Top Dog Pawformance in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Dog boarding centre
Top Dog Pawformance
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 499 768 041
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23.01.2022 HOW TO START TEACHING YOUR DOG TO LOVE THEIR CRATE... - I reckon crate training is essential. Traveling with your dog is made safer (no more worries while unpacking the car and unable to supervise) Vet visits and grooming visits are WAY less stressful on your dog. Management and prevention at home at made super simple... so why not? - 1. Start with the lure. Toss some food into the crate, allow your dog to climb in and eat the food. Before they climb out on their own, release... your dog using their release cue and reward them outside of the crate. This will make the crate exercise more like a game to start. - 2. Begin saying your chosen cue (I use "Kennel") as your dog is climbing into the crate, reward once theyre in there, then release and reward. *NOTE* Ill usually wait for the dog to be offering the behavior without a lure before I start adding the cue. - 3. Begin closing the crate, rewarding your dog while the door is closed. Make sure not to leave too much time between rewards, but dont go overboard and reward every second. Watch your dog and reward the behavior you like while theyre in there. If they aw or whine at the crate, you may have waited too long. Instead of letting them out if that happens, wait for them to settle first, then reward them after 5 seconds of calm quiet, then open the crate and allow them to climb out. - 4. Boundary manners apply at the crate too! Make sure your dog isnt allowed to rush out of the crate as soon as the door is opened. If they try to leave before hearing their release cue, simply say "uhuh" and quickly close the crate door, blocking them from exiting. Wait a few seconds (or until theyve settled again completely) before trying to open the crate again. Reward manners at the boundary, then release and reward. (Or you could use "lets go" at this point.) - Is your dog crate trained? Share why you decided TO or NOT TO, crate train your dog - #cratetraining #learn #to #love #howto #how #to #dogtraining #dogtrainer #brisbane #topdogpawformance #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge #day8 #trainyourdog #lifesbetter #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
22.01.2022 3 BIGGEST LESSONS I TEACH MY CLIENTS... - 1. COMMUNICATION. COMPREHENSION. CONSISTENCY. With all of these in place, the training journey really starts making sense for the whole team. You could communicate until youre blue in the face, but without comprehension, no one is getting anywhere. You could communicate and everyone comprehend whats being said or done, but without consistency, the work / lessons will never stick. -... 2. F.A.I.L = FIRST. ATTEMPT. IN. LEARNING. I dont expect you or your dog to get it perfect! Even if its not your first attempt, lets call it "Further.Attempts.In.Learning" and use errors and failures and stepping stones to success, rather than stumbling blocks! - 3. SELF-EVALUATION . I cannot stress how critical this is. If youre never able to see your own flaws or even strengths, making progress will always feel like an uphill battle. Some things Ive taken to strongly recommending are: . Filming yourself train your dog and watching your recordings back. Take notes of things you notice and even think back to what you were thinking or feeling when something didnt go right in the session youre watching back. . Share your videos in your personal training group with me for feedback and advice, Im not going to judge you (I might call you on BS if I need to, but always with the intent to see you reach your potential!) . If you dont know; ask! - What are 3 of the biggest lessons youve learned when training your dog? Comment below - #communication #comprehension #consistency #lessons #learned #taught #firstattemptinlearning #fail #selfevaluation #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #topdogpawformance #brisbane #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge #day9 See more
22.01.2022 This morning, I met with Cleo, Benji and their owners for the next lesson of their "On Leash Control Private" Lesson Program. - Major props to this team who continue to blow me away with how much progress theyve made between each lesson. Youre well and truly some of my most favorite, dedicated and consistent clients and your hard work really shows! - During their lesson, we focuses on:... - Increase in criteria / difficulty with loose leash walking, recalls and sit stays. - Introduced tie outs (both dogs nailing it first go!) - Discussed different management options for times when Cleo and Benji are together but unsupervised - Worked on creating more clarity in Benjis environmental release cue - This team always makes me smile! Whether I start the day or finish the day working with them, their continued commitment to reaching their full potential with their dogs is hugely refreshing! - Keep up the great work guys! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dog #training #frenchies #frenchbulldogs #obedience #behaviour #distractions #proofing #recalls #sitstay #looseleashwalking #leash #manners #clarity #consistency #hardwork See more
20.01.2022 Taking a trip down memory lane to this years NePoPo seminar. Such a truly awesome experience. Felt way more in tune and confident in Brocks and my relationship after LOADS of work on myself and a solid revisit to his foundations. Wasnt perfect, but I was out of my own way and Brock showed the fruits of our joint efforts from throughout the year prior. - Thanks again Pat for patiently directing us during this workshop. I cant wait for the next one
20.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with Sasha and her owner for the 3rd Walk & Train of their "Unleashed Potential" Private Lesson Program. - Our Walk & Train this week consisted of: - Further proofing loose leash walking... - Proofing handler focus and focus exercises - Proofing Drops and Sit stays - Further confidence building around the skate park - Sasha and her owner have made huge progress together since their first lesson. Sashas owners handling skills continue to improve and seeing the increase in confidence and massive improvements in self control Sasha has made is awesome! - Keep up the excellent work team! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #amstaff #staffy #americanstaffy #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
20.01.2022 I have to say; the teams Im working with are absolutely blowing me away with the progress Im seeing them make! - You know who you all are!!! Well done guys!!!
19.01.2022 A quick lunch stop @ilikeramenco makes for the perfect opportunity to practice a bit of "cafe` manners". - With the wet weather on the coast and in Brisbane, its also a great chance to teach Mabel how to feel comfortable working in the wet too. - #topdogpawformance @k9_intuition #goldcoast #brisbane #dogtraining #dogtrainer #assistancedogintraining #adit #labradoodle #trainyourdog #cafe #manners #selfcontrol #learning
18.01.2022 Show me your doggo lock screen!
17.01.2022 Ready for a day of teaching, learning and fun! - Mabel and Brock are mates with good boundaries. These two act as if theyve known each other forever and are old news. - Relationship games and charging markers for Mabel today. As well as experiencing the sights, smells and sounds of Brisbane as she travels with myself and Brock this morning.... - #topdogpawformance #dogtraining #brisbane #life #of #mabel #adit #assistancedogintraining #labradoodle #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #learning #training #trainyourdog #lifes #better See more
17.01.2022 Today, Mabel showed AWESOME comprehension of the skills weve worked on so far, as well as some really nice improvements in her confidence around heavy traffic. - This session is in preparation for heavier foot traffic areas like grocery stores and eventually shopping malls. - She practiced ignoring strangers,even when they were talking loudly or walking close by to her and did an amazing job. She also practiced ignoring other dogs passing by at a distance. ... - We worked on precision in matching pace, tight turns, stopping by my side and low level exposure to shopping trolleys, carts, fridge doors, bottles moving and slippery surfaces. - Mabel is a little legend and is loved by everyone (from afar) everywhere we go. - #adit #assistancedogintraining #topdogpawformance #labradoodle #mabel #exposure #training #bottleshop #confidencebuilding #skills #proofing #practice #trainyourdog #dogtraining #brisbane #dogtrainer #labradoodlesofbrisbane @k9_intuition See more
12.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with this absolute stunner (Leo) for the 1st Walk & Train of his "Every-day Essentials" Private Lesson Program. - This lesson focused on: - Proofing boundary manners, leash manners and handler engagement under distraction.... - Improving Leos manners while crossing roads - Leo has some nervousness about him, so building up his confidence is also a big part of our lessons together. Were using the skills hes learnt throughout his program so far, to support his confidence building and from what I saw during his lesson on Sunday, he and his owners are doing great! - #GSD #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
12.01.2022 Paws For Thought - Episode.18 - This week, Im actually have my together, and have 2 special guests joining us to chat on their experiences and thoughts in raising kids in a household with high drive / working dogs (still applicable to pet dogs too!) - Come join Sharonika Williams, founder and trainer of Clear Canine, new mum and caregiver to some seriously kool GSDs... And Pat Stuart, All round good guy, pretty alright with a dog, and dad to probably one of the koolest kids Ive ever seen. Catch him on The Canine Paradigm and at Operant Canine also - Dont forget to get your questions into the comments section to make sure youre heard! - Catch you all there, Wednesday 11am AEST! - #LIVE #QANDA #DOGTRAINING
11.01.2022 F.A.I.L - First. Attempt. In. Learning. - (Also "FURTHER attempts in learning.")... - Failure is part of the learning process. We learn from our mistakes and with the right support networks and healthy boundaries, we succeed. - How will you treat you circumstances today? As a stepping stone towards success with your dog, or as a stumbling block in the way of your goals? - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #fail #firstattemptinlearning #furtherattemptsinlearning #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #programs #trainyourdog #goals #steppingstones #or #stumblingblocks See more
10.01.2022 Today, I met with Cooper and his owner for the next lesson of their "On Leash Control" Private Lesson Program. - In todays lesson, we focused on: - More accuracy with timing of rewards, leash pressure and corrections ... - Increased criteria for Coopers loose leash walking - Began planning for Coopers reintroduction to the groomers - Coopers owner is undoubtedly making massive strides in her handling and training with Cooper. I feel confident that she and Cooper are well on their way to achieving the long term goals shes set out for, I cant wait to see that happen! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable #corgi See more
10.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with Scout for the 1st Walk & Train of his "Unleashed Potential" Private Lesson Program. - During Scouts Walk & Train, we focused on: - Behaviour and response towards dogs barking behind fences (seen and unseen)... - Refining leash walking position and engagement with his handler - Tie outs for independence building - Began the foundations of the recall exercise - Scout is such a lovely, goofy fella, so happy to see everyone! Though he can get pretty antsy and has a bit of a short fuse when it comes to getting his way, hes made loads of progress since he and his owner started their program! - Want help teaching your dog to mind their manners and to be able to take them everywhere with you? Get in touch with a DM or through to learn more about how I can help. - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #wolfhoundx #walkandtrain #leashmanners #behavior #obedience #looseleashwalking #recalls #tieouts #independencetraining #confidencebuilding #impulsecontrol #trainyourdog #lifesbetter See more
09.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with Sasha and her owner for the 2nd Walk& train of their "Unleashed Potential" Private Lesson Program. - During her Walk & Train, I focused on: - Helping Sasha regulate her emotions more around even higher levels of competing motivators (dog park full of dogs, dogs passing by closer than they have in the past.)... - Proofing Sashas ability to focus on her handler - Proofing leash manners, sit stays and drops. - While this session wasnt perfect, Sashas ability to engage with her handler and follow directions has improved 100 fold since we first started training together. Im seriously proud of both Sasha and her owner. - Well done!! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #train #your #dog #lifes #better #confidencebuilding #impulsecontrol #focus See more
09.01.2022 When my clients win with their dogs, its a little hard not to get excited! - Everyones goals are different, some of them easier to achieve than others, but that doesnt make any wins less meaningful and exciting than the next! - #celebrate #wins #trainyourdog #lifesbetter #dogtraining #1to1 #privatelessons #dogtrainer #topdogpawformance #brisbane #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge
09.01.2022 This morning I met with Peypey and her owners for their initial lesson to begin steering their training journey back on track. - During their initial lesson, we worked on: - Setting up clear communication with markers... - Establishing boundaries when guests arrive (addressing attention seeking and nervous barking) - Addressing jumping and climbing up onto people for attention when not invited - Leash communication and manners - Confidence and comfortibility around collar handling and faster movements - PeyPey is such a sweet sausage! We worked up her confidence throughout the lesson and had huge success with her engagement and leash manners skills even outside the home when it came time to switch locations. PeyPeys owners did an awesome job at co-ordinating with the new leash handling, timing of rewards and leash communication. - Very well done team! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
08.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with Scout and his owner for the next lesson if their "Unleashed Potential" Private Lesson Program. - During their lesson we focused on: - The foundations of a reliable recall... - Building enthusiasm and motivation to take the reward by introducing some resistance - Planning for the next steps of the recall and problem solving other areas in Scouts training - Working with this team is an absolutely dream and loads of fun! Im excited to see these two smash it with their training! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
07.01.2022 On Sunday, I met with Frank and his owner for the next lesson of their "On Leash Control" Private Lesson Program. - During their lesson, we focused on: - Further improving Franks owners timing and handling skills in higher stress situations... - Proofing Franks leash manners and added the "sniff" cue - Discussed different options of how to handle the general public and their dogs - Frank and his owners have come such a long way since we first started. His owners have made huge improvements in their handling skills and Franks ability to focus and stability are really showing it. We still have work to do to get this team going everywhere they can go with a dog and the training journey doesnt end when the sessions do, but this team gets that and Im loving their dedication and commitment to achieving their goals. - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #gsd #germanshepherd #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
06.01.2022 Thank you to Gabriele Joy at Canine Ascension for allowing me to use this quote - Powerful and inspirational words. It was this quote that made me create Work S...hop Raw If we choose to live with facultative & obligate carnivores, it is our responsibility to provide them the diet they biologically require.
05.01.2022 Miss Mabel arrived today to begin her intensive training in preparation for becoming a future assistance dog. - She is absolutely sweet as honey! - #topdogpawformance #assistance #dog #in #training #life #of #mabel #dogtraining #puppies #labradoodle #lifes #better #with #dogs #puppy #boardingschool @k9_intuition
04.01.2022 3 MOST COMMON MISTAKES NEW DOG OWNERS MAKE - 1# Too much freedom, way too soon! Part of introducing a new dog into your household and lifestyle, whether theyre a puppy or an adult dog, is management and prevention of unwanted behaviours. Way too many new dog owners jump straight into giving their new dog free reign in the home and in the yard, leading to destruction of property, door dashing, counter surfing, the rubbish bins being raided and MORE.... Restricting freedoms isnt being cruel or abusive to your dog or puppy, youll set them up for success when you do, by preventing them from learning how to do those unwanted behaviours in the first place! - 2# "Free For All" Puppy Schools. Dont get me wrong, some puppy schools are great and handle the class setting beautifully. OTHERS I wouldnt trust with the training of a puppy as far as I could throw them (the people running the class not the puppy!) Your puppies critical period of development shouldnt be left in the balance, this is where a lot of the clients Im seeing now, have issues with their dogs stemming from! Their dogs had way too much value placed in playing or meeting other dogs OR were totally traumatized by unscrupulous trainers letting them "sort it out" with other puppies during their "socialization" - 3# Waiting until final vaccination to begin training / socialization (exposure and habituation) This usually means waiting until after 16wks. At that point, your puppies critical period for foundational learning has closed. Theyre a sponge during this time and have so much potential to learn the great value in you and the wonders of the world which youre there to guide them through. So many miss out on this opportunity and end up timid, nervy, fearful dogs with poor sociability and stunted ability to retain information in worst case scenarios! - #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge #common #mistakes #freedom #puppyschools #missed #learning See more
03.01.2022 On Tuesday, I met with Leo and his owner for the next lesson of their "Unleashed Potential" Private Lesson Program. - During their lesson, we focused on: - Boundary manners (door manners, reinforcing waiting calmly and not treating an open door as an invitation to enter or exit)... - Loose leash walking (refining Leos walking position so he no longer believes walking out in front at the end of the leash gets him where he wants to go and what he wants to do) - Leash Manners (clarifying the boundaries being set as to what is and is not allowed while Leo is on leash) - Behaviour on leash around the nemesis dog next door (making clear to Leo that lunging to the end of the leash [^ as worked on above] is still not okay, even though there is another dog present) - Confidence and focus with other dogs present (teaching Leo that its not his concern if there are dogs around and that the appropriate thing to do, which leads to good stuff for him, is to sit back and allow his owner to handle the situation) - Leos owners confidence and skills are building and with that, Leo is starting to get the picture that there are things his owners wants and doesnt want from him. Because these boundaries and expectations are being consistently reinforced, Leo is making heaps of progress already. Im genuinely excited for whats in store for this team when they achieve their training goals! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
03.01.2022 On Tuesday I met with Koda and her owner for the 2nd lesson of their "Every-Day"Essentials Private Lesson Program. - This week, we focused on: - Improving Kodas understanding of the boundaries while on leash... - Building Kodas confidence and her owners handling and communication skills - Adding duration to Kodas crate training - Koda has shown a lack in confidence while also being slightly impulsive, not a good mix! BUT with her owners consistently and fairly following through on the boundaries theyve set, Im certain Koda is going to really shine and show us her best self. Shes already a lovely dog, so with the obedience and clarity she needs, shell be be brilliant! - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #boarding #school #board #and #train #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
03.01.2022 On Tuesday, I met with Gus, Ruby and their owners for the next lesson of their "On Leash Control" Private Lesson Program. - During their lesson, we focused on: - Consistency and fair follow through of boundaries... - The power of play and rules of play - Recalls and loose leash walking - This team rocks! Theyre doing an AWESOME job at applying their work and are enthusiastic about getting it right! Both Gus and Ruby are showing great improvements in their focus and obedience - Im stoked to see this team back on track and super close to achieving their long term goals! - Need help getting your dogs behavior or obedience back on track? Finding outings frustrating or stressful or not able to trust your dog to behave, even at home? Send me a message via DM or through to learn how I can help. - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #consistency #trainyourdog #lifes #better #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable #recalls #comewhencalled #powerofplay See more
01.01.2022 Hey guys! No live today!
01.01.2022 5 THINGS I KEEP IN MY CAR WHICH JUST MAKE SENSE... - Spare Leads! I never know when I may need them! - Demo box with the essential equipment and other necessities (like water bottle / paper & pen)... - Phone charger! Holy dooly, my phone acts as my mobile business station for calls, emails, social media, filming client lessons, photography client dogs AND the occasional (see more often than I should be) scroll through the socials. - Hands free phone mount! Not has this been useful for map reading and answering calls! I would have a Bluetooth phone kit in the car too, but our radio antenna broke (oops / not my fault) - Big bag of healthy treats for refills throughout the day! Super important!!! - I also keep multiple first aid kits in the car as well!!! - What do you keep in your car which just makes sense? - #topdogpawformance #leads #leash #demo #equipment #charging #cable #handsfree #treats #dogtraining #brisbane #australia #car #essentials #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable See more
01.01.2022 "HACKS" (or more aptly put, ESSENTIALS) for effective dog training. - Markers - a word or noise youve made to mean something specific to your dog, which marks a moment in time, with the intention or reinforcing or punishing a behavior. - A marker is like capturing a picture of a moment in time, in your dogs brain! They Think in pictures and sequences of events, not words. By using markers consistently, you create a sort of "album" for youe dog, of the behaviour/s they were... performing at certain moments in time when they heard those "markers" and theyll either seek to replicate the ones which caused the good stuff or avoid the ones which had unpleasant consequences! Relationship. This is built through fair and consistent interactions, the boundaries and structure within your home and lifestyle together, how you play together and live with one another. - Suitable equipment. This essentially means that your dog is unique just as you are! Not every dog learns the same and so shouldnt be made to train with exactly the same equipment if not suitable! - Motivation. This ones pretty self explanatory. You wouldnt go to work for skittles instead of "legal tender" (money) (?) and you wouldnt tell your boss to F off, because youre motivated to keep that job so you can pay the bills and hopefully because you enjoy the work youre doing (lol) - #topdogpawformance #australia #brisbane #logan #goldcoast #redcliffe #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #training #trainer #puppy #lessons #private #lesson #program #30dayreelschallenge @30dayreelschallenge #obedient #dogs #are #more #fun #safe #polite #enjoyable
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