Teen Missions Int'l Australia in Tewantin, Queensland | Religious organisation
Teen Missions Int'l Australia
Locality: Tewantin, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5449 9765
Address: 761 McKinnon Drive 4565 Tewantin, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.teenmissions.com.au
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22.01.2022 Sarcasm is something we generally like to use throughout our conversations with others to make things funny or more joyful for ourselves. Why is it that we are often so sarcastic? Could this have a negative impact on those around us? The definition of sarcasm is ‘The use of irony to mock or convey contempt.’ Looking at this definition the words that are used to describe it are not great words. Contempt can mean multiple things. A disregard for something/someone that should... in fact, be considered. Expressing the feeling that a person or a thing is worthless or beneath consideration. If Jesus tells us that we should love everyone as we love ourselves, why then do we disregard some people and speak in a way that questions their worth? We shouldn’t. I think that this is one of the lies that the devil has slowly worked into our culture over time. We should be really careful about what we say around others especially when it comes to sarcasm, since we have become numb to the effects of sarcasm. James 3:6 tells us; the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. This just emphasizes all the more of how our tongue and the words we speak can be really dangerous. So just remember that sarcasm, which we may think is harmless, is really a strong evil that the devil has disguised in our culture as harmless fun. Spend some time finding out what the Bible has to say about the power of our words. Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Matthew 12:36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak Proverbs 12:18 There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
20.01.2022 Do we know how powerful prayer is? Do we pray enough based on what we know of prayer? Prayer is something that very often goes underutilized. In the 1980s more than 17,000 Christians participated in a survey on prayer while attending a seminar for spiritual awakening. The results of the survey found that the average prayer per day was less than 5 minutes! How can we pray so little if we genuinely desire change? Do we not know the power of prayer? In the parable of the mustar...d seed (Matthew 17:20) Jesus says that if we have faith, we can tell even a mountain to move and it will be moved! If what Jesus is saying is true then why is it not a normal thing for the mountains in our lives to be moved through faithful prayer? Coming back from a mission trip can be a really challenging thing. You are returning from an environment where everyone is on your side, spurring you on and encouraging you, to an environment where there may be no encouragement but rather opposition. To an environment where you are alone and seemingly without support. Thankfully we are able to, and called to present our requests to God in every situation (Philippians 4:6). God is bigger than anything we will ever face! If we let God rule over every situation by submitting to Him and seeking His will, He will surely guide us through everything we face. Prayer is a powerful tool that God has given us and if it is used faithfully, we surely begin to see more and more of God's power work in our lives and the lives of those we pray for. In light of this I challenge you to set aside more time each day for prayer, in doing so you will surely begin to see the Almighty God moving the mountains in your life.
19.01.2022 Join us for a special four day retreat to usher in the new year! http://www.teenmissions.com.au/retreat/
18.01.2022 I’m sure that, like me, you’ve found 2020 to be a year of many storms, storms that have tested the foundations of your life. This year has caused me to reflect on the well-known Matthew 7 parable about the wise man who builds his house on the rock and the foolish man who builds his house on the sand. What I find fascinating in this passage is that both men hear the message. The only difference is that the wise man actually takes what he has heard and puts it into practice. ...This seems so obvious, but it’s so easy for us to know about Jesus and His promises without actually living according to them. We deceive ourselves by pretending that just going to church and occasionally reading our Bibles is enough to build a strong foundation for our lives, but until we learn to apply these truths we’re still just building on sand. 1 Corinthians 3:11 reminds us that No one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. No distorted Gospel, no lukewarm Christianity, no distant head knowledge will hold us fast. Only Jesus Christ, who Hebrews reminds us is the same yesterday, today and forever, provides us with lasting hope that can be the firm and steadfast anchor for our souls.
17.01.2022 ALL NEW AUSTRALIAN TEAMS will be released TOMORROW! Only 24 hours to go! #tagyourfriends #24hourstogo #countdown #allnewaussieteams #summerteams
15.01.2022 When an opportunity arises; do you ever get that burning desire to share about Christ? I know when it comes to sharing with others, the fear of rejection often hinders me from seeking to glorify God. I am also scared that I do not have enough knowledge, or boldness. Sometimes it can be very difficult, stepping out of your comfort zone to be a light in this dark world. Romans 1:16, for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation to eve...ryone that believeth; to the Jew first and also to the Greek. When an opportunity arises, I reflect on Romans 1:16. I am called to be unashamed of the gospel, to be bold and share my faith with others. It’s of the utmost importance to share the gospel with others! Sharing the gospel leads to salvation, reunites lost and hurting children with their loving Father, and bridges the gap between a broken world and a loving God. When we share the Gospel with others, we invite them to know Jesus, to repent and be free from their sins, and to experience God for all eternity! How encouraging and emboldening is the mere thought of salvation! I want to encourage you to meditate on this verse and to pray to God that He would give you the strength, courage, confidence and boldness to share about Him and His love with others!
15.01.2022 We’ve been chatting with Michael, a team member from last summer’s team to Uganda! Check it out: https://youtu.be/im36ziCbpmw
12.01.2022 Sign up now for both the Retreat and the Working Bee and get 20% off! http://www.teenmissions.com.au/2020-2021/
11.01.2022 Help us renovate and update our obstacle course (and more!) at our working bee! http://www.teenmissions.com.au/workingbee/
11.01.2022 This has been a challenging year for Teen Missions, as it has been for everyone. Following the cancellation of our international teams with the closure of the international border, we are sad to say that our national teams have also been cancelled due to lack of registrations. Despite this, we have a special opportunity to gather together this summer for a four day retreat (28 December 2020 1 January 2021) and a four day working bee (1 January 2021 4 January 2021). Will y...ou join us in ushering in a new year and starting it well by working hard? Find more information and the registration process for these special events on our website! www.teenmissions.com.au/retreat/ www.teenmissions.com.au/workingbee/ Everyone is welcome! We hope to see you there!
08.01.2022 Teen Missions Retreat and a Working Bee! Come join us for a great time of rest, fellowship, fun and food! http://www.teenmissions.com.au/2020-2021/
07.01.2022 ALL NEW AUSTRALIAN TEAMS OPEN FOR REGISTRATION NOW! www.teenmissions.com.au #allnewteams #allaussieadventures #aussieteams #registrationsopennow #tagyourfriends #registernow #gogogo #makedisciples #allnations #startwithyourownnation #summerteams
05.01.2022 We’ve been chatting with Dani, a team member from last summer’s team to Scotland! Dani has been apart of our Teen Missions family for a while now, and went to Vanuatu in 2016 on her first team. Check out her Scotland testimony:... https://youtu.be/Pw3CBZQId2c See more
01.01.2022 Ready to make some plans for 2021? Why not join us for our very first year of 'Boots on the Ground: Gap Year Program'! Surrounded by 300 acres of beautiful Australian bush, Christian community and discipleship opportunities, we aim to provide a distraction-free gap year that will enable you to dig deep into God’s word, grow in your relationship with Him, and explore your future.... Read more about the program and application process here: http://www.teenmissions.com.au/botg/
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