The Dental Surgery in Belconnen in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | General dentist
The Dental Surgery in Belconnen
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6251 3460
Address: Suite 119A, Level1, 2617 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Likes: 114
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25.01.2022 Скъпи приятели и съмишленици! От името на благодарните български евреи- некомунисти и не тарикати, ви отправям тази покана! Моля, идете и заради мен! Хората,... които спасиха евреите, намиращи се в държавните граници на Царство България и които защитиха честта на тогавашна толерантна България, заслужават няколко минути почит и признание! Моля, споделете това съобщение на вашите стени. Благодаря от все сърце! На 10 март, в 12:00 ч., и тази година за пореден път родолюбиви и благодарни българи и евреи, заедно с гости от Израел и други страни, ще отбележат Деня на спасяването на евреите от България на най-емблематичното за тая цел място - Мемориал на спасителите, на ул. Московска 33, разположен на фона на северната страна на древната базилика Св. София. Събитието се организира ежегодно от Клуба на приятелите българи и евреи (КПБЕ) и Българо-еврейския научен институт (БЕНИ), в съдружие с посочените по-долу организации. Отбелязваме, че датата 10 март е единствената официално обявена с указ на Министерския съвет на Република България дата за поклонението. Ще почетем и гибелта на близо 6 милиона евреи от завзетите от Хитлеристка Германия страни, както и спасяването на десетки хиляди евреи от тези страни в и през България по пътя им към Обетованата земя. Имаме честта да Ви поканим да се присъедините към нас за отбелязването на този величав момент чрез поставяне на цветя и венци и изслушване на кратко паметно слово.
24.01.2022 The Dental Surgery in Belconnen - COVID-19 Response Update. In accordance with Australian Dental Association (ADA) recommendations, the Dental Surgery in Belconnen are deferring all non-urgent (routine) dental treatment until further notice. If you are experiencing any dental discomfort/pain and are in otherwise good health, please call us on (02) 6251 3460 to schedule an emergency appointment.... Our highest priority, as it has always been, is the health and safety of our patients and staff. As such, we request that if you are feeling unwell to please observe government self-isolation measures and remain at home. The Dental Surgery staff will be calling patients in the coming days to reschedule all non-urgent appointments. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding at this time, and will keep you updated as the situation develops. Warm regards, Leannea Nicholas Practice Manager
23.01.2022 Who will win the grand final colouring in cup? Loving Milena’s creativity with the raiders tooth anatomy #upthemilk #canberraraiders
19.01.2022 The Dental Surgery in Belconnen - COVID-19 Response Update. Dental restrictions have been eased to level 1. This means we are open for all dental procedures including checkup and cleaning. Our staff will be contacting patients whose appointments were cancelled or put on hold in recent weeks due to COVID-19. We will continue to meet the high standards of infection control with added COVID -19 precautions. Please continue to practice social distancing in our waiting areas. ... Thank you for your understanding and support throughout this time. We look forward to seeing you in the near future. Stay safe Belconnen. Lena Nicholas, Practice manager
19.01.2022 Arrived just in time for Christmas! make a consultation appointment today to start your teeth whitening journey
17.01.2022 Dr Milena with our finalist award, for #localbusinessawards2019 #outstandinghealthimprovementservices We are so humbled that our work has been appreciated in the community and incredibly grateful to our patients who put their trust in us!
16.01.2022 You can now book appointments online via our website.
14.01.2022 The Dental Surgery in Belconnen - COVID-19 Response Update. We understand the uncertainty that the community is experiencing at this time and want to assure our patients that the surgery will remain open and operating as usual, until we are advised otherwise.... Our highest priority, as it has always been, is the health and safety of our patients and staff. As such, we request that if you are experiencing any cold, flu or gastro like symptoms, to please call us on (02) 6251 3460 to reschedule your appointment. While we are maintaining the highest level of sterilization and infection control possible, as a healthcare provider it is our responsibility to take every reasonable precaution in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding at this time, and will keep you updated as the situation develops. Warm regards, Leannea Nicholas Practice Manager
13.01.2022 One of our trusted patients left his business card today! Access to free meditation on his web page for everyone that needs some help! Stay safe! Look after yourself and your loved ones!
09.01.2022 Dogs are the best!
07.01.2022 Little tips that will help with keeping your oral health immaculate!
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