The Essential Naturopath in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Aromatherapy service
The Essential Naturopath
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 410 476 984
Address: 4 Lacebark Court 4070 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Clinic Notice: As an Energy Healthcare Practitioner, my work is done in-person or REMOTELY. So, while my Bioresonance clinic is on hold, I invite you to experience the Healing work I do with Reconnective Healing (hands-free healing). This work is perfect over DISTANCE, because we connect with frequency. Frequency is stronger with distance than Energy. This is how it works: You book a session time. I ring you before the session. We do the work and I ring you again after the s...ession. In our current situation, I highly recommend Reconnective Healing, working with beautiful Energy, Light and Information. It allows more light into your cells and being.. which has incredibly powerful consequences. RH connects you through frequencies to the highest, most intelligent source of healing. You will receive a healing that is perfectly appropriate for you, whether it be for your physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic, intuitive or mental body (or all of the above). Any questions? Choose your session time at Or contact me on [email protected] or WhatsApp +61410476984 or Message on 0410 476984
22.01.2022 Why Gardening is good for your mood! A Mycobacterium found in soil may stimulate serotonin production, which makes you relaxed and happier.
21.01.2022 #FreeDistantHealing If you feel deeply affected by all thats occurring on our land.. I will do some distant work with you.. Just put a purple heart in the comments below. I will send you a PM and ask for 15min of your stillness between 4-6pm.... I will do this for the next week or longer if required.
20.01.2022 #HealthcareChanges This is so exciting! dTERRA is being recommended and endorsed by one of the USAs top Healthcare Insurance Providers, Blue Care Blue Shield... offering their members a $250 expense allowance... ... They recognise the purity, quality and efficacy of the dTERRA essential oils and recommend it as supportive for a healthier lifestyle and an investment in wellness.. Getting and staying healthy Yaaaayyyy and yayyyyy! Chat with me when you want to try some for yourself!
19.01.2022 I will be doing Love, Grace and Gratitude meditation... join me?
19.01.2022 #Contribute How can we contribute to creating a world where the waves of harmony and disharmony have a smaller amplitude? What can we contribute to her balance? To attenuate her stress? Soothe her nervous system?... Raise her immune response? Nurture her? Nourish her heart? I believe we each have something unique to offer .. our own unique intelligence.. The heart of who YOU are My contribution is to share my unique gift with the world. What is your gift? Our gift is our purpose. Our purpose is to LOVE. Thats it. To love our-selves and others. To Think loving thoughts and do loving things. To love what we do and do what we love. To love in your unique way, take a moment and tune into your heart. Listen to her song. This is your unique energy message. You will hear a song of kindness, gratitude, joy, inspiration ... peace... When you connect to your heart, you will be able to expand its light into the world. You will be touching other hearts .. Harmonising and balancing our world with kindness and compassion. Soothing, calming, nurturing. Loving. How can your heart-light touch others? How can you contribute your unique energy message? It could be a smile or a kind act - paying the missing 20c for someone at the till. It might be offering a lending hand or a shoulder to lean on. You might offer silence. Or listen for Understanding. Share your own stories and learnings. Your knowing and wisdom. The world needs your gift of LOVE Because the opposite (fear) is not our purpose. Love Grace and Gratitude Tess x
18.01.2022 #ThyroidHealing #ReestablishEnergyFlow #InterferenceFields #OrganAndGlandSupport... So many times I hear my clients say I am doing everything I am supposed to do to heal, but something is not quite right yet. This is when I test for Interference Fields (IFs). An IF is a physical injury or scar on the body (can be external as well as internal) or an emotional trauma imprint, that sedates the function of the organ or gland. I often find IFs sedating the Adrenal glands, the Gut and the Thyroid gland. I am very interested in the Thyroid from an energetic perspective. The Thyroid works like a manager in the body. It checks in around the clock with all the organs & glands to find out how things are going... and then signals instructions to the organs and glands to maintain homeostasis/balance in the body. It works hard for you every moment of every day, but when an IF sedates the gland, it not only lowers its energy, but also interferes with is signaling system. Aside from Interference Fields (IFs), I often find energetic imprints of Past Emotional Trauma in the body.. as well as Electromagnetic and/or geopathic stress in the body. The main IFs that I have found to sedate the Thyroid are: - vaccination scars on the upper arm (small pox and TB) - Scars on the torso and head - Caesarian scars - Episiotomy scars - And all other scars on the midline.. even the umbilicus (severed at birth) What to do about it? IFs can be clay-packed using specific clay, herbs and energetic testing techniques. (I often test for an Essential Oil that would hold this new energy of the body after clay therapy). Past trauma often leaves an energy imprint on the organ or scar.. so, I use specific Emotional Healing techniques to release and reprogram this IF. Electromagnetic & Geopathic radiation stress can be remediated using Bioresonance and protective / harmonising quantum tools for your self, your home and electronic devices. The result? Fewer treatments required. Fewer supplements to take. Lower doses of medication (natural and allopathic) needed. Faster healing. There is much more to you and your thyroid than you know... Your body can come back to balance when your organs and glands get clear signals and energy and information can flow with ease. I hope you learned something that may help you on your healing journey. Note: I am a trained specialist in this field of healing...and work quite uniquely... so unfortunately I have nobody to refer you to but me! You can read a bit more on my website
18.01.2022 #StrongerProtection In my clinic space, I see clients who have very compromised and weak defence systems. My role as Naturopath is to offer a holistic approach and individual plan that includes some home health options and lifestyle supportive strategies.. Here are my top tips for stronger protection:... Most importantly - Prevention is cure (one of the tenets of Naturopathic Meds) Lower your STRESS - breathe Lower your TOXIC Exposure Lower your SUGAR Intake Increase your WATER and fluid intake - lemon balm and echinacea tea are good choices. Increase your fresh FRUITS and VEGGIES Eat lots of garlic and onion ( see my website for some healing recipes) Improve your SLEEP Improve your BOWEL motions Meditate. Wash hands. Use Common Sense. I use my daily supplements that contain herbs that support my nervous system, gut and strengthen my body's defence. and I use my essential oils vigilantly.. My favourite easential oil blend to use preventatively has Cinnamon, Orange, Rosemary, Eucalyptus and Clove in it. And Oregano adds extra protective factors when I am in clinic or on a plane. I also love using black pepper in certain situations when the body requires support when allopathic medicine cant work. Sleep support comes in the form of Lavender oil on my pillow... with added benefits to the nervous system.. Copaiba is a must-do for allround benefits. I also add citrus oils to my daily diffuser ritual.. Grapefruit is My favourite.. Blessings Tess x
17.01.2022 #Tonsils #OurNaturalImmunity Our main defence mechanisms - a strong immune system I love Bruce Liptons perspectives...
17.01.2022 #educate #LLV #AlphaCRS+ #GinkgoBiloba Today I want to educate you on another herbal ingredient in the AlphaCRS+ that I find very useful as a Clinical Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Nutritionist.... Gingko biloba (Salisburia adiantifolia) DTERRA says this herbal extract is included to support mental clarity and function. Ginkgo biloba (Maiden Hair tree) seeds /nuts have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for 4000 years. Incredible! Members of the royal court were given ginkgo nuts for senility. The medicinal uses for the leaves have been documented since the 15th century. Historically, Ginkgo was used for the brain, cough, asthma, bronchitis, kidney and bladder disorders, the heart and longevity. The Materia Medica of Western Herbs lists the actions of Ginkgo biloba as a Vasodilator (for improved blood flow), Antispasmodic, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oxidant (flavonoids and terpenoids)... these may help slow down the progression of age-related diseases by combating oxidative stress... think: LifeLong Vitality! Today, the German Commission E has approved ginkgo leaf extracts as a herbal treatment for many conditions, including dementia with impaired memory, altered concentration and mood, eye problems (eg. Macular degeneration), intermittent claudication (leg pain caused by narrowing arteries), dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus and headaches. Naturopathically, I also use Ginkgo for stroke recovery, congestive dysmenorrhoea ... as well as for post-operative healing. The herb has been studied extensively. The good research shows that when Ginkgo is taken regularly, it helps prevent memory loss, Alzheimers disease patients are less likely to experience worsening of memory loss and there is a much lower risk of developing dementia. According to a report in the IJPP, Ginkgo biloba is currently the most investigated and adopted herbal remedy for cognitive disorders and Alzheimers. So, through my Herbalists eyes, I find the inclusion of Ginkgo biloba a positive addition to AlphaCRS+. I personally feel it supports me on those days my brain feels woollie PS.. I will take anything that supports brain health! Resources: Materia Medica of Western Herbs (Fisher, 2009)... with information gathered from 365 scientific publications. The Ultimate Herbal Compendium (Guide for Prescribers) by Prof. Kerry Bone, 2007. International Journal of Phyotherapy and Phytopharmacology Dr Axe has a good article with some resources listed here:
14.01.2022 Does fear hold you back? Dont fight it.. just lean away from it
14.01.2022 I am so blessed to be involved with this work of the heart... offering the space to release some stress and rejuvenate the soul.
13.01.2022 #MoodSupport Ok. Big Huge Topic. To support our moods, we absolutely must look after our brain and nervous system and of course the gut!... So, here are my top clinical tips for Mood support. 1. Learn to Breathe.. deeply into your belly. Then breathe some essential oils! 2. Remove GLUTEN from your diet. And eat loads of fresh veg and fruit. Every meal can affect your brain chemistry! Good quality protein is a must-do too. 3. Reduce stress and learn to manage emotional stress.. ( breathing, meditation and yoga are proven methods alongside your oils) 4. Avoid and reduce Neurotoxins (chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, drugs etc) - Switch over to natural products... Answer is right in front of you 5. Sleep. Get sun. Walk bare feet. Drink water. Laugh. Have sex (yup!).. a whole extra topic! I recommend the following Oils, Supps and Herbs: Cedarwood and Vetiver are my top single oils for balancing the SNS and PNS. Clary Sage raises Ocytocin (feel good). Many Base-Note oils can alleviate anxious feelings.. eg. Cedarwood, Vetiver, Rose, Patchouli, Sandalwood (also great rubbed on the calf muscles for adrenal stress/fatigue). Citrus oils can lift the mood with its fresh, CHEER. My clients love the Balance, Lavender Peace, Elevation and Citrus Bliss blends... beautifully formulated for mood support. I add in LLV and DDR Prime as well as PB Assist for gut health (Serotonin (happy) is made in the gut!) And Zendocrine Complex to help detox the brain and body. My favourite Nervous system herbs are Withania/Ashwaganda and Ginkgo. My top added Minerals to support.. Magnesium, Zinc and Iodine. (I use specific types depending on what tests for the client). Added Vitamins... Methylated Bs, Vit C and D...( depends on client of course) And of course there is the Emotional Aromatherapy blends - my favourite: FORGIVE.
13.01.2022 #ReconnectiveHealing As the practitioner, I simply interact with the Reconnective Healing Frequencies... with compassion. During a Reconnective Healing session, your body is immersed with the frequencies of Light, Energy and Information, ... which then trigger your body to heal itself. Reconnective Healing is not therapy or a treatment. It is CHANGE. Each persons healing will be unique. Its tangible and measurable - you can actually feel it and your body will most likely respond with some involuntary movements and sensations. The healings are often instantaneous and tend to be life-long.
12.01.2022 Dear Friends The Hut and Clinic doors are now open for 2020 for: Reconnective Healing sessions The Personal Reconnection process Bioresonance Naturopathy... and Aromatic Kinesiology (I have availability for a small number of New Bioresonance Clients.. so feel free to refer). Go to to book your appointments. Thank you
11.01.2022 I love talking about Emotions and Aromatics.... the Heart-Mind-Body connection.
11.01.2022 #HealthyFamily #ImmuneSupport Dear Friends, I just want you to feel well and healthy. To have the best possible support during this time.... So many people are looking for something they can trust to do the job. My personal message to you is that I believe with all my heart in these incredibly powerful Gifts from our Earth. Pure, natural super-powerful healing in every little drop! As a clinical Naturopathic Doc, Medical Herbalist and Nutritionist ... you can imagine what my dispensary looks like - a natural pharmacy of Herbs, some of the worlds top bioavailable Supplements and a whole arsenal of products to support wellbeing. On top of that I have a toolbox of healing methods and techniques to offer my clients.. But... The support I rely on most (by a mile) are our dTERRA Essential Oils I cannot sing their praises high enough! I urge you to take this seriously.. This is the time ... right NOW... to use the simplest, most effective home support for yourself and your familys wellbeing. You obviously want to support your bodys natural immune capability. You want to support your nervous system. You want to support your airways. You want to support your mood and emotions. You want something that actually works.. TGF for dTERRA These dT products are a true blessing in my life - in my clinic rooms, for my patients, in our household and for my family. OnGuard! We Diffuse OnGuard daily Use OnGuard Handwash daily Use OnGuard home-made hand mist daily (with added Oregano) Please get OnGuard for your family... So, when I am asked for my expert advice on preventative home-care...? Its a no-brainer for me... start with OnGuard! Please connect: WhatsApp: +61 481 914 003
10.01.2022 #Educate #LLV #AlphaCRS+ #JapaneseKnotweed Todays education is on one of my favourite herbs found as a brilliant little addition to doTERRAs Alpha CRS+. I have been using Japanese Knotweed in clinic for a number of years in herbal remedies for my beautiful clients; especially in support of those with Lyme-like symptoms, respiratory infections: bronchitis, cough, sore throat and gum disease (gingivitis). It is also used in Western Herbal medicine for skin disorders and f...Continue reading
09.01.2022 Beautiful work to enhance your life or practice.. xx
08.01.2022 Dear friends... If you have experienced a healing session with me.. either in person or distance... you have received it... something totally appropriate for you...... ... just be open to receiving and notice the healing.. the blessings... the blessings come in forms and ways we dont expect.. just notice... how you feel... respond... relate... how synchronicities appear... how love shows up ... Healing is not about the physical symptoms disappearing... Its a much more powerful thing... a connection to universal calmness, less chaos, more balance, more harmony, more tuned in.. Healing is not fixing the broken.. Its becoming aware of who we truly are.. our true potential.. It takes awareness And an open heart To receive. Reconnective Healing
07.01.2022 Emotional Healing... a beautiful new modality on offer to you Dear Friends..
06.01.2022 #doterra #southafricaclasses
05.01.2022 There is just something so healing about the ocean .. now research shows the benefits of Sea Spray
05.01.2022 Next time you have an annoying cough, try cocoa and honey.
04.01.2022 Eczema, Psoriasis. Acne, Rosacea???? Copper and EBV could be responsible. In fact, through Bioresonance testing, I know this to be true... The MM detox smoothie is a wonderful natural remedy - and it works!
03.01.2022 #ThePersonalReconnection #ReconnectiveHealing I am now open for a limited time to facilitate some beautiful healing ... This work fast-forwards you into a state of heart-brain Coherence.. and universal connection. ... Healing happens faster.. sometimes instantaneously. You feel a better version of yourself. Healing happens on the Mental, Emotional, Spiritual and Physical level. And The Personal Reconnection is a once in a lifetime process (2 sessions), that Re-connects your body meridians and points to the Universal meridian grid. You connect to new frequencies.. information, energy, light. Now things just start to happen in your life... doors open, opportunities present... manifesting is easy. You find yourself in the right place at the right time.. I live my life in these frequencies... and it works for me. Please book online at
03.01.2022 #PeriMenopauseSupport The M-word! For many women, peri-menopause (P-M) can be a tough transitioning-time towards ovary-retirement . Low energy, low libido, power surges & sweats, dry VeJJ, Insomnia, forgetfulness, Mood swings, Irritability and then some But.. Its also a time of deeper and more meaningful energy changes we are graduating into the age of wisdom Its a time to nurture one-Self and nourish the body, mind and spirit. So, here are just a few of my top C...Continue reading
01.01.2022 I do love a cuppa in the morning - Now research shows significant results for the benefit of coffee. Good quality, ethically sourced organic coffee is a herbal. Its the things we add that are less healthy. And depending on your caffeine metabolism, you may be perfectly ok with between 1 - 8 cups per day!! (according to this large study). Me : one cup in the morning is enough. Enjoy!
01.01.2022 #educate #AlphaCRS+ #LLV #BaicalSkullcap Today I want to educate you on just one of the many herbs in the AlphaCRS+ that excite me as as clinical Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist. ... Baical Skullcap / Chinese Skullcap Also known as the Golden Herb of Chinese medicine, it has been used in Traditional ways for more than 2000 years. What a proven history! Known as Huang-Qin, it was first recorded in Shennong Bencaojing (The Classic of Herbal Medicine), written between about 200 and 250 AD, for treatment of bitter, cold, lung and liver problems. The most authoritative book on traditional Chinese medicine, Bencao Gangmu (Compendium of Materia Medica) which was first published in 1593, reported that Scutellaria baicalensis had been used in the treatment of: diarrhea, dysentery, hypertension, hemorrhaging, insomnia, inflammation and respiratory infections. It is also known today in traditional chinese medicine (TCM) for the treatment of: Allergies and Asthma, Fevers, Headaches, Inflammation, Urinary tract infection, Nosebleeds, Jaundice, Sores, swelling and boils Chinese skullcap has been studied extensively.... It has been shown to have very strong anti-bacterial (H.pylori, E.coli, Golden Staph, Salmonella, Klebsiella) anti-mycotic (Candida albicans) and anti-viral properties (HIV in particular, Hep A, B and C, Influenza A H1N1 and Influenza B ). In numerous studies, baicalin is shown to be a potent cytotoxic (anti-cancer) agent to many types of cancer cells, including lymphoma. It has been shown to be a neuro-protective, liver-protective and anti-convulsant herb as well. I love this herb. I love the AlphaCRS+ for the beautiful mix of herbs and all the goodness contained in it. Resources:
01.01.2022 Meridian science - not new,but good knowledge to share..
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