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Institute of Technology Education

Phone: +61 456 688 878


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25.01.2022 ACU have 16 more placements that need mentoring. If you or a staff member could be of help there is some flexibility, for example if there is a specialisation that you do not offer that isn’t a problem as they can teach Tech Mandatory, Design and Technology and IST/Stage 5 Computing and the placement location can be 50 minutes from home. ACU contact is Miriam Tanti - please message for email details or see ESNET for contact info.

25.01.2022 This is Sandy. He lives in Ballarat. He's co-founder of Gekko Systems manufacturing. And he invented a portable ventilator. ... In his backyard shed. In less than seven days. He had some help from a local anaesthetist and a 3D printer business. A few pieces of equipment were donated from the hospital to make sure it would work with a standard set-up. And a Victorian Government development grant helped to cover the early costs. By the end of the week, a balloon was hooked up to the scratch-made ventilator, inflating and deflating, just as a lung would. Since then it's been fast-tracked through approval, with over 150 on order already. And because Sandy's design is fully portable and can run off a car battery, it could change the game in developing countries. It's projects like these that demonstrate the ingenuity of Victorian manufacturing. And we'll back them all the way.

23.01.2022 Wishing you all a restful break ahead. Sending thanks and gratitude for all the (remote) learning this year. Hoping the holidays brings some time to relax. The ITE Team look forward to working with you in 2021.

23.01.2022 The Student category in Wood Review's Maker of the Year awards is open to secondary and tertiary students as well as people who attend privately run classes. In...formation and entry is at There is a $15 entry fee and the deadline for entry is this Sunday September 13. I hope will consider passing this information on to your students. Linda Nathan Editor, Australian Wood Review See more

22.01.2022 A way out for the laptop camera's lack of mobility Check out what that teacher did at Carmen Castrejon / Facebook... #engineering See more


18.01.2022 For convenience and support of back to school processes and finance, membership renewal for 2021 happens for ITE on 1st March. All 2020 paid members can still access resources and journals through our website - 2021 staff changes can be updated with membership renewals, if you need any help with the process you can email: [email protected]

17.01.2022 The national teachers association for Design and Technology Teachers (DATTA Aust) is planning a promo video to advertise teaching as a career. This is one of the ways DATTA Aust aims to address the teacher shortage in our learning area. The "vox pop" style responses collected on FLIPGRID will be reviewed and may be included in the advertisement. The intention is to promote Design and Technologies teaching as a career and provide links/information about how to achieve qualific...ations and training in various states. Instructions: - Record a 2 min video using one of the following prompts as a guide - Videos are public on FlipGrid and will be moderated - If your video will be used, you will be contacted to provide release *Avoid capturing students image in the video, YOU are the star!


17.01.2022 Explore the science and maths behind pendulums by building your own using the Exploratorium video and resources. Great STEM activity!

16.01.2022 Innovative way to save water for another day..


15.01.2022 Happy World Teacher's Day to all our members - have fun enjoying the celebrations of the day and share messages of gratitude with colleagues.

13.01.2022 We are all highly capable makers, some of us are investors, many like to tinker and most can fix anything. . . . Surely that's an invitation to apply!

13.01.2022 Teaching Technologies Online During Covid-19 The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly plunged Australian teachers into the world of online teaching and learning - and still is for our Victorian colleagues. As a profession we need to have a broad-based snap-shot of what actually occurred during 2020 from the teachers' perspective in both Digital and Design and Technologies.... Through this short survey we are hoping to identify challenges, successes and innovative and engaging practices that evolved. This survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and it will be shared throughout national memberships of DATTA (iTE, DATTA VIC, DATTA QLD, DATTA SA, DATTA WA) and ACCE - all members and mailing lists of these associations are encouraged to respond individually.

13.01.2022 Errrr, what does this large contraption do? . . . . Head to the MAAS - their new exhibition Design For Life examines the role of design in health industry and medicine. More info-

10.01.2022 Hope you have all had a restful break, welcome to 2021! I would like to congratulate Mark Tyler for his work as NESA Inspector, Technology Education for the past 5 years. Mark has announced his retirement from the position, but will continue teaching for a while yet. It will be great to have him back in the classroom where his students and colleagues can continue to learn from him. Thanks Mark, for the work you've done with NESA and your support of Technologies education. Tow...ard the end of 2020 and already this year I've had a few people ask me about developing a faculty handbook. This seems to be required by more and more schools, and so this will be available for members to download, check out the iTE Resources section on our website. If you need help with programs, workbooks or other resources we are here to support. If you'd like to contribute anything to share let us know. 2021 is looking like another interesting and busy year, with the Curriculum Reform development, professional learning changes, teacher training and the continued impact of Covid-19. If you have questions or comments for the iTE don't hesitate to contact us. The more people are involved the more we can get done. Have a great 2021 and keep promoting the great work you and your students are doing within the school, in the wider community, with your local MP and with the iTE. Yours sincerely, Grant Byrne Institute of Technology Education President

10.01.2022 After I finished school I used to work in a factory that made these aluminium cans at Wetherill Park. What I enjoyed about this job was the numerous processes that were involved to make something as simple as an aluminium can. The narrator in this video does a great job in describing and justifying the individual processes.

09.01.2022 This survey closes at the end of the month, in order to get a picture of the nationwide impact we need MORE NSW input In the Teaching Technologies Online During Covid-19 Survey. The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly plunged Australian teachers into the world of online teaching and learning - and still is for our Victorian colleagues. As a profession we need to have a broad-based snap-shot of what actually occurred during 2020 from the teachers' perspective in both Digital and Design ...and Technologies. Through this short survey we are hoping to identify challenges, successes and innovative and engaging practices that evolved. This survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and it will be shared throughout national memberships of DATTA (iTE, DATTA VIC, DATTA QLD, DATTA SA, DATTA WA) and ACCE - all members and mailing lists of these associations are encouraged to respond individually.

09.01.2022 R U OK day is today, remember there is more say after R U OK. . . Check in with a colleague, listen and guide for where they can access support. Resources and links for you or if someone you chat to needs them -

07.01.2022 Clever drawer installation!

06.01.2022 High fashion integrated with art and innovation. Great case study for and source of inspiration for Design and Technology. Mimco jewellery are doing a range with a feature designer who specialises in bio-plastic -

05.01.2022 We need MORE NSW feedback! Teaching Technologies Online During Covid-19 The COVID-19 pandemic rapidly plunged Australian teachers into the world of online teaching and learning - and still is for our Victorian colleagues.... As a profession we need to have a broad-based snap-shot of what actually occurred during 2020 from the teachers' perspective in both Digital and Design and Technologies. Through this short survey we are hoping to identify challenges, successes and innovative and engaging practices that evolved. This survey should only take 10 minutes to complete and it will be shared throughout national memberships of DATTA (iTE, DATTA VIC, DATTA QLD, DATTA SA, DATTA WA) and ACCE - all members and mailing lists of these associations are encouraged to respond individually.

02.01.2022 Congratulations to Andrew On Yi Lai and his student - Andrew Land who recently won the 2020 Bright Awards - Animation category for his major project 'IRIS'

02.01.2022 This is how the famous Victorinox Swiss Army Knives are made


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