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The Tennis Physio in Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory, Australia | Coach

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The Tennis Physio

Locality: Belconnen, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Phone: +61 2 6162 0252

Address: Performance Edge Physiotherapy, 12/100 Eastern Valley Way 2616 Belconnen, ACT, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hitting with fresh balls reduces strain on your upper limbs. . Avoid regular hitting with old (or damp) balls as this can increase the risk of hand/wrist, elbow and shoulder pain. . Some balls are perform really well for single matches/short-term (eg: @headtennis_official ATP balls). ... Some balls have longevity and are good for training over weeks (eg: @headtennis_official Championship balls). . If in doubt, talk to your local Tennis Coach. If you are suffering from upper limb pain on and off court, see your local Sports Physio for a thorough assessment and treatment plan. . #Tennis #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #TennisCoach #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #tenniselbow #golferselbow #tfcc #ecutendon See more

24.01.2022 New blog Humans are not Sponge Cakes (or select link in bio) ********** Would you ask a group of people at a bus-stop to help you diagnose your rash?... Have you ever asked everyone in the café to examine your sore groin? Should you get your health advice from social media? You should stretch it You need to cut out carbs You need cannabis oil Do 3sets of 10 of this exercise (the list goes on) We are not sponge cakes, we are complex organisms, recipes for injuries do not work. This is why you will not see experienced and qualified professionals dish out personal injury advice on the internet. To get injury management that is not half-baked, see the relevant registered and regulated healthcare professional for your healthcare advice. #Physiotherapy #Physio #Tennis #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio

24.01.2022 Tennis Elbow Blogpost: Management of Tennis Elbow vs Actual Tennis Elbow. A long-piece on The Tennis Physio approach the management of Lateral Elbow Pain in the General Population and in Tennis Players.... Hint: 1. Rule out Red Flags and Differential Diagnoses 2. Calm it down (Activity modification, reassurance, education) 3. Build it up (Strength and gradual return to chosen sport/exercise) BUT: It's different for every single patient and 'Tennis Elbow' is often misdiagnosed, therefore assessment by an experienced, registered and regulated Health Professional is vital. Facebook: Select this link Insta: Select link in bio or go to #TennisElbow #ElbowPain #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports

24.01.2022 There are so many ways to reduce the load on the upper limb in recreational/semi-pro tennis players by making small changes to their racquet. . Much like shoes for runners, often the best choice comes down to COMFORT. . One of the best resources for these players to find their best racquet is the local coaches!... . But watch that grip for signs of wear, replace your overgrips often! . #TennisElbow #GolfersElbow #ECUTendon #WristPain #ShoulderPain #Physiotherapy #SportsPhysiotherapy #SportsMedicine #Tennis #Physio #PT #TennisACT #CanberraTennis See more

23.01.2022 Appointments Update: Another busy week this week! I have one 60min spot left on Friday morning. But there's a few short spots available in the week. Email me at [email protected] if you're having trouble getting in and I'll see if I can fit you in somewhere!

23.01.2022 Looking for some common sense ways to lose weight? Check out this great post!

23.01.2022 Today we unveiled draft concept plans for the proposed tennis facility in the Gungahlin region. Thanks to everyone that attended and the ongoing work around t...his project. #Tennis4Gungahlin #GameSetGungahlin Yvette Berry Suzanne Orr Deepak-Raj Gupta - MLA Michael Pettersson MLA

22.01.2022 Play in the most competitive singles tennis league in Canberra! Check it out at

20.01.2022 Tennis Physio mates, feel free to join our team for the 101 tournament this Sunday at Melba Tennis Club! Full details in below post

20.01.2022 Tennisinjury risk factors for the elbowand wrist. . Great info for recreational/semi-pro players and those who coach and treat them. Short-term changes in many in these risk factors can help reduce pain tennis-related injuries and buy enough time for healing! .... Very interesting to see how some of the internal/player and external/environmental risk factors literally cross-over from the wrist to the elbow, much like load in upper limb weight bearing crosses over from the radial wrist joint to the ulnar elbow joint. . When in doubt: Make gradual changes to equipment, technique and court surface usage. Regular upper limb, trunk and lower limb resistance/strength training (ie: gym) protects form injury ... oh ..and btw.. also increases performance , dramatically. Small things like making sure you have a fresh overgrip dramatically help (change it roughly every 10hrs of play). And most importantly: LISTEN TO YOUR COACH! They are the walking & talking bibles of Tennis Technique. Good technique is not only about accuracy, consistency and producing repetitive effortless power, correct technique IS injury prevention. . When in doubt, seek out your local Sports Physio, especially before using braces as some of these can make your pain feel good in the short-term but exacerbate it in the long run. . . #Tennis #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #TennisCoach #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #GolfersElbow #TennisElbow #TricepsTendinopathy #TricpesTendonitis #TFCC #TFCCTear #ECUTendon #ECUTendonitis #ECUTendonTear #DeQuervainsTenosynovitis #DQT #IntersectionSyndrome See more

19.01.2022 Here's a nice blog to read for anyone due to have Knee Arthroscopic Surgery in the future. 'What patients should know about the 1st week post ACL Reconstruction. See link in bio.... A blog written on request from post-op patients, as they either wish they knew beforehand or because all of this information turned out to be very useful and valuable. A great read for anyone you know about to get an ACL reconstruction, please share it with them. #ACL #ACLRehab #Physio #Medicine #surgery #SportsPhysiotherapy #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #soccer #football #PhysicalTherapy #PT #Tennis #tennisphysio #PhysioTherapy

19.01.2022 #Tennis ball machines are fantastic when you don't have a hitting partner lined up. However, set it up so that you MOVE to the contact point each time or you will risk overusing your wrist/elbow/shoulder each time from lack of court movement (leading to injuries such as #tenniselbow, #golferselbow, #tfcc injuries. #ECU injuries). . As with all technique, #TheArtIsInTheStart, court movement and stroke preparation develops power for the upcoming shot. . ... #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysiotherapy #TennisInjuries #physio #physiotherapy #PT #PhysicalTherapy #ITF #atp #WTA #Medicine #TennisACT #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisAustralia #Tennislife See more

18.01.2022 We are living in an age of convenience. We know what we want, and we want it now. However, on court and off court I see two scenarios play out on a regular basis:... 1. Players becoming frustrated that they are failing with techniques, tactics or strategies, either within a match or over a year. And 2. Patients frustrated with injuries that cannot be fixed in the short-term (<1 week) but often take 6-12 weeks and sometimes longer, due to natural tissue healing timeframes. Both Skill acquisition and rehabilitation takes Persistence and Patience. Those that do better in the long term, both as Players and Patients, are ones that identify that sometimes things take time, but.... only as if they are doing the RIGHT things in the first place. To find out of you are doing the right things, see the relevant Professional to find out what is the right thing to do for you and your issue. On the court, this is an experienced and qualified Tennis Coach. Off the court, this is a regulated and registered Healthcare Professional. In Australia this is an AHPRA health professional. #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #AHPRA

17.01.2022 It takes 5mins into a Patient History to rule out Tennis Elbow (aka Lateral Elbow Tendinopathy) based on: 1. Mechanism of injury - Insidious (out of nowhere) vs Mechanical Overload 2. Distribution of pain - Localised at Lateral Elbow vs Pain Up/Down Whole Arm... That should be it, but if you need to confirm it: 3. Whether it hurts to poke the lateral elbow 4. Whether pronated and elbow extended grip strength is painful and weak. Ultrasound imaging of the wrist extensor origin in an elbow >40 years old will usually find a tear, however these are common, asymptomatic, and just age-related changes to the tendon. Tears are likely to not be significant if the patients has full pain-free pronated/extended grip strength and no pain on palpation of the region. For more information, I've written a huge blog on my thoughts and experiences in dealing with "Tennis Elbow" On insta, click on the link in the bio to access my blog site. #TennisElbow #LateralElbowTendinopathy #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports

17.01.2022 Nailing the 'Slide' in tennis is vitally important, especially on Clay Court and Syn Grass (for Club players). . Sliding allows for a stable base of support (stability), which is then used to transfer a massive amount of power from the legs up through the trunk and upper limbs and into the the racquet. . The 3 key factors are:... Momentum (Speed and Mass) Depth (Getting low witth that mass at the start of the slide) Placement (of the foot, pointing it in the direction of movement). . If you are too slow, you will not slide. . If you are not low, your centre of mass will tend to shift outside the leading foot, reduce your balance and you will not slide, this is an injury risk for ankle sprains (one of the most common acute injury in tennis). . If you don't place your foot in the direction of travel, you will not use the beautiful folding mechanism of your ankle/foot (forward/back - dorsiflexion/plantarflexion) which acts like a spring, folding before ball contact and exploding back again in the opposite direction to get you back to centre court. If you place your foot pointing down the court (not towards your direction of travel) you are then putting your self at risk of injury for an ankle sprain, your ankle doesn't 'fold' side to side as well as forward and backwards. . If in doubt for any of the above, see your local #TennisAustralia qualified #tenniscoach. If you have injuries, get them checked by your local Sports #Physio. . . #ausopen #ausopen2019 #Tennis #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #TennisCoach #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #rolandgarros #frenchopen See more

17.01.2022 Pretty booked out this week as we're missing some Physios at the clinic. Feel free to email me directly at [email protected] if you want to try and sneak into my diary somewhere or if you have any injury questions or concerns.

16.01.2022 #TennisElbow is a complex injury. There are NO quick fixes, gimmicks or gizmos. . Every Tennis Elbow I treat is different and requires a different strategy, especially activity modification advice. . In social/club players, very rarely these days is Tennis Elbow actually caused by Tennis, instead it is exacerbated by it. Finding the cause is key to treatment, often it is occupational.... . Exercises can help a little ("Stretches" or "3 lots of 10/15 with a dumbbell") but they are not the magic bullet. . In #Tennis, there are MANY risk factors that can impact on Tennis Elbow, especially in the social/recreational player. Address as many of these modifiable risk factors in the early stages of #rehab, and then add exercises and manual therapy on top of that. . The best outcome is if you can get the player better whilst keeping them on court by making small changes in these areas, then slowly bringing them back again. . Please encourage anyone you know with Tennis Elbow to see a Regulated, Evidence-based, Registered Healthcare Professional. . #SportsMedicine #Physiotherapy #SportsPhysiotherapy #TheTennisPhysio #CanberraTennis #tennisinjuries #Tennispain #Physio #PT #ITF #wta #atp #TennisACT #TennisCBR #CanberraTennis #Medicine #elbowpain See more

16.01.2022 2pm 60min spot available today. Call 6162 0252 to secure, or book online at

15.01.2022 BLOGPOST: Why I don't post exercises on social media (but you can if you like). . A frequently asked question via DMs, PMs, and from my patients, colleagues and workmates. . Insta: go to link in bio and then select ‘Blog-Clinicans’... Facebook: go to this link . Relevant blogpost also available on Writing blogs in healthcare. Insta: follow above link info Facebook: go to this link . #Physiotherapy #Physio #PhysicalTherapy #PT #HealthCare #SocialMedia #Instafix #InstaRehab #CookieCutter #NoRecipes See more

15.01.2022 Did you know that Roger Federer always wanted to be a pro football player? . The most talented tennis players on the pro tour, who have the best movement on court, played several sports as a kid. . Developing a diverse movement and athletic skillset as a kid before focusing 100% on tennis leads to improved agility performance on the court and much less risk of injury (eg: spraining an ankle when changing directions).... . Learn the game and love the game before 6-10 years old, branch out to other sports at 8-14 years and then specialise in tennis. . Just ask Ash Barty sometimes time away from Tennis grows your passion, love and commitment for the game. . . #Tennis #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #TennisCoach #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio See more

13.01.2022 A recent-ish study* found that the most correlated predictors of tennis performance for male and female tennis players aged 11-16 years at a national level was: Serve Velocity, measured by radar behind player Upper Body Power, measured by medicine ball throw (overhead, forehand, backhand) Tennis Specific Endurance, assessed with Hit and Turn Test (HTT) .... *Ulbricht, A., Fernandez-Fernandez, J., Mendez-Villanueva, A., & Ferrauti, A. (2016). Impact of fitness characteristics on tennis performance in elite junior tennis players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 30(4), 989-998. . The Tennis Physio thoughts: . - Work on increasing upper-body strength and power in consultation with a Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Coach with experience in working with Adolescents. Adolescence is a tricky stage of development, some players will be in different stages of growth velocity and this may impact on S&C programming. . - Ensure a solid serve technique (doing the basics well) and conduct a serve review every now and then throughout the year to ensure the kinetic chain is being utilised in the best way possible to achieve a high serve velocity with minimal injury risk. . - Work on movement efficiency on the court, in other words, maintain a good focus on court movement skill so players can accelerate, decelerate and change direction with good form, on different surfaces. This often takes the longest to master and has a direct impact on stroke performance. The Art is in The Start when it comes to performance, hitting balls is easy when you’re in the right spot on the court, getting to that spot is important, recovering well afterwards is vital. . #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #ITFJuniors See more

12.01.2022 Q: When is Tennis Elbow not Tennis Elbow? . A: When it's one of many many other conditions which cause pain in the same area... all of which require different management... all of which could have a wrist extensor tendon tear (pain-free/asymptomatic) on ultrasound imaging, some of which are made worse by 'Tennis Elbow' exercises and braces... just to make things even more confusing. . If you have elbow pain and it's not resolving as fast as you'd like it, see a regi...stered health professional who specialises in pain/injury of musculoskeletal conditions (joints, muscles, tendons, bones and nerves).....find a good Physio near you for a full assessment and treatment plan. . #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisElbow #LateralElbowPain See more

12.01.2022 Seriously, it’s ok. Some patients don’t get better. You may think you failed, you didn't know enough, you didn't do the right thing, you didn't have enough experience....don't beat yourself up about it. . All you can do is care, listen and work really hard for those challenging patients.... . More often than not your patients will really appreciate that you do care, listen and work hard. Some of your patients may even appreciate that you were the first one to tell them that their persistent pain may not fully resolve and they will have to learn some management strategies to live with it. For some of your patients, they’ve never stopped looking for answers and they’re tired of it. . Who will treat the treaters: In first aid (DRSABCD) Danger to Yourself is the first priority. In Mental Health First Aid, this is also true. Look after yourself before you look after others. If you are having a tough time at work, reach out to your mentors and have a chat. . If you don’t have any mentors, find some, you will need them, working in healthcare is a tough gig, especially if you really care about the wellbeing of your patients. . #Physio #Physiotherapy #Medicine #Doctors #MentalHealth #Burnout #PhysicalTherapy #Nursing #Pyschology #Chiropractic #Osteopathy #Osteopath #Chiro #nurse #gp #doctor #psych #Osteo #MassageTherapy See more

11.01.2022 Blogpost: Management of Tennis Elbow vs Actual Tennis Elbow. A long-piece on The Tennis Physio approach the management of Lateral Elbow Tendionopathy in the General Population and in Tennis Players. Hint:... 1. Rule out Red Flags and Differential Diagnoses 2. Calm it down (Activity modification, reassurance, education) 3. Build it up (Strength and gradual return to chosen sport/exercise) BUT: It's different for every single patient and 'Tennis Elbow' is often misdiagnosed, therefore assessment by an experienced, registered and regulated Health Professional is vital. Facebook: Select this link Insta: Select link in bio or go to #TennisElbow #ElbowPain #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports

08.01.2022 Dear Tennis Physio Clients, Don't forget you can email me on weekends if you're trying to get in to see me but can't see any available appointments on Online Bookings ( I usually have some wiggle room in my diary and all I need is a heads-up from you over the weekend via email and I can usually make it happen. ... Lot of love and injury-free-vibes, Nick

08.01.2022 Tennis is a game of NUM83R5. . In the end, when it comes to Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement, only 1 number matters. You only get 1 body.... . We can show how to keep it in top form. . Out of all the professions, the ITF, ATP and WTA trust Physiotherapists/Physical Therapists with player welfare at events. . You can trust us with yours. . We've got your back!.... or whatever hurts... . . #Tennis #WTA #ATP #ITF #TennisAustralia #CanberraTennis #TennisACT #Physiotherapy #Physio #SportsPhysio #SportsMedicine #APA #SPA #itpa #ctps #PhysicalTherapy #PT See more

07.01.2022 Hot tip for those returning to tennis during COVID-19: . One of the quickest ways you can reduce #tennis-related #tenniselbow, #golferselbow or #TFCC wrist pain is to make sure you have a fresh grip/overgrip. . Worn grips cause micro-slippage on ball contact, which requires increased grip force from the tennis racquet to maintain power. This can overcook the forearm muscle/tendons.... . As soon as you notice any wear on your grip, replace it. This could be as little as every 2 weeks with regular hitting. . #thetennisphysio #tennisphysio #ecutendon #physiotherapy #sportsmedicine #PhysicalTherapy #PT #Medicine #itpa #ctps #WTA #physio #SportsPhysio #atp #ITF #ITFWheelchair #WheelchairSports #WheelchairTennis #COVID19 See more

06.01.2022 #Tennis ball machines are good when you don't have a hitting partner lined up. However, set it up so that you MOVE to the contact point each time or you will risk overusing your wrist/elbow/shoulder each time from lack of court movement (leading to injuries such as #tenniselbow, #golferselbow, #tfcc injuries. #ECU injuries). . As with all technique, #TheArtIsInTheStart, court movement and stroke preparation develops power for the upcoming shot. . ... #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysiotherapy #TennisInjuries #physio #physiotherapy #PT #PhysicalTherapy #ITF #atp #WTA #Medicine #TennisACT #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #TennisAustralia #Tennislife See more

05.01.2022 We are living in an age of convenience. We know what we want, and we want it now. However, on court and off court I see three scenarios play out on a regular basis:... 1. Players becoming frustrated that they are failing with techniques, tactics or strategies, either within a match or over a year. 2. Patients frustrated with injuries that cannot be fixed in the short-term (<1 week) but often take 6-12 weeks and sometimes longer, due to natural tissue healing timeframes. 3. Clients on a nutrition or strength and conditioning program expecting significant changes over 2 weeks. Skill acquisition, rehabilitation, dietary changes and S&C takes Persistence and Patience. Those that do better in the long term, both as Players and Patients, are ones that identify that sometimes things take time, but.... only if they are doing the RIGHT things in the first place. To find out of you are doing the right things, see the relevant Professional to find out what is the right thing to do for you and your issue. On the court, this is an experienced and qualified Tennis Coach. Off the court, this is a regulated and registered Healthcare Professional. In Australia this is an AHPRA health professional. #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #AHPRA

04.01.2022 What is Shin Splints? . Is it inflamed? . Should you stretch it, or ice it, or strengthen it?... . Should you get it strapped, needled, zapped, cupped, injected? . Here is a blogpost on what Shin Splints is (specifically Medial Tibial Stress Syndrome) and how we currently manage it according to the latest high-quality, evidence-based research. . Insta: Click on link in Bio . Facebook: select this link . #ShinSplints #InjuryPrevention #RunningInjuries #TennisInjuries #MTSS #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports #Telehealth #OnlineConsults #TheOnlineCliNick See more

04.01.2022 Canberra New Grad Physios: Would you like to work with our team at Belconnen PEP? Get in touch. :) ... [email protected] / [email protected]

04.01.2022 Todays mug of choice. Come see a Physiotherapist to turn yourself around. Visit or 02 6162 0252 to make clinic appointments in Canberra. Online Consults available for Australians outside Canberra.

03.01.2022 One cause of 'sneaky low back pain' in adolescent and young adult athletes such as Tennis Players, Cricket Fast Bowlers and Gymnasts is a Lumbar Spine Stress Fracture called 'Spondylolysis' or 'Pars Interarticularis' Stress Fracture, which the cool kids call: A "Pars Stressy". FB link to blog: Insta link in bio or go to One of my most in-depth blog posts which goes into how to catch his condition as it's one of the injuries that can result in the longest time out of the game (tennis, cricket, gymnastics etc), and yet can slowly present itself. Why is it "sneaky"? Because sometimes it can allow the player/athlete to push through the pain and it takes a battery of assessments and diagnostic tests to pick it up and it can often be asymptomatic on lumbar spine on assessment. If you're a Physio, have a good Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician handy for this one as they'll lead the management, it can take 6-12 months to make a full recovery. If you're a concerned player, athlete or parent of a player/athlete with back pain, get in and see an experienced Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician or a 'switched-on' Physiotherapist (preferably with experience in the specific sport) for an assessment and management plan. #LowBackPain #LumbarSpine #StressFracture #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #SportsMedicine #SportsPhysio #SportsPhysiotherapy #Physiotherapy #Physio #ITPA #CTPS #Tennis #TennisCoach #TennisAustralia #TennisACT #WTA #ATP #ITF #CanberraTennis #ACTSports

02.01.2022 Left side of pic = Glenohumeral Joint Right side of pic = Acromioclavicular Joint Most surprisingly for me is how far the glenohumeral joint (rotator cuff complex, including bursal pain) can refer away from the shoulder and down the arm.... Not surprisingly for me is that the acromioclavicular joint (aka The AC Joint) tends to only refer between the neck and the shoulder and not refer pain down the arm. This is very handy for us clinicians because if patients are reporting pain between the neck and the shoulder with a history of activities that load the AC Joint (landing on arm across chest, repetitive crossbody motions (eg: forehand follow-through across chest, vacuuming, shovelling, hockey) it is likely to not primarily involve the glenohumeral joint. However, pain the same area as the AC joint, without the history of trauma or repetitive action, could be a variety of conditions from the cervical spine to multiple different neuropathies (nerve pain conditions). As with all musculoskeletal conditions, 80% of diagnosis is in the story of the patient (given enough time in the appointment to get that story and probe deep to find more details in their history). All the more reason for people with Shoulder Pain to get checked out by a Registered and Regulated Healthcare Professional who has the experience and the time to conduct a full assessment, explain the diagnosis, outline what the patient needs to avoid in their week to stop it from getting worse (aka Activity Modification) then outline a rehabilitation plan that is customised the patient based on their life, work, sport/exercise (and many other factors). Referral patterns from: Villasenor-Ovies, P., Vargas, A., Chiapas-Gasca, K., Canoso, J. J., Hernández-Díaz, C., Saavedra, M. Á., ... & Kalish, R. A. (2012). Clinical anatomy of the elbow and shoulder. Reumatologia clinica, 8, 13-24. #ShoulderPain #ACJoint #GHJoint #Rotatorcuff #Bursitis #TennisPhysio #TheTennisPhysio #Physiotherapy #Physio #CanberraPhysio

01.01.2022 My thoughts and tips on Blogging as a Healthcare Professional. . The why's, the what's, the how's, the when's, the where's. . Improve and develop yourself. Sell you.... Improve and develop your trade. Sell your profession. Sell us: Registered and Regulated Healthcare Professionals. . Go to to read all blogs. . Insta: Click on link in bio Facebook: go straight to it here . #Physio #Physiotherapy #PT #PhysicalTherapy #Blogging #Healthcare #EBM #Science #Quackery #Pseudoscience See more

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