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Te Ika Nui in Ettalong Beach, New South Wales, Australia | Sports & recreation venue

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Te Ika Nui

Locality: Ettalong Beach, New South Wales, Australia

Address: Petit St 2257 Ettalong Beach, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Aloha paddler ohanas, please see the details for world wide virtual event. Stay safe and well.

24.01.2022 Stoked to see Hayden put this video together starring PAA Hawaii’s very own Manny Kulukulukulani. I’ve been competing against Manny for years and have a lot o...f respect for him and what he has done with our sport here in Hawaii. When the Molokai solo sponsor pulled the OC1 division Manny stepped up to form PAA Hawaii and kept the OC1 Molokai Solo going. What I also appreciate and respect about Manny is that hes still having fun and competing at a high level well into his forties. He embodies this lifestyle we all love and Im stoked to have him as part of our Kai Waa team. . . This video also features a man that I have the utmost respect for and has been there throughout the years for myself and many other paddlers here in Hawaii. Les Look of Makana Alii Paddles is as humble as it gets. He takes pride in his work and is very passionate about what he does. He is an artist at heart and is present every step of the way from his paddle designs to manufacturing. He doesn’t care for the spot light and like me, would rather have his product to do the talking for him. We’re not salesmen, we are craftsmen. This day and age it’s hard to find great people like Les. It seems like too many people and companies get caught up trying to promote themselves and lose touch and joy on what really makes it special. . . People like Manny and Les help ground our sport and focus less on the chatter and more on what paddling is really about. I am thankful for their friendships and to have been working with Les for over 20 years. . . Shoutout as always to Hayden and his support crew for bringing this special piece . So impressed . . #mykaiwaalife #kaiwaacanoes #aresoc1 #aresaction #makanaalii #outrigger #paddles #paddling #humble #hardworking #grounded #ocpaddling #downwinder See more

23.01.2022 Dear Members, This memo is to advise that the Australian Outrigger Canoe Association (AOCRA) have made the difficult decision to postpone the 2021 Sydney Harbou...r Challenge to 2022 due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19. Due to the current situation facing the world and the ongoing level of uncertainty around international and interstate travel, AOCRA have made the decision to postpone in order to ensure the continued safety of our community. AOCRA understands that all member and international communities have been hit hard by COVID and this is another blow in what has been a very difficult year. It is, however, our priority to look after the health, safety and wellbeing of our membership to the best of our ability and to ensure that AOCRA events are not only viable, but can be attended by all who wish to attend. We thank our major sponsors for their ongoing support to date in organising this event and look forward to working closely together, along with AOCRA NSW to ensure 2022 is bigger and better than ever. Yours sincerely, Katherine Cole President AOCRA

23.01.2022 Soooo nice, bisho’s maiden voyage after shoulder surgery, coffee club paddle to pearl beach and the port stephens crew from camp patonga

22.01.2022 being on the water matters

22.01.2022 Dreaming of Molokai Solo with this weekends conditions. Glad to be back out on the water again . . Triston Kahookele Kai Bartlett... Isaac Bancaco Maui Jim Outrigger Zone . . #mykaiwaalife #kaiwaacanoes #mauijim #aresoc1 #aresaction #kiheirun #northeastwinds #paddling #downwinder #outrigger #kaiwaaaction Shout outs The Wa'a House, Karel Tresnak and Kevin C-j

21.01.2022 Dia clássico! Definição de diversão com a canoa! Não sei qual parte desse vídeo gostamos mais! Perfomance do clube @mutahoevaaclube em Barra Grande, com a Brad...ley by Halau Outrigger! Esse lugar é especial demais!! Varias recordações guardadas na alma! Aloha, brothers!!! #canoesurfing #oc6bradleylightningoriginal #gooutside #alohastateofmind See more

20.01.2022 STRONG EDITION: The BEST 5 MINUTES OF YOUR DAY Reverse your HUNCHBACK by tweaking an exercise you know (and probably avoid!!) Become a Better Human

19.01.2022 If you are struggling to link waves downwind you should watch this video (turn on captions). Three simple steps: 1. CATCH a wave.... 2. SURF it to the side. 3. LINK the wave in the intersection. See more

17.01.2022 Koa Nui 2020! Epic conditions and battles out there,congratulations to all particpants this year. Next stop for PAA, the Kaiwi. stay tuned

16.01.2022 An "Awesome" November reverse Millers Run with Zach & Jerry. Here's the thing, Zach tried to do the downwind without his paddles So funny.Big swells made th...e ocean a playground for us paddlers, yeeeeessssss! Youtube link ( A special shout out to the brands we have partnered with: Carbonology Sport Vaikobi South Africa Vaikobi Millers Taxi Ocean Eyewear Cape Town Sport Photography Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel ( and Instagram (@zach_and_jerry). Remember, "TEAM, Together Everyone Achieves More." Music credits: Fine Young Cannibals - Ever Fallen In Love

14.01.2022 when box is working

13.01.2022 Kiaora e te iwi! 4 more days until our 5 week challenge kicks off! Think you may not be fit enough? ... - we have multiple program/ challenge options available. Not the right age? - these challenges are for every paddler of all ages and skill level.. haere mai! Can’t get out on the water? - you can use any mode of exercise instead of paddling i.e walking, running, biking, ergs, surfski, stand up and more! Afraid you can’t commit? - challenges are here to keep you having fun and active when you can, it’s better to have tried than to never tried at all! Join a growing community of people already on the Paddle’a’thon 5 week program ready to tackle the challenges when they kick off! Link in my bio or visit for more information. #trainlikeaking #5weekchallenge #paddleathon2020

13.01.2022 ON SHOULDERS OF GIANTS ARRIVAL-Part 1 Live from Antigua at the finish line

12.01.2022 MASSIVE SHOULDER GAINS!!! How to RETURN TO FITNESS following rehab.... GET more help Become a Better Human

12.01.2022 THIS IS... THE ULTIMATE DOORWAY DRILL! GET a BODY BLUEPRINT made. I work with athletes from all over the world via Skype. Become a Better Human

12.01.2022 Catch up pics from the last couple of paddles... Hitching rides behind big boats, dropping in on friends and sporting a beautiful lei... see you all soon on the water!

11.01.2022 "Gwondo" canoe blessing

11.01.2022 При отсутствии лодки, очень серьзная тренировка может получиться кстати! Пловцам меня не догнать! Спасибо @fresh_fitness_spb за возможность так тренироваться! #canoesport

10.01.2022 Learn what to ignore -------------------------------------- Curious, why do you paddle the way you paddle? How do you hold the grip? Handle?... What about arm placement? Where do you place your legs? What do you even do with your legs? How about posture? Head placement? How many phases do you have in your stroke? Loads of people have advice on how to paddle.... and that's cool. But there are also loads of people sharing advice who don't actually get it themselves. And this leads to paddlers being confused and focussing on unnecessary things. The thing is anyone can make the canoe move through the water with a paddle. That part is not rocket science.... And honestly, training your butt off to build your physique is not necessarily going to give you the gains you are after. Don't get me wrong, you need to work on fitness. But the fastest gains will come from sorting that technique out. The first place to start would be to learn what to ignore and what to lock in.... and coaches need to take ownership in this space when coaching and making sure they can explain to their paddlers the 'why' you do it this way... As a coach we each have a duty to help paddlers understand what we are saying. Because that is how you learn and it improves retention. We should all be developing 'thinking' paddlers who are able to respond in the moment when you are not around to hold their hand. I mean why wouldn't you want that? Feel like that was a wee bit of a rant.... either way I feel better getting that off my chest... Still, I'm interested to hear why you paddle the way you do.... shoot me a DM or PM #wakaama #outriggercanoe #technique #mythbusting #igpaddlers #rant #wakawananga #outriggercoach

09.01.2022 Since we are locked down and cannot get out until the surrounding countries open up again, I thought you might enjoy one special image each day taken from our p...ast deliveries. These images cover a time span between 2004 and last year. These images from 2013 show us preparing 122 midwife and health worker kits for distribution. Each of those kits weighs in at around 20 kgs and is stuffed with the equipment and expendables a rural midwife or health worker needs to do their job. See more

09.01.2022 I am always amazed when people message me asking what we do with Vega. I thought everyone here knew we are a humanitarian vessel delivering educational and supplies to remote island communities in South East Asia and East Timor. Well. This little film takes you along on a part of our annual deliveries. We have several more on the website at See more

09.01.2022 Very few places around the world are not feeling the effects of COVID-19. Out of an abundance of precaution, we’ve postponed this year’s voyage from Tahiti to B...ora Bora. So, pull up a chair and relive last year’s voyage! Flashback to the Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2019: World Championship. Special combined Matarai edit of daily clips of the 1st Holopuni Sailing Canoe World Championship. Tahiti - Moorea - Huahine - Raiatea - Taha'a - Bora Bora. 6 islands/5 legs. Watch in HD with a good sound system. Got YouTube on your TV? Watch in full HD on your big TV by streaming from the Holopuni Vaa YouTube Channel ( Très peu de régions du monde ne sont pas touchées par le COVID-19. Par principe de précaution, nous avons reporté notre voyage entre Tahiti et Bora Bora pour cette année. Alors, installez-vous pour revivre le voyage de l’année dernière! Retour sur le Holopuni Va’a Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2019: Championnat du Monde. Montage combiné Matarai des clips journaliers du 1er Championnat du Monde de Holopuni Va’a. Tahiti - Moorea - Huahine - Raiatea - Taha'a - Bora Bora. 6 iles/5 étapes. A voir en HD avec un bon son. Vous avez YouTube sur votre télé? Visionnez en HD sur votre grand écran depuis la chaine YouTube Holopuni Vaa ( . . #HolopuniWorldChampionship #ChampionnatDuMondeVaaTaieTautoru #VaaTaieTautoru #HolopuniVaa #LoveTahiti #MistralSUP #AirTahitiNui #AirTahiti #Vini #MakeVaa #PremiumTahiti #BoraBoraTourisme #HydroFlask #MauiJim #CocoBeachMoz #MamasBeachHouse #OptiqueMoorea #HolopuniCanoes #VaaTaie #CleanRegattas #SailorsfortheSea #TahitiTourisme #MaitaiHuahine #MaitaiBoraBora #oSeaVaaTaie #17Sud #TuaroMaohi #ProkopTahiti #TheIslandsofTahiti #ReconnectWithMana #matarai

09.01.2022 Bonjour tout le monde! Les Galapagos, la Polynésie et tous les sites protégés de la pêche industrielle se font attaquer de toute part par les grands groupes de... pêche mondiaux. Les DCP dérivants (Dispositifs de Concentration de Poissons), redoutables dispositifs de pêche, permettent aux senneurs de rafler des bancs entiers de thons. Aujourd'hui, on considère que 60 à 80% du thon mondial est pêché grâce à ces techniques. Alors si vous avez déjà acheté du thon dans un grand magasin, voici comment il est arrivé jusqu'à votre assiette. Ça nous a pris du temps de réaliser ce format plus long! Voici notre dernier reportage filmé en Polynésie. On espère que ça vous plaira! N'hésitez pas à partager pour faire parler de ces techniques de pêche qui détruisent les derniers sanctuaires marins du monde. Film réalisé en Polynésie française, avec des images tirées de reportages de Sea Shepherd Global, Greenpeace International, The Pew Charitable Trusts, Blue Ventures et Jean-marie Gayard. Avec le soutien de notre capitaine, Christian Coulombe et Dine La Sardine. Merci également à nos partenaires Air Tahiti Nui et Subwing pour leur soutien depuis toutes ces années pour la réalisation de nos films. Si vous voulez nous soutenir, venez nous suivre sur Youtube:

08.01.2022 OC6 long course start

05.01.2022 Stealth for sale in a good condition. Always washed and stored in an undercover. It is a good training canoe with general wear and tear. Much loved but I have t...o let it go as I don’t have enough space due to new canoe arrival. It comes with a weed rudder. $2500 pm if you are interested to give it a try. See more

05.01.2022 There is something very special about being out on the ocean. It is absolutely life changing! Thank you to our Title Partner Talisker for making this video ab...out our Head Safety Officer Ian Couch. There’s 17 days until #TWAC2020. Keep updated with all the news on here, Instagram and Twitter. #madebythesea #wildspirits

05.01.2022 Yehah somethings on

04.01.2022 If you watched the wildly popular "My Octopus Teacher" the main Human character may look familiar. Craig Foster is an award winning documentary filmmaker that t...ook Hklea crew members on a tour of one of the most ecologically rich coastlines in the world. Craig educated the crew on the inhabitants of False Bay, South Africa, a Mission Blue Hopespot, and guided them through the chilly waters to experience kelp forests, sharks and other marine life. See the blog at See My Octopus Teacher at #MalamaHonua #Hokulea

04.01.2022 From our Ohana to your, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe, go for a paddle and spread the Aloha, not germs! #OceanPaddlerTV #ZoneMedia #MalamaHonua

02.01.2022 LIVE from the Atlantic Ocean With just 163 miles left until they reach the finish line, Row4Cancer get a surprise visit from Support Yacht Skye. In the l...ast 24 hours Mark Slats and Kai Wiedmer have rowed 99 miles! Incredible! Can they break the 100 miles in 24 hours? Row4Cancer have lead the race since the start and will be soon arriving into Antigua. As soon as we know an arrival date and time we will post on our social media pages. #TWAC2020 #wildspirits

01.01.2022 world, meet snowkayaking

01.01.2022 The kii is an effigy of this generation taking hold of an ancient murmur. Learrn more about the meaning behind the kii on Hklea.

01.01.2022 A good reminder. . .

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