment. #cellwellbeing #microscope #naturopath #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #vitamin #minerals #health #wellness #health #blood #livebloodanalysis

02.01.2022 Oh, leaky gut. Also known as intestinal dysbiosis, it means that the gut lining isnt being as protective as it should be and is showing signs of inflammation. Over the past few years, Health Practitioners and Industry Leaders have started to voice concerns over the leaky gut - leaky brain cycle, meaning the blood-brain barrier may also be affected by inflammation which puts our delicate neurological balance at risk. We can see this with the ongoing inflammation that ends Dementia but also with other neurological disorders. We need to go back to the source of the imbalance to treat the whole problem. There is no use taking a tablet to dampen down the inflammation if it is just ready to go the moment the tablet wears off. Proper treatment and then preventative care can save years of poor quality of life - our lives. For more information, please contact me for an appointment.

02.01.2022 The simple answer is that it is not simple, as there is a lot of different factors in anyone gaining or losing weight. This is a very interesting subsection of weight loss because of the different effects our hormones have on us.

02.01.2022 Lowering stress

02.01.2022 This is someone elses article, I wanted to share it because sometimes lithium comes up in the deficiency testing. It is good to understand everything that you may be taking and how it works.

01.01.2022 Covid-19 Government Training completed.

01.01.2022 How sweet is too sweet? "Everything in moderation" is a great saying. Fruit is a great treat and mostly goes to our gut bacteria. We get the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. A very interesting science experiment is putting sour cream into mango nectar and watching it separate into orange cream and water over a few hours. ... Artificial sweeteners are not for everyone. Not only do they come up on intolerance tests as a no-no, but they can cause disease-like states which have included a fibromyalgia misdiagnosis. I have posted about this previously but will put the link in the comments. As you can also see from the web MD post I found it is also not good for your cardiovascular system. Fructose, away from its natural source, is not good for us. Fruit is still fine in the normal amount, as our bodies know exactly what to do with it. Fructose as high-fructose corn syrup is too much for our bodies. This commercially generated product is not found in nature in any form. Although it doesn't raise our blood glucose levels, it does stimulate lipogenesis - the generation of a new fat molecule. This new fat often sits in our liver - the diagnosis is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease or NAFLD. This new fat can also go into our LDL's or low density lipoproteins. This then looks like high cholesterol. Cholesterol then becomes the bad guy instead of just a building block and I have written about this before. Link in the comments. The way that sugar becomes fat is very easy, it is just simply 3 x 6 carbon sugars = 18 carbon fat molecule. Commercially produced food products are obviously not that great for us. They can fit into a normal and healthy diet, we do not need to be obsessed or to overthink everything. The issue becomes when we are not aware over the side effects of certain products. Artificial sweeteners are often touted as a great way to maintain weight whilst enjoying the food, however, if we understood the damage that it does to our cardiovascular systems we may rethink our intake. Of course it gets more complex, as our carbohydrates, fats and proteins are there for a reason. You could be eating just the right amount for your body and getting just the right amount but not have the nutrients to actually utilise the carbohydrates, for instance. You cannot actually use your carbohydrates as energy if you are missing iodine, manganese, magnesium, zinc, biotin, inositol and all of your B vitamins. If you are low in just one of these nutrients you will not make energy from your food. You will simply just store it as fat and feel exhausted. If you have any questions regarding anything that I have posted here do not hesitate to contact me for an appointment. #food #intolerance #nutrition #deficiency #fibromyalgia #nafld

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