Teapot Communications in Perth, Western Australia | Copywriting service
Teapot Communications
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 410 593 268
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25.01.2022 Pinterest is rolling out a new set of self-help tools which are designed to assist users who are dealing with mental health issues by offering quick exercises that they can follow along with, right from the app. As explained by Pinterest: "People will see a prompt to explore these resources when they search for things like stress quotes, work anxiety or other terms that indicate they might be feeling down. The experience is not meant to replace professional care, but it m...ay help someone if they need support." Such a great idea!
24.01.2022 If anyone needs me Ill be in my office hiding from two children who are currently banging on the door and shouting, "MUMMMMMM!" #onadeadlineoverherekids Anyone else working today?... (Oh, and dont forget to VOTE if youre in Australia!)
23.01.2022 Could you please do me a favour? Let me know how youd describe me/my brand in three words. Theres a *whole* lotta work going on in the background here at Teapot HQ and knowing how you guys see me and my biz would be super helpful! ... Thank you!
23.01.2022 Its over for MailChimp and Shopify. From 12th May Shopify will no longer have the Mailchimp integration as part of its offering to customers. If you have a Shopify store, dont worry! Yael Keon has written a super useful blog post on what to do next.
23.01.2022 Ahoy, me hearties! Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day! There was once a time when us scury dogs could change our Facebook language to "Pirate". Aye, those were the good days! Who wants to be talkin like a landlubber anyway? OK. Enough with the pirate language. A quick copy "health check" for business if you please: ... Are you talking your customers language? Are you getting your key messages across to them? Are potential clients clear on exactly how you can solve their problems by looking at your website or socials? Need help finding the right words to shine a mega-watt searchlight on your business? Drop an email to [email protected]. Lets talk! Pirate language optional. But also always welcomed ;)
22.01.2022 Its #teapottuesday and this girl is feeling all "peace and love" after going to her first yoga class in about three years this morning! This year Im investing much more in self care, and yoga has been high up on my list. It felt SO good to be back! On the work front, Ive battled (and lost - as you may have seen in my Stories!) with Wix , played nicely with WordPress and danced with Mailchimp. Ive done all this while listening to the Backstreet Boys after Oh My Digital Age...ncy reminded me of their TUNES! #teamAJ This afternoon Im working on an email automation sequence for Fitlife Sports Massage, then its off to pick up my boys. What are you working on today? And most importantly, who was your favourite Backstreet Boy?! : @baarrbaarraaa
22.01.2022 Does trying to write your own copy for your business make you feel like this? I'm horrible at housework. Bad at baking. Terrible at texting people back.... But helping connect brands with their customers through words? Now THAT I can help you with. (I'm also really good at drinking tea, thumb wars, making people laugh and giving hugs!)
21.01.2022 Genuine problem: I currently (following a lovely email last night) have more clients than I do highlighter colours. How can I *possibly* organise my working week now?! Anyone else a highlighter addict?! (And I know. What a problem to have, right? Im so grateful for all my clients!)... Also, I bought a Hey, #ControlFreak quarterly diary the other week when they were 50% off to make room for new stock. Id been intrigued by the concept and the organisational nerd within was very curious, but wasnt sure if I could justify the cost for a quarterly diary (not to mention sure if a quarterly diary would work for me). WELL. I bloody love it. Im SO glad I tried it and will definitely be using these guys to keep my 2019 in order.
21.01.2022 Fun fact: my middle name is Eileen. OH, THE SHAME!!! Well, that's what I felt as a teenager, anyway. These days I don’t really give it a second thought. I can remember my French teacher at high school going round the classroom one day and asking each of us if we had middle names. I pretended I didn’t have one.... Alas, my friend shouted, YES, YOU DO! IT’S EILEEN! and the whole class starting to sing Come on Eileen by Dexy’s Midnight Runners. MORTIFIED. I love that song now; it’s a *TUNE*... but it was the bane of my existence for several years. I’ve lost count of the number of times drunken friends out clubbing called me at 3am because it had come on as the last song of the night. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to liven up your Wednesday by listening to the song! Go on. Click on the link. You know you want to....
21.01.2022 Im super excited to share my latest project with you guys! Ella and her team at Cobalt Legal in Perth believe theres a better way to do family law. So I worked with her to create a brand personality which reflected this value and - most importantly - didnt sound like that of nearly every other law firm out there. *Yawn* It was an absolute bloody pleasure to write the copy for this one!... Huge thanks to Brooke from Modern Maven Studio for putting together a truly stunning website, and to Reeva from Cutting Edge Digital whose SEO wizardry will no doubt have Cobalt Legal climbing up search engine results in no time. Until next time, ladies! And if you know someone looking for a family lawyer in Perth, get in touch with Ella. Shes the real deal. www.cobaltlegal.com.au
20.01.2022 Fellow small biz owners! Feeling a bit overwhelmed today? Here's a tip for you: hop onto @spotifyaunz and search for "60 BPM" in Playlists.... Music with a tempo of sixty beats per minute apparently matches your resting heart rate and help you feel calmer. It works really well for me on those days when my task list is shouting at me and I need to feel a bit more zen! What do you for yourself when you're feeling a bit frazzled on the work front?
20.01.2022 Guys, if you want to learn how to write your own copy I can unequivocally recommend the Jay Crisp Crow Crisp Copy Class! The Crisp Copy Class is a community of women in business learning to write better to sell all their things. With evergreen access to ever-growing recorded content, a page-by-page romp through your website and email copy, more copywriting tutorials and downloads than you can poke a stick at, and the option of live Masterclasses and Q&As and vibrant Facebook... communities where Jay is on call to answer your copy woes. Jay is something of a mentor / #womancrush of mine and this course is flippin amazing. Youll get access to Jays brain and wonder at her incredible jewellery collection for three months for a VERY reasonable price. The last two rounds have sold out super quickly so GO! Book yourself in NOW!
20.01.2022 Im not naturally gifted at cooking, so I generally follow recipes to the letter. Except when it comes to garlic. This cartoon by Kayden Hines is unbelievably accurate!
19.01.2022 I think my sons trying to tell me that I need a VA... As I continue to build my business in 2019 its definitely something Ill be looking at. Do you outsource any of your work?... And if youre a VA, say hello in the comments!
17.01.2022 The boys are at nursery. The kettles on. And Ive got classical music serenading me while I write a blog post in the garden (Lukes Landscaping Co, this ones yours!). ... Bliss. I hope your days going well, too!
17.01.2022 Powerful stuff! YOU ARE ENOUGH Thanks to Sharon Chisholm for sharing this recently.
17.01.2022 You know when youre running your own business... but then out of the blue get a job offer for an incredible role that you just cant resist... so you wind back your own business to just a few clients... but then 14 months later lose your dream job due to a pandemic? Yeah. Me too. Teapot Communications is coming back! And I have to say it feels really good!... PS. Anyone else bought 768 plants since COVID came into our lives?
16.01.2022 Morning, guys! (Or indeed afternoon if youre of my followers on the other side of Australia!) I watched this brilliant interview with marketing legend Seth Godin last night and really wanted to share it with you all. Its packed with value and well worth 30 minutes of your time!... My favourite take away from it was that a business needs to look for its SMALLEST VIABLE AUDIENCE, not its biggest possible audience. Dont have 10,000 followers? Neither do I. But I know that many of my followers are EXACTLY in my target market - theyre a relatively small but quality audience! Anyway, if youre interested in marketing in any shape or form do yourself a favour: grab a cuppa, sit down and WATCH THIS.
16.01.2022 I'm super excited to share my latest project with you guys! Ella and her team at Cobalt Legal in Perth believe there's a better way to do family law. So I worked with her to create a brand personality which reflected this value and - most importantly - didn't sound like that of nearly every other law firm out there. *Yawn* It was an absolute bloody pleasure to write the copy for this one!... Huge thanks to Brooke from Modern Maven Studio for putting together a truly stunning website, and to Reeva from Cutting Edge Digital whose SEO wizardry will no doubt have Cobalt Legal climbing up search engine results in no time. Until next time, ladies! And if you know someone looking for a family lawyer in Perth, get in touch with Ella. She's the real deal. www.cobaltlegal.com.au
16.01.2022 Sometimes you just need to switch off from all external distractions and concentrate on that task youve been avoiding. I use Noisli when Im writing blog posts and need to concentrate. Noisli allows you to mix different white noise sounds together to create the perfect aural environment to get your brain going especially when you pop some headphones on. ... I really like the more nature-based sounds, but they also have man-made sounds like trains chugging along and coffee shop background noise if thats more your cup of tea. Account holders (its free, guys!) you can also access a plain text page which allows you to write without the distractions of anything else on your screen something I use often if Im struggling to find the right words and really need to focus. So if you need some help focusing, check out Noisli! #notsponsored #Iwish
15.01.2022 Emma, youre talking my language!
14.01.2022 Are you looking for a new web hosting service? I can highly recommend Steve from 123host. I worked with Steve and Brooke from The Lover Lab recently on a clients new website and his customer service was truly exceptional. ... I dont equate working long hours with good customer service. We all need a life outside work, so if I email someone at 5pm I certainly dont expect a reply that night. That said, in this instance Steve was working late nights and early morning to solve our problem and it was *really* appreciated. Steves not on social media because hes too busy being awesome, but his website is here: https://123host.com.au/
14.01.2022 EAT THE FROG. What the bloody hell does that mean? It means do the hardest thing on your list first. You know the one. Youve been avoiding it for WEEKS. ... This morning I had a task I REALLY didnt want to do. As in Id rather clean the toilet floor again than do it. (Little boys and wee everywhere; who feels my pain?!) But enough was enough! I made myself get that task done at the start of my working day. Didnt open my emails or even look longingly at the Instagram app icon on my phone. I ate that frog, guys. Swallowed. It. Whole. By 9.30am it was done and I was rewarding myself with a cup of tea in the garden. Im now *super* motivated for the rest of the day and my other work feel much more enjoyable because I dont have that damn "frog" hanging over me! Whats your approach to work? Do you "eat the frog" or leave it for later?
13.01.2022 It's over for MailChimp and Shopify. From 12th May Shopify will no longer have the Mailchimp integration as part of its offering to customers. If you have a Shopify store, don't worry! Yael Keon has written a super useful blog post on what to do next.
13.01.2022 2018 was a big one for me! Teapot Communications doubled its income. Our family went through some crazy, difficult times. I had a baby! There were wonderful moments and really shit moments. ... It was a year of G R O W TH but also of being s t r e t c h e d. Im bloody knackered! Once Ive taken a well-earned break over Christmas, Im really looking forward to taking Teapot Communications forward with more energy, joy and clarity. Im going to be doing more face-to-face consulting around Perth (watch this space!) Ive got some new retainer packages that are more in alignment with where I want to take my business. And Im definitely getting a cleaner. What are your 2019 plans?
12.01.2022 A break in my normal work routine today with a trip into the city to meet a client and go through their new website. Perth was looking gorgeous in the sunshine and my client LOVED what Modern Maven Studio and I have been working on for them. A smashing start to the week!
11.01.2022 What did you want to be when you grew up? I still dont feel like a grown up - and I hope I never do - but something Ive enjoyed doing from a very young age is writing. I can remember my Year One teacher (shout out to Mrs Watson!) telling me that she thought Id be an author when I grew up. I may not have written a book (yet!) but Ive written thousands upon thousands of words over the years and I still bloody love it. Its something I really, really enjoy and Im so g...rateful that I can do it for a living. In my PJs. Eating chocolate. Listening to Zoe Keating. What did you want to be when you grew up? And are you doing anything similar now? P.S. I should have been a make up artist, right? PPS. This photo was taken on the afternoon my Dad looked after me and thought that when a small child is being very quiet in another room it means theyre being very good. Oh, Dad. Lets just say my Mum needed a new make up collection and their bedroom had to be repainted... See more
10.01.2022 Look; Im not saying I want to make my clients CRY... ... but I DO want them to be really happy with my work. And this IS my favourite client reaction of all time. #nailedit
10.01.2022 What do you hate most about running your own business? And do you outsource the tasks you hate? I hate writing reports and accounting. Bleurgh. The reports are on me but Im only too happy to outsource my accounting!
09.01.2022 There are some weeks when running (and trying to grow) a business is NOT compatible with having small children. It would fair to say that Ive been feeling this way recently! The works getting done, my clients are happy and the bills are getting paid... but my personal fuel tank is pretty low right now. ... If youre a biz-owning mum, Id love to hear your tips on how to stay sane during these times! How do you practice self care?
08.01.2022 You know when you're running your own business... but then out of the blue get a job offer for an incredible role that you just can't resist... so you wind back your own business to just a few clients... but then 14 months later lose your dream job due to a pandemic? Yeah. Me too. Teapot Communications is coming back! And I have to say it feels really good!... PS. Anyone else bought 768 plants since COVID came into our lives?
07.01.2022 Its #teapottuesday! What are you working on today? Im writing Fitlife Sports Massages February newsletter, putting the finishing touches to a blog post on rotator cuff injuries and doing some some personal development bits and pieces. And THEN Im going to bloody well have a nap because my 10-month-olds going through a mega growth spurt and Im feeling ever so slightly sleep deprived. *Cackles maniacally in between eye twitches*... If occasional day naps arent a perk to running your own biz then quite frankly I dont know what is. This weeks pic is courtesy of my fabulous Mum, who saw the teapot in an antiques store in the UK and took a photo for me. Our fam loves a good antiques store! See more
07.01.2022 IMPORTANT MESSAGE INCOMING! Tomorrow is R U OK Day. The incredible organisation is on a mission to inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with people around them and support anyone struggling with life. Simply asking people if they are OK and presenting an opportunity for conversation can literally save lives. This year, R U OK Day is showing us how we can take that conversation further. ... Watch the video below.
07.01.2022 Anyone else in absolute Struggle Town this week?! I dont know if its general end-of-year feels, but Ive been completely drained of energy the last few days. My work is getting down, but slowwwwwwly.... I spent most of yesterday lying on the floor playing with my baby. I even missed Teapot Tuesday! #wheresthatbloodyteapotemoji What do you guys do when youre feeling a bit "bleh"? Do you surrender and rest, or power through?
07.01.2022 Its nearly 2019 and we still dont have a teapot emoji, guys. WHATS GOING ON?!
06.01.2022 Its #teapottuesday! Ive dropped the boys at daycare and Im about to go for a meeting with my beautiful client Tanya from Fitlife Sports Massage to work on our strategy for 2019. Tanyas an AMAZING sports massage and remedial therapist (AND personal trainer!) and shes *constantly* booked up which is great... but were working on building her business so she can step back a bit and not be spread so thin!... Ill then be working with Brooke from The Lover Lab and Reeva from Cutting Edge Digital on our new clients website. Im writing the copy for the new site and coordinating the whole project so Brooke and Reeva find it as easy to work their web design and SEO magic as possible. Finally, Ill be writing a new blog post for Lukes Landscaping Co. Phew! What are you guys working on today?
06.01.2022 Look; I'm not saying I want to make my clients CRY... ... but I DO want them to be really happy with my work. And this IS my favourite client reaction of all time. #nailedit
05.01.2022 Taking time off over the holidays when youre a business owner can be a bit stressful, cant it? The lovely Mel over at Meld Business Services has got some great tips here help you get things under control, leaving you to enjoy your time off. (PS. If youre thinking about enlisting the help of a VA in 2019, Id recommend talking to Mel. )
04.01.2022 If anyone needs me I'll be in my office hiding from two children who are currently banging on the door and shouting, "MUMMMMMM!" #onadeadlineoverherekids Anyone else working today?... (Oh, and don't forget to VOTE if you're in Australia!)
04.01.2022 Well, this is accurate!
03.01.2022 Fellow small biz owners! Feeling a bit overwhelmed today? Heres a tip for you: hop onto @spotifyaunz and search for "60 BPM" in Playlists.... Music with a tempo of sixty beats per minute apparently matches your resting heart rate and help you feel calmer. It works really well for me on those days when my task list is shouting at me and I need to feel a bit more zen! What do you for yourself when youre feeling a bit frazzled on the work front?
02.01.2022 Some clever logo designs for you on this overcast Monday! My creative skills are definitely word-based - Im no designer, thats for sure. So just as I advise people to outsource their business copywriting if its not their cup of tea, do the same with your logo! ... Side note: The designer who created my distinctive yellow teapot now runs an awesome toy shop, but Im looking at working with a designer to update it in 2019. Tag a graphic designer or shout out if you are one!
02.01.2022 Does trying to write your own copy for your business make you feel like this? Im horrible at housework. Bad at baking. Terrible at texting people back.... But helping connect brands with their customers through words? Now THAT I can help you with. (Im also really good at drinking tea, thumb wars, making people laugh and giving hugs!)
02.01.2022 Want to make a small business owner jump for joy this Christmas? Go to their business Facebook page, pop to their Reviews tab and share some nice words about the great service or stellar-quality product youve received from them. Itll make them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Trust me.
01.01.2022 Fun fact: my middle name is Eileen. OH, THE SHAME!!! Well, thats what I felt as a teenager, anyway. These days I dont really give it a second thought. I can remember my French teacher at high school going round the classroom one day and asking each of us if we had middle names. I pretended I didnt have one.... Alas, my friend shouted, YES, YOU DO! ITS EILEEN! and the whole class starting to sing Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners. MORTIFIED. I love that song now; its a *TUNE*... but it was the bane of my existence for several years. Ive lost count of the number of times drunken friends out clubbing called me at 3am because it had come on as the last song of the night. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to liven up your Wednesday by listening to the song! Go on. Click on the link. You know you want to....
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