Teeth On Wheels Australia in Tullamarine, Victoria, Australia | Dentist & dental surgery
Teeth On Wheels Australia
Locality: Tullamarine, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9338 1191
Address: 18 Lillee Crescent 3043 Tullamarine, VIC, Australia
Website: http://teethonwheels.com.au
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25.01.2022 Having citrus fruits on a regular basis is a great way to up our vitamin C levels. But what we need to be careful of is the effects citrus has on our tooth enamel. Citrus fruits are very acidic and cause your enamel to soften. When eating citrus, we need to ensure we drink a glass of tap water straight after and also make sure we DONT brush our teeth within 30 minutes of consuming it.
25.01.2022 Toothpaste! How much toothpaste is enough? Its funny the amount of toothpaste one person to another puts on their toothbrush. But guess what, we only need a PEA sized amount to do the job. Next time you place your toothpaste on your brush, think of the size of a pea. youll be surprised how far a small amount of toothpaste can get you.
25.01.2022 We would like to thank everyone so far for your generous donations and please feel free to subscribe to our YouTube channel "For The Sake Of Beirut" to see our journey along the way. #forthesakeofbeirut #teethonwheels
24.01.2022 Grinding! When grinding our teeth they start to wear down over time. If you or someone in your family is making crunching noises while they sleep, then getting a check up is very important. Sometimes grinding can just be situational and caused by stress but it can also be a lifetime habit. If its a habit, then a night-guard might be exactly what you need to protect your teeth.
24.01.2022 Who doesnt love a snack? Even though we all need a snack from time to time, try keep your snacking as healthy as possible. Instead of reaching for the chips, lets reach for a piece of fruit.
22.01.2022 Floss! It just looks like a piece of string you can tie on the end of a balloon. But did you know flossing is just as important as brushing? No matter how much you brush, your toothbrush just cant reach those tight areas between your teeth. This is where food gets trapped and causes decay if not cleaned on a regular basis. So flossing at least once a day is the best way to prevent decay in these areas and keep your gums healthy.
21.01.2022 Braces! A great way to straighten your teeth, but a great spot for food to get caught and cause decay. With braces we need to ensure we are being extra vigilant with our brushing. Brushing twice a day morning and night and using interdental brushing is extremely important while you or your little one has braces on. We want to ensure once the braces comes off, your pearly whites are as healthy as ever, so you can flash off your new smile.
21.01.2022 A little bit of green should always be seen! Trying to add some green vegetables in your family's diet is very important. They're packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber and have many health benefits. The easy thing about your greens is that you can easily slip them into any meal of the day. If it's an omelette for breakfast, a salad or sandwich for lunch or a side of greens for dinner, any way that fits best for your family is perfectly fine.
21.01.2022 Avocado! A very yummy and healthy treat full of good fats and fiber. But did you know an Avocado is a fruit? Making avocados apart of your family's diet is a great way to get those good fats into everyone. We like to have our avocado on toast in the mornings, how do you have yours?
21.01.2022 Milk! A great source of calcium for growing bodies. But did you know that milk still has sugar in it! It's perfectly fine for a child to drink some warm milk before bed, but due to the sugar content, it is really important that your child is brushing their teeth for 2 minutes prior to sleep. We want to ensure all sugar has been removed from around the teeth and gums prior to settling in for the night.
20.01.2022 Storing your toothbrush! This may sound a little silly, but it is important not to place a wet toothbrush into to a closed toothbrush holder. We need to ensure your toothbrush has had a chance to dry before storing it away. We want to make sure we are decreasing the chance of bacteria growing on your toothbrush by allowing drying time. Otherwise placing your toothbrush in an upright holder allowing the bristle to be air dried is the best way and always remember to replace your toothbrush every 3 months.
20.01.2022 Welcome to Dental Health Week! This week we are focusing on how much sugar is hiding in your trolley. Do you know??
20.01.2022 To Dummy or not to Dummy that is the question! Dummies can cause so many questions and there are too many places that have multiple answers. Should I use a dummy? Which dummy should I use?... Does a dummy cause teething issues? When is the best time to remove a dummy? Everyone has their own recommendations but we like to direct people to the raisingchildren.net.au website. They have all the answers you need to help make a decision that is best for your family and if you have any further questions about teething issues then dont hesitate to call our team. See more
19.01.2022 Chewing Gum! Its not actually bad for your teeth. But do you know what is? Chewing gum with sugar in it. Make sure when you pick your next piece of gum that you are choosing a sugar free option. ... We like to chew on Extra Gum. They have the best sugar free range and it leaves your breath smelling fresh. See more
19.01.2022 Just because something looks healthy doesnt mean it is! There are many apps out there now, to help you make the right decision on what food products to buy. But even if we are eating healthy your 6 monthly check up and clean appointments are still required to review the health of all your teeth and gums. Australian Dental Association
18.01.2022 Fruit and nut bars are a great healthy snack for the whole family. Before purchasing just check the sugar content on the back of the packaging, as some bars can have plenty of sugar hidden in them.
18.01.2022 At Teeth On Wheels Australia, our aim is to change the experience of visiting a dentist by reducing fear and anxiety, minimising pain and encouraging life-long oral health care. We provide high quality, low-cost care throughout Victoria and New South Wales, assisted by the Federal Government and Medicare through the Child Dental Benefits Schedule. For further details, visit www.teethonwheels.com.au or call (03) 9338 1191 or (02) 7804 2822.
15.01.2022 The end of the year is around the corner now and everyone is starting to get a bit tired. This is the time of year we start to see brushing slip away. A visit to the dentist is very important now to remind the whole family about how important it is to brush and floss. Have you booked your appointment yet?
15.01.2022 Apples! A quick and easy snack for the whole family. Apples are a great lunch box treat, you can chop it up in bite sized pieces or just eat it whole. Whichever way you like to eat it is perfectly fine, as long as you give it a rinse before hand. They do say an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
15.01.2022 Keep up the water! Water is very important to keep hydrated. With this warmer weather here we need to ensure we are drinking more water than usual, especially for those little legs running around outside.
12.01.2022 Do you apply pressure when brushing? Applying to much pressure isnt to good for your teeth and gum health, and can cause damage in the future. When brushing we need to make sure we are being fairly gentle especially around the gums. If you notice the bristles of your toothbrush are starting to bend, then this is a good indicator that your applying to much pressure.
12.01.2022 Who is your friend that can always put a smile on your face?
12.01.2022 The cold weather is here to stay! Do you have sensitive teeth? Oral-B have a great range of sensitive toothpaste to help you this winter. Remember to place a little bit on your finger and rub it on those sensitive areas and leave it for 30 minutes without rinsing.
11.01.2022 Teeth On Wheels will be travelling to Beirut to provide free dental care for those affected by the explosion. If possible, please share your support and help us raise enough money to help those in need. We would like to thank everyone so far for your donations and will be sharing our journey along the way. #forthesakeofbeirut #teethonwheels
11.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day and its been a challenging year for us all. Reach out to a friend, family member or work colleague and let them know you are thinking of them
11.01.2022 Why is an eye tooth called a canine? Our eye teeth are named canine teeth as they have they same resemblance as a canines tooth. They arent as long or as pointed but they are somewhat the same. They are also called eye teeth because they sit directly under your eye, now thats a cool fact!
11.01.2022 Dip! Popping some dip in your children's lunch boxes is a great way to get them to eat their vegetables. We like to place hummus and carrot sticks in our lunch boxes and find it's usually one of the first things to go.
11.01.2022 Food on the go! The best way to ensure you and your family are choosing healthy options throughout the day is all in preparation. Preparing food in advance can really help you save time and ensure everyone having a healthy snack. One of our favourite snacks are mini omelettes. They are good for any time of the day and can be eaten cold or hot. You can also pack them full of vegetables and they still taste delicious.... Does anyone else have any good, healthy, easy snack ideas? See more
10.01.2022 Welcome to the Smiley Sam Says Episodes! Today our video is to help educate children on the effects of sugar. You can use this video at home or even in the classrooms. We will be releasing educational videos on a regular basis to help parents and teachers provide information to their children, on all things oral health, so subscribe to our YouTube channel to get all the latest videos https://youtu.be/lmlYZ9mskg0 The more information provided at a young age, the better habits ...children will develop for the rest of their lives. Tell us what your children said about Episode 1 - THE DANGERS OF SUGAR. Australian Dental Association #dentalhealthweek
10.01.2022 When was your last check up and clean? 6 monthly check up and clean appointments are critical for your health and of course smile. If you or your child havent had a check up within the last 6 months then its time to book your appointment or speak to your childs school to see when we will be attending next.
10.01.2022 Wait a minute, did someone say Christmas!! With Christmas only being around the corner, the list start to make an appearance. If you're looking for something to buy for an older child or a partner, have you ever thought of an electric toothbrush for a gift? Electric toothbrushes are a great present, especially for someone that might get a little bored brushing. These toothbrushes are amazing for your teeth and gums. You will find a lot of them these days also come with a timer to ensure you are brushing for 2 minutes.
10.01.2022 Dental Education! Dental education is extremely important especially for the primary school aged children. Our team have all been educated in teaching children on the importance of brushing in a fun and exciting way. The knowledge we give children today will help build crucial habits required to look after their health for the rest of their lives.
10.01.2022 How do you like your morning coffee? Coffee can be made in many different ways, but no matter which way you like your coffee, consumed on a regular basis coffee causes staining. Making sure your brushing twice a day for 2 minutes, drinking plenty of water and seeing your dentist every 6 months for general cleaning will help prevent coffee staining.
09.01.2022 Welcome to the Smiley Sam Says Episode 2! Today our video is to help educate children on Plaque. You can use this video at home or even in the classrooms. We will be releasing educational videos on a regular basis to help parents and teachers provide information to their children, on all things oral health, so subscribe to our YouTube channel to get all the latest videos https://youtu.be/N448_B9oKds The more information provided at a young age, the better habits children will... develop for the rest of their lives. Tell us what your children said about Episode 2 - CLEANING AWAY PLAQUEMAN!
09.01.2022 Brushing your tongue is just as important as your teeth! Our tongues are always forgotten about, but its just as important to give your tongue a good brush in the morning and night as well. Our tongues are an easy area for bacteria to hibernate, so without cleaning your tongue, you will still have plenty of bacteria in your mouth even after cleaning your teeth every morning and night.... When your brushing your teeth tonight, just take an extra 10 seconds to give your tongue a little scrub as well.
09.01.2022 Water! Getting your daily intake of water is important not only for our bodies but also our teeth. By training your children to drink plenty of water while they are young, they are bound to carrier this habit throughout their lives. Lets all have an extra glass of H2O today!
08.01.2022 X-rays!! Fun Fact- Dental x-rays are one of the lowest radiation dose studies performed. A routine exam which includes 2 bitewings is about 0.005 mSv, which is less than one day of natural background radiation. It is also about the same amount of radiation exposure from a short airplane flight (1-2 hrs).
08.01.2022 Remember, the bigger the smile the better the day!! Get those pearly whites out for the world to see.
08.01.2022 Breakfast is a very important meal to get those brains energised for the day. If we are eating cereal for breakfast we just need to ensure we are checking the sugar content on the back of the box. Just because something looks healthy doesnt mean that it is. Once we have finished our healthy breakfast make sure we brush those teeth for 2 minutes before leaving the door to go on with our day.
07.01.2022 A smile is like a balloon, for some reason they just make you feel happy! Make someones day today and send a smile in their direction, you will be surprised how many you get in return.
07.01.2022 Sugar! We all love a bit of sweet in our lives. But did you know that sugar has a major impact not only in your health but also the health of your teeth. After eating sugar your mouth is left with high levels of plaque. plaque is a build up of bacteria that sits around your teeth and starts causing decay if left. So, to prevent decay we really need to limit the amount of sugar we eat and ensure after eating sugar we drink plenty of water and brush our teeth.
04.01.2022 Juice! Tastes delicious, but packed full of sugar. When buying your next store bought juice, be sure to double check the sugar content. We find so many people thinking juice is a healthy option over cordial but unfortunately juice can sometimes have more sugar than what you think. If you have time to make your own juice at home then thats great but even if your making your own, juice still sits in the sometimes column.... Lets limit the amount of juice we are drinking and make sure we replace it with water. See more
03.01.2022 What you put into your body is what comes out. Daily routines are extremely helpful to achieve your goals. We like to read The Life Graduate - Publishers books, to motivate us to make healthy choices and help gain the information required to improve on a daily basis. If you take care of your inner beauty, your outer beauty shines through.
03.01.2022 Make brushing a family event! Lets get the whole family involved. Making brushing a fun experience with the whole family will help motivate everyone to keep their teeth clean. Pop on your favourite song and brush together, who said brushing was a chore!
03.01.2022 Bottle Feeding! As children start going into their toddler years, some children are bottle fed, which is fine. We just need to ensure the bottle is being fed prior to teeth brushing at night, as we want to ensure all little ones are going to bed with freshly cleaned teeth.
02.01.2022 Muesli Bars! Muesli bars can be extremely delicious but they can also be extremely high in sugar. Before we purchase muesli bars to pop into the lunch boxes, just double check the sugar content on the back of the box. The best way to ensure you are popping health muesli bars into the lunch boxes is to make them at home. They are quick and easy and can be a really fun activity for the whole family to do.
01.01.2022 Ice cream! With the warmer weather making an appearance, so do a lot of icy treats. Ice cream and Icy-poles are packed full of sugar, so we need to ensure we are keeping these treats as sometimes foods even with the warmer weather here. After we have had a sugary treat we need to make sure we are thoroughly brushing for 2 minutes to remove any sugar from around the teeth and gums.
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