Tex & Bundy Charity Fundraisers | Public figure
Tex & Bundy Charity Fundraisers
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23.01.2022 Today (Sun 01 Dec '19) was a special day. After many months of working on our sailing project for Veterans and EMS personnel suffering from PTSD, My partner & I made the trip down from Central Qld to the Gold Coast. We came down to participate in the Rebel FM Moustache ride for Movember. We didn't have a bike or any bike gear other than our helmets. We had our new pup, four & a half month old Rebel with us who had only done probably about twenty klm's all up, over several... bikes belonging to friends. The fantastic people from rentthisbike.com.au in Slacks Creek loaned us a GS650 Beemer for the day. Rebel was placed between my partner & I, harnessed and a pair of Doggles on. We all meet at JSW Powersports at Arundel, after breakfast and a run down on the ride by Ash from Rebel FM it was stands up around 0930 and away we went. Ash was riding a new 1300 Can-am Spyder, we tucked in behind him and the fabulous Kysa girls took control of the corner marking. We rode over Mt. Tamborine, made a 15 minute stop at the Bearded Dragon Hotel to regroup, rode down through Canungra, Lower Beechmont and onto the Advancetown Hotel. Rebel FM had organised a live band and several Rock groups collectively called the Rebel FM Rock Mob. To see several guitarists and Drummers playing the same song all together was certainly a great sight. There was even the G.C. Bikini Babe Barbers present to shave the Moustaches off those who had grown them only for Movember. All at a cost, with the money going to charity. Little Rebel was a big hit, she was taking it all in her stride. Her longest ride & her first charity ride, she done exceptionally well, she even handled the heavy rain we copped on the way home without an issue. This coming week we will try her out on the tank of the Guzzi!?! All in all, it was a top day, very well organised, great entertainment, not sure how much funds were raised but it would have been a decent amount. Over 70 bikes had registered for the event. Well done to to Ash & the team from Rebel FM, Kylie Sage & her Kysa team, all the Muso's, all the volunteers behind the scenes and of course, all the riders and passengers that participated in this great event. A special thanks to Debbie, Carl and Aleisha from "Rent This Bike" who went above & beyond for us. Tex & Bundy Charity Fundraisers with the Rebel in tow, look forward to seeing you all next year! See more
20.01.2022 G'day Guys, I have just found out that the TV show I am appearing in, " Adventure All Stars" will be shown at 2pm this Saturday (04Jan) on 7 Two (72) not 7mate as previously mentioned! Cheers. Tex.G'day Guys, I have just found out that the TV show I am appearing in, " Adventure All Stars" will be shown at 2pm this Saturday (04Jan) on 7 Two (72) not 7mate as previously mentioned! Cheers. Tex.
20.01.2022 Some more pic's of Mickayla!
20.01.2022 I know it has been awhile since I last wrote a blog and for that I apologise. It is with great sorrow that I must inform all our followers of the death of a young girl that touched the hearts of thousands with her beaming smile, happy disposition & a huge love for life & Bundy. Mickayla passed away on Saturday 16/3/19 aged 15 and 5 months after suffering all her life with PPH (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension). Mickayla was on Oxygen most if not all her life but this didn't st...op her from being a normal kid. Kerrie, Mickayla's mum was as a single mum living in Cobar & struggling to come to grips with the mounting medical bills etc ( Gov't doesn't pay for bottled Oxygen etc) so Tex & Bundy put the word out to various motorcycle groups to see what we could do. We had heard that Mickayla was coming down to Westmead Children's Hospital on an Angel flight. This was the perfect place to meet. The kindness & generosity of the motorcycle world never ceases to astound me. Many gifts were showered upon young Mickayla that day, I did hear the pilot of the Angel flight say that; "He was glad he was flying a twin engine plane so he would be able to lift off with all those gifts onboard"! Most importantly, we were able to give Kerrie a cheque of a substantial amount to see her through the mountains of bills. Quite sometime down the track we were doing a ride to Darwin with the Rumble riders and we were passing through the town of Cobar, an inpromptu meeting with the local Police Sergeant and very quickly had organised a Parade ride through Cobar with Mickayla sitting on the back of a Harley complete with her oxygen, T & B beside her on our bike so she could be near Bundy & a police escort leading around 20 bikes. The happiness and huge beaming smile Mickayla showed that day will be forever etched in my mind. We also raised funds that night at a raffle and one of the bikers organised a company to pay for Mickayla's oxygen for the rest of her life, one less major bill Kerrie didn't have to worry about. Over the years we followed Mickayla and watched her bloom into a teenager. T & B rode to Cobar to see Mickayla and to give a presentation to Mickayla's school. Later Kerrie and her family moved to Mareeba in FNQ so she could be with her ailing dad. We didn't see Mickayla after they moved, however T & B are driving to Cairns tomorrow to be able to pay our last respects. I would have taken the bike but Bundy is now too old to handle a long trip in one hit. So car it is. Mickayla, you were a bright, bubbly, brave little girl that surpassed the odds for far longer than thought possible, you had the sweetest smile, you will be sorely missed by Tex & Bundy & the Motorcycle community that knew you and by the thousands of hearts you touched on your short journey through life. May you now Rest in Peace. God bless. There will be a Service for Mickayla held at Mareeba Memorial Chapel at 10am Fri22/3/19
19.01.2022 G'day All, Well, as 2019 draws to a close, I would like to wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year in 2020. For us, the New Year brings in quite a few changes. Our charity rides will see Rebel up the front & learning the ropes. We will not be covering the miles nor as many events as we did with Bundy and I will elaborate on that early in the New Year. We have been involved for several years now on a sailing project to take Veterans and EMS personnel suffering from PTSD... out to sea on a Wellness program. A lot of hard work, money, time etc has gone into this and I have finally got the boat into the water and will be sailing her South from Gladstone in the next few days. It will be sometime before the program is up & running full tilt due to some work still needs to be carried out along with extensive sea trials. But, getting "Mystic" into the water has been a personal dream for sometime. Bundy is doing fine, although she is almost blind & deaf. She still plays ball with me every morning. Rebel is now five and a half months old now, very smart, very noisy and still in the chewing mode!! She has some big goals to fill in 2020. The Guzzi is still going strong but is well beyond her "use by date", hopefully in 2020 we will be able to upgrade to a newer bike. Charity Global TV will be airing one of their episodes of "Adventure All Stars" that I will be appearing in on Saturday the 4th of January at 2pm on 7two (72). In recognition of our work with P.O.W. hospital. I wrote a quite extensive blog during the early hours of Xmas day, only for it to disappear into cyber space when I hit the send button! Never to be found again. I sincerely hope that any of my followers that are in the line of the many devastating fires are safe and their properties have been spared. Please take care. Already this festive season, five Veterans have taken their own lives, I so hope this Royal Commission into Veteran Suicides goes ahead. Please check on your loved ones, mates, acquaintances if they are okay. Especially this time of year, being on your own can sometimes just be too much. Look out for each other. Love to you all, Tex & Bundy, Lucy & Rebel ( under training!)
19.01.2022 For those that may be interested, Tex & Bundy & Rebel as Ambassadors for P.O.W. Hospital Randwick, Therapy dog program, will be doing an interview on Ch.7's "Daily Edition" at 2:35 pm this coming Wednesday 01 May 19. "Daily Edition" airs at 2-3pm weekdays on Channel 7.
18.01.2022 https://give.everydayhero.com//tex-and-bundy-s-charity-tv- G'day All, For sometime now Bundy & I have been working behind the scenes with P.O.W. Hospital (Randwick NSW ) as an Ambassador for their Delta Therapy Dog Program. I am particularly interested in the Spinal injury unit and the Motorcyclists that unfortunately end up in there. I have visited several patients in the Spinal ward and have witnessed first hand how much difference it makes to the patients when they can... talk to a fellow motorcyclist and see the smiles on their faces when they spot a therapy dog let alone a famous motorcycling Therapy dog. Bundy and I cannot do this forever, we need to raise funds to train & obtain more Therapy dogs and Handlers to continue on with this work. If you have been a Hospital patient and have had a Therapy dog visit you, I bet that made your day and took the worry and stress off your mind for awhile. Those that have been fortunate enough to have seen a Therapy dog & their handler at work in a Hospital whilst they have been visiting would understand. Hospitals can be a lonely place for a patient, especially one with life threatening or life altering injuries, to be able to "bend" an ear, to be able to smile, to pat a dog, all this & more can make a huge difference to a patient and it certainly helps in the mental attitude to the healing process. I know only too well through the many hospital visits that Bundy & I have done the difference it can make. Bundy & I are endeavouring to raise $10,000 dollars that goes direct to P.O.W. Hospital. These funds will make a difference to fellow motorcyclists now and in the future. Please donate, press on the link at the top of this page and make a difference. Thank you! See more
16.01.2022 https://7news.com.au//charity-trio-fundraising-for-therapy This is our TV interview with "Daily Edition" re: our fundraising for Prince of Wales Hospital Foundation for the Delta Therapy Dog Program! Enjoy.
12.01.2022 My friends from South Africa put this together. You can follow their Adventures on You Tube; Catamaran Impi.
10.01.2022 Today, is a special day for Bundy, she officially turns 13 human years old today (91 in dog years). Bundy has done More in her life than most! Now that she is fully retired from her working life, she continues to be a very special dog and my best mate. Age is knocking her around a bit, she now has incontinence & a couple of tumours. Although there is nothing wrong with her ability to eat!! Her eyesight & hearing are failing, maybe she just has selective hearing!! lol. I a...m hoping she may be around for a few more years yet?! I will keep my fingers crossed. I think this year will be her last ANZAC day that she participates in! Some interesting facts on Bundy; A qualified Assistance dog A qualified Therapy dog The fastest motorcycling dog in the world..283KPH at Eastern creek Raceway. A qualified FarRider.. 2200klm's in a single 24hr period. Has travelled over one million klm's as of November 2017 (on several motorcycles) all without incident! We have ridden all over Australia in all types of weather at all hours of the day & night to be by some sick kid's/persons side or to lead various charity rides. Has helped in raising over six million dollars For various charities and causes. Is the only dog in Australia with a Ministerial declaration giving her permission to ride on the front! Has ridden on the front of a jet ski from Phillip Island to Cairns. Along with myself, she is an Official champion of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) Ambassador to Qld Red Nose. Ambassador to Tarangoa Blue. Ambassador to Prince of Wales Hospital (Sydney) Delta Therapy Dog Program. She has been in a light aircraft doing aerobatics and she has travelled in commercial aircraft in the cabin. Bundy has bought smiles to dials the world over, has appeared on numerous television interviews and has bought hope to many sick kids and people in general. Bundy has travelled on the Thredbo chair lift to Australia's highest Restaurant, the Eagles Nest as a special guest of the Restauranter, Sarah. Bundy is an Australian Stumpy Tailed Cattle Dog (Bitch) sometimes called a Smithfield. People including some riders have asked me does she lean into corners?? Let's just say a lot of riders have been embarrassed when they have heard a bike coming around the outside of them in the Twisties only to see Bundy in her goggles & leather jacket grinning at them as we sail past!! BUNDY, she is one in a million & our Love & Respect for each other will remain with each of us to our last breath! Happy Birthday Bundy. Yes, she got a nice big bone for a cake!!
10.01.2022 https://eur04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/ Tex & Rebel will be at Eastern Creek this weekend for the Soar & Roar Festival. This great cause is helping Kids & Adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Please check out our link to donate and if you can, make a donation, no matter how small, it all helps the cause. We look forward to seeing you on the day!
10.01.2022 Tex and Bundy - AUSTRALIANS OF THE YEAR Tex & Bundy Charity Fundraisers Rebel FM the Rock Station Ashley Palmero Pol Roger Harley-Davidson Imagination Sound Studios
08.01.2022 Good luck Toby.
08.01.2022 Good Morning All, Bundy turns 14 today. She is enjoying retirement and living on a boat, she knows and is loved by everyone in the Marina. Bundy get's to walk down the beach every day. Here are some pic's of Bundy over the years.
04.01.2022 A Documentary on Bundy's wonderful life!
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