Tegan Skinner in Steiglitz, Queensland, Australia | Personal coach
Tegan Skinner
Locality: Steiglitz, Queensland, Australia
Address: Steiglitz 4207 Steiglitz, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.teganskinner.com
Likes: 92
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25.01.2022 New Blog Post is now LIVE! Pregnancy Series - Part 1 http://www.teganskinner.com/wellness/pregnancy-series/
19.01.2022 Woah! Did anyone else feel the full moon vibes from last night? I was full of all the emotions and feels so today I am committing to being kind and gentle with myself and amping up my self care with some meditation and journaling to help shift the heavy funk that I am finding myself in. I’d love to know, did you also have all the feels over the last few days? If so, how are you looking after yourself right now?
18.01.2022 You could be the juiciest, ripest peach and someone isn’t going to like peaches. Let’s put it bluntly. You are never going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Ouch right? The thought of this hurts because I am personally a serial people pleaser. I always try to include everyone, put others' needs ahead of mine and my families to avoid disappointment and censor my true feelings and emotions because what on earth will others think or say? ... I’m done with it. I’m done with living upto the pressure and expectations of being perfect, looking and showing up a certain way and living by society standards. It’s not going to be easy, but i’m committing to work on rewiring my thought patterns around this. I know it’s going to be a journey and sometimes I will slip up but that’s ok, within it will be growth, lessons and progress. Are you with me? Are you ready to come back to yourself, be ok in your own skin, show up as the real you unapologetically, and realise that to be happy you have to be happy within yourself. Have the self worth to know that you are enough exactly as you are. If this is something that you would like to work on together send me a message as i would love to support you on this journey. My coaching books are currently closed as I have just had my very first baby however, you can be the first to go on the waitlist for when I am back in some sort of capacity.
17.01.2022 Are you looking for a little more pep in your step? Try mixing these beautiful uplifting oils with fractionated coconut oil into a roller bottle and wear as your perfume. Not only will you be uplifted and on cloud nine, you'll lift the mood of others around you AND there are ZERO chemicals. ... Speaking of chemicals I encourage you to google the word phthalates and i'm sure you will NEVER wear toxic perfume again. @wellnessondriftwood
17.01.2022 None of us could have predicted what has occurred in 2020 and as horrible as its been it's also carved a lot of time and space for tuning inwards, acknowledging what is truly important and inner transformation. A lot of us have been forced to step out of our comfort zones that we normally would have stayed and pivot into new ways. 2020 has been the year for growth. Acknowledge how far you have come and give the new version of yourself a big high five because you truly are doing great and are amazing.
15.01.2022 Dream big, let go of the limitations and start to make a move. I truly believe we can do anything IF we put our minds to it and start to take action. I understand though that the action can be the overwhelming part, especially because we are dreaming big right? ... This is where I can help you. Together we can declare your big dream and anchor into your why and how you want to FEEL daily and from there create bite size actionable steps that you can take consistently. I know you have all that you need within you now, but it's time for you to believe that also and make it happen. You've got this babe, I know you do. P.S - If you would like to be added to my wait list for when i return to coaching next year send me a message or email me at [email protected] to ensure we can work together to make magic happen as spaces will be limited.
14.01.2022 20 Lessons from 2020 L E S S O N 3 - P R I O R T I S E Y O U R S E L F There is always something to do right? Fold the washing, unpack the dishwasher, do the groceries, cook dinner, the list goes on. Somehow we always find time to do the things that we NEED to do because we need food in the fridge, clean clothes to wear and cooked meals so that we can live right? Is it not the same for our mental health? ... Shouldn’t we be prioritising the things that top up our own cup and allow us to thrive as an individual and in return allow us to be the best Mum, Wife, Daughter, Sister and Friend? One thing that I do daily for myself is moving my body, this is something I need and when I’m not able to exercise I can drastically tell a difference in my mood which I know affects my family. Make sure that you carve time out for you and priorities it like you do anything else. I’d love for you to share what’s one thing that you need to prioritise for yourself?
14.01.2022 20 Lessons from 2020 L E S S O N 4 - S H O W G R A T I T U D E D A I L Y F O R T H E S M A L L T H I N G S If someone said to me this time last year that we would be in lockdown and that this would look like only being able to travel a certain distance, no camping and you won’t be able to partake in big celebrations such as baby showers and engagement party I would have told you that you are crazy.... I now know I will never take these things for granted because I never realised just how much I enjoy all of these things until I was told I was unable to do them. Sometimes it’s the simple things that mean the most to us and that’s something that we need to acknowledge and show gratitude for. Gratitude isn’t some hippie bullsh*t, it’s scientifically proven to shift your neural pathways to increase happiness and decrease pain. Plus, remember, what you focus on grows. I’d love to know, what’s one thing your grateful for today?
14.01.2022 Your reminder that it's time to stop giving a shit about other people's opinions.
13.01.2022 BRB - Learning to be the best Mum I can be. 3 months into this parenting biz and I am by far the happiest I have ever been. I have never felt a love like this before and I feel I have a much greater purpose in life and am now complete. Since becoming a Mum and being on Maternity Leave I have felt a constant tug of war between being present with Flynn and working on my biz. I feel like the days, weeks and months are just flying by and Flynn is growing before my eyes. I can se...e how it can feel like all of a sudden you blink and Mummy cuddles and kisses are no longer cool. I have made the tough decision to give myself until the new year off guilt free from coaching. I have had a few women over the past few weeks enquire about coaching series with myself so I have chosen to create a wait list to ensure that you are the first to know once I am back coaching to some capacity. If you would like to be added to the wait list please send me a message or email me at [email protected] as places will be limited and I will be sure to contact you right away. Looking forward to cheering you on, seeing you step into your worth, say a big F You to what you THINK you SHOULD be doing and own and create the life that your called to.
13.01.2022 Lessons of 2020 L E S S O N 1 - S P E A K Y O U R T R U T H Where to begin, this one is a biggie for me, this year has definitely been the biggest year that I have spoken my truth. The pull for me to share views that are quite controversial hasn’t come easy, it’s come with a lot of fear as I know people can presume things and run with it, painting you as something that you are not. ... I have shared what I have shared because since becoming a Mum my pull to share information that i have learnt has been far greater than the fear because I am not willing to sit back and watch our freedom of choice be absolutely stripped from us. My driving force is my family, they are far more important to me than anyone else. In years to come I want to look at Flynn and tell him that I did all that I could to allow him to live a life full of freedom and choice and encourage him to always stand up for what he believes because although you are one person on your own, it only takes one person to start a movement and raise awareness. Don’t let the fear of others stand in your way, love and honour your beliefs and scream them from the roof tops if you need to. Tell me one lesson you've learnt from 2020. I love hearing your stories.
08.01.2022 Judgement... we are all afraid of it. My fear of judgement has definitely made me dull my own light, truth and stopped me from reaching for the stars like I would like to. My why since having Flynn has definitely gotten a lot stronger, i want to give him the best life full of opportunities and experiences. Tag someone who needs to hear this now. ... @prestonsmiles
07.01.2022 magine if you spent a full day focusing on everything that isn’t going right for you? How would you feel at the end of the day? Pretty crap im guessing? Now let’s flip that. Imagine if you spent a full day focusing on every little thing that you are grateful for, from the roof above your head, having the spare change to be able to buy a coffee with a friend, the cuddles that you get from your family or the beautiful fresh food that is on your plate daily - The list could go o...n. How would you feel when your head hits the pillow at night? Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you’ll never, ever have enough. - Oprah Winfrey. Awareness is the first step. Set the intention today to cast awareness everytime negativity comes up and use that as a prompt to cast your energy into something that you're grateful for. Let’s start now by sharing below something that you're grateful for on this beautiful Sunday morning.
05.01.2022 Honour the season that you're currently in. Right now I am craving down time which looks like staying home a little more, tuning into my body and what it needs, meditating, nourishing my soul with the people that uplift me, occasionally saying no and coming back to the simple things. Just like the seasons of the year that have such diversity and bring the cold, the storms, the leaves on the tree's turning a beautiful orange or the long summers day, we to go through many se...asons. Be kind to yourself, honour them and understand that you can't be on 100%, all of the time. I'd love to know, what season are you currently in or craving? And are you listening to it or are you pushing back against it?
03.01.2022 Did you need Doterra has made a group of blends specifically for kids? Last week i spoke on my stories about getting the Kids Collection as a Christmas present for my nephews, in particular Dustin who is going into year 1 next year. This year I am all about giving presents that are needed and useful rather than more toys and stuff that gets accumulated, never used and eventually ending up as landfill. The kids collection has been thoughtfully designed to target different s...upport systems. The set includes: dTERRA Thinker - Focus Blend dTERRA Rescuer - Soothing Blend dTERRA Brave - Courage Blend dTERRA Calmer - Restful Blend dTERRA Stronger - Protective Blend dTERRA Steady - Grounding Blend Colour coded, and safely diluted for the little ones, they are safe and a effective way to empower your little ones to reach for their oils when they need them the most. Kids collection $175 including membership which allows you to purchase your oils at 25% off RRP. Send me a message to grab your own oils or products and get my personal support on how to use them after purchase. @doterraaunz
02.01.2022 20 Lessons from 2020 L E S S O N 2 - S U R R O U N D Y O U R S E L F W I T H P E O P L E T H A T L E A V E Y O U F E E L I N G G O O D The people that you spend majority of your time with have a huge impact on your mood, how you view the world and your expectations that you place on yourself.... When you surround yourself with people who lift you up, you're likely to adopt more self belief, respect and see life for the beautiful gift that it is. We have all been in the situation where you’ve walked away from a catch up with a friend or a group of people where it’s a toxic environment and you're left feeling nothing short of deflated. How are you going to be the best version of yourself if that is what you continue to surround yourself with? Your a product of your environment, surround yourself with the best. I always say quality of quantity. People inspire you, or they drain you - pick them wisely. - Hans. F .Hansen Tag a friend who makes you feel happy and that you appreciate. @wildheartswknd
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