Techenomics Australia in Mayfield East | Commercial and industrial
Techenomics Australia
Locality: Mayfield East
Phone: +61 2 6571 2699
Address: 5/56 Industrial Drive 2304 Mayfield East, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Getting to the bottom of soot build-up... Techenomics has the expertise to find the reason and provide treatment - Soot is harmful to engines and if left to accumulate can impact on productivity through poor performing components and can even lead to component breakdown or equipment failure.... At excess levels, soot causes abrasion and high wear in engines and mechanical components, and if it forms clumps, can result in valve train, ring and liner wear. It can also thicken the oil and increase viscosity, which inhibits oil flow. More here - #SootBuildup #OilAnalysis
24.01.2022 A lack of the lubricity due to water contamination will lead to overheating bearings: Image shows Inadequate cooling, lubrication, and degradation of lubricant due to water contamination. The cause is due to overheating of both the lubricant and bearing. High temperatures can anneal the bearing material and will result in a loss of hardness and bearing capacity. Discoloration from gold to blue and deformation of the elements will result in early failure.
24.01.2022 Improved fluid management makes world cleaner! Techenomics features in World Mining Magazine - With an increased push for a cleaner and greener Earth, there is increased interest due to the cleaner air experienced as transport and industry slowed dramatically, with individuals, communities and lobby groups putting more pressure on governments to come up with renewable energy, lower emission transport and cleaner industrial solutions much sooner.... Techenomics is well-placed to help create a cleaner and greener world, particularly in mining, transport and industrial operations, with its services and products aimed at ensuring lubricants work more effectively and last longer. Read the article here - #TFMS #FluidManagement
23.01.2022 IFWS2 can help the world emerge cleaner and greener... NIS products reduce greenhouse emissions - As the world considers how it will come out of these unprecedented times there is increasing pressure to capitalise on some of the benefits that have emerged. While the world will never be the same again, with increased focus on personal hygiene and protection measures along with greater use of online means for everyday requirements, the push for a cleaner, greener and more susta...inable future has gathered pace during the pandemic. More here - #IFWS2 #Lubricant #TFMS
22.01.2022 Techenomics purveys engine and equipment health data through Blue Oceans... Avoiding downtime is a key function of maintaining efficient, productive and profitable operations on a mine site, in a transport fleet, with marine vessels, for rail services, at power stations and all industrial situations where mechanical equipment is used. This will be particularly crucial as the world starts to come out of restrictions and shutdowns. More here - #EngineData #TFMS #OilAnalysis See more
22.01.2022 Blue Oceans keeps customers in tune whenever and wherever... Techenomics' software package is constantly evolving - Techenomics International is more than just an oil analysis provider with its total fluid management service acting as a health check service for engines and mechanical equipment. What's more this complete service enables Techenomics to predict maintenance issues before they arise, thereby preventing costly maintenance and downtime. #BlueOceansSoftware #OilAnalysis See more
22.01.2022 Extension of ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation... In July, 2020 Techenomics in Mongolia received an extension of its ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation for its laboratory services by the MASM - Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology for the 3rd time. We have extended our ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation Certificate for 4 years. In 2015 Techenomics Laboratory became the first laboratory accredited under ISO/IEC 17025 to perform oil testing and calibration in Mongolia. ISO/IEC 17025 the main international standard for general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. More here - #ISOCertification
21.01.2022 Techenomic trials demonstrate IFWS2 reduces heat in gearboxes... The gearboxes at a power station and a flour mill are now running more efficiently - Inorganic Fullerene-like Tungsten Disulphide (IFWS2) particles can be used in in any mechanical situation where lubrication is required especially in gearboxes.... Read the story here - #LiquidTungsten #IFWS2 #GearboxHeat
21.01.2022 Techenomics has record stock levels to keep industry running during COVID-19 The company is maintaining high services levels during unprecedented times During these unprecedented, unparalleled and uncertain times Techenomics is maintaining its customary high level of service to customers supported by committed and talented staff, state-of-the-art equipment and high stock levels.... More here -
21.01.2022 Women in Mining helps key women at Techenomics... Sugraa is a testament to the companys commitment to women - In recognising the key roles women have played in establishing Techenomics as a leading total fluid management provider and in assisting ongoing development, the company is a strong supporter of Women in Mining (WIM) initiatives. More here - #WomenInMining #TFMS #OilAnalysis
21.01.2022 Lower Exhaust Emissions and Your Fuel Costs... During this critical time in Australia caused by extremely destructive bushfires bringing tragedy to so many, Techenomics has donated to WIRES and the Rural Fire Service. We are also offering free oil analysis and liquid tungsten kits, in exchange for customers donating. Is it time to ponder the environmental benefits of Liquid Tungsten ?... More here - #LowerExhaustEmissions #NanoParticles #IFWS2
20.01.2022 Data is a vital asset! Techenomics constantly increasing and improving focus on data... With data being such an important asset, Techenomics is continually undertaking research and development to improve the gathering of data, interpretation of it and relaying of results to customers.... CEO Chris Adsett says Techenomics aims to glean as much relevant data from equipment using state-of-the-art sensors, read the data using the latest equipment in certified laboratories, interpret it using experienced and qualified staff aided by relevant software and then relay results to customers using the company’s Blue Oceans reporting software, which is itself constantly being enhanced. Read more here - #DeepIot #ConditionMonitoring
20.01.2022 Techenomics is working virtually with customers, maintaining a high level of service while taking all necessary steps to operate remotely as part of global measures aimed at meeting the challenges currently being experienced around the world. Despite the difficult and unprecedented times, Techenomics continues to look to the future, seeking better ways of servicing customers through its total fluid management services with value added by distribution of the Inorganic Fulleren...e-like Tungsten Disulphide (IFWS2) particles from NIS. More here - #IFWS2 #NanoTech
19.01.2022 Don't let soot spoil the performance of your equipment! Techenomics has the expertise to find the reason and provide treatment. Soot is harmful to engines and if left to accumulate can impact on productivity through poor performing components, which makes Techenomics' oil analysis and fluid management expertise an important tool in overcoming the problem and preventing costly equipment breakdown.... More here - #StopSoot #OilAnalysis
18.01.2022 Donation of Masks to Ghana communities... Techenomics has provided further support for people in the West African nation by donating face masks to a number of communities. This follows the total fluid management provider recently supporting the people of Madina in Ghana with donations of foodstuff and sanitisation materials.... More here -
18.01.2022 Proven benefits of IFWS2 lubricant additives... Successful customer experiences continue to impress - Sugraa (Northern Asia Business Development Manager) discusses some of her experiences with the #NIS #Liquid Tungsten additives. She was recently nominated for the Austcham Women in Mining awards in Mongolia. More here -
18.01.2022 New Global General Manager IFWS2 will drive use of unique lubricant enhancing technology The use of inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide (IFWS2) makes a significant different to the effectiveness of lubricants resulting in better engine and hydraulic equipment performance, reduced maintenance costs, increased productivity and fewer emissions.... Techenomics, which distributes this unique IFWS2 nano-technology product developed by NIS throughout its network and exclusively to the mining industry, aims to spread the message far and wide through the appointment of Paul Lipsham as Global General Manager IFWS2. More here - #IFWS2 #NanoTech
18.01.2022 Win your supply of LIQUID TUNGSTEN & OIL ANALYSIS! We are excited to invite all of you and your friends to join us on a journey to improve the health of your cars engine for FREE! The offer also extends to a free supply of LIQUID TUNGSTEN (IF-WS2) to reduce your engine wear and extend its life whilst improving your fuel economy and reduce exhaust emissions and OIL ANALYSIS to determine the performance and any underlying issues with your engine.... YES! YOU can save the planet for FREE too while youre at it. Follow the steps below to win your first reward! 1. Click the link below 2. Sign up with your email 3. Share your unique link with your friends by choosing which platforms youd like to share it to 4. For every successful referral, youll be notified directly 5. Share to as many friends as youd like and win the grand prize!! IT IS THAT SIMPLE! Of course, all your friends and their friends can also get a FREE reward by taking the same simple steps you did! We would love to assist you along your ride, The Techenomics team. Click HERE to start -
17.01.2022 Techenomics' innovative magnetic plug work part of DeepIoT project One of seven companies in CRC-P developing hybrid wireless IoT platform... Innovation incorporating the development of new technologies is one of the core principles at Techenomics as the company strives to give clients maximum benefit from fluid management and condition monitoring.... An example is the company's participation in DeepIoT, an Australian Federal Government's Cooperative Research Centres Project (CRC-P) developing a new hybrid wireless IoT platform for underground mines. More here - #DeepIoT #ConditionMonitoring
16.01.2022 Techenomics supports hospitals with free condition monitoring Hospitals are at the frontline of the current crisis, and it is crucial that key equipment continues to operate efficiently and effectively now when it is most needed. Gensets, chillers, pumps and other mechanical equipment must keep operating to ensure hospitals can continue to carry out their vital work.... During these unprecedented times Techenomics is offering a free condition monitoring program to support the critical hospital auxiliary equipment. More here - #Condition_monitoring
14.01.2022 Capabilities of liquid tungsten "seem endless" Techenomics, which is distributing IFWS2 products, will feature in World Mining Magazine The proven benefits of Techenomics' total fluid management services for engines and mechanical equipment are extended through the use of IFWS2 (inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide) nano additives in lubricants. ... More here - #IFWS2 #TFMS
14.01.2022 Techenomics one-stop Blue Oceans health service upgraded and enhanced... Capacity and capability have been boosted and a rail module added - Techenomics is continuously improving its operations and systems to ensure customers get maximum value from their oil and other lubricants with this process incorporating the Blue Oceans online maintenance planning software platform. More here - #TFMS #OilAnalysis See more
13.01.2022 Bushfire Appeal Donations Dear Friends, Customers and Suppliers, Whilst I want to wish you all the very best for 2020, it is at a very sad time for many Australians, their families and wildlife. ... Human lives have been lost; homes, lifestyles and businesses destroyed; and an estimated 500,000 native animals have been killed by savage and ongoing bushfires in a number of Australian states. Life for many will never be the same. Techenomics would like to do its part by making a modest direct donation to the bushfire appeal and is offering three oil analysis packages plus a Liquid Tungsten kit free to each and every one of you who donate at least $25 to the bushfire appeal. Please join us to ease the suffering of so many just a little. Please note details for donating below and communicate with Siti ([email protected]), Cynthia ([email protected]) or Jason ([email protected]) to arrange for your oil analyses. Donation Links New South Wales Rural Fire Service - WIRES Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation - Many thanks, Chris Adsett Techenomics International
13.01.2022 Sludge and corrosion in relation to soot build-up... There are a number of reasons blow-by and resulting soot can form in various scenarios and understanding each of them has significant implications for engine maintenance. Did you know that of the soot produced within the engine, just 29 per cent reaches the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe, with the rest being deposited on the cylinder walls and piston crown? ... More here - #Sludge #Corrosion #SootBuild-up
13.01.2022 Liquid Tungsten comes in various series to fit different users. Visit the link below to learn more about this revolutionary product. #techenomicsteam #techenomicsinternational #techenomics #liquidtungsten #additives
12.01.2022 KPC recognises PTTI's contract commitment and work at coal operations Techenomics' commitment to continual improvement of its services and products to assist PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) attain its goals at the massive coal operations in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, has been recognised by that company. PT Tekenomiks Indonesia (PTTI), which has a number of contracts with KPC, including oil analysis and fuel services, has been awarded certificates of excellence by the coal company.... More here - #Techenomics #OilAnalysis #FuelAnalysis
12.01.2022 Don't let soot spoil the performance of your equipment Part Two: Science of Soot and its relationship with engine oil Techenomics has the expertise to find the reason and provide treatment! Soot is a carbonaceous particle generated by incomplete combustion of fuel. It is harmful to engines and if left to accumulate can impact on productivity through poor performing components.... Techenomics oil analysis and fluid management expertise is an important tool in overcoming the problem and preventing costly equipment breakdown. #SootDamage #OilAnalysis
11.01.2022 REIGNITE YOUR RIDE with Liquid Tungsten and feel the difference on your engines performance. #techenomics #techenomicsteam #techenomicsinternational #liquidtungsten #additives #nanolubricant
11.01.2022 Follow this link for more information on this new generation of protective nano technology -
08.01.2022 Exciting times at Techenomics, We now have Bottles for our Dielectric samples that fit our sample pumps! Purchase yours today at #oilanalysis #techenomics #dielectric
08.01.2022 Magnetic plug being developed in DeepIoT project to provide real-time mining data... Techenomics is one of seven companies participating in the DeepIoT project aimed at developing a new hybrid wireless IoT platform for underground mines through contributing its expertise in fluid management. More here - #DeepIoT #MagneticPlug
08.01.2022 It's business as usual for Techenomics with assistance from self-help videos It is largely business as usual for Techenomics during the travel restrictions and social distancing measures in force, with the company's experienced and committed team able to carry out all total fluid management services. Some new measures have been implemented to ensure the company continues to maintain a high level of service, including the use of self-help videos to explain procedures which re...move the need for human contact. This video is instructional, on how to take an oil sample. More here - #OilSampling #OilAnalysis
07.01.2022 Causes and issues relating to blow-by and soot build-up... Soot is not only detrimental to the atmosphere but can also cause major issues within engines and is not something that can be taken lightly. Of the soot produced within an engine, only 29 per cent reaches the atmosphere through the exhaust pipe with the remainder being deposited on the cylinder walls and piston crown.... More here - #SootBuild-up #SootDamage
06.01.2022 Grab your Liquid Tungsten by visiting our website and sending us your inquiries. Protecting your assets with Liquid Tungsten #techenomics #techenomicsteam #liquidtungsten #liquidnano #tungstendisulfide #techenomicsinternational
06.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone, have an EGG-CELLENT hunt! #techenomics #techenomicsinternational #techenomicsindonesia #techenomicsaustralia #techenomicsteam #techenomicsmongolia
05.01.2022 Dear our beloved customers, Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday. May you have a joyful Christmas and a wonderful New Year. #techenomics #techenomicsteam #techenomicsinternational #techenomicsmongolia #techenomicsindonesia #techenomicsaustralia #techenomicssingapore #techenomicsafrica
02.01.2022 Techenomics establishes presence in mining stronghold of the Pilbara A new oil analysis laboratory is being established in Newman... The Pilbara area of Western Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore mining regions while other metals including gold, copper and battery metals are being increasingly sought and found and now independent total fluid management provider Techenomics International has established a direct presence.... Techenomics will provide oil analysis and fluid management services aimed at assisting mining and supportive industries in the Pilbara through an office and new oil analysis laboratory in Newman. The company is also distributing the unique inorganic fullerene-like tungsten disulphide (IFWS2) nano-particle technology that enhances the performance of oil and lubricants, thereby reducing maintenance, optimising performance and reducing emissions. Read more here - #OilAnalysis #PilbaraMining
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