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Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum | Other

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Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum

Phone: +61 422 331 847

Address: 3 Perseverance Road 5091 Tea Tree Gully, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Okay photography buffs, here is your chance to promote and celebrate our States heritage by taking a photo of a State heritage place or area to win a prize! See the flyer and website for all the details!

24.01.2022 Yahoo!!! Thank you, thank you - We have now reached in excess of 1000 Facebook followers. We have our achieved our goal before this weekends opening!

24.01.2022 Thank you everyone for your patience during our temporary closure. If all goes to plan, we are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather and hope that we can re-open for SPRING IN THE GARDEN in October!! This will be an outdoor event, with a sausage sizzle and Devonshire Tea (with COVID-19 compliant service) and assorted plants for sale. Please watch our Facebook page for further details about this future event!

24.01.2022 Dont forget our March Heritage on Sunday event is this week. We hope you can make it!!

23.01.2022 ARE YOU READY? We now only need another 10 fantastic Facebook followers to reach our goal of 1000 Followers!! This is great work everyone. Thank you for your ongoing interest and engagement. We are so close now... This just shows the wonderful support for our local museum.

23.01.2022 In consideration of the latest news relating to the potential spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the declaration of a public health emergency, a decision has been made for the safety of our volunteers and visitors to CANCEL ALL EVENTS AND OPENINGS at the museum until the END OF APRIL. This includes the cancellation of the Chop Picnic. Please note this situation will be reassessed close to the end of April and further information will follow. We look forward to recommencing happy times at the museum.

22.01.2022 For those brave who gave their lives so we could live our lives. We pay tribute the past and present service men and women. Lest we forget.

22.01.2022 Please note that this event has been cancelled.

21.01.2022 Tomorrow is the big day! SPRING IN THE GARDEN The weather is set to be beautiful so come on down and see what’s been happening at the @ttgheritage museum! Don’t forget to social distance! ... #spring #garden #openday #heritage #museum #teatreegully #community See more

20.01.2022 UPDATE 2 - The National Trust of SA has made the unavoidable decision to cancel SAs History Festival 2020 which was scheduled for the month of May. Due to the uncertainty of the evolving COVID-19 pandemic, it would be irresponsible to continue. As a result, the Museum will NOT BE HOLDING History Month events which includes High Tea in the 2-3 May and the Gala Opening On 17 May. Further information about future events will be provided in due course.

20.01.2022 Something from Jenny about the TEA TREE GULLY HERITAGE MUSEUM GIFT SHOP - The Museum welcomes many visitors who include a visit to the Blossoms and Lace Gift Shop which is housed within the building. It is stocked with a large variety of quality handmade gifts which amaze its many visitors. We are extremely fortunate to have several volunteers who are willing to share their skills and donate goods to the Museum, which reflect their many talents. The stock covers a range re...lated to the Museum, as well as goods suitable for all occasion gifts. The Museum range includes items made by the Museum Blacksmith in the Blacksmith Shop on the premises, lovely photograph gift cards and fridge magnets to send or keep as a memento of the visit, the book Mice in the Museum written by one of the volunteers, and a recipe book for High Tea at the Museum. The all occasion gifts range across the ages, from babies to adults, with a large variety of handknitted toys, tea cosies and other kitchen items, lavender bags, knitted coat hangers, shopping bags and many quirky gifts for those who have it all! All proceeds from the Gift Shop are used for the ongoing maintenance and running of the Museum. We look forward to welcoming you in the Gift Shop on your next visit to the Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum.

18.01.2022 Okay photography buffs, here is your chance to promote and celebrate our State’s heritage by taking a photo of a State heritage place or area to win a prize! See the flyer and website for all the details!

17.01.2022 The mornings are starting to be a little lighter.. so the wonderful weather now isn’t too far away! Hope to see you at SPRING IN THE GARDEN next month!

15.01.2022 SO WHAT REALLY GOES ON at the Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum? Lots of exciting things and here is just a small sample of some the wonderful activities including school visits, open days with active displays, meetings, bus tours, high tea sessions, entertainers, sausage sizzles, plant sales, Devonshire tea and our fabulous gift shop! All this and more is available - so please come along and join in the fun!

14.01.2022 MOTHER'S DAY is now not too far away, so here are some fantastic traditional ideas on how to spoil Mum on her special day!! Perhaps a home cooked dinner, pick some pretty flowers from the garden, a nice soak in the bath or bake her some tasty treats!! To all our visitors, volunteer guides and Committee members - Happy Mother's Day!

14.01.2022 DIGITIAL POETRY TAKEOVER!!! While the 2020 History Festival is cancelled, the Poetry Takeover continues online! Throughout May 2020, South Australia's History Trust invites students across South Australia to engage with history through poetry by selecting a museum object and writing a poem relating to the theme change. Although students won't be able to visit museums and galleries in person, we're working on bringing together digital collections and resources so that Poetry Takeover can still happen from wherever they are. For more information and to find out how to get involved check out our DIGITIAL POETRY TAKEOVER PHOTO COLLECTION (under Photos - Albums) and visit the Poetry Takeover website History Festival Poetry Takeover

14.01.2022 The mornings are starting to be a little lighter.. so the wonderful weather now isnt too far away! Hope to see you at SPRING IN THE GARDEN next month!

13.01.2022 Thank you to all of our wonderful followers, visitors and supporters during our current temporary closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please be assured that our volunteers have been busy, undertaking much needed property maintenance, gardening, planning and stocking our gift shop ready for when we can reopen. In the interim, please take care and stay safe.

13.01.2022 Our next Museum opening is one for your diary! The Museum will be hosting a unique Christmas event - a twilight market under lights on Friday 20 November 2020 from 5-9pm. Loads of stalls, gifts, cards, festive food and refreshments. Gold coin entry - see our flyer attached for all the details. Please LIKE and SHARE - the more the merrier!

13.01.2022 TEA TREE GULLY HERITAGE MUSEUM - Get to Know Your Heritage. In 1880 the Tea Tree Gully Post Office & Telegraph Station was opened. Amid much fanfare Mr. W. Haines declared the Post Office open for business. Three cheers were given and congratulatory messages read.... In consequence of the formal opening of a Post-Office and telegraph station in the township, and the opening of the main road between Teatree Gully and Ansteys Hill. The township was decorated with bunting and a triumphal arch, bearing the words Welcome to Teatree Gully was erected across the main road leading into the township. The above was reported in an article about the day in The S.A. Register on Friday May 21st, 1880. A re-enactment of this historic event was to have taken place at the Museum on May 17th this year for one of our regular Heritage on Sundays openings. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the current Coronavirus restrictions the open days have been postponed temporarily. When Heritage on Sundays recommence, the volunteers will welcome visitors to see the 12 rooms in the heritage building, the four display pavilions as well as the police cell and laundry along with a working blacksmith, all in a beautiful garden setting.

13.01.2022 WELCOME TO NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK 2020!! Just a few faces of our wonderful Volunteers who work tirelessly and give their time, effort, skills and support to maintain and run the Tea Tree Gully Heritage Museum! Many of our volunteers help out during our opens - the public face of the museum, but it is important to note that there are also many others who work behind the scenes doing things such as cleaning, preparing displays, undertaking building maintenance, fundraising, maintaining our museum catalogue and making handmade crafts for our fabulous gift shop. A BIG thank you to each and every one of you - your continued efforts are what makes our Museum so great! Hopefully we will all be back in the swing of things sometime soon! Happy National Volunteer Week!

13.01.2022 Saturday winter afternoons are for finding a spot in the sun, pouring a nice red and settling in with a good book... and what better spot than our Reading Room? #ttgheritagemuseum #ttgheritage #teatreegully #museum #nationaltrust #southaustralia #readingroom #book #wine

13.01.2022 We are very pleased to announce we have now rescheduled our TWILIGHT MARKETS - to Friday 4th December, 5-9pm. Entry by gold coin donation. Please LIKE and SHARE this post and help us spread the word about this event. It will be an outdoor event only and will adhere to SA Health and COVID safe guidelines. We hope to see you there!!

12.01.2022 Today is the day! SPRING IN THE GARDEN Open 11am - 4pm Grand opening of Pioneers to Producers at 11:30am Please remember to Social Distance ... #ttgheritage #openday #spring #garden #springinthegarden #museum #nationaltrust See more

12.01.2022 Dunns Cash Store is one of the many areas of the museum to receive a revamp! We cannot wait to show you #dunnscashstore #revamp #museum #ttgheritage #teatreegully #history #nationaltrust #southaustralia #display

12.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE - Please note that the upcoming Twilight Markets due to occur on Friday 20 November 2020 have been POSTPONED due to the current coronavirus outbreak. We hope to be able to reschedule in the near future. Please monitor our Facebook page for further details. Please stay tuned!

12.01.2022 Please note that this event has been cancelled.

11.01.2022 Its World Heritage Day and the National Trust of South Australia have created this fabulous post! Enjoy having a closer look

10.01.2022 Please note that this event has been cancelled.

10.01.2022 As a beautiful sunny winter day turns into a cool winters night, its time settle down infront of the fire with a hot chocolate and a good book In the days before central heating, warming up wasnt as easy as setting the thermostat! How did you warm up when you were growing up? Do you still use a wood heater or a fireplace? Pictured is a Parlour Stove on display in our upstairs Parlour ... #heritage #ttgheritage #musuem #teatreegully #history #winter #sunday #cold #fireplace #southaustralia #nationaltrust

10.01.2022 Our Heritage on Sunday event, SPRING IN THE GARDEN is scheduled to occur on 18 October 2020 from 11am - 4pm. To comply with COVID-19 restrictions, this event is outdoors only (Please note that the main building will not be open). Come and explore the Trail. Activities for children, plants, cakes and variety stalls, Devonshire tea, sausage sizzle and more! Entry will a gold coin donation!! Hope to see you all there!

10.01.2022 Please be advised that our Twilight Markets this evening have been postponed; hence I have now deleted the event. If we are able to reschedule, new information will be provided in due course. Thank you all for your ongoing support.

10.01.2022 As we are all reminded to stay at home and stay safe, please note that the museum is now closed until further notice in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we may all be in hibernation, the bears are out and about at the Museum!

10.01.2022 South Australia Police horses Yass and Yakka stopped in to say hello and check out our 1920s Police Cell today! #policeman #police #southaustralia #horse #policehorse #cell #gaol #nationaltrust #teatreegully #ttgheritage #museum

09.01.2022 Okay people!!! We are so close now we can literally see the finish line... We currently have 998 Facebook followers and we need your help to reach our goal by gaining just TWO more followers before our Heritage on Sunday event this weekend. Can you please share and encourage your friends and family to FOLLOW our page and keep up to date about whats happening at the museum?

09.01.2022 Please note, WINTER OPENINGS CANCELLED In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Management Committee has made the decision not to open the museum during winter, due to the strict protocols we would be required to comply with and the severe limitations given the physical space within the museum. Please note that this decision has not been made lightly - but the welfare of our volunteers and visitors are paramount during the winter months. As a result, all of our events scheduled to occur in June, July and August have been cancelled. Information about future events will be provided in due course.

08.01.2022 A story to share... TEA TREE GULLY HERITAGE MUSEUM - THE HIDDEN GARDEN On my visit to the Museum the weather was perfect and instead of going in through the front door of the main building, I took the gate on the right. As I proceeded past the old building, a beautiful garden hidden from the road, was revealed. With a backdrop of hills, the garden opened up to an expanse of lawn with mature gum trees and beds of colourful shrubs through which a meandering cobbled path led to... a variety of buildings housing an extensive collection of heritage machinery and displays of early pioneer life. On the main lawned area were tables & chairs placed under shady trees where visitors sat enjoying a BBQ and Devonshire teas. All the while people were entertained with live music played by musicians from a veranda of one of the many buildings surrounding the garden. There were plants for sale displayed in a quaint outdoor washhouse and on an adjacent table there was wonderful craft work. This Museum is a hidden gem which is run by a friendly and dedicated team of volunteers. I cant wait until I can visit regularly and find new hidden treasures inside and out.

07.01.2022 Just a small selection of photos from some of our past openings - many of which were highly successful thanks to the wonderful continuing support of the local community... Spring in the Garden, Strawberry Fair, Anzac Bites, Breakfast with the Birds, Boys and their Toys, Stars of Christmas Past to name just a few... Hope you all enjoy the memories

06.01.2022 Some further promotion - please encourage students and schools to get involved!

06.01.2022 Not long now to our first opening in a while... We hope to see you for our outdoors SPRING IN THE GARDEN event on Sunday 18 October 2020, between 11am - 4pm. Bring your FAMILY and FRIENDS. See our flyer for all the details.

06.01.2022 Another wonderful NTSA property...

06.01.2022 Unfortunately due to COVID-19 the museum has been closed for most of the year but it would be great to from our visitors, volunteers, families and the local community about WHAT YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THE MUSEUM... and perhaps even some IDEAS ABOUT WHAT YOU WOULD LIKe TO during 2021. Please give us your feedback & ideas in the comments below.

05.01.2022 What a fantastic Heritage on Sunday opening today for Spring in the Garden! The sun was shining and it was great to welcome back visitors to the Museum, officially open our new exhibit and something for everyone! Thanks to everyone for your support.

04.01.2022 And a little taste from some of our talented musical performers! Thank you for giving our day some rhythm!

04.01.2022 All set and ready for dinner. All thats missing in this weather is the roaring log fire #teatreegully #highercombehotel #diningroom #dinner #rainyday #winter #fireplace #teatreegullyheritage #museum #nationaltrust #southaustralia

04.01.2022 Our next Heritage on Sunday is now not far away, so please make a note of the details and add it to your calendar or diary! HIDDEN TREASURES will occur on Sunday 15 March 2020 from 11am - 4pm and this opening will provide you with the unique opportunity to explore the museum with a personal guide. Learn and discover objects (both inside and out) that you might overlook on a casual visit. Whilst your there, please see our Treasure Mart for some bargains - you never know what you might find. Sausage sizzle and Devonshire Tea will also be available to purchase and our wonderful gift shop, Blossoms & Lace is stocked with unique handmade crafts. Entry fees apply - see our flyer for further details. So please, bring your families and friends and enjoy our local Hidden Treasure!

04.01.2022 Thank you to the wonderful visitors who popped in to the museum today for our Heritage on Sunday Hidden Treasures event and our guided tours!! We hope to see you again sometime soon.

03.01.2022 UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED due to coronavirus. We hope to reschedule shortly. Please monitor our Facebook page for updates.

01.01.2022 Beautiful day to be out in the laundry! The copper keeping us warm inside as we iron away and our freshly washed laundry dries in the breeze on our Quick Dry rotating clothes airer! Can you tell us what kind of irons these are?

01.01.2022 Please note that this event has been cancelled.

01.01.2022 While the 2020 History Festival is cancelled, the Poetry Takeover continues online! Throughout May 2020, South Australia's History Trust invites students across South Australia to engage with history through poetry by selecting a museum object and writing a poem relating to the theme change. Although students won't be able to visit museums and galleries in person, we're working on bringing together digital collections and resources so that Poetry Takeover can still happen... from wherever they are. For more information about how to get involved, check out the brand new Poetry Takeover website at @historyfestivalpoetrytakeover

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