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Tapping into Relationships


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25.01.2022 ACT mindfulness ... free of charge ... share away! #Mindfullness #Meditations #Free #Anxiety #PanicAttacks #CoronaCalm

25.01.2022 Kindness ... from David Hamilton to you (via me) ... see ... already the ripples of kindness are evident! Get your Kindness on with this FREE course - an added bonus is the wonderful distraction from all the Black Friday ‘stuff’ we (and Mother Earth) probably don’t really need! ENJOY beautiful people. #kindnessmatters #blackfridaysale2020 #creatingchange #Connection #relationship #counselling #relationshiptherapy David R Hamilton PhD

24.01.2022 Guilt motivates us to change. Shame demotivates. Shaming doesn’t make you, or them, feel better! #Shame #Guilt #RelationshipChange #Compassion #Support #Kindness

23.01.2022 Care for you ... so you can shine the light for others. #ShineTheLight #Caring #SelfCare #NotSelfish

23.01.2022 Lessons from a wise cat! Make your day like this ... be around people ... animals ... events ... that totally love you up!!! #love #nurture #selfcare #kindness #bonding #lovedup

22.01.2022 Sometimes it’s not you, nor them, but Adult ADHD causing the problems in your relationship. Sadly, far too often this goes undetected by therapists. Want to know more? Here’s a questionnaire that will provide more insight : ... And here’s a blog .... Think you might know someone this might be helpful for? Please share, because Adult ADHD can create so much pain for all parties involved. #AdultADHD #ADHDrelationships #relationshiprescue #relationshipcounselling #relationshipcounselor #relationshipexpert #adultADHDexpert #relationshipcoaching See more

22.01.2022 I cannot tell you how important this is ... especially when someone has suffered the sabotage of sense of self by the gaslighting of a covert narcissist! No one is actually a ‘drama queen’ ... they are simply desperate to be truly heard ... so that they can make sense of the emotional manipulation n pain that they have suffered. Listen with your heart ... #Empathy #CovertNarcissist #ListenWithYourHeart #Manipulation #DramaQueen #SenseOfSelf #RelationshipCounselling

21.01.2022 Often, be willing to listen ... makes the biggest difference in a person’s day.

20.01.2022 Kindness ... Gratefulness ... they help so much

19.01.2022 Happy New Year all you wonderful loveable beautiful people. Go make yourself a good life in 2021 (Hint : Start by putting time and loving purpose into Good Kind Relationships with everyone you meet today ) #HappyNewYear2021 #GoodLife #GoodRelationships #Kindness #Loveable #Purpose #Time #Connection #Heartfelt #RelationshipGoals #RelationshipCounselling #RelationshipTherapy #RelationshipChallenge #RelationshipCounsellor

19.01.2022 Do you struggle to have a voice in your relationship? Struggle to share your feelings? Struggle to say what you need? Maybe this blog (n the 2 after it, might ring true?)... #feelings #vulnerability #sharing #relationshipcounseling #relationshipcounselling

15.01.2022 A QUICK READ - Relationship therapy isn’t what it used to be #relationshipcounselling #relationshiptherapy #relationshiptherapist #relationshiptherpist #couplescounselling #relationshiprescue #relationships2020 #connecting #polyvagalnervoussystem #nervoussystem #mentalhealth #mentalwellness #together #gettingalong

14.01.2022 Dear Mothers, Grandmothers, Carers ... and all that means to you ... How wonderful you are. How strong. How resilient.... How brave. How loving, giving, and vulnerable you are. How hurt, lost and lonely you can feel. How changed you are by your care and love for a child. How truly AMAZING you are. Thank you beautiful mothers, and all those who are giving their absolute, to raise our next generation of carers and nurturers. ( and if your heart hurts as you read this ... I am sending my love ) #mothersday2020 #mothers #love #children #loss #grief #grateful #giving #change #foreever

14.01.2022 Adult relationship problems often have their roots in our early childhood, where our need for safe attachment became confusingly enmeshed with our need to protect. It created a war within ourselves and our polyvagal nervous system, where the nervous systems for protecting, battled with our nervous system hardwired to attach. That’s why my relationship therapy begins with helping people to understand these conflicting parts within themselves. Calming their nervous system not only allows relationship therapy to happen, but escalates the process, allowing couples to safely reconnect. #relationshipadvice #relationshipcoach #relationshipcounselling #relationshiprescue #couplescounselling #couplestherapy #nervoussystem #attachment #trauma #childhoodtrauma #polyvagaltheory

14.01.2022 Struggling to feel heard in your relationship? Maybe Childhood Emotional Neglect plays a part in that. Learn more here ... #ChildhoodEmotionalNeglect #Freedom #Hope #Help #RelationshipHelp #RelationshipCounselling #FeelingHeard

11.01.2022 Get to the heart of your relationship with a qualified counsellor over Zoom.

11.01.2022 What do you think?

07.01.2022 The childhood pain of emotional neglect doesn’t just go away when you grow up ... it goes with you into your adult relationships. #ChildhoodEmotionalNeglect #RelationshipCounselling #askforhelp #lonely #somethingiswrongwithme

07.01.2022 OK beautiful person ... I don’t know who you are ... but you did make my day beautiful ... n I like your style ... using my signature sunflower in a beautiful glass bowl vase! Very cool! You also made me realise, I have so many beautiful people in my life, I don’t know who sent this to make my day ... but I want to thank you sooooo much! #RandomActsOfKindness #BeautifulPeople #BeautifulDay #Surprises #Joy #Kindness #Happiness #SpreadTheLove #PassItOn #CreateARipple #ThankYou #Gratefulness

06.01.2022 This is priceless - it ... you!! #Love #Hate #Choice #Kindness #Inclusive #Them #Us #Equality #Racism

06.01.2022 THIS .... This is why I use research validated somatic therapies (such as Tapping, EFT & eft2) to assist my clients in releasing the impacts of trauma, not just from their brain and their nervous system, but their relationships as well. #Tapping #TappingIntoRelationships #eft2 #Trauma #RelationshipTherapy #RelationshipCounselling #TessReillyBrowneCounselling #Healing #Research #SomaticTherapy #TheBodyRemembers #HealingTrauma #HealingRelationships #RelationshipRescue

05.01.2022 No reason to feel lonely today!!

04.01.2022 Happy Easter n Thank You! Thank you to every Aussie, n everyone who shares this magnificent country, for doing your bit. I feel so proud of us Aussies ... n yes I also feel very privileged n blessed. ... Even though Aussies are larrikins, we followed the boring rules! When the chips were down, I loved hearing how Aussie mate-ship came to the fore, creating a Kindness pandemic that outran any Coronavirus pandemic. That adaptability n consideration of others, is a resilience, a richness, a wealth, far greater than what our Stockmarket has lost. So on this very quiet Easter Sunday, when I went inside, because I couldn’t go outside, I felt so blessed to share this great land with you. Thank you! N my little bit ... is running ‘Pay what you can Days’ in my practice ... n if all you can pay, is kindness to someone else, well that’s sweet by me! Just email me, or contact me here, to get the code to book in. [email protected]. HAPPY EASTER everyone - stay healthy n happy. #HappyEaster #ThankYou #Kindness #KindnessPandemic #Coronavirus #Coronaviruspandemic #COVID19 #Pandemic #PayWhatYouCan #PayWhatYouCanDay #Aussie #Mateship #Resilience #Wealth #Stockmarket #PayItForward

03.01.2022 There are lots of us here for you ... don’t worry, we will also be very careful about how we respond. #DomesticViolence #Abuse #Help #OrangeBird #BlueBird #DV #SocialDistancing #IamHere #HelpIsHere

03.01.2022 If you’re reading this ... then you probably had a problem or two ... and sought relief/resolution. I hope it helped. TODAY ... my hurts when I try to imagine all the problems (n life threatening traumas) a refugee has ... all simply because of where they were BORN. TODAY is World Refugee Day (also the day slavery ended in USA but slavery/human trafficking still does exist in many forms all around the world).... Please ... if you can (I think we all can) ... in the next week do one small thing to help a refugee/homeless person ... Even $2 DOES make a difference ... KINDNESS ... AWARENESS ... also make a difference. Let’s create a better world - at the very least a KINDER world. #WorldRefugeeDay #Kindness #Care #Slavery #HumanTrafficking #Problems

02.01.2022 KINDNESS is more infectious than Coronavirus Make a healthier, happier world ... JUST BE KIND #BeKind #KindnessPandemic #Infectious #JustBeKind #Coronavirus #Healthy #Happy #Kind

02.01.2022 Having a young practitioner observing ... keeps me challenged n growing.

02.01.2022 To rise up after abuse ... so wonderful! #letherspeak I cannot applaud enough!! With her raised voice she now asks us to #letthemspeak on this day that is not a celebration for them. The emotional bravery it takes for anyone to speak up about their abuse, is awe inspiring. Grace went another step further in helping all who were once abused, to gain a voice. That gives those presently being abused, greater chance in speaking up too! ... I applaud the courage that is being honoured! By supporting each other, our voices grow stronger. #australianoftheyear #GoGrace #surviving #survivor #relationshiptherapy #healing #givevoice #sexualabuse #speakingup @GraceTame See more

01.01.2022 We’ve got this ... and I’m here to help you get through the enormous recovery ... #thankyou #recovery #strugglestreet #support #together #relationships

01.01.2022 Maybe it’s not you, nor them, but the medications one of you is taking, that is exacerbating relationship issues?

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