Tessa | Brand
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19.01.2022 What if I said all emotions are simply love and fear expressing themselves in different ways according to the different stories that you have been taught to attach to them? When we do not express our Soul's feelings as they arise they come back into our consciousness amplified as emotion or energy in motion eMotion. By tuning into my anger I realised that I was attached to the story of being wronged and that I was scared that I would not have my deepest desires met.... And so this unrealised feeling of fear presented as anger (energy in motion/ emotion) so that I could examine the story I had and discover my truth at the core of the situation. My Stories - how dare the insurance company do this, we will never be able to afford to move, I want to get out of here now! My Emotions - anger, blame, deflection My Feeling - fear that we will never get the home we long for in the trees My Truth - we have worked hard for our financial security and the time is not right to find our home just yet, we have an abundance of blessings, we are safe I was able to move through this and realise it all once I allowed an outpouring of my feelings. When I finally let myself cry and say outloud what was really, deeply bothering me I could hear different words coming from my mouth. Some were my truth, others I could distinctly feel were a story spun from unprocessed fears that I had allowed myself to catastrophise from. My Anger - as Energy in Motion - was a valuable tool for processing the news I had received that felt out of alignment with what I had hoped or wanted to happen. I'm not demonizing emotions, they have their place - but when we sit with them for too long (and numb them/us with TV, food, alcohol... even cleaning) and allow their story to dominate over our feelings and our truth, we do ourselves a disservice. There are so many different ways to move through our emotions to find our truth and true feelings... speaking to loved ones, writing, painting, dancing. The trick is to FEEL them, move through them and see what story we are attaching them that might not be serving our Higher Self. Love Tessa, the Soulful Midwife @belle_verdiglione
14.01.2022 It's Samhain (Halloween) tonight in the Southern Hemisphere. I feel the coolness of winter approaching. In my dreams I feel the whispers of my ancestors... Time to light a candle and honour those who have passed over and still guide us from the other side of the veil Belle Verdiglione
08.01.2022 Little by little, one step at a time.
07.01.2022 Today I quietly reflect on the work I have done and continue to do. For me, being a midwife today looks drastically different to this time last year. I'm proudly wearing my purple scrubs as I work on a geriatric rehab ward - on the surface 'nursing' but beneath it all offering the magic of midwifery to all those I care for.... I don't really want to be there but right now I don't have a choice - and neither do the patients. And so I show up the best I can - encouraging, embracing and empathising wherever I can. Midwifery isn't always about what you do or where you do it. It's not always even just about welcoming new life... It is who you are. Some of the most influential Souls I know aren't 'registered midwives' but they are undoubtedly Midwives of the Soul. Perhaps in a past life you also did this work and it filters through into your essence and your offerings in a different way this time around. There is something timeless and practiced about how you nourish and energise those around you as they navigate unchartered waters. It's this special touch that makes you a midwife. So today, on International Day of the Midwife - I see you, I celebrate you and I thank you.
02.01.2022 The veil grows thinner and thinner.
01.01.2022 Thought for the day...