Tchindi Park in Sheep Station Creek | Local business
Tchindi Park
Locality: Sheep Station Creek
Phone: +61 439 994 441
Address: 1699 Kilcoy Murgon Rd 4515 Sheep Station Creek, QLD, Australia
Likes: 553
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25.01.2022 Its been a very tough week. I know it will be of no surprise and sadly ... Due to the fire and subsequent State of Emergency not only for us but for all we have no option but to CANCEL our Christmas breakup, clinic and Saturday night party. There is no scenario which would allow us to run. 1/ If the fire comes and goes .. We will still have trees and areas to continue to monitor over the coming weeks. 2/ If the fire hasn't made it to us yet . We will be on 24 hr alert 24.../7 until the rain comes which could be weeks or more AND there is no way we would put our Clients in that position. 3/ If we get enough rain to halt the fire our arena wont be usable. Regardless of our situation we are seeing fires popping up near our members and at this point in time it is important that we all keep vigilant and close to our homes. I want to apologise but I know that all will agree that this is our only option and is in the very best interests of everyone. See more
24.01.2022 Two male dashie pups available please pm me for more information 1x shaded red 1x red dapple
24.01.2022 2 horse straight load Otto Tuza, 100 ltr water tank, fold out beds, good condition. 860kg tare
24.01.2022 Thought for the week
22.01.2022 To all our Campdraft Connect family, friends and followers! We wish you all a very merry christmas filled with family, friends and magical moments! I hope Santa brings us all the rain we all so desperately need Hugs and love to you all
21.01.2022 From a psychologist: After having thirty-one sessions this week with patients where the singular focus was COVID-19 and how to cope, I decided to consolidate my... advice and make a list that I hope is helpful to all. I can't control a lot of what is going on right now, but I can contribute this. Edit: I am surprised and heartened that this has been shared so widely! People have asked me to credential myself, so to that end, I am a doctoral level Psychologist in NYS with a Psy.D. in the specialities of School and Clinical Psychology. MENTAL HEALTH WELLNESS TIPS FOR QUARANTINE 1. Stick to a routine. Go to sleep and wake up at a reasonable time, write a schedule that is varied and includes time for work as well as self-care. 2. Dress for the social life you want, not the social life you have. Get showered and dressed in comfortable clothes, wash your face, brush your teeth. Take the time to do a bath or a facial. Put on some bright colors. It is amazing how our dress can impact our mood. 3. Get out at least once a day, for at least thirty minutes. If you are concerned of contact, try first thing in the morning, or later in the evening, and try less traveled streets and avenues. If you are high risk or living with those who are high risk, open the windows and blast the fan. It is amazing how much fresh air can do for spirits. 4. Find some time to move each day, again daily for at least thirty minutes. If you dont feel comfortable going outside, there are many YouTube videos that offer free movement classes, and if all else fails, turn on the music and have a dance party! 5. Reach out to others, you guessed it, at least once daily for thirty minutes. Try to do FaceTime, Skype, phone calls, textingconnect with other people to seek and provide support. Dont forget to do this for your children as well. Set up virtual playdates with friends daily via FaceTime, Facebook Messenger Kids, Zoom, etcyour kids miss their friends, too! 6. Stay hydrated and eat well. This one may seem obvious, but stress and eating often dont mix well, and we find ourselves over-indulging, forgetting to eat, and avoiding food. Drink plenty of water, eat some good and nutritious foods, and challenge yourself to learn how to cook something new! 7. Develop a self-care toolkit. This can look different for everyone. A lot of successful self-care strategies involve a sensory component (seven senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell, vestibular (movement) and proprioceptive (comforting pressure). An idea for each: a soft blanket or stuffed animal, a hot chocolate, photos of vacations, comforting music, lavender or eucalyptus oil, a small swing or rocking chair, a weighted blanket. A journal, an inspirational book, or a mandala coloring book is wonderful, bubbles to blow or blowing watercolor on paper through a straw are visually appealing as well as work on controlled breath. Mint gum, Listerine strips, ginger ale, frozen Starburst, ice packs, and cold are also good for anxiety regulation. For children, it is great to help them create a self-regulation comfort box (often a shoe-box or bin they can decorate) that they can use on the ready for first-aid when overwhelmed. 8. Spend extra time playing with children. Children will rarely communicate how they are feeling, but will often make a bid for attention and communication through play. Dont be surprised to see therapeutic themes of illness, doctor visits, and isolation play through. Understand that play is cathartic and helpful for childrenit is how they process their world and problem solve, and theres a lot they are seeing and experiencing in the now. 9. Give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and a wide berth. A lot of cooped up time can bring out the worst in everyone. Each person will have moments when they will not be at their best. It is important to move with grace through blowups, to not show up to every argument you are invited to, and to not hold grudges and continue disagreements. Everyone is doing the best they can to make it through this. 10. Everyone find their own retreat space. Space is at a premium, particularly with city living. It is important that people think through their own separate space for work and for relaxation. For children, help them identify a place where they can go to retreat when stressed. You can make this place cozy by using blankets, pillows, cushions, scarves, beanbags, tents, and forts. It is good to know that even when we are on top of each other, we have our own special place to go to be alone. 11. Expect behavioral issues in children, and respond gently. We are all struggling with disruption in routine, none more than children, who rely on routines constructed by others to make them feel safe and to know what comes next. Expect increased anxiety, worries and fears, nightmares, difficulty separating or sleeping, testing limits, and meltdowns. Do not introduce major behavioral plans or consequences at this timehold stable and focus on emotional connection. 12. Focus on safety and attachment. We are going to be living for a bit with the unprecedented demand of meeting all work deadlines, homeschooling children, running a sterile household, and making a whole lot of entertainment in confinement. We can get wrapped up in meeting expectations in all domains, but we must remember that these are scary and unpredictable times for children. Focus on strengthening the connection through time spent following their lead, through physical touch, through play, through therapeutic books, and via verbal reassurances that you will be there for them in this time. 13. Lower expectations and practice radical self-acceptance. This idea is connected with #12. We are doing too many things in this moment, under fear and stress. This does not make a formula for excellence. Instead, give yourself what psychologists call radical self acceptance: accepting everything about yourself, your current situation, and your life without question, blame, or pushback. You cannot fail at thisthere is no roadmap, no precedent for this, and we are all truly doing the best we can in an impossible situation. 14. Limit social media and COVID conversation, especially around children. One can find tons of information on COVID-19 to consume, and it changes minute to minute. The information is often sensationalized, negatively skewed, and alarmist. Find a few trusted sources that you can check in with consistently, limit it to a few times a day, and set a time limit for yourself on how much you consume (again 30 minutes tops, 2-3 times daily). Keep news and alarming conversations out of earshot from childrenthey see and hear everything, and can become very frightened by what they hear. 15. Notice the good in the world, the helpers. There is a lot of scary, negative, and overwhelming information to take in regarding this pandemic. There are also a ton of stories of people sacrificing, donating, and supporting one another in miraculous ways. It is important to counter-balance the heavy information with the hopeful information. 16. Help others. Find ways, big and small, to give back to others. Support restaurants, offer to grocery shop, check in with elderly neighbors, write psychological wellness tips for othershelping others gives us a sense of agency when things seem out of control. 17. Find something you can control, and control the heck out of it. In moments of big uncertainty and overwhelm, control your little corner of the world. Organize your bookshelf, purge your closet, put together that furniture, group your toys. It helps to anchor and ground us when the bigger things are chaotic. 18. Find a long-term project to dive into. Now is the time to learn how to play the keyboard, put together a huge jigsaw puzzle, start a 15 hour game of Risk, paint a picture, read the Harry Potter series, binge watch an 8-season show, crochet a blanket, solve a Rubix cube, or develop a new town in Animal Crossing. Find something that will keep you busy, distracted, and engaged to take breaks from what is going on in the outside world. 19. Engage in repetitive movements and left-right movements. Research has shown that repetitive movement (knitting, coloring, painting, clay sculpting, jump roping etc) especially left-right movement (running, drumming, skating, hopping) can be effective at self-soothing and maintaining self-regulation in moments of distress. 20. Find an expressive art and go for it. Our emotional brain is very receptive to the creative arts, and it is a direct portal for release of feeling. Find something that is creative (sculpting, drawing, dancing, music, singing, playing) and give it your all. See how relieved you can feel. It is a very effective way of helping kids to emote and communicate as well! 21. Find lightness and humor in each day. There is a lot to be worried about, and with good reason. Counterbalance this heaviness with something funny each day: cat videos on YouTube, a stand-up show on Netflix, a funny moviewe all need a little comedic relief in our day, every day. 22. Reach out for helpyour team is there for you. If you have a therapist or psychiatrist, they are available to you, even at a distance. Keep up your medications and your therapy sessions the best you can. If you are having difficulty coping, seek out help for the first time. There are mental health people on the ready to help you through this crisis. Your childrens teachers and related service providers will do anything within their power to help, especially for those parents tasked with the difficult task of being a whole treatment team to their child with special challenges. Seek support groups of fellow home-schoolers, parents, and neighbors to feel connected. There is help and support out there, any time of the dayalthough we are physically distant, we can always connect virtually. 23. Chunk your quarantine, take it moment by moment. We have no road map for this. We dont know what this will look like in 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month from now. Often, when I work with patients who have anxiety around overwhelming issues, I suggest that they engage in a strategy called chunkingfocusing on whatever bite-sized piece of a challenge that feels manageable. Whether that be 5 minutes, a day, or a week at a timefind what feels doable for you, and set a time stamp for how far ahead in the future you will let yourself worry. Take each chunk one at a time, and move through stress in pieces. 24. Remind yourself daily that this is temporary. It seems in the midst of this quarantine that it will never end. It is terrifying to think of the road stretching ahead of us. Please take time to remind yourself that although this is very scary and difficult, and will go on for an undetermined amount of time, it is a season of life and it will pass. We will return to feeing free, safe, busy, and connected in the days ahead. 25. Find the lesson. This whole crisis can seem sad, senseless, and at times, avoidable. When psychologists work with trauma, a key feature to helping someone work through said trauma is to help them find their agency, the potential positive outcomes they can effect, the meaning and construction that can come out of destruction. What can each of us learn here, in big and small ways, from this crisis? What needs to change in ourselves, our homes, our communities, our nation, and our world?
21.01.2022 This is 1 km from us They are trying to hold it ! We spent the past few days doing whatever we could to assist at the frontline but now its time to make home ...base and protect ! We are ready with a comprehensive plan in place and our team on the ground at the ready ! We are cautiously confident that our plan is solid! Now the wait! Weve got this This weather and fire can rack off #prayforrain #tchindipark See more
18.01.2022 It is our job to educate our hands and our legs so that we can align the horses body. That means working on our feel, timing and balance every day. Your feel, ...timing and balance will increase the more you ride your horse, but be warned, you can ride horses every day of your life and not become a very good rider. Its a matter of studying these elements. Its generally considered that one cannot teach feel. I wont dispute that, but I do know that feel is certainly improved by awareness. Your feel will increase by being more aware of whats happening down through your seat and your legs and the more obscure parts of the horse. Most of us are readily aware of whats happening with the horse from his shoulders forward because its in front of our vision. Were less aware of whats happening behind our legs and seat because its not in our line of vision. This is where we need to be more conscious of feel. One of the ways you can do this is to count the cadence in your horses feet. Becoming more aware of your horses foot fall will give you a greater sense of feel. -Ian Francis See more
17.01.2022 Heading to an ACA event this weekend? #ACA #ACAEvent #DoTheThree #COVIDSafe
15.01.2022 SOLD SOLD SOLD! LADY 3 year old bay welsh B pony standing about 12hh ( not measured and no papers ). Selling due to no fault of her own. Lady is a very quie...t but green broke pony with a big future ahead of her. This little mare would suit lead line or experienced off lead rider as she still needs more miles put under her. Selling only to THE best of homes. Lady has mainly been trail riding through bush and out along roads with lots of traffic. She is easy to float, trim, lead, tie up, wash, catch and get on and go after a spell. She has been taken out to the Caboolture in door arena around many different horses and handled it very well. A beautiful pony that takes everything in her stride! *Serious Inquiries only as this is a very hard decision to make.* Location: kurwongbah Please pm for price, more photos/videos or information.
15.01.2022 Getting ready for manumbar ??? Lessons available leading up to Thursday ! So many of us need to get the cow fresh out if our horses! Contact me for availability
13.01.2022 Thought for the week
10.01.2022 Excellent condition, 240v power. Fully enclosed. New floor 6 months ago. Extended front with tack box and saddle racks. Tool box on side. New rubber floor. Easy lift tailgate. Negotiable on price.
10.01.2022 I am my worst critic. We need to be gentle with ourselves.
10.01.2022 10,000 Registered stock horse mare. 9 yrs old, 14.2 hh Very showy type Great to do any thing with ... Excels in hacking, pony club and stock horse classes Currently been ridden by a 14 yr old girl Has done campdrafting, mustering, ponyclub, showing,stock horse classes and jumping Very sensible mare would suit a 12 to 18 yr old girl or a lady Very friendly mare Pls call 0429496283 for any further information See more
10.01.2022 Lets get ready to Draft With Covid restrictions lifting its time we began preparing for the opening up of our drafting! We are offering small group or 1-1 lessons We have Bentang and a small herd of weaners Contact us for availability or if you wish to join a small group ! We will do our best to match up individuals with others to make your time more affordable $110 per hour -1person $99 per hour per person -2 people $77per hour per person (2 hours minimum)- 3 peopl...e $55 per hour per person (2hours minimum but suggest 3 hours to be beneficial) - 4 -6 people! Weekdays are most suitable for us with some weekends time slots available ! We will do our very best to fit everyone into suitable times and dates Cant wait to see everyone soon ! We have a covid-19 safety policy which will need to be followed strictly
09.01.2022 Let’s get ready to Draft With Covid restrictions lifting its time we began preparing for the opening up of our drafting! We are offering small group or 1-1 lessons We have Bentang and a small herd of weaners Contact us for availability or if you wish to join a small group ! We will do our best to match up individuals with others to make your time more affordable $110 per hour -1person $99 per hour per person -2 people $77per hour per person (2 hours minimum)- 3 peopl...e $55 per hour per person (2hours minimum but suggest 3 hours to be beneficial) - 4 -6 people! Weekdays are most suitable for us with some weekends time slots available ! We will do our very best to fit everyone into suitable times and dates Can’t wait to see everyone soon ! We have a covid-19 safety policy which will need to be followed strictly
09.01.2022 Thinking out loud! I have been working with our clients before their coaching sessions around how my neuroscience has so much effect on my ability to compete. If I can understand how my brain works in my riding I can make better decisions and do some work to get focused and can be far better in competition environments. All of us have an inner voice and when we are stressed, nervous or worried it can be as loud as church bells and is completely unhelpful. We hear messages as " everyones looking at you " or "you're gonna mess this up" etc. This is unhelpful in the moment and unless we can quieten it we cannot do the job we have worked so hard to do. Its simple but not easy to get focused in a competition especially one as complex as Campdrafting. Most of us know what its like to do a campdraft run and not remember a single thing or don't breath for the whole run? This is our brain science and not assisting us to be the best we can be. We need to have the skills to saddle and bridle our brains and ride the 8 seconds. This is one of my roles in the coaching team here at Tchindi Park and it is such an honor to use my knowledge to assist others to grow and feel so much more in control of themselves in competing. One of my former coaches and mentors once said " Campdrafting is 50% attitude" and I now know this is what he was talking about. Karen See more
09.01.2022 Some of our previous Flyers were not clear, so we have reformatted for your information. Please click on this link to secure your position.
06.01.2022 Congratulations Julie Watson for winning our promotion last month. Julie Liked and shared our post and has been drawn out of a hat for the win of a 1 hour lesson with Luke. Please contact me Julie for your voucher.
05.01.2022 Unfortunately children grow.... and when that happens ponies need new homes with smaller people. One of our little ladies ponies will be needing a new home. If you are looking or know someone looking please share our Gizmo with them! He is a true legend. Please pm for more details.
04.01.2022 I rarely post but .....Thankyou to all our family and friends who have contacted us to check in with the fires so close to our home ! It has been a crazy 24 with a front moving all around us ! We are safe and it has not been a danger to us even though it took a lot of convincing from my champion son Travis who had to take me for a drive to check on the fires whereabouts and left this morning to help our friends fight the imminent front on their property Our Road is eerily quiet this morning with Jimna having been evacuated and the only traffic is fire trucks or utes with water or diesel or the constant fly over of water aircraft Our hearts go out to the people of Jimna, the hero firefighters and emergency service personnel up on the front line ! The wind has picked up this morning and the smoke haze is thick ! Our tanks have been pumped full and our front gates are open to anyone in need! Our thoughts and prayers are with all our neighbors and friends! See more
04.01.2022 So true and relevant when we discuss learning !
04.01.2022 We have been very busy here around the places
03.01.2022 Trainer - What day is it Student - Wednesday Trainer - What day is it Student - The 5th Trainer - What day is it ... Student - Trainer - I kept asking you the same question and you gave me the right answer, but I didnt accept it as right. So you changed your answer, got frustrated and confused. This is exactly how your horse can feel if you miss the release! #Horses #HorsesOfInstagram #Horsemanship #HorseTrainer #HorseLife #HorseTraining #CuttingHorse #PDR #LifeBetweenTheEars #BetweenTheEars #LifeInTheSaddle #LiveWithPurpose #Live #Love #Life #FailingForward #BitByBit #MakingProgress #TakeTheTimeItTakes #DoTheRightThings #DoSimpleThings #ComfortableRelaxedWilling
03.01.2022 Shaldons Alymay Te Q-76499 9 year old Bay mare. ... 14-14.1 hh This mare has done plenty of team penning, ranch sorting, had 2 campdraft starts but has attended many drafts turning cattle back, 3 months at feed lot. She is a kind mare and has been well travelled , easy to catch, shoe, float. Ridden by an older intermediate lady. May is a quiet, pretty little mare that would make an excellent all round pony club mount as she is quick on her feet. She is currently at professional trainer. 3800 ono. Please NO time wasters Location ...Kilcoy Qld PM me if interested
03.01.2022 We are all looking forward to the 2020 campdraft season and of course praying for rain. If you want to use this down time to fine tune your skills and grow ......For December and January we are offering an opportunity for individuals or groups to book coaching lessons for hourly or daily rates. Contact us for pricing and date availability.
03.01.2022 We have a group booked in for a private clinic this weekend-15th&16th August ! They have had a couple of cancellations so have a few spots available! We will be utilizing our Bengtang, dry work & me-cow ! We have limited spaces due to covid restrictions so first in will fill it ! Please pm me for contact details and costs which will be shared amongst the group according to numbers !
02.01.2022 We stepped out of our normal world and had a great day at the Toogoolawah cutting ! Luke won the open snafflebit on Whisper , Karen won the maiden snaffle it on Kittens and Luke came third in the maiden snaffle it on Pluck Duck . Kodi won the juvenile on Susie Q! Danielle rode in her first event ever and nailed it on rerun cattle ( Very proud of her ) It was a fantastic day ! Thankyou to Julianne & Rick at JR Cutting for the day and cattle donors ( especially Amy Bidgood(Harrison) Campdrafting is our passion but it was cool to have a go
01.01.2022 Arena prep for our private clinic under way We all need to sing as we work
01.01.2022 Great little man Just in time for a very special christmas present
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