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25.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 9 Division 1 ... Burnie d East Devonport/forth ;0 rubbers 7 sets 46 games to 5 sets 7 games ;8 points to 6 S Stanton-H Walmsley v A Hall-M Flint 6-1 W/o; N Johnstone- A Tu- v J Hopkins-S Simmons 7-5, W/o Remainding rubbers washed out Wynyard/Somerset v Ulverstone; 2 rubbers 7 sets 25 games to 0 rubbers 3 sets 8 games 8 points to 4 S Spitalniak-J Watson d D Osborne-S Bradley 7-5, 6-1 J Flint-J Lawrence d Stringer-A White d 6-0, 6-2 Remainding rubbers washed out Division 2 East Devonport d Burnie; 2 rubbers 6 sets 47 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 37 games; 8 points to 4 B Reece- S Taylor lt T Cameron-T Cooper 6-4, 2-6, 5-7-J OBpyle-M Dunstan d K Cameron-W Radcliff 6-3 6-0 B Reece-J OBoyle lt T C ameron- K Cameron 6-2, 4-6 ,0-6 S Taylor-M Dunstan d T Cooper-W Radcliff 6-2, 6-1 Latrobe v Wynyard/Somerset; 2 rubbers 7 sets 27 games to 0 rubbers 4 sets 15 games ; 8 points to 5 B Hingston-M Yeates d C Keygan-B Crisp 6-3 6-4 A Lawson-J Beaumont d K Whelan-R Barker 6-1, 3-6, 6-1 Remainding rubbers washed out Ulverstone v Forth; 1 rubber 6.5 sets 35 games to 1 rubber 4.5 sets; 7.5 points to 5.5 A Radford-K Blencowe lt M Wells-D Jones 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 L Smith-R Braid- d J Smith-Kingston-C Warke 6-4- 7-6 A Radford- L Smith v M Wells-J Smith-kingston-Washout K Blencowe-R Braid v D Jones-C Warke 6-3, W/O Remainding rubber and games washed out Ladder after round 9 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 70; Burnie 61; East Devonport/Forth 46; Ulverstone 29 Division 2 Latrobe 77; Wynyard/Somerset 69; East Devonport 57; Ulverstone 40.5 Forth 31.5; Burnie 28

23.01.2022 Ladies Midweek - results for Round 10 Division 1 East Devonport/forth d Ulverstone; ;3 rubbers 7.5 sets 56 games to 0 rubbers 2.5 se 41 games 9.5 points to 2.5... M Flint -A Hall d D Osborne- A White 6-3, 6-4 S Simmons- J Hopkins d S Bradley-J Bradley 6-7, 6-4, 6- 4 M Flint-S Simmons v D Osborne-S Bradley 6-4, 3-6. W/o A Hall-J Hopkins d A White-J Bradley 6-4, 6-4 Burnie v Wynyard/Somerset; 1 rubber 6 sets 24 games to 1 rubber 5 sets 20 games 7 points to 6 S Stanton-H Walmsley d S Spitalniak-J Watson 6-4, 6-2 N J0hnston-H Ainslie lt D Dick-J Lawrence 4-6. 6-2, 2-6 Remaining rubbers washed out Division 2 East Devonport d Ulverstone; 3 rubbers 6 sets 42 games to 1 rubber 2 sets 23 games; 8 points to 2 J OBoyle- S Taylor d A Radford- K Blencowe 6-1, 6-2 B Reece -M Dunstan d L Smith-R Braid 6-1 6-2 J OBoyle- B Reece- d A Radford-L Smith 6-1 6-4 S Taylor-M Dunstan lt K Blencowe-R Braid 4-6, 2-6 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 3 rubbers 7 sets 50 games to1rubber2 sets 23 games ; 9 points to 2 B Crisp-K Coles d T Cooper-S Radcliffe 6-0, 6-0 R Barker-K Whelan d W Radcliffe-D Elphinstone 6-1, 6-4 B Crisp-R Barker- l T Cooper-W Radclffe 6-7, 6-1, 2-6 K Coles-K Whelan d S Radcliffe-D Elphinstone 6-4, 6-0 Latrobe d Forth; 4 rubbers 8 sets 51 games to 0 rubbers 1set 31 games; 10 points to 1 M Yeates-A Lawson d M Wells-D Jones 7-5, 1-6, 6-2 J Beamont-M Trinder d J Smith-K-C Warke 6-3, 6-2 M Y eates-J Beaumont d M Wells-J Smith-K 6-2, 7-5 A Lawson-M Trinder d D Jones-C Warke 6-2, 6-4 Ladder after round 10 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 76; Burnie 68; East Devonport/Forth 55.5 Ulverstone 31.5 Division 2 Latrobe 87; Wynyard/Somerset 78; East Devonport 65; Ulverstone 42.5; Forth 32.5; Burnie 30

23.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Results Round 6 Division 1 Wyn/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 2 rubbers 6 sets 44 games to 2 rubbers 5 sets 49 game; 8 points to 5 S Spitalniak-D Dick d M Flint-A Hall 6-2, 2-6, 6-4 J Watson-K Coles lt D Jones-S Simmons 7-6, 3-6. 1-6... S Spitalniak-J Watson d M Flint-D Jones 6-3, 6-1 D Dick-K Coles lt A Hall-S Simmons 6-3, 1-6, 0-6 Burnie d Ulverstone; 4, 8, 50 to 0, 0, 21; 10 points to 0 S Stanton-H Walmsley d N Stringer-A White 6-0, 6-3 H Ainslie-A Tu d J Winkel-D Morrell 7-5, 6-2 S Stanton-H Ainslie d N Stringer-J Winkel 6-1, 6-0 H Walmsley-A Tu d A White-D Morrell 6-4, 7-6 Division 2 East Devonport d Wynyard/Somerset; 2 rubbers 5 sets 47 games to 2 rubbesr 5 sets 37 games; 7 points to 5 B Reece-C Sapir lt K Whelan-B Crisp 4-6, 4-6 G Janney-M Dunstan d J French-R Barker 6-1, 3-6, 6-0 B Reece-G Janney lt K Whelan-J French 4-6, 6-4, 6-2 C Sapir-M Dunstan d B Crisp-R Barker 6-1, 6-1 Devonport d Burnie ; 3, 7.5, 50 to 0, 1.5, 26; 9.5 points to 1.5 B Hingston-M Yeates d D Davis-T Cooper 6-2, 6-3 R Robinson-A Lawson d J Strickland-K Cameron 6-3, 6-2 B Hingston-A Lawson d D Davis-J Strickland 6-1, 7-5 M Yeates-A Lawson v T Cooper-K Cameron 6-7, 6-2, w/o Ladder after round 6 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 46, Burnie 44, East Devonport/Forth 34, Ulverstone 16 Division 2 East Devonport 47, Wynyard/Somerset 37, Devonport 35.5, Burnie 18.5

22.01.2022 Grand final day - congratulations to Burnie - div 1 winners and east Devonport div 2 winners.

22.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 8 Division 1 ... Burnei d Ulverstone;3 rubbers 7sets 46 games to 1 rubber 2 sets 18 games; 9 points to 2 S Stanton-H Walmsley d N Stringer-J Bradley 6-1, 6-0 A Tu-H Ainslie lt D Osborne-S Bradley 3-6, 6-4 1-6 S Stanton -A Tu d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-0, 6-1 H Walmsley-H Ainslie d J Bradley-S Bradley forfeit 6-0, 6-0 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 4, 8, 48 to 0, 0, 15; 10 points to 0 S Spitalniak-J Watson d M Fliny-A Hall 6-2, 6-2 J Flint-J Lawrence d S Simmons-R Robinson 6-1, 6-0 S Spitalniak-J Flint d M Flint-S Simmons 6-2, 6-2 J Watson-J Lawrence d A Hall-R Robinson 6-2, 6-4 Division 2 Burnie d Ulverstone; 3 rubbers, 6 sets, 36 games to 1 rubber, 2 sets 22 games;8 points to 2 D Davis-T Cooper d A Radford-K Blencowe 6-2, 6-1 S Fadcliffe-K Cameron d L Smith-J James 6-1, 6-4 D Davis-S Radcliffe lt A Radford-L Smith 0-6, 0-6 T Cooper-K Cameron d K Blencowe-J James 6-0, 6-2 Latrobe d East Devonport; 4, 8, 48 to 0, 0,24; 10 points to 0 B Hingston- M Yeates d S Taylor-B Reece 6-2, 6-4 A Lawson-M Trinder d M Dunstan-J OBoyle 6-4, 6-4 B Hingston-A Lawson d S Taylor-M Dunstan 6-3, 6-2 M Yeates- M Trinder d B Reece-J OBpyle 6-4, 6-1 Wynyard/Somerset d Forth; 4, 8, 53 to 0, 1, 30; 10 points to 1 C Keygan-B Crisp d M Wells-D Jones 7-5, 6-4 K Whelan-R Barker d J Smith-Kingston-C Warke 6-1, 6-4 C Keygan-K Whelan d M Wells-J Smith-Kingston 6-0, 6-4 B Crisp-R Barker d D Jones-C Warke 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 Ladder after round 8 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 62; Burnie 53; East Devonport/Forth 40; Ulverstone 25 Division 2 Latrobe 69; Wynyard/Somerset 64; East Devonport 49; Ulverstone 33; Forth 26; Burnie 24

21.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Tennis Preliminary Final Division 1 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 4 rubbers 8 sets 53 games to 0 rubber 2 sets 31 games ... S Spitalniak- D Dick d S Simmons-A Hall 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 J Flint-J Lawrence d D Jones-M Flint 6-1, 6-2 S Spitalniak-J Flint d S Simmons-D Jones 6-0, 6-1 D Dick-J Lawrence d A Hall-M Flint 2-6, 6-4, 6-3 Division 2 East Devonport d Devonport; 2 rubbers 6 sets 45 games to 2 rubbers 5 sets 47 games S Taylor- B Reece lt B Hingston-J Beaumont 6-2, 2-6, 1-6 -M Dunstan- G Janney d M Yeates-R Robinson 6-2, 2-6, 6-4 S Taylor-M Dunstan lt B Hingston-M Yeates 6-3, 1-6, 3-6 B Reece-G Janney d J Beaumont-R Robinson 6-4, 6-2 Grand Final draw Wednesday 5th Dec. Div. 1 Burnie v Wynyard/Somerset Div.2 Wynyard/Somerset v East Devonport All matches at Devonport Afternoon tea to follow at conclusion of matches with presentation of medals.

21.01.2022 Unfortunately the ladies carnival has been cancelled. Regrettably we did not have enough entries to confirm caterer, hire of venue and other necessities - however will try and reschedule later in the year. Thanks to those that had expressed interest

20.01.2022 ladies Midweek is about to recommence - if you are interested contact your club or Paul Fletcher our Midweek Ladies coordinator - or phone 0409839919

20.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 7 Division 1 Wyn/Somerset d Ulverstone; 4 rubbers 8 sets 48 games to 0 rubbers 0 sets 17 games; 10 points to 0 S Spitalniak-J Watson d N Stringer-A White 6 -2, 6-4 J Flint-D Dick d J Winkel-L Smith 6-2, 6-3... S Spitalniak-J Flint d N Stringer-J Winkel 6-1, 6-1 J Watson- D Dick d A White-L Smith 6-1, 6-3 Burnie d East Devonport/Forth; 3, 7, 50 to 1, 3, 32; 9 points to 3 S Stanton-H Walmsley d M Flint-A Hall 6-0, 4-6, 6-0 H Ainslie-A Tu d D Jones-S Simmons 6-3, 6-3 S Stanton-H Ainslie d M Flint-D Jones 6-0, 6-2 H Walmsley-A Tu lt A Hall-S Simmons 7-6, 3-6, 0-6 Division 2 East Devonport d Burnie; 2 rubbers 4 sets 40 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 37 games; 6 points to 4 S Taylor-B Reece lt K Bosker-T Cooper 3-6, 4-6 J OBoyle-G Janney d J Letton-K Cameron 6-4, 6-3 S Taylor-J OBoyle d K Bosker-J Letton 6-2, 6-3 B Reece-G Janney lt T Cooper-K Cameron 3-6, 6-7 Wynyard/Somerset d Devonport; 2, 4, 36 to 2, 4, 33; 6 points to 4 K Whelan-R Barker lt A Lawson-R Robinson 0-6, 4-6 B Crisp-Y Chugg d C Sapir-C Oates 6-1, 6-1 K Whelan-B Crisp lt A Lawson-C Sapir 4-6, 4-6 R Barker-Y Chugg d R Robinson-C Oates 6-4, 6-3 Ladder after round 7 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 56, Burnie 53, East Devonport/Forth 37, Ulverstone 16 Division 2 East Devonport 53, Wynyard/Somerset 43, Devonport 39.5, Burnie 22.5

20.01.2022 Tennis North West AGM. The attendance was disappointing at the recent Tennis North West AGM. Elected Officers - President/Treasurer Kim Robinson, Secretary, Paul Fletcher, Statistician Glenis Janney, Ladies Midweek Convenor Glenis Janney and Public Officer Paul Fletcher. We want to hear from you if you would like to join the committee - currently we have two committee members and would like a few more. If you are interested in the future of tennis in the region, why not come along with your ideas and make a difference.

19.01.2022 Apologies for lack of result updates - hope to catch up with all results over the next couple of weeks

18.01.2022 Womens midweek Round 15 Division 1 East Devonport v Burnie; 1 rubber 6 sets 15 games to 0 rubbers 5 sets 15 games; 7 points to 6... Ulverstone v Wynyard/somerset; Wash out; 6 points each Division 2 Forth v Latrobe; Wash out; 6 points each East Devonport v Ulverstone 2 rubbers,7 sets, 25 games to 0 rubbers 3 sets, 15 games; 8 points t0 4 M Dunstan- OBoyle d K Blencowe-A Radford 7-6, 6-3; S Taylor-B Reece d R Braid-K Derrico 6-3, 6-3 M Dunstan-S Taylor-v K Blencowe-R Braid Wash out; J -OBoyle- B Reece v A Radford-K Derrico wash out Wynyard/somerset v Burnie; 1 rubber 6 sets 16 games to 5 sets, 11 games; 7 points to 6 C Keygan- B Crisp v T Cameron-T Cooper 4-6, Wash out; K Whelan-R Barker v W Radcliffe-S Radcliffe 6-4, 6-1 C Keygan-K Whelan v T Cameron-W Radcliffe Washout; B Crisp-R Barker v T Cooper-S Radcliffe Washout Final ladder after round 15 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 116; Burnie 104; East Devonport/Forth 82.5 Ulverstone 39.5 Division 2 Latrobe 127; Wynyard/Somerset 114; East Devonport 96 Ulverstone 60.5 Forth 57.5 Burnie 50 Division 1 Preliminary Final draw Burnie v East Devonport/forth Division 2- Semi Final draw Latrobe v Ulverstone; Wynyard/Somerset v East Devonport All matches played at Devonport tennis club

17.01.2022 A reminder to any ladies that HOBART are hosting the ladies tennis carnival soon - lots of tennis, fun, food and more - so dont miss out register now!

15.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 13 Division 1 Burnie d East Devonport/Forth; 4 rubbers 8 sets 49 games to 0 rubbers 0 sets 18 games;10 points to 0... S Stanton-H Walmsley d M Flint-D Jones 6-0, 6-2 H Ainslie-A Tu d S Simmons-G Janney 6-4, 7-5 S Stanton-H Ainslie d M Flint-S Simmons 6-3, 6-0 H Walmsley-A Tu d D Jones-G Janney 6-3, 6-1 Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone; 3, 7, 52 to 1, 2, 24; 9 points to 2 S Spitalniak-J Watson lt D Osborn-A White 6-3, 4-6, 6-7 J Flint-J Lawrence d N Stringer-L Smith 6-2, 6-1 S Spitalniak-J Flint d D Osborne-N Stringer 6-1, 6-2 J Watson-J Lawrence d A White-L Smith 6-0, 6-2 Division 2 East Devonport d Burnie; 4 rubbers 8 sets 48 games to 0 rubbers 0 sets 19 games; 10 points to 0 B Reece-S Taylor d T Cooper-K Conaghan 6-3, 6-3 C Sapir-M Dunstan d J Jackupec-C Warke 6-1, 6-1 B Reece-C Sapir d T Cooper-J Jackupec 6-3, 6-2 S Taylor-M Dunstan d K Conaghan-C Warke 6-3, 6-3 Wynyard/Somerset d Devonport; 3, 7, 54 to 1, 3, 42; 9 points to 3 K Whelan-B Crisp d F Johnstone-J Smith-Kingston 6-2, 7-6 R Barker-K Coles d C Oates-J Beaumont 3-6, 7-5, 6-4 K Whelan-R Barker d F Johnstone-C Oates 7-6, 6-1 B Crisp-K Coles v J Smith-Kingston-J Beaumont 6-7 , W/Out Ladder after round 13 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 103, Burnie 102, East Devonport/Forth 57, Ulverstone 36 Division 2 East Devonport 89, Wynyard/Somerset 86.5 Devonport 68 , Burnie 53.5

15.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 6 Division 1 ... Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone 4 rubbers 8 sets 55 games to 0 rubbers 2 sets 34 games; 10 points to 2 S Spitalniak- J Watson d D Osborne-A White 6-2, 1-6, 6-2 J Flint-D Dick d J Bradley-N Stringer 7-6, 6-1 S Spitalniak- J Flint d D Osborne-J Bradley 6-2, 6-2, J Watson-D Dick d A White-N Stringer 7-6, 4-6, 6-1 Burnie d East Devonport/Forth; 3, 7, 59 to 1, 4, 40; 9 points to 4 S Stanton-H Walmsley d A Hall-S Simmons 4-6, 6-0, 6-0 H Ainslie-A T u lt M Flint-J Hopkins 7-5 ,3-6 ,2-6 S Stanton-H Ainslie d A Hall-M Flint 7-5, 6-0 H Walmsley-A Tu d S Simmons-J Hopkins 6-7, 6-2, 6-3 Division 2 Latrobe d Burnie;3 rubbers 6 sets 46 games to1 rubbers 3 sets 35 games; 8 points to 3 B Hingston-M Yeates d T Cameron-T Cooper 3-6, 6-1, 7-6 A Lawson-J Beaumont d D Davis-W Radcliffe 6-2, 6-4 B Hingston- A Lawson d T Cameron-D Davis 6-1, 6-3 M Yeates-J Beaumont lt T Cooper-W Radcliffe 4-6, 2-6 East Devonport d Forth; 4, 8, 52 to 0 1 29; 10 points to 1 S Taylor-B Reece d M Wells-J Smith-Kingston 6-3, 6-2 M Dunstan-J Oboyle d R Robinson-C Warke 6-1, 2-6, 6-3 S Taylor-M Dunstan d M Wells-R Robinson 6-1, 7-5 B Reece-J OBoyle d J Smith-Kingston-C Warke 6-3, 7-5 Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone; 3, 6, 42 to 1, 2, 27; 8 points to 2 K Whelan-K Coles d K Blencowe-A Radford 6-2, 6-3 G Agg-R Barker d R Braid-J James 6-2, 6-2 K Whelan- G Agg lt K Blencowe-R Braid 4-6, 2-6 K Coles-R Barker d A Radford-J James 6-3, 6-3 Ladder after round 6 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 44 Burnie 42; East Devonport/Forth 32; Ulverstone 19 Division 2 Latrobe 53; Wynyard/Somerset 48; East Devonport 43; Ulverstone 25 Forth 19; Burnie 10

15.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 3 Division 1 ... Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone; 3 rubbers 6 sets 49 games to 1 rubber 4 sets 41 games; 8 points to 4d D Dick-J Watson d N Stringer-A White 6-2, 3-6, 6-4 J Lawrence-G Agg d D Osborne-S Bradley 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 D Dick-J Lawrence d N Stringer D Osborne 6-4, 6-2 J Watson-G Agg lt A White-S Bradley 4-6, 4-6 Burnie d East Devonport/Forth; 4, 8, 51 to 0, 1, 28; 10 points to 1 S Stanton-H Walmsleyd M Flint-A Hall 6-3, 6-1H Ainslie-A Tu d J Hopkins-W Radcliffe 6-3, 6-2 S Stanton-H Ainslie d d M Flint-J Hopkins 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 H Walmsley-A Tu d A Hall-W Radcliffe 6-2, 6-3 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset d Forth; 3 rubbers 7 sets 55 games to 1 rubber 3 sets 27 games; 9 points to 3 C Keygan-B Crisp d M Wells-D Jones 4-6, 6-0, 6-2 K Whelan-R Barker d d J Smith-Kingston-C Warke 6-0, 6-3 C Keygan-K Whelan d M Wellss-J Smith-Kingston 6-2, 6-0 B Crisp-R Barker lt D Jones-C Warke 4-6, 6-1, 5-7 Ulverstone d Burnie ; 2, 5, 36, 2, 4, 19; 7 points to 4 A Radford-K B lencowe lt T Cameron-T Cooper 3-6, 4-6 L Smith-R Braid d J Jakepec-D Edminstone 6-1, 6-0 A Radford-L Smith v T Cameron-J Jakupec 4-6. W/o, W/o K Blencowe-R Braid d T Cooper-D Edminstone 6-0, 6-0 Latrobe d East Devonport; 3, 7, 52 to 1, 3, 38; 9 points to 3 B Hingston-J Beaumont d S Taylor-B Reece 6-1, 7-5 M Trinder-A Lawson d M Dunstan-J OBoyle 6-3, 4-6, 6-4 B Hingston-M Trinder d S Taylor-M Dunstan 6-3, 6-2 J Beaumont-A Lawson lt B Reece-J OBoyle 6-2, 3-6, 2-6 Ladder after round 3 Division 1; Burnie 22; Wynyard/Somerset 22; East Devonport/Forth 12; Ulverstone 10 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset 28; Latrobe 27; Forth 15; East Devonport 15; Ulverstone 10; Burnie 4

15.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 5 Division 1 ... East Devonport/Forth d Wynyard/Somerset ;2 rubbers 5sets 43 games to 2 rubbers 5 sets 40 games; 7 points to 5 M Flint-A Hall d J Watson-S Spitalniak 6-0, 6-4S Simmons-J Hopkins lt D Dick-J Flint 3-6, 4-6 M Flint-S Simmons d J Watson-D Dick 3-6, 6-4,6-2 A Hall-J Hopkins lt S Spitalniak-J Flint 6-0, 2-6, 2-6 Burnie d Ulverstone; 2, 5,48 to 2, 4, 34; 7 points to 4 S Stanton-H Walmsley d N Stringer-A White 6-1, 6-1 H Ainslie-A Tu lt D Osborne-S Bradley 6-1, 3-6. 6-7 S Stanton-H Ainslie d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-1, 7-5 H Walmsley-A T u lt A White-S Bradley 4-6, 4-6 Division 2 Latrobe d Forth; 4 rubbers 8 sets 48 games to 0 rubbers 0 sets 15 games10 points to 0 M Yeates-A Lawson d M Wells-J Smith-Kingston 6-3 6-4 J Beamont-M Trinder d C Warke-A Findlater 6-0, 6-0 M Yeates-J Beaumont d M Wells-C Warke 6-2, 6-4 A Lawson-M Trinder d J Smith-Kingston-A Findlater 6-1, 6-1 East Devoport d Ulverston; 2, 6, 46 to 2, 4, 43; 8 points to 4 B Reece-M Dunstan d A Radford -K Blencowe 6-1, 7-6 R Robinson-J OBoyle lt L Smith-R Braid 6-2, 3-6 ,2-6 B Reece-R Robinson d A Radford-L Smith 6-2, 6-2 M Dunstan-J OBoyle lt K Blencowe-R Braid 7-6, 1-6 2-6 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 3, 7, 52 to 1, 3, 33; 9 points to 3 C Keygan-B Crisp d T Cameron-T Cooper 3-6, 6-3 6-3 K Whelan-R Barker W Radcliffe-S Radcliffe 6-0, 7-5 C Keygan-K Whelan d T Cameron W Radclffe 6-1, 6-1 B Crisp-R Barker lt T Cooper-S Radcliffe 1-6, 6-2, 2-6, Ladder after round 5 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 34; Burnie 33; East Devonport/Forth 28; Ulverstone 17 Division 2 Latrobe45; Wynyard/Somerset 40; East Devonport 33; Ulverstone 23; Forth 18; Burnie 7

14.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 2 Division 1 ... Burnie d Ulverstone; 3 rubbers 6 sets 46 games to 1 rubber 3 sets 30 games; 8 points to 3 S Stanton-H Walmsley d J Winkel- Stringer 6-0, 6-2 H Ainslie-A Tu lt A White-D Osborne 3-6, 3-6 S Stanton-H Ainslie d J Winkel-A White 6-4, 6-3 H Walmsley-A Tu d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-3, 4-6, 6-0 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 3, 6, 43 to 1, 2, 23; 8 points to 2 S Spitalniak-J Watson d M Flint-A Hall 6-3, 6-3 J Flint-J Lawrence d S Simmons-J Hopkins 6-0, 6-2 S Spitalniak-J Flint d M Flint-S Simmons 6-2, 6-1 J Watson-J Lawrence lt A Hall-J Hopkins 3-6, 4-6 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport; 3 rubbers 7 sets 62 games to 1 rubber 4 sets 49 games; 9 points to 4 C Keygan-B Crisp lt S Taylor-B Reece 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 K Whelan-R Barker d M Dunstan-J OBoyle 6-7, 6-3, 7-6 C Keygan-K Whelan d S Taylor-M Dunstan 6-3, 6-1 B Crisp-R Barker d B Reece-J OBoyle 5-7, 6-4, 6-3 Latrobe d Ulverstone ; 3, 6, 45 to 1, 2, 21; 8 points to 2 B Hingston-A Lawson d A Radford-K Blencowe 6-0, 6-0 M Yeates-M Trinder d L Smith-R Braid 7-5, 6-1 B Hingston-M Yeates d A Radford-L Smith 6-0, 6-2 A Lawson-M Trinder lt K Blencowe-R Braid 6-7, 2-6 Forth d Burnie; 4, 8, 48 to 0, 0, 18; 10 points to 0 M Wells-D Jones d W Radcliffe-S Radcliffe 6-2, 6-2 J Smith-Kingston-C Warke d K Cameron-J Jakupec 6-2, 6-3 M Wells-J Smith-Kingston d W Radcliffe-K Cmeron 6-4, 6-2 D Jones-C Warke d S Radcliffe-J Jacupec 6-3, 6-0 Ladder after round 2 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 14; Burnie 12; East Devonport/Forth 11; Ulverstone 6 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset 19; Latrobe 18; Forth 12; East Devonport 12; Ulverstone 3; Burnie 0

14.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 15 Division 1 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 3 rubbers 6 sets 38 games to1 rubber 2 sets 23 games; 8 points to 2... D Dick-J Watson lt M Flint-A Hall 2-6, 0-6 J Flint-J Lawrence d D Jones-S Simmons 6-2, 6-0 D Dick-J Flint d M Flint-D Jones 6-3, 6-1 J Watson-J Lawrence d A Hall-S Simmons 6-4, 6-1 Burnie d Ulverstone; 4, 8, 48 to 0, 0, 18; 10 points to 0 S Stanton-H Walmsley J Winkel-K Blencowe 6-2, 6-0 d H Ainslie-A Tu d L Smith-N Stringer 6-4, 6-3 S Stanton-H Ainslie d J Winkel-L Smith 6-0. 6-2 H Walmsley-a T u d K Blencowe-N Stringer 6-4, 6-3 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport; 3 rubbers 6 sets 56 games to 1 rubber 5 sets 52 games; 8 points to 5 K Whelan-Y Chugg d B Reec-J OBoyle 6-1, 5-7, 6-4 R Barker-J French lt G Janney-M Dunstan 5-7, 2-6 K Whelan-R Barker d B Reece-G Janney 6-2, 2-6, 6-3 Y Chugg-J French d J OBoyle-M Dunstan 5-7, 6-4, 7-5 Devonport d Burnie; Forfeit - 10 points to 0 Final ladder after round 15 Division 1 Burnie 118, Wynyard/Somerset 115, East Devonport/Forth 69, Ulverstone 37 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset 97.5 East Devonport 97 Devonport 86, Burnie 63.5 Preliminary Final draw Wednesday 28th Nov. Div. 1: Wynyard/Somerset v East Devonport/Forth Div. 2; East Devonport v Devonport. All matches at Burnie

12.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 7 Division 1 ... Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie;3 rubbers 6 sets41 games to 1 rubber 2 sets 27games; 8 points to 2 S Spitalniak- J Watson lt S Stanton-H Walmsley 0-6, 5-7 J Flint-J Lawrence d H Ainslie-A Tu 6-3, 6-4 S Spitalniak- J Flint d S Stanton -H Ainslie 6-0, 6-0 J Watson-J Lawrence d H Walmsley-A Tu 6-4, 6-3 East Devonport/Forth d Ulverstone; 3, 6, 50 to 1, 4, 39; 8 points to 4 M Flint-A Hall d S Bradley-D Osborne 6-2, 6-2 S Simmons-J Hopkins d N Stringer-D Dick 4-6, 6-3, 6-4 M Flint- S Simmons d S Bradley-N Stringer 6-0, 3-6, 6-4 A Hall-J Hopkins lt D Osborne-D Dick 4-6, 3-6 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset v East Devonport- Washout 6 points each Forth v Burnie- Washout 6 points each Latrobe v Ulverstone Washout 6 points each Ladder after round 7 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 52; Burnie 44; East Devonport/Forth 40; Ulverstone 23 Division 2 Latrobe 59; Wynyard/Somerset 54; East Devonport 49; Ulverstone 31; Forth25; Burnie 16

11.01.2022 Ladies midweek results for Round 11 Division 1 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 2 rubbers 5 sets 48 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 31 games: 7 points to 4 ... S Spitalniak- J Watson lt M Flint-A Hall 4-6, 6-2, 6-7 J Flint-J Lawrence d S Simmons-J Hopkins 6-1, 6-0 S Spitalniak J Flint d M Flint S Simmons 6-2, 6-0 J Watson- J Lawrence lt A Hall J Hopkins 6-7, 2-6, Burnie d Ulverstone; 3,7,48 to 1,2,33; 9 points to 2 S Stanton-H Walmsley d A White N Stringer 6-1, 6-0 A Tu- H Ainslie d S Bradley J Bradley 6-3, 6-2 S Stanton A Tu d A White S Bradley 6-3, 6-4 H Walmsley H Ainslie lt N Stringer J Bradley 7-6, 1-6,4-6 Division 2 East Devonport d Forth; 2 Rubbers 5 sets 43 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 39 games; 7 points to 4 M Dunstan- B Reece-d M Wells D Jones 6-4, 7-5 J OBoyle - R Kruska lt J Smith-K C Warke 6-1,5-7,4-6 M Dunstan J OBoyle d M Wells J Smith-K 6-3, 6-1 B Reece- R Kruska lt D Jones- C Warke 1-6, 2-6 Latrobe d Burnie 4,8,49 to 0,0,17; 10 Points to 0 B Hingston-J Beaumont d T Cameron-G Agg 6-3, 7-5 A Lawson-M Trinder d D Edmonstone-J Jakupec 6-2, 6-1 B Hingston A Lawson d T Cameron - D Edmonston 6-0, 6-1 J Beaumont- M Trinder d G Agg-J Jakupec 6-1, 6-4 Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone 4,8,50 to 0,0,22 10 Points to 0 C Keygan-B Crisp d A Radford K Blencowe 7-6, 6-3 K Whelan- R Barker d L Smith-K Derrico 6-1, 6-4 C Keygan-K Whelan d A Radford- L Smith 6-1, 6-0 B Crisp R Barker d K Blencowe- K Derrico 7-5, 6-2 Ladder after round 11 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 83; Burnie 77; East Devonport/Forth 59.5 Ulverstone 33.5 Division 2 Latrobe 97; Wynyard/Somerset 88; East Devonport 72; Ulverstone 42.5; Forth 36.5; Burnie 30

11.01.2022 Ladies Midweek - Round 11 Division 1 East Dev/Forth d Ulverstone; 3 rubbers 7 sets 55 games to1 rubber 3 sets 36 games; 9 points to 3... d M Flint-A Hall d K Blencowe-L Smith 6-3, 6-1 D Jones-S Simmons lt A White-J Winkel 4-6, 7-6, 3-6 M Flint-D Jones d K Blencowe-A White 5-7, 6-0, 6-4 A Hall-S Simmons d L Smith-J Winkel 6-2, 6-1 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 3, 7, 56 to 1, 4, 47; 9 points to 4 S Spitalniak-J Watson lt S Stanton-J Oswin 2-6, 6-3, 5-7 J Flint-D Dick d H Ainslie-A Tu 6-7, 2-6 S Spitalniak-J Flint d S Stanton-H Ainslie 3-6, 7-6, 6-1 J Watson-D Dick d J Oswin-A Tu 2-6, 6-4, 6-0 Division 2 East Devonport d Devonport; 3 rubbers 7 sets 50 games to 1 rubber 2 sets 26 games; 9 points to 2 B Reece-S Taylor d J Smith-Kingston-R Robinson 6-2, 6-4 C Sapir-J OBoyle d M Wells-C Oates 6-3, 6-1 B Reece-C Sapir lt J Smith-Kingston-M Wells 6-0, 4-6, 4-6 S Taylor-J OBoyle d R Robinson-C Oates 6-2, 6-2 Burnie d Wynyard/Somerset; 3, 6, 49 to 1, 4, 41; 8 points to 4 D Davis-T Cooper d K Whelan-J French 6-2, 4-6, 7-5 J Jakupec-T Cameron d Y Chugg-R Barker 2-6, 6-3, 6-4 D Davis-J Jakupec lt to K Whelan-Y Chugg 5-7, 1-6 T Cooper-T Cameron d J French-R Barker 6-1, 6-1 Ladder after round 11 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 84, Burnie 82, East Devonport/Forth 56, Ulverstone 34 Division 2 East Devonport 74, Wynyard/Somerset 70.5, Devonport61 , Burnie 44.5

09.01.2022 LADIES MIDWEEK Apologies - previous rounds, 10 and 11 do not appear to have posted - so updating and including those results in new post.LADIES MIDWEEK Apologies - previous rounds, 10 and 11 do not appear to have posted - so updating and including those results in new post.

09.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 8 Division 1 Burnie d Wyn/Somerset; 3 rubbers 7 sets 47 games to 1 rubber 3 sets 42 games; 9 points to 3... S Stanton-H Walmsley d S Spitalniak-J Flnt 7-5, 6-H Ainslie-A Tu lt D Dick-J Watson 6-2, 1-6, 2-6 S Stanton-H Ainslie d S Spitalniak-D Dick 6-3, 6-4 H Walmsley-A Tu d J Flint-J Watson 0-6, 6-4, 7-5 Ulverstone d East Devonport/Forth; 2, 4, 41 to 2, 4, 40; 6 point to 4 -N Stringer-A White lt M Flint-S Simmons 4-6, 5-7 S Bradley-D Osborne d D Jones-J Hopkins 6-3, 6-2 N Stringer-S Bradley lt M Flint-D Jones 5-7, 2-6 A White-D Osborne d S Simmons-J Hopkins 6-3, 7-6 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 4 rubbers 8 sets 58 games to 0 rubbers 3 sets 40 games; 10 points to 0 B Crisp-K Whelan d T Cameron- K Bosker 2-6, 6-0, 6-2 K Coles-R Barker d K Cameron-J Jakupec 7-6, 6-3 B Crisp-K Coles d T Cameron-K Cameron 7-6, 2-6, 6-1 K Whelan-R Barker d K Bosker-J Jakupec 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 Devonport d East Devonport; 4. 8., 48 to 0, 0, 16; 10 points to 0 B Hington-M Yeates d C Sapir-S Taylor 6-2, 6-3 A Lawson-F Johnson d M Dunstan-G Janney 6-2, 6-3 B Hingston- A Lawson d C Sapir-M Dunstan 6-4, 6-2 M Yeates-F Johnson d S Taylor-G Janney 6-0, 6-0 Ladder after round 8 Division 1; Burnie 62, Wynyard/Somerset 59, East Devonport/Forth 41, Ulverstone 22 Division 2 East Devonport 53, Wynyard/Somerset 53, Devonport 49.5, Burnie 25.5

09.01.2022 Ladies, Ladies, Ladies - its on! The Ladies Midweek Carnival is back on the North West Coast at Devonport Tennis Club on 19th February and entry forms are available NOW! North West ladies it would be appreciated if you are able to bring a plate for morning/afternoon tea. Please share this post and looking forward to another successful day of social tennis, laughs and giggles and catching up with ladies from around the state.

08.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 10 Division 1 Ulverstone v Wynyard/Somerset; Washout 6 points each... Burnie v East Dev/Forth; 2 rubbers 7 sets 29 games to 0 rubbers 4 set 20 games; 8 points to 5 S Stanton-J Oswin d d M Flint-A Hall 6-4, 4-6, 7-5 H Ainslie-A Tu d J Hopkins-D Jones 6-1, 6-4 S Stanton-H Ainslie v M Flint-J Hopkins-Washout J Oswin-A Tu v A Hall-D Jones-Washout Division 2 East Devonport d Burnie; 4 rubbers 8 sets 48 games to 1 rubbers 1 sets 22 games; 10 points to 1 B Reece-S Taylor d D Davis-T Cameron 6-4, 6-3 C Sapir-M Dunstan d J Strickland-C Earke 6-2,6 -2 B Reece-C Sapir d D Davis-J Strickland 6-1, 6-3 S Taylor-M Dunstan v T Cameron-C Warke 6-2, 6-5, W/out Devonport v Wynyard/Somerset; 1, 5.5 , 27 to 1, 4.5, 29. 6.5 pints to 5.5 B Hingston-M Yeates d B Crisp-J French 6-4, 6-3 R Robinson-C Oates lt K Whelan-R Barker 2-6, 2-6 B Hingston-R Robinson v B Crisp-K Whelan 6-3, Washout; M Yeates-C Oates v J French-R Barker 5-6, Washout Ladder after round 10 Division 1; Burnie 78, Wynyard/Somerset75, East Devonport/Forth 47, Ulverstone 31 Division 2 Wynyard/Somerset 66.5, East Devonport 65, Devonport 59, Burnie 36.5

08.01.2022 New season starting soon - Wednesday Ladies Midweek - all players new and old welcome - starts February after kids return to school

07.01.2022 With the Ladies Midweek roster not far away we would like to advise that PAUL Fletcher our wonderful Secretary will be organising the roster. Unfortunately Glenis Janney is not well and is currently in Karingal . Without Glenis there would be no Midweek - so thanks Paul for picking up the duties normally undertaken by Glenis. Everyone at Tennis North West send our thoughts and prayers for healing to Glenis and her family. The Midweek Ladies Carnival on 26th February will go ahead and an entry form will be out soon. I ask everyone to please share this post and send your love and best wishes to Glenis

07.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 14 Division 1 East Devonport/Forth d Ulverstone; 4 rubbers 8 sets 53 games to 0 rubbers 1 set 25 games; 10 points to 1... M Flint-A Hall d N Stringer-D Osborne 7-6, 6-2 D Jones-S Simmons d K Blencowe-L Smith 6-3, 6-2 M Flint-D Jones d N Stringer-K Blencowe 6-4, 4-6, 6-0 A Hall-S Simmons d D Osborne-L Smith 6-1, 6-1 Burnie d Wynyard/Someret; 2, 4, 44 to 2, 4, 31; 6 points to 4 S Stanton-H Walmsley d G Agg-J Watson 6-0, 6-2 H Ainslie-A Tu lt J Lawrence-D Dick 6-7, 4-6 S Stanton-H Ainslie d G Agg. J Lawrence 6-3, 6-0 H Walmsley-a T u lt J Watson-D Dick 6-7, 4-6 Division 2 Devonport d East Devonport; 3 rubbers 6 sets 42 games to 1 rubber 3 sets 35 games; 8 points to 3 B Hingston-M Yates d B Reece-S Taylo 6-2, 6-3 J Beaumont-F Johnstone d C Sapir-J OBoyle 4-6, 6-4, 6-4 B Hingston-J Beaumont d B Reece-C Sapir 6-3, 6-1 M Yeates-F Johnston lt S Taylor-J OBoyle 1-6, 1-6 Burnie d Wynyard/Somerset; 4, 8, 58 to 0, 3, 38; 10 points to 3 T Cameron-T Cooper d K Whelan-Y Chugg 6-2, 3-6, 6-1 J Jakupec-K Conaghan d J French-R Barker 4-6, 7-5, 6-3 T Cameron-J Jakupec d K Whelan-J French 2-6, 6-4, 6-3 T Cooper-K Conaghan d Y Chugg-R Barker 6-2, 6-0 Ladder after round 14 Division 1 Burnie 108, Wynyard/Somerset 107, East Devonport/Forth 67, Ulverstone 37 Division 2 East Devonport 92, Wynyard/Somerset 89.5 Devonport 76 , Burnie 63.5

07.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Round 12 Division 1 Burnie d Ulverstone; 4 rubbers 8 sets 48 games to 0 rubbers 0 sets 16 games;10 points to 0... S Stanton-H Walmsley d N Stringer-K Blencowe 6-1, 6-1 H Ainslie-A Tu d D Osborne-A White 6-1, 6-1 S Stanton-H Ainslie d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-1, 6-4 H Walmsley-A Tu d K Blencowe-A White 6-4, 6-3 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport/Forth; 4, 8, 49 to 0, 1, 20; 10 points to 1 S Spitalniak-J Watson d M Flint-D Jones 6-4, 6-1 J Flint-D Dick d C Sapir-S Simmons 6-1, 6-4 S Spitalniak-J Flint d M Flint-C Sapir 6-1, 6-0 J Watson-D Dick d D Jones-S Simmons 6-1, 1-6, 6-2 Division 2 Burnie d Devonport; 3 rubbers 7 sets 55 games to 1 rubber 4 sets 42 games; 9 points to 4 D Davis-T Cooper d F Johnston-J S-Kingston 2-6, 6-4, 6-2 J Jakapec-T Cameron d C Oates-J Beaumont 6-7, 6-1, 6-4 D Davis-J Jakapec d F Johnston-C Oates 6-1, 6-1 T Cooper-T Cameron lt J Smith-Kingston-J Beaumont 6-3, 5-7, 0-6 Wynyard/Somerset d East Devonport; 2, 5. 48 to 2, 5, 45; 7 points to 5 K Whelan-B Crisp lt B Reece-S Taylor 4-6, 6-3, 3-6 Barker-K Coles d G Janney-M Dunstan 6-4, 5-7, 6-3 K Whelan-R Barker d B Reece-G Janney 6-1, 6-2 B Crisp-K Coles lt S Taylor-M Dunstan 5-7, 1-6 Ladder after round 12 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 94, Burnie 92, East Devonport/Forth 57, Ulverstone 34 Division 2 East Devonport 79, Wynyard/Somerset 77.5 Devonport 65 , Burnie 53.5

06.01.2022 It is with great sadness that we advise that our midweek ladies stalwart Glenis Janney passed away recently. She will be sadly missed and our sympathies are extended to husband Doug and her family. Tennis in our region has lost a devoted and long serving member who loved the game and those involved with it.

05.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Grand Final Division 1 Burnie d Wynyard/Somerset; 2 rubbers 5 sets 42 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 41 games S Stanton-H Walmsley d S Spitalniak-J Watson 7-5, 6-1H Ainslie-A Tu lt J Flint-D Dick 3-6, 6-4, 1-6... S Stanton-H Ainslie d S Spitalniak-J Flint 6-2, 7-5 H Walmsley-A T u lt J Watson-D Dick 3-6, 3-6 Division 2 East Devonport d Wynyard/Somerset; 2 rubbers 6 sets 53 games to 2 rubbers 5 sets 47 games S Taylor- B Reece lt K Whelan-Y Chugg 3-6, 6-0, 6-7 -M Dunstan- G Janney d R Barker-J French 7-5, 6-3 C Sapir-M Dunstan d K Whelan-R Barker 3-6, 6-2, 6-3 B Reece-G Janney lt Y Chugg-J French 6-3, 4-6, 0-6 Summer Roster will commence February 2019 Mid-week ladies carnival to be held in Hobart - February 20th, 2019.

03.01.2022 Ladies Midweek Apologies for missing posting this round of matches. Round 4... Division 1 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 2 rubbers 5sets 40 games to 2 rubbers 4 sets 41 games; 7 points to 4 S Spitalniak-J Watson lt S Stanton-H Walmsley 1-6, 2-6 J Flint-J Lawrence d H Ainslie-A Tu 6-4, 6-1 S Spitalniak-J Flint d S Stanton-H Ainslie 7-5, 7-5 J Watson-J Lawrence lt H Walmsley-A Tu 4-6, 6-2, 6-1 East Devonport/Forth d Ulverstone; 3, 7, 53 to 1, 3, 37; 9 points to 3 M Flint-A Hall d N Stringer-J Bradley 6-1, 6-1 S Simmons-J Hopkins lt D Osborne-A White 3-6, 6-4, 2-6 M Flint-S Simmons d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-1, 5-7, 7-6 A Hall-J Hopkins d J Bradley-A White 6-2, 6-3 Division 2 Latrobe d Wynyard/Somerset; 3 rubbers 6 sets 46 games to 1 rubber 3 sets 33 games; 8 points to 3 B Hingston-A Lawson d C Keygan-G Agg 6-1, 6-0 J Beaumont-M Trinder lt K Whelan-B Criwsp 5-7, 2-6 B Hingston-J Beaumont d C Keygan-K Whelan 2-6, 7-5, 6-2 A Lawson-M Trinder d G Agg-B Crisp 6-2, 6-4 Ulverstone d Forth 3, 7, 49 to 1, 3, 33; 9 points to 3 A Radford-K B lencowe lt M Wells-J Smith-Kingston 6-3, 4-6, 3-6 L Smith-R Braid d C Warke-C Oates 6-2, 6-1 A Radford-L Smith d M Wells-C Warke 6-3, 0-6, 6-4 K Blencowe-R Braid d J Smith-Kingston-C Oates 6-2, 6-0 East Devonport d Burnie; 4, 8, 47 to 0, 0 8; 10 points to 0 M Dunstan-B Reece d T Cooper-Forfeit 6-0, 6-0 S Taylor-J OBoyle d T Cameron-S Radcliffe 6-0, 6-0 M Dunstan-S Taylor d T Cooper-T Cameron 6-1, 7-5 B Reece-J OBoyle d Forfeit-S Radcliffe 6-0, 6-0 Ladder after round 4 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 29; Burnie 26; East Devonport/Forth 21; Ulverstone 13 Division 2 Latrobe 35; Wynyard/Somerset 31; East Devonport 25; Ulverstone 19; Forth 18; Burnie 4

02.01.2022 Ladies Midweek has commenced and below are the results of the first round. Round 1 Division 1 Wynyard/Somerset d Burnie; 2 rubbers 4 sets 34 game to 2 rubbers 4 sets 29 games; 6 points to 4... J Watson-D Dick lt S Stanton-H Walmsley 2-6, 3-6 J Flint-J Lawrence d H Ainslie-A Tu 6-0, 6-0 J Watson-J Flint lt S Stanton-H Ainslie 3-6, 1-6 D Dick-J Lawrence d H Walmsley-A TU 6-0, 7-5 East Devonport/Forth d Ulverstone: 3,7,49 to 1, 3,33,9 points to 3 M Flint-A Hall d N Stringer-D Osborne 6-0, 6-2 S Simmons-J Hopktins d A White-S Bradley 6-3,1-6,6-1 M Flint-S Simmons d N Stringer-A White 6-3,6,2 A Hall-J Hopktins lt D Osborne-S Bradley 6-7,6-3,0-6 Division 2 East Devonport d Forth; 3 rubbers 6 sets 44 games to 1 rubber 2 sets 32 games; 8 points to 2 S Taylor-B Reece lt D Jones-M Wells 4-6, 2-6 J OBoyle-C Sapir d J Smith-Kingston-C Warke 6-3, 6-1 S Taylor-J OBoyle d D Jones- J Smith-Kingston 6-3, 7-5 B Reece-C Sapir d M Wells-C Warke 7-5,6-3 Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone ; 4, 8, 53 to 0, 1, 28; 10 points to 1 C Keygan-K Whelan d A Radford-K Blencowe 7-5, 6-0 J French-R Barker d L Smith-J James 7-5, 6-2 C Keygan-J French d A Radford-L Smith 3-6, 6-4, 6-3 K Whelan-R Barker d K Blencowe-J James 6-1, 6-2 Latrobe d Burnie; 4, 8, 48 to 0, 0, 17; 10 points to 0 B Hingston-A Lawson d T Cooper-T Cameron 6-3, 6-2 M Yeates-J Jakupec d S Radcliffe-W Radcliffe 6-1, 6-3 B Hingston-M Yeates d T Cooper-S Radcliffe 6-2, 6-1 A Lawson-J Jakupec d T Cameron-W Radcliffe 6-2, 6-3 Ladder after round 1 Division 1; East Devonport/Forth 9; Wynyard/Somerset 6; Burnie 4; Ulverstone 3 Division 2 Latrobe 10; Wynyard/Somerset 10; East Devonport 8; Forth 2, Ulverstone 1; Burnie 0,

01.01.2022 LADIES MIDWEEK Round 12 Division 1 ... Burnie d East Devonport/Forth; 3 rubbers 7 set s61 games to 1 rubbers 4 sets 44 games: 9 points to 4 S Stanton-H Walmsley lt M Flint-A Hall 6-3, 5-7, 6-7 H Ainslie-A Tu d Simmons-J Hopkins 5-7, 6-1, 6-4 S Stanton-H Ainslie d M Flint-S Simmons 6-1, 6-1 H Walmsley-A Tu d A Hall-J Hokins 2-6, 6-2, 7-5 Wynyard/Somerset d Ulverstone; forfeit; 10 points to 0 Division 2 Wyn/Somerset d East Devonport;3 Rubbers 6 sets 47 games to 1 rubber 4 sets 42 games; 8 points to 4 C Keygan-B Crisp d B Reece-S Taylor 6-4, 2-6, 6-3 K Whelan-K C0les lt M Dunstan-J OBoyle 3-6, 3-6 C Keygan-K Whelan d B Reece-M Dunstan 6-1, 6-4 B Crisp-K Coles-d S Taylor-J OBoyle 6-4, 3-6, 6-2 Latrobe d Ulverstone; 3, 7, 52 to 1.2, 25; 9 points to 2 B Hingston-J Beaumont d A Radford-K Blencowe 6-2, 6-2 A Lawson-M Trinder d L Smith-K Derrico 6-3, 6-2 B Hingston- A Lawson d A Radford-L Smith 6-1, 6-0 J Beaumont-M Trinder lt K Blencowe-K Derrico 6-1, 5-7, 5-7 Burnie d Forth; 2,5, 50 to 2,5, 49; 7 points to 5- T Cameron-D Davis d M Wells- C Warke 7-6, 6-3 W Radcliffe-S Radcliffe lt S Findlater-D Jones 2-6, 4-6 T Camereon-W Radcliffe d M Wells-A Findlater 2-6, 6-2, 6-3 D Davis-S Radcliff lt C Warke-D Jones 6-7, 6-3, 5-7 Ladder after round 12 Division 1; Wynyard/Somerset 93; Burnie 86; East Devonport/Forth 63.5 Ulverstone 33.5 Division 2 Latrobe 106; Wynyard/Somerset 96; East Devonport 76, Ulverstone 44.5 Forth 41.5; Burnie 37

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