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25.01.2022 Why are women such harsh critics of their bodies? It is so deeply ingrained in us from the very beginning. That we aren't good enough, perfect. There is always a flaw, something could always be better or different. Because this is an industry. An industry that makes a lot of profit. No doubt you've all seen the meme going around "imagine all the companies that would go bankrupt if women started loving themselves".... Yep. It's actually not about you at all. It's about lining someone's pocket. So how we do rewrite that? How do we make it about you? You have to take back control. To embrace the idea that you are worthy, and practice it til you believe it. It's not an easy road, because every thing around us give us another message. But it's the only way. Start embracing exactly what you have and show it. Make it visible. The more variations the world sees, the more it becomes ok to be different. Hiding is the biggest betrayal, not only to yourself, but to your girlfriends, your daughters, your sisters, every single woman to ever exist. Artwork by Kat Shaw Artist

24.01.2022 Come an join me tomorrow over in the expecting parents group as I chat with the gorgeous Lee all things pleasure, perineums and birthing prep the pleasure way!!

23.01.2022 Introductory price almost over!!! This price is only available on the first 10 copies, we are almost there. After that, the price goes up to a fixed price. Grab yours today if you want the intro price xx...

22.01.2022 Indeed they will!!!

22.01.2022 Looking for a VOLUNTEER!!! I am looking for a glorious woman in Perth who would like to be of assistance in filming a training video. You will be the recipient of a Yoni Massage by one of my Practitioners. If you are keen, please message me for more information. ... You need to - be in the Perth area - be comfortable with being filmed naked - and available to film on a weekday towards the end of June with an all female crew. Please note this video will not be for public viewing and will be an educational resource for Temple of She only.

21.01.2022 Interviews are open for the next intake of Yoni Massage Practitioner Training. We begin on 20th of July. Interviews close 10th July. This one is happening a little differently due to Covid-19.... What's different? - 100% online (so you can do it from anywhere in the world and not have to travel) - 4 months instead of 6 month training - required to complete 6 case studies - lower cost Book your interview now to have a chat and ask your questions

20.01.2022 Yoni Massage, Yoni Mapping and Dearmouring. What are all these, whats the difference between them and why does it matter??

18.01.2022 Full term now. What a ride this pregnancy has been!! Emotional, mental, physical, spiritual. All of the things. I am ready for this baby, ready for birth, ready to be a mama. Well, as ready as one can be. There's still curve balls, and hard days ahead, but that's all part of what I have said yes to. The last few days have been particularly challenging. Moving through emotions and my body manifesting physical symptoms of those emotions. Surrender. Allowing it to be. ...And so it goes. But we are still on track, prepared for a homebirth, ready to birth without my partner and father of this baby as he still can't get into the country. We are ready for you baby, all in divine timing. PS fucking loving my photos from my maternity photo shoot

18.01.2022 This week is all about body love for me. My body is changing and shifting. For some time I have abondan moving, taking sexy photos, sexy videos, not because I haven't enjoyed it, or loved my body. But because I have felt heavy, emotionally. Life has been changing so rapidly and so enormously, it has been hard to keep up, and still be me. Plus having a beautiful man in my life has also led me to feel more loved and nourished, and I guess needing less from myself, in a wei...rd way. But the truth is, self love, body love is an eternal journey, no matter who is in your life, what circumstances your in, or how you express your self. These images of me in lingerie or sexy clothes, dancing, posing are not for you. They are for me. They are not for validation or even content. They are a personal statement to myself, to remind me of who I am, what I am, and that that, is normal, loveable, beautiful, sexy, acceptable, desirable and a form of leadership. After all, one of the most common messages I get from women, is saying how grateful they are to see a sexy expression of a body like theirs, in a world that tells them the opposite. I will never apologise for my body, Justify why it is the way it is, Change it or cover it up to make you or anyone else more comfortable. I Am that I Am.

17.01.2022 This is a powerful offering from one of the Temple Of She Yoni Massage Practitioners. Laura is an incredible practitioner who offers a range of services, this being just one of them..... worth while checking out!!

16.01.2022 THIS is the energy we are taking into the second half of 2020 REPOST . Little Sammy strikes a superhero pose, ready to take on the world! Mum says She was definitely camera ready .... . This is Sammy-Lee (@baby.samsam), she is from the heart of Australia, born in Alice Springs, Northern Territory. She is currently one year old and part of the Warlpiri, Pertame and Pitjantjatjara mob. Sammys Mum started an Instagram page for all to share in the cuteness of her beautiful black Indigenous baby girl. She adds Were so grateful for the love shes received since her early days of life and we love every single person whos joined her journey of growth. . @baby.samsam, posted with permission from Mum. . #Indigenous #Aboriginal #AliceSprings #FirstNations #NorthernTerritory #Australia #Outback #LittleSammyfromAlice See more

15.01.2022 Ok, so here it is!!!! Yep, some of you guessed it. I am cooking a little human in my womb 2020 is gracing us with another twist, Temple Of She is birthing a baby. I am over the moon, my partner is so excited to be a dad. What a journey this is!!!!

14.01.2022 Today is an epic fucking day! The next round of Erotic Mavens are stepping into the temple. Tonight is the first call for the 2020 intake of Yoni Massage Practitioner Training. This work is everything, it's about the revolution of the feminine, a deep remembering of women's worth and bringing an ancient sacred art to life again.... This work is a privilege, and to not do it would be neglect. Artwork by les_esprits_libres

14.01.2022 OMG it's here!!!!!!! Order yours here -

13.01.2022 Do you live in the south of Western Australia? Albany? Rose is an amazing Temple Of She Yoni Massage Practitioner in Albany, WA. "The wild woman archetype is a strong force in me. From the very beginning, I chose something different. Time and again I chose the wild, untamed way using my intuition and following my heart.... I instinctively knew medicinal and culinary herbs from a young age. As a teen I understood that my body wanted nourishing whole foods. I trusted my ability to give birth the wild woman way, at home and in the water. My body remembers the ancient pelvic floor dance, now known as belly dance. As I evolve spiritually so too my work unfolds into a powerful weaving of Jing (sexual) and Chi (life) energy. It is the combination of my lifes learning, that I believe will offer my clients a potentially deeper healing experience. I am here to hold, guide and welcome you home to your own innate knowing and healing" You can find Rose here-

13.01.2022 Happening tomorrow!!! Come and join me. 11am LIVE on Facebook. Come and join the group and I'll see you there. So looking forward to being in this space with you all tomorrow. We are going to have a chat about female sexual expression. The taboos, the struggles, the joys, the pleasures, the boundaries and limitations. Our sexual expression is one if the most powerful things we possess, yet it is so under accessed. ... Let me know if you have any questions you would like me to speak to. See you all tomorrow!

12.01.2022 The Power of the Feminine Police officers in Portland, Oregon were caught off guard after being approached by a nude female demonstrator, who lay down in th...e street and began performing yoga. The cops were then filmed withdrawing. A woman wearing nothing except a mask and a beanie approached a group of officers clearing out the downtown area in the early hours of Saturday. A line of police and federal agents were standing at an intersection when the naked woman seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Naked Athena appeared and the little boys didnt know what to do, joked Donovan Farley, a reporter on the ground who documented the risque confrontation. RT

12.01.2022 What's happening for the rest of 2020 and THE ONLY WAY you can work with me for the rest of the year!

12.01.2022 The latest intake of the Yoni Massage Practitioner Training is well underway. Today the first assessment is due for these incredible mavens. One thing that makes this training unique and of such a high standard is that there is an assessment process. Women are expected to participate at a high level and integrate learning and information to become competent practitioners. The assessments are also designed to push comfort zones and encourage the women to embrace their inner Erotic Maven. I love this work!!!

12.01.2022 This work is fucking amazing. It truly is. I am preparing for the next intake of Yoni Massage Practitioners and it is just reminding me how powerful, deep, and incredible this work really is. There is still space left if you would like to join us x We begin on July 20th.

08.01.2022 This amazingness has arrived from @temple.of.she Thank you

08.01.2022 Welcome packs are being put together to go out to the next round of Yoni Massage Practitioners. One of my favourite things to do. Thinking of each woman who has said yes, while I put her pack together. Feeling her, welcoming her, tailoring it to her. Places still available, we begin on 20th July.

08.01.2022 I am absolutely blown away!! There is SIX mapping tools left! In less than 48hrs, these have literally been snapped up. Jump in and grab yours now, before they go on back order.

07.01.2022 We all know what it is, what do we really know what it means, how to give it, ask for it and respect it? There are three types of consent: (Given with the example of a papsmear, but can relate to ANYTHING!) Consent - The person/practitioner says "I am going to do to the papsmear now, is that ok? Open your legs"... Informed Consent - The person/practitioner says "Ok, so your here for a papsmear, do you know what that involves, have you had one before, this is what it will feel like, this is what I am going to do, the results will take this long, any questions? Let me know when you ready, I'm touching you now" Full Bodied Consent - The person/practitioner explains and asks all of the above, and then most importantly allows you time and space to feel into your body for a full YES. A full bodied Yes. Where every cell in your body gives permission for this to take place. Even if you are the one who booked the appointment, who arranged the date, who went back to his place. When it comes to the moment, there might be that one part of you screaming NO. Listen to that. When you do, they do. Full Bodied Consent is vital for all interactions with your body, mind and spirit and sexuality. With a health professional or some guy you met at the pub. It matters. The no is where the work is, where the acknowledgement is. Respect it, give it a voice. If the person is the right person, they will give you the space to feel that no.

07.01.2022 I realised and accepted very early in this pregnancy that my body is going to look different. Different to "normal sized" women when they are pregnant. Society accepted bodies show us nice round bumps, maybe some stretch marks, cos you know that's embracing our flaws and all that. But what you don't see is fat women pregnant. Weird shaped bellys, B shaped bellys, aprons, rolls over the top of bellys.... So then when a body like mine comes along and gets pregnant I can't help but have moments of grieving the quintessential pregnant bump and bod. Trust me, those moments are brief and fleeting, because to be honest with you, I am fucking excited to show my belly. To show it off as it grows, to be visible in my difference and my normal. Unless we see variations of anything, we think there is only one way. I am so over that. I can't wait to show you an example of what a bigger woman looks like when she's growing a baby, birthed a baby and grows into motherhood. All whilst doing it like a sexy fucking queen!

06.01.2022 I need another glorious volunteer!!!!! I am looking for a woman in Wellington, NZ, who would like to be of assistance in filming a training video. You will be the recipient of a Yoni Massage by one of my Practitioners. If you are keen, please message me for more information. ... You need to - be in the Wellington area - be comfortable with being filmed naked - and available to film on a weekend in the next couple of weeks. Please note this video will not be for public viewing and will be an educational resource for Temple of She only.

06.01.2022 Sexy Selfie Sunday!!!! Show me what you got ladies

05.01.2022 I would love to know your thoughts, feelings, opinions of Cardi B's new song.... I am definitely in two minds. I think it's awesome women's sexual desires and expressions are being sung about in mainstream. With no shame and full ownership. However I also feels it very much buys into the cliche of what pleasure is/should be for women and how we should express ourselves if we are sexual. Also the actual name of song grinds me a little, WAP - Wet Ass Pussy. Again buying int...o the societal expectation that for women to fully be turned on, sexual or 'good' in sex she has to have a dripping wet pussy. When in fact, (And I have talked about this many times) wetness does not reflect turn on level, desire or enjoyment. What are your thoughts?

05.01.2022 Perhaps your man (or partner with a strap On) needs a little demo......

03.01.2022 Creating a new standard. When you feel the pull work on yourself, grow, develop, change, drop old stories and self beliefs, you are creating a new standard. A new standard of how to u are going to function, be, in the world.... The work of the Temple Of She is about exactly that. Creating a new standard for our sexuality and spirituality. What is and isn't ok. And yes, we are lifting that bar so fucking high, because THAT is what we are worthy of.

03.01.2022 Such an awesome video!!!! REALITY!

03.01.2022 There is an incredible announcement coming on Friday! Possibly one of the biggest I could ever make. Stay tuned.....

01.01.2022 I am absolutely over the moon to announce the 2020 intake of the Yoni Massage Practitioner Training is now FULL!!! These women have said yes to an incredible journey, in the most trying times we have experienced. This intake is going to be epic!

01.01.2022 What pregnancy has taught me about body love so far

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