Gasworks Medical Practice in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Medical and health
Gasworks Medical Practice
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 7 3852 4299
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24.01.2022 From birthing babies to having orgasms, vulvas and vaginas do some pretty extraordinary things! Take our quiz to learn more about these amazing body parts and how to best take care of them >
24.01.2022 SAVE THIS POST! Not sure about where all the places are for contact tracing. The updated list is available on the Queensland Health website:
23.01.2022 INTRODUCING DR RUTH TAYLOR Dr Ruth Taylor hails from Rural Australia, she studied at University of Melbourne and University of Queensland, shes recently returned to Brisbane after living in Melbourne for the past 6 years to join the Gasworks Medical Team. Dr Ruth loves being able to support her patients with the challenges that they face and navigate their treatment with real-world applications.... Specialising in Musculoskeletal and Sports Medicine, Pediatrics Womens Health, Travel Health, LGBTQI+ Health, Family Planning, Dermatology and Post Hospital Care. Dr Ruth is a caring doctor who looks after her patients during difficult times. Dr Ruth is a massive fan of the performing arts and is currently working on convincing her two young children to make a family band (unfortunately there hasnt been much interest from them).
22.01.2022 Do we dare mention that dreaded 4 letter word? This year has impacted everyone differently, now more than every it is important to stay healthy and look after your nutrition. The Heart Foundation has put together an article about Food and Healthy Eating during COVID-19.... Lunching from home? See their latest recipe booklet full of heart-healthy recipes for weekday lunches at home.
22.01.2022 Its Migrain & Headace Awareness Week. Headache Australia have put together a series of informative talks online with some of the most highly regarded experts and headache specialists in the field. See their website for more information...
20.01.2022 BRISBANE Now is not the time to be complacent! Keep you distance Wash your hands... Dont touch your face Most importantly, if you feel unwell - stay at home! Call our practice, our team will help organise a check up and get you tested.
20.01.2022 World Prematurity Day is one of the most important days in the year to raise awareness of preterm birth globally. Why the day is important - An estimated 15 million babies are born preterm every year more than 1 in 10 babies around the world. - Preterm birth complications are the leading cause of death for children under 5, causing an estimated 1 million deaths in 2015 globally.... - Rates of preterm birth are rising in the majority of countries with adequate data. - Across 184 countries, the rate of preterm birth ranges from 5% to 18% of babies born. (World Health Organization, key facts preterm birth (02/2018) See more
19.01.2022 Let's make being kind the norm. Today on world kindness day ask yourself, what small thing can I do today to make someone's day a little better. @therandomactsofkindnessfoundation
18.01.2022 KEEP PRACTICING GOOD HYGIENE Japanese health authorities have today advised Queensland Health of a case that tested positive for COVID-19 after returning to Japan from Brisbane, via Sydney. Public Health Alert For ... Virgin flight VA962 from Brisbane to Sydney on Monday, August 17 2020 Anyone who dined at The Jam Pantry caf at Greenslopes on Sunday, 16 August 2020
18.01.2022 Heres your Monday Morning Reminder! Keep washing those hands and using hand sanitiser! Stay 1.5 meters from those around you If you feel unwell - STAY AT HOME... Thank you
18.01.2022 GASWORKS MEDICAL PRACTICE - COVID UPDATE - As you are aware, due to new COVID-19 cases in Queensland there have been updates to the Queensland Government Guidelines.... We take the health and safety of our patients and our team very seriously. Gasworks Medical Practice has made some changes when you come in for you next visit. When you arrive at the practice you will notice our friendly reception staff wearing masks along with your doctor during your consultation. We also encourage all patients to wear masks, to ensure the safety of yourself and others around you. If you do not own a mask they are available at the chemist next door. We are asking patients where possible to please come alone to your appointment and only 1 parent / carer / guardian may attend with a child. WORRIED ABOUT YOUR SYMPTOMS? Gasworks Medical Practice is offering Telehealth to patients that have the following symptoms: Sore Throat Headache Runny Nose Shortness of Breath Fever Cough You can organise your Telehealth appointment by booking online or by calling the practice 07 3852 4299. We still offer Face-to-Face consultations and have protocols in place to keep everyone safe. Please call the practice if you have any questions 07 3852 4299.
17.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Grandparents, Guardians & Carers. We know that COVID-19 has put a lot of restrictions on our lives this year and who we can and cant see. Hopefully you are able to spend the day with people who are going to laugh at all your dad jokes. Well laugh at all your dad jokes so share with us your best.
17.01.2022 Its National Pain Week. Pain is an unpleasant experience in the body. Acute pain is a message in the body warning about danger, whereas chronic pain can have much more complex origins and functions. The nervous system is used to transmit signals around the body to indicate pain. Coping with chronic pain is an ongoing challenge for many.... You can find more resources on the Chronic Pain Australia facebook page or their website If you are experiencing pain book in to see your doctor who can help advise on a pain management program. #NPW2020
16.01.2022 Its International DOG DAY! Make sure you give that fur baby of yours some love today.
16.01.2022 Because Tevita new the F.A.S.T. signs of stroke and to call triple zero (000) he was able to save his mothers life. He is a F.A.S.T. hero. You can be one too. Across Australia, F.A.S.T. Heroes can save lives, simply by knowing and recognising the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) signs of stroke and calling an ambulance immediately. They know that stroke is always a medical emergency and time is critical. CLICK ON THE LINKTO SEE THE SIGNS OF A STROKE... #strokeweek2020
16.01.2022 September is PCOS Awareness Month Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal condition that affects up to 1 in 5 girls and women in their reproductive years. It may cause disruptions to the menstrual cycle, skin and hair changes, as well as cysts on the ovaries. It is one of the leading causes of infertility, yet many women dont know they have it up to 70% of women with PCOS remain undiagnosed.... Your doctor can help manage many of the symptoms. Find out more at Health Direct
16.01.2022 Extended list of locations and venues from contact tracing.
15.01.2022 INTRODUCTING DR CHRIS TIMONEY Brisbane boy all his life, Dr Chris Timoney studied both Pharmacy and Medicine at the University of Queensland. He completed his junior Doctor years at the Royal Brisbane and Womens Hospital before jumping across into General Practice. In a world with overwhelming access to medical information, Chris appreciates how scary it can be interpreting new symptoms whether for yourself or a loved one. He takes a logical, evidence-based approach to and is a big believer in the health impacts of lifestyle, work and relationships. Chris has a love for learning, and has pursued a career where this has the greatest impact on the lives of others. He has an interest in all areas of General Practice. Chris also enjoys looking after the health of medical students and other Doctors. When hes not in the practice, Chris can be found running along the Newstead boardwalk, punishing himself on a Golf Course or spending time with his Fianc and puppy Maple.
15.01.2022 COVID-19 has impacted our communities and the way we live, you might have seen changes in your school, study, work, relationships or your physical and mental health. Everyone experiences and reacts to changes differently, if you are struggling now might be the time for you to check in with your doctor to discuss your mental health. headspace also offer some great tools and resources online to support your mental health....
14.01.2022 This Trans Awareness Week, take meaningful action even little actions like taking the time to understand the importance of pronouns can make a huge difference. What are pronouns are why are they important. A pronoun is a word that refers to either the people talking (I or you) or someone/something that is being talked about (like she, it, them, and this). Pronouns like he, she and they specifically refer to the people that you are talking about.... It is important to respect people's pronouns. You can't always know what someone's pronouns are by looking at them. Asking and correctly using someone's pronouns is one of the most basic ways to show your respect for gender identity. Gasworks Medical Practice believes in creative a safe and inclusive environment for all our patients.
13.01.2022 High Fives Condom usage in Australia is on the rise! But so are rates of some STIs like chlamydia. So take a moment to read this article and refresh your knowledge on how and when to use a condom so you can protect yourself and your partner.... Queensland Health
13.01.2022 We are looking for an Experienced Practice Nurse to join our growing team at Gasworks Medical Practice. Do you know someone who would be perfect for our team. Please share this job with them.
12.01.2022 Grover vists the Doctor! When children know what to expect when visiting the doctor for a check up can hel ease childrens worries. Watch the video together with your child, then talk about what happened at Grovers check-up and what they can expect at their own check-ups.... Together, role-play a check-up using a stuffed animal. Take turns being the doctor or nurse! Sesame Street in Communities
11.01.2022 The Daffodil Day Appeal gives hope by raising life-saving funds for world class cancer research. This year may feel a little different but the need to stop cancer is just the same. How you can get involved... Donate a virtual daffodil Fundraise your way Share your support Find our more on their website Cancer Council Australia
11.01.2022 Arrr Matey... Its talk like a Pirate Day
10.01.2022 Did you know for every 8 Strawberry Sundaes sold, supports 1 hour of research! Do you think you could eat 8? Find the pop ups hear and get your Strawberry Sundae fix - or follow The Common Good Au to find out where you can get yours this weekend.
10.01.2022 August each year is Australian Tradies National Health Month. Designed to bring awareness to tradies health and encourage them to look after their wellbeing. Australian tradies make 190 serious workers compensation claims every day three times the national average according to a Safe Work Australia.
10.01.2022 CAN YOU RECOGNISE A STROKE? National Stroke Week (28 September 2019) is the Stroke Foundations annual awareness campaign, urging Australians when they recognise the F.A.S.T. (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) signs of stroke to call an ambulance, thereby potentially saving a life. Stroke can impact anyone of any age, with more than 80 per cent of strokes showing at least one of the F.A.S.T. signs of stroke.... #strokeweek2020
09.01.2022 WORLD FIRST AID DAY More lives could be saved if those first on scene were first aid trained. Would you know what to do if you were first to arrive at the scene of a car accident?... Be prepared and book into a first aid course today!
09.01.2022 It's National Cervical Cancer Awareness Week, and it's time for all Women to make sure they are up to date with their cervical screening. Due to COVID-19 many have fallen behing to have their screening. If you think this might be you book in to see your doctor today. The Cervical Screening Test (CST) has replaced the Papsmear, once you are on the new cycle the CST should be attended every FIVE years from the age of 25.... If you have more questions or want to find out more, go to the Australian Cervical Cancer Foundation (ACCF) facebook page or see their FAQs on their website to find out more. #cerFIX2035
08.01.2022 FACE TO FACE Gasworks Medical Practice are continuing to do Face-to-Face consultations. We still have some pretty tight protocols to ensure the safety of our patients and team.... You can see these listed on our website.
07.01.2022 Gasworks Medical Practice will be closed Friday 14th August for the public holiday. We will be re opening Saturday 15th August. You dont have to miss out on those Strawberry Ice Creams this year The Common Good Au have pop up locations all around Brisbane selling our favourite treat. Have you had one yet?...
07.01.2022 Hey LEFT HANDERS where you at? Its International Left Handers Day time to celebrate the uniqueness and differences of the left handers.
06.01.2022 A CONVERSATION CAN CHANGE A LIFE R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them and start a conversation with anyone who may be struggling with life. You dont need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener.... Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life: 1. Ask R U OK? 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check in #theresmoretosay #ruokday #ruokeveryday
06.01.2022 When should you worry about a headache? Headaches are really common. In fact, Headache Australia says theyre one of the most common symptoms experienced by humans, with more than 5 million Australians affected by headaches and migraines. Even though its so common, if youve got a headache thats sudden, severe or lasting, you might be worried that theres a serious problem. So how do you know when a headache is something you can treat at home, or when you should see your d...octor?
05.01.2022 Gasworks Medical Practice take our patients and our teams health and saftey very seriously. To find out more about the protocols that we have in place during this time see our website. We look forward to welcoming you to the practice soon....
05.01.2022 Get out of your loungewear and into your Jeans! Its Jeans for Genes day! Every minute, 12 kids globally are born with a birth defect or incurable genetic disease. Many are at an even greater risk right now from COVID-19.... You can help donate or rock your best denim looks at work, school, home or online! Donate to this cause here
04.01.2022 Gasworks Medical Practice believes in creative a safe and inclusive environment for all our patients. This Trans Awareness Week our team will sitting down and assessing how we can make sure our practice can be a safe and welcoming place for our trans and gender diverse patients. We will also be sharing some resources this week to help educate ourselves and those around us about gender diversity.... November 13-20
04.01.2022 Its International Friendship Day! This year our relationships have all been strained so today take the time to let your friend know they are on your mind. Send a message... Call you friends Organise a catch up Grab a meal together Practice juggling Celebrate your weird Make sure you take the time to show some love to you friends today.
03.01.2022 Its Womens Health Week. What are you going to do to take care of your health this week?
02.01.2022 ITS LIPTEMBER A campaign dedicated to raising funds and awareness for womens mental health, harnessing the true potential of the collective, encouraging and inspiring people to listen, share, and learn. Helping start the conversation off, by popping a little colour on; individuals are encouraged to register online and seek sponsorship from family, friends and co-workers for committing to wear the lippy throughout September.... Funds raised during the month are donated to the Centre for Womens Mental Health, Lifeline, Batyr, The Jean Hailes Foundation, The Pretty Foundation and The Magpie Nest Womens Program.
02.01.2022 Sleep is the critical third pillar in achieving maximum mental health and overall wellness. While you are sleeping your body does a lot of important work. Your brain sorts and processes the days information creating long term memories as your brain consolidates all the information its picked up during the day and files it away for later use. Poor sleep leads to decreased decision-making ability, poorer reaction times and greater irritability.... Hormones flood your body during sleep which helps your body to grow and repair itself. Without enough sleep, your hormones are out of whack and your body craves sugar, fat and high-GI foods leading to weight. Consistent good sleep may be a protective factor against heart disease, diabetes, stroke as our sympathetic nervous system which controls your fight or flight response gets a chance to relax. Our cortisol levels (stress hormone) decreases during the first few hours of sleep before rising to peak soon after you wake up. This helps makes you feel perky when you wake up and switches on your appetite. Your immune system releases a type of small proteins called cytokines. If youre sick or injured, these cytokines help your body fight inflammation, infection and trauma. Without enough sleep, your immune system might not be able to function at its best. If you suspect you have a sleep disorder see your GP. #SAW2020 #SleepAwarenessWeek #MentalHealth #Anxiety #Depression
02.01.2022 How do you know if someone is having a stroke? Think F.A.S.T. The Stroke Foundation recommends the F.A.S.T. test as an easy way to remember the most common signs of stroke. Using the F.A.S.T. test involves asking these simple questions: Face Check their face. Has their mouth drooped?... Arms Can they lift both arms? Speech Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you? Time Is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away. Click on the link to learn more. #strokeweek2020
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