Tensegrity Clinics | Businesses
Tensegrity Clinics
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25.01.2022 Meet our Dee Why Team
24.01.2022 Huge congratulations to Ricky his achievement of men’s singles winner at @nsw_badminton open challenge 2020 Well done and keep up the amazing effort #badminton,#badmintonsydney,#nswbadminton,#chiropractor,#chiropractorsydney
21.01.2022 Who is right for me? This is a pretty common question at our clinic. And an understandable one too. Who should you see? Is one better for your case than others? What is even the difference?... With so many options it can seem like a difficult choice, but let’s try and break it down a bit. Firstly, if you’re trying to decide who to see for something new but you’ve already been to a physio or chiro before, call them! You can always ask if it is something they can help you with and if not, who would they recommend. There may be differences in how different professions approach the training of their therapists. However, in Australia, both Chiro and Physio are science-based degrees. Both courses cover all the areas required to assess, diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injury. Where they do differ is usually in the techniques applied in treatment but the focus is always on evidence-based care. If you’ve never been to see someone before or you’re in a new area, this can be a bit different. The main things we recommend you look for is someone who applies the best treatment based in evidence. Someone that you feel you can trust and who helps you understand how you are getting better. So in answer to the question; when it comes to deciding where to go to help with your injury, don’t focus so much on their professional title. Our priority is to help you get better. That is what you should be looking for #physiotherapy,#chiropractor,#chiropractoraustralia,#tensegrityclinics, #chiropractorsydney, #physiotherapysydney
19.01.2022 Ever wondered why a muscle gets strained? Why that muscle? Why during that exercise and never before? Some common factors that can lead up to a strain include fatigue, load capacity, the physical demand of the exercise, the condition of associated muscles, the health of the muscle and previous injury to the muscle. This time you may have been exercising for longer, or you might have pushed it a bit too far. You might have skipped the recovery after the last session or not a...llowed enough time to rest. Click the link on our bio to see our latest blog post on why muscles get strained and what’s happening when they do. This is NOT medical advice. If you are experiencing a muscle strain please contact us at the clinic or another health professional to find out what the best course of action is for you. https://www.tensegrity.com.au/blog/muscle-strain #tensegrityclinics,#chiropractor, #musclepain,#stretch, #exercise, #personalfitness
18.01.2022 What actually happens when a muscle repairs itself? Ever wondered how amazingly the body achieves this? Let’s take a look!! - As soon as the body recognises that a muscle has been strained, torn or damaged in some way then the ball gets rolling on healing it back up.... All of this occurs in the 3 distinct stages: Destruction; where the body cleans up the damage and prepares the area for the new muscle tissue to be layered down. Repair; where new muscle tissue is created to replace the damaged one. The tear is connected end to end and fixed back together. Remodelling; new muscle tissue doesn’t always look like the old stuff. Sometimes its put together a bit muddled. Remodelling helps to get it looking like the old muscle, to as close a possible. Click the link in our bio to see our latest blog post on why muscles get strained and what’s happening when they do. This is NOT medical advice. If you are experiencing a muscle strain please contact us at the clinic or another health professional to find out what the best course of action is for you. https://www.tensegrity.com.au/blog/muscle-strain #tensegrityclinics,#chiropractor, #musclepain,#stretch, #exercise, #personalfitness @ Tensegrity Clinics
18.01.2022 The Copenhagen Adduction This is a great exercise for groin strain prevention and #rehab. It has been proven to elecit significant strength gains for the adductor muscles. @lukenolanchiro learnt about this exercise through the research from FIFA Medical Assessment and Research Centre. The copenhagen adduction exercise has now been recomended to be added to the FIFA 11+ warm-up in football and to be included in all sports where groin strains are a common injury ... This exercise can be modified to be easier or harder than the example given. It is also often done with a partner holding the ankle and knee. To first do this exrcise try having your knee supported to shorten the lever and reduce effort equired. Give it a go and see what you think! Hit up the DM's with any questions or find me @tensegrity_clinics Bella Vista. This exercise and more great injury prevention strategies can be found in my Free Return To Sport Guide (link in bio) 1. Place the top leg on a bench or get a partner to hold at the knee and ankle. Support your upper body on your elbow in a side plank position. 2. Bring your bottom foot up to touch the top foot then slowly return towards the ground. Correct technique includes no side flexion of the upper body and maintaining a straight bottom leg. The adductor group of the top leg works in an isometric hold, the adductor group of the lower leg works in a concentric and eccentric movement #sport #workout #injury #fitness #training #exercise #lifestyle #football #rugby #soccer #hockey #running #basketball #tennis #baseball #prehab #performance #injuryprevention #fifa #bellavista #thehills #norwest
17.01.2022 Sport is back! We are so excited competition sport is returning! It is now as important as ever to set aside time for injury prevention training. Train like a pro and condition your body by incorporating these fundamental training principals into your schedule and training sessions. ... Got questions or want help with injury prevention and improving performance? Book an appointment with a Tensegrity practitioner, experts in movement and function. DM us now or book online (link in bio) Written by @lukenolanchiro Bella Vista Clinic 8834 6431 #sport #workout #injury #fitness #training #exercise #lifestyle #football #rugby #soccer #hockey #running #basketball #tennis #baseball @ Tensegrity Clinics
16.01.2022 Another great weekend helping out at St Aloysius’ College first football and rugby teams Many thanks to @bacon.chiro
15.01.2022 WE ARE MOVING ! From the 13th of July, our Wahroonga clinic will be located at 66 Connabrarra Road ! We are looking forward to seeing you at our new location soon ! Swipe to find out where to park!... #tensegrityclinics,#wahroonga,#chiropractor @ Tensegrity Clinics
15.01.2022 A few helpful stretches for the desk! . . We’ve been bound to our desk for a while now and it’s getting a bit tight in here. Here’s a few stretches from head to toe to help loosen up those aches and pains. .... . Remember when doing any sort of stretching to keep it gentle, you’re not going to achieve any more by pushing the stretch past the point of pain. . . For all of these, we recommended you repeat them 3-4 times and hold each of them for 25-30 seconds. . . 1. Brugger’s Postural Relief: . Sit up on the edge of your chair. Straighten elbows, wrists and fingers with your palms facing forwards. Roll your shoulders back and down. Draw your arms slightly behind your body and gently arch your mid-back by pushing your chest forward. Tuck your chin down into a neutral position. . . 2. Seated Hip Strech: . Sit on the edge of your chair. Cross one ankle over the thigh of the opposite leg. Bend forward from your hip with a light pressure on the bent leg. . . 3. Door frame Chest Stretch: 3 . Place your forearm against the door frame with your shoulder and elbow bent to 90 degrees. Gently step forwards and turn your body away until your upper back has rotated and a stretch is felt at the front of your shoulder. . . 4. Wall Back Extension: . Place hands on the wall above your head with your arms straight. Slowly lean forwards while drawing your chest towards the wall. Move into this position until a stretch is felt through the upper back and latissimus dorsi (lats). . . 5. Lateral Wall Stretch: . Stand next to the door frame and hold onto the frame with both hands. Place your outer leg behind the other. Using the upper hand to anchor yourself slowly lean into the hip until you feel a stretch in the side of your body. . . Please remember, these stretches are advised to help relieve tightness from working at your desk. If there is persistent pain or the pain is aggravated by any of these, we recommend you consult a health professional. . . If you have any questions or want more advise, DM us here, book online (link in our bio) or give us a call 1300 903 929 . . Post by: Jonathan Perry Bella Vista Clinic . #tensegrity #deskercises #stretch See more
13.01.2022 Crab walk band placement When doing the banded crab walk or side step, your band placement matters! Research has proven band placement around the foot increases the gluteal muscle activation with no increase in TFL activity, compared to having the band around the ankle or knee.... This makes sense due to the longer lever arm to pull apart when sidestepping, and the increased resistance into hip internal rotation combined with hip adduction. If the therapeutic goal is to increase gluteal activation especially Gluteus Medius, place the band around the feet. Source:Lewis CL, Foley HD, Lee TS, Berry JW. Hip-Muscle Activity in Men and Women During Resisted Side Stepping With Different Band Positions. J Athl Train. 2018;53(11):1071-1081. @ Tensegrity Clinics
13.01.2022 Have you ever suffered from a groin injury ? The copenhagen adduction exercise is the best solution to prevent groin strain #injuryprevention,#tensegrityclinics,#chiropractor,#phisotherapy
12.01.2022 Crab walk band placement When doing the banded crab walk or side step, your band placement matters! Research has proven band placement around the foot increases the gluteal muscle activation with no increase in TFL activity, compared to having the band around the ankle or knee.... This makes sense due to the longer lever arm to pull apart when sidestepping, and the increased resistance into hip internal rotation combined with hip adduction. If the therapeutic goal is to increase gluteal activation especially Gluteus Medius, place the band around the feet. Source: Lewis CL, Foley HD, Lee TS, Berry JW. Hip-Muscle Activity in Men and Women During Resisted Side Stepping With Different Band Positions. J Athl Train. 2018;53(11):1071-1081. @ Tensegrity Clinics
11.01.2022 In honour of us moving to our new Wahroonga Clinic at 66 Coonanbarra Road We at Tensegrity will be giving away $250 worth of coffees each day from 14th of July till 18th of July To grab yourself one please visit our lovely neighbours @cafepatina Please enjoy as this one is on us ... #tensegrity,#tensegrityclinics,#chiropractor,#physicaltherapist
10.01.2022 Over the next 3 days we will be posting examples of exercises focusing on building strong stable shoulders When training the shoulder it is common to focus on the dominant power muscles and neglect the demand of muscular control the shoulder requires. The demand on shoulder muscular control increases as the arm moves away from the body and the lever arm increases, this is important to keep in mind when progressing shoulder exercises #chiropractorsydney,#shoulderexercises,#tensegrityclinics
10.01.2022 Meet our Dee Why Team To book an appointment please call 8593 4653 or use the link in our bio #deewhybeach,#deewhy,#chiropractor,#tensegrityclinics,#chiropractorsydney,#backpain
08.01.2022 A reminder that it is the national R U OK? day tomorrow ! Please do check in with your loved ones and remind yourself that every day is the day to ask "Are you okay?" and support those struggling with life's ups and downs #ruok,#ruokayday,#ruokay2020
06.01.2022 Feedback is important Sometimes we like it. Sometimes we hate. But sometimes it’s exactly what we need to hear. Think about a time you were learning something new. Might have been a new sport. Or you were learning to draw. Even learning a new role in your job. When we learn something new we have to break it down into smaller parts. We have to master them, put them together and produce the end result.And rarely do we get it right the first time. Feedback helps us learn whe...re we went wrong and how to correct it next time This is the same for the brain and the body. When you’re moving about, your brain has planned everything out. It’s broken it down into smaller pieces (which muscle to use, which order to use them in, how hard to pull) and then it builds it up again. All this happens so fast that before you’ve begun the plans in place. But sometimes it gets it wrong. We fall, slip, stumble or bump our head. And our nerve receptors send feedback. They let us know it didn’t work as it should have and next time we need to try something different Feedback is important. Next time your body is giving you some, let’s pay attention. If you want to learn more about this makes us move, click ‘Learn More’ or DM us. We’re always ready for a chat #tensegrity,#backpain,#chiropractic,#sports,#injury,#recovery,#recoveryispossible,#painrelief,#sydneynorthshore,#sydneynorthenbeaches
06.01.2022 How much time in the day are you spending sitting down at work 50 % of Aussie workers spend an average of 76 % of their work time sitting. That is approximately 5 hours a day not counting your commute, time sitting eating meals or the time you spend sleeping This is called sedentary work and it is not very good for usIn fact, it has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, poor mental health and some cancer. How can... you prevent this, it's easy Short breaks, changes in body position and intermittent stretches are just some ideas on how easy it is to take better care of your body. Learn about more easy changes you can make for the better by checking out our latest blog post on Healthy Work Space. Click the link on our bio to check it out #backpainsucks ,#poorposture,#tensegrityclinics,#chriopractor,#physio,#physicalmovement,#health,#workplace References: Safe Work Australia 2019 https://www.tensegrity.com.au//healthy-work-space-healthy- @ Tensegrity Clinics
04.01.2022 We get a lot of questions around when it’s important to get something checked out. How bad does an injury need to be for an assessment? Do tight muscles really need to be looked at? And do I book asap or wait a few weeks? These are all valid questions and to it may feel like a bit of overkill to come in whenever something feels sore. The answer depends on a lot of things. But here are a few things to keep in mind when considering your body’s needs: The degree of pain is not ...always a great measure of how bad an injury is. Recurring or persistent tight muscles and knots can indicate a muscle is not performing correctly. A long list of ‘niggling’ pains could be your body letting you know somethings not right If you want to learn more about this check out our blog titled ‘Listen, it’s important’ Or if this brings questions to mind about your own niggles and pains feel free to call our clinics and chat with one of our practitioners about your concerns #tensegrityclinics, #chiropractor,#physiotherapist, #backpain, #injuryprevention, #bodymovement
04.01.2022 How much time in the day are you spending sitting down at work? 50 % of Aussie workers spend an average of 76 % of their work time sitting. That is approximately 5 hours a day not counting your commute, time sitting eating meals or the time you spend sleeping. This is called sedentary work, and it is not very good for us. It has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, poor mental health and some cancer. How can you prevent t...his, it's easy ! Short breaks, changes in body position and intermittent stretches are just some ideas on how easy it is to take better care of your body. Learn about more easy changes you can make for the better by checking out our latest blog post on Healthy Work Space. Click the link on our bio to check it out! #backpain,#poorposture,#tensegrityclinics,#chriopractor,#physio,#physicalmovement,#health,#workplace References: Safe Work Australia 2019 @ Tensegrity Clinics
03.01.2022 How much time in the day are you spending sitting down at work ? 50 % of Aussie workers spend an average of 76 % of their work time sitting.That is approximately 5 hours a day not counting your commute, time sitting eating meals or the time you spend sleeping. This is called sedentary work and it is not very good for us ... In fact, it has been linked to a wide range of health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, obesity, poor mental health and some cancer. How can you prevent this, it's easy! Short breaks,changes in body position and intermittent stretches are just some ideas on how easy it is to take better care of your body. Learn about more easy changes you can make for the better by checking out our latest blog post on Healthy Work Space. Click the link on our bio to check it out ! #backpain,#poorposture,#tensegrityclinics,#chriopractor,#physio,#physicalmovement,#health,#workplace References: Safe Work Australia 2019 https://www.tensegrity.com.au//healthy-work-space-healthy- @ Tensegrity Clinics
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