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25.01.2022 You heard it here first peeps! Jane is doing a three day fashion upcycling, hands on , get stuff done yourself workshop 16 - 18 Oct at Pomona. It is $150 for th...ree days - I know - super cheap!!! We go a grant! :) Thanks to Noosa Council and Arts Queensland will be on the official info that is coming out in a week. If you want to be on the mailing list for this can you please PM me your email address. SO EXCITED!!! Cheers, FIona
24.01.2022 There are more slaves now than ever. Thanks Ekkoworld for reminding us that if things seem too cheap, slavery may well be the reason.
23.01.2022 Such an inspirational afternoon spent in the garden with Linda Brennan @ecobotanica including her charming Sunflower Cottage and Labyrinth. Thanks Linda and Damien for eco education, edible delights and wisdom all so beautifully presented in A Delicious Bunch book and garden party. I dressed for spring, in cotton frock made from Zero Waste Sewing book by Elizabeth Haywood @lizhaywood3754 ... #ecobotanica #LindaBrennan #adeliciousbunch #permaculture #edibleflowers #slowliving #gardening #everydaypractice #zerowastesewing
22.01.2022 UPCYCLING as a way of life means seeking to reuse and redesign whatever you need from what is already around you. That's how @upcycled.glassware created these gorgeous tumblers that are truly 'green' because they once were single-use wine bottles (or similar) and now doing many more rounds of the kitchen. They are 1 of 8 homeware creatives showcasing with @upcycle.recycle.design.studio at 7 Clovelly Rd in Randwick on show until 19 September, curated by @designweaversydney... I'm doing a zoom chat tomorrow at 4pm on 'Upcycling as a way of life'. I've put the details on my website, link in bio and click to the Engage me page, or find here: https://www.designweaver.com.au/jane-milburn-for-upcycle-re #upcycle #recycle #upcyclerecycledesignstudio #circulardesign #homewares #circulareconomy #upcyclingasawayoflife
22.01.2022 How awesome to see Stitch Kitchen remaking anew @stitchkitchen
22.01.2022 My studio space is actually a family room! This is where I'll be for a live chat tomz via Streamyard with Amy @amybauerdesigns and cohost Barb in LA County on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. We'll be chatting about slow clothing choices and actions to reduce our material footprint, upcycling as a way of life, permaculture, creative living ..... at 8am Sunday here AEST which is 2pm Saturday PST. I've put the link in my bio if you want to join us. My studio space recen...tly restyled by Steph and this photo by Mason. #slowclothing #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #upcycling #creativeliving #creativereuse
22.01.2022 The pandemic has changed our relationship with clothes ... 'Clothes are so often about that odd intersection between our fantasies and our insecurities: who we want to be publicly. When image and pretense are removed, they become about our inner worlds.'
22.01.2022 Growing food is the essence of life. And being able to grow your own organic produce just 7 minutes from Brisbane CBD is a reality at Beelaring Community Farm. For those who don't have their own garden, it is awesome to know there are spaces like this one supported by @brisbanecitycouncil where you can be part of a growing community. It was inspiring to visit this space where my friend Meg @robeandcrown rents a 2sqm plot for $100 a year. The chickens, compost and some g...eneral plots are shared, and these photos are from when it was Meg's turn to tend the coop. I benefited from a bonus feed of white mulberries. And can I say that one of the lucky things for gardeners at Beeralong is they do not seem to have a scrub turkey problem. #beeralongcommunityfarm #growing #growyourown #permaculture #diy #regenerativeliving #localfood #chickens #selfreliance #growingfood
22.01.2022 PERMACULTURE design is about resilience, regeneration and abundance. I'm excited to be doing a Permaculture Design Course and diving into ethics, principles, strategies, techniques and tools for this time of uncertainty and profound change. The course teacher is run by @northeystreetcityfarm based on the lifetime of pioneering work by permaculture co-originator David Holmgren from Melliodora in Victoria. Below are the permaculture princples (and sayings) from David's late...st book Retrosuburbia. Observe and interact Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Catch and store energy Make hay while the sun shines Obtain a yield You cant work on an empty stomach Apply self-regulation and accept feedback The sins of the fathers are visited on children of the seventh generation Use and value renewable resources and services Let nature take its course Produce no waste A stitch in time saves nine Waste not, want not Design from patterns to details Cant see the forest for the trees Integrate rather than segregate Many hands make light work Use small and slow solutions The bigger they are, the harder they fall Use and value diversity Dont put all your eggs in one basket Use edges and value the marginal Dont think you are on the right track just because its a well-beaten path Creatively use and respond to change Vision is not seeing things as they are but as they will be Applying these to my slow clothing philosophy and regenerative lifestyle. #permaculture #PDC #regeneration #regenerativeliving #slowclothing #diy #selfreliance #resilience #wastenot #slowliving #NortheyStreetCityFarm #permacultureprinciples @ Northey Street City Farm
21.01.2022 Here's more detail of the Pomona Community House upcycling opportunities this weekend.
21.01.2022 Cat went straight for the catnip when it was placed in front of her. Loving that our local corner shop now has plants as well as a wonderful range of staples and gourmet produce. Between local store wirhin walking distance, and our garden, we've got many needs covered. Our habits have changed for the better, so that's a positive from a negative (aka coronavirus). #cat #catnip #catsofinstagram #shoplocal #cornerstore #localfood
21.01.2022 SIMPLE THINGS Reading to my grandies, wearing natural fibres (silk with botanical colour) which I fashioned for myself in 2014. Thanks Casey for the photos. #reading #family #slowclothing #silk
20.01.2022 Upcycling as a way of life, chatting about this on Oct 8 with HEIA
20.01.2022 UPCYCLING as a way of life. All sorts of changes are arising from the disruption wrought by coronavirus, including renewed focus on local, handmade and upcycled things that bring meaning to our lives. If you are nearby 7 Clovelly Rd in Randwick, you can drop into the awesome Upcycle Recycle Design Studio @upcycle.recycle.design.studio which brings together eight creatives making gorgeous things based on upcycle, recycle philosophies. It is only open from 1-19 September and ...features a retail gallery where you can Meet the Makers using vintage and waste materials to produce beautiful, useful objects all made by hand in Australia. I'll be zooming in (via Zoom) from Brisbane on Friday September 11 at 4pm to talk about 'Upcycling as a way of life for planetary health and wellbeing'. Thanks Kiran for organising. You can find details via @upcycle.recycle.design.studio As part of the program there will be workshops on repairing and remaking, and a panel discussion on 'Environmentally conscious purchasing to support human making capabilities' chaired by @claravuletich The eight featured creatives are @designweaversydney @upcycled.glassware @herclolab @design.yokokawada @sallysmithstudios @sovereigncollection @cat.j.white and Andrew Durante www.andrewdurante.com.au There are kintsugi (Yoko Kawada) and clothes mending (Her Clo.Lab.) workshops, and the event is supported by Randwick City Council @randwickcouncil #upcycling #upcycle #upcyclerecycledesignstudio #randwickcitycouncil #randwick #handmade #diy
19.01.2022 In his new series Diarmuid Gavin is encouraging everyone to get gardening together. Which is exactly what this street in Belfast did. Watch Gardening Together with Diarmuid Gavin, available on BBC iPlayer now.
18.01.2022 Dressing is an agricultural act, if we want to wear natural fibres rather than plastic. In The pleasures of eating, American author and farmer Wendell Berry described eating as an agricultural act. In my book Slow Clothing, I extrapolated this to describe dressing is an agricultural act if you want to wear natural fibres not plastic. My earlier career work was around farming as the source of fresh food and in 2013 I began exploring the parallel story of clothing and natura...l fibres. I found two-thirds of our clothes are made using synthetic fibres (slide 2) and that research by Dr Mark Browne has shown these plastic fibres, derived from petroleum, are shedding microplastic particles into our ecosystem and oceans. We, the wearers, need to know more about such things so we can respond through our everyday choices. Historically, clothing was relatively scarce and made from natural fibrescotton, linen, wool, leather and silk. In about the 1930s, the arrival of synthetics like polyester and acrylic, derived from petroleum, provided cheaper alternatives. By the year 2000, synthetic fibres filled half the market need and there has since been a further dramatic shift to synthetics which now represent two-thirds of new clothing and textilesfar surpassing natural fibres. Responsible fashion businesses are seeking alternatives to synthetics but there is no easy solution. The planet cannot produce more natural fibres. The circular economy might help. We, the wearers, can help by making sustainable clothing choices: think, choose natural, quality, local, few, care, make, revive, adapt and salvage. #slowclothing #slowfashion #slowfashionseason #slowclothingmanifesto #diy #agriculture #sustainability #plasticfreejuly #microplastic #waronwasteau #FightforPlanetA
18.01.2022 What do you think?
18.01.2022 Taking on the upcycle challenge! At Pomona Community House for three days this weekend we are sewing outside the lines at slow clothing upcycling sessions developed to inspire and empower those ready to refashion as an act of sustainability and expression of individual style. This is part of The Great Up-Cycled Challenge, a competition inviting people to upcycle resources we otherwise call waste that aligns with National Recycling Week and is supported by Noosa Council and ...Arts Queensland. It's the third year I've been sharing the slow clothing message in this area at this time and it is exciting to have three days for hands-on action this year. The sessions outlined below are suggestions only and we will be using what we have, to do what we can within the timeframe. Sewing experience is preferred, but beginners are welcome and will be able to do simple upcycling. I’m providing boxes of natural fibre garments and denim to share, so there will be no shortage of fabric resources. Day One make small changes to restyle, embellish, chop and change hemlines (hand-stitch, suitable for beginners) or make a zero-waste dress from rectangles (bring 3m fabric). Day Two flip skirts for a fresh silhouette (skirts provided or byo) or cut up denim jeans and resew into a pinafore or tunic (3 pair jeans and sewing experience required) Day Three subtraction cutting techniques to utilize old table linen, random pieces of fabric or doonas (sewing experience needed, byo fabric or linen sewn into 1x2m pieces) October 16-18th, cost $40 per day from 8.30am-4.30pm. BYO lunch. Limited places. Bookings 5485 2427 and info herehttps://www.pomonacommunityhouse.com.au/the-great-up-cyclin Upcycling is fun. It applies problem-solving and repair skills, creativity and mindfulness, while giving a sense of agency and autonomy to reduce unnessesary spending and waste. #upcycling #nationalrecyclingweek #reuse #creativereuse #slowclothing #textilebeat #sewitagain #naturalfibres #lesswaste #noosacouncil #noosaslowclothing #circulareconomy
17.01.2022 LOCAL GREENS grown using regenerative practises in a small market garden on the outskirts of Brisbane. Meet Jacki Hinchey @blue_dog_farm who grows delicious, nutritious salad greens north of Brisbane and supports a REKO Ring farmers market supply chain at Dayboro. Jacki will be sharing ideas for regenerative living, periurban micro business, growing and supplying nutritious local food and the REKO concept (a Swedish model for responsible consumption) at our next Conversatio...n Starter on Conscious Consumerism on September 12 at Pine Rivers Heritage Museum. Register now via Moreton Bay Regional Council website https://www.moretonbay.qld.gov.au//P/Conscious-Consumerism Great to visit Jacki yesterday, doing reseaech for my role as MC of the conversation. Thanks @carolwatson2102 for photos. #bluedogfarm #localfood #moretonbayregionalcouncil #consciousconsumerism #REKO #rekoring #dayboro #localfood #regenerativeagriculture #regenerativeliving #pineriversheritagemuseum @ Mount Mee, Queensland
17.01.2022 Great insights on permaculture and how it can help at this time of profound change. Thanks Morag!
16.01.2022 TRADING, sharing and supporting eco actions and futures. Queensland textile artist Norton and I did a swap yesterday - he gave me one of his beautiful nuno-felted and botanical printed wool/silk pieces in exchange for two copies of my book Slow Clothing which he is giving away on his platform @retritus as a milestone celebration. Norton came to one of my talks a few years back on World Environment Day and the message about natural fibres, authenticity and finding meaning... in what we wear fell on fertile ground. All the best with future adventures Norton. I will treasure this piece of art (see subsequent pix) and enjoy watching your work and career evolution. #slowclothing #retritusgiveaway #retritus #textilebeat #eco #ecoart #wool #silk #slowfashion #fightforplanetA #waronwasteau #lesswaste #textileart #textileartist #nunofelting #circularfashion #circulareconomy #naturalfibres See more
15.01.2022 Today marks Earth Overshoot Day. This means that by August 22nd, weve consumed our global natural resource budget for 2020. This years Earth Overshoot day re...presents a striking departure from past trends, falling nearly a month later than last years (which fell on July 29th). Compared to last year, 2020s carbon footprint has seen a 14.5% reduction. The date hasnt moved in a positive direction by more than a few days since the early 80s. Of course, the cause of this years score is down to the global pandemic, which has brought on suffering, loss and tragedy in the millions. Laurel Hanscom, CEO of the Global Footprint Network told the New York Times, The fact that Earth Overshoot Day is later this year is a reflection of a lot of suffering, and the reflection of imposed changes to our lives. Hanscom notes that while we need to move the date, We dont want it to be through disaster. We want it to be through intentional, designed efforts to make sure it doesnt come at such a high and terrible human cost. Lets keep moving the date for #EarthOvershootDay in a positive direction for 2021. To do this, we can begin by mitigating our own consumption, but we also need Government action. Why not write to your policy maker and ask them what theyre doing to ensure environmental sustainability above economic growth. Ask them if they support legislation to protect the planets finite resources from corporate interests. We cannot return to the way things were. Together, lets demand a new normal. Be curious. Find out. DO SOMETHING. Artwork by @JenandJennifer #FashionRevolution #Movethedate
15.01.2022 REGROWTH ... did you know you can grow fresh celery from the base of an old plant? Recipe calls for celery sticks and I have them growing because I planted the bit I used to throw in the compost. Nature is genius, naturally circular and with nothing wasted. I learned this tip from permaculture leader @moraggamble (and my son Casey) and find it so exciting that the easiest things to grow are also nutritious, available and affordable. The hardest part is keeping the water an...d nutrients flowing. #freshfood #zerowaste #permaculture #diy #gardening #gardeningaustralia #slowliving #circulareconomy #regenerativeliving #slowliving #slowclothing
14.01.2022 QUESTION: How did the pandemic change the way you dress? We are in a period of profound change, at individual, local, regional, and global level. So I'm curious about how this impacts your clothing choices.... This is our daughter Lily. She's an accountant. She said nothing much changed for her: she buys comfortable clothes to last. The loop for the button at the back of her shirt recently came loose. We mended it together during one of her visits home. Has your clothing story changed? Did you declutter, sort and change? Did you mend and upcycle? Ditch high heels and tailored clothes? What did you do with your rejects? #yourclothingstory #slowclothing #slowfashion #slowfashionseason #isodressing #personalstyle #indiestyle #pandemic #change #30wears #dresswithconscience #dresswithstory #fashionrevolution #TextileBeat
13.01.2022 COMMUNITY connection bonus from our visit with Jacki Hinchey of @blue_dog_farm was that her near neighbour and friend is Bronwyn Hawkins @thehandmadecloset Bronwyn makes local clothes to order and has a shopfront (closed the day we visited) at the Old Dayboro Butter Factory but we got to catch up in her home studio instead. Her business arose after Bronwyn decided to make what she needed in 2015, others liked what they saw and asked her to make for them. What started as a... pop-up is now a fixture in Dayboro. Local clothes, handmade to order, designed for comfort and longevity. The linen fabric she uses is imported, mostly sourced from Europe (we don't grow/manufacture this fibre/fabric in Australia unfortunately). This aligns with the Slow Clothing Manifesto (think, natural, local, quality, few, care, make) so we could have chatted for hours. Look forward to next visit Bronwyn! #handmade #localclothes #linen #making #makers #fashionrevolution #australianmade #thehandmadecloset #lovedclotheslast @ Dayboro, Queensland, Australia
13.01.2022 Here's a learning opportunity ... this new CERES course offering will open your eyes and provide insight, understanding and practical tools for us to collectively forge a way forward and improve upon what is currently an unsustainable and damaging fashion industry. #CERES #slowclothing #slowfashion #sustainablefashion
13.01.2022 Wearing my tablecloth top and thrifted accessories in these with Robin McConchie at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens yesterday (thanks Rob). I made the top during my Sew it Again upcycling year and recently upcycled it further by adding pink bias-binding to the neckline. I've found the link to the original posting on September 20, 2014, which shows how I cut the square tablecloth to remove damage in one corner. It reminds me that I was in north Queensland at the time, staying with Fiona Lake and visiting Helen Hill after attending/presenting at the QRRRWN Charters Towers conference that year Members of QRRRWN #QRRRWN #upcycling http://www.sewitagain.com/2014/09/kitchen-creativity/
12.01.2022 RETHINKING the way we live, work and play is happening as we adapt to the uncertainty and profound changes coming down the line with coronavirus. We can calm ourselves by focusing energy on living with creativity, simplicity and integrity, rather than worrying about distant unknowable possibilities. In the current issue of QCWA's @ruthmagazine I've written about wabi sabi as a way of living in tune with nature rather than seeking to control, manage and exploit it. The ind...omitable Terri Irwin from @australiazoo is the cover story and other great features on @pearlredmoonart and @dogstarclothing Wabi sabi is a gentle approach to life embedded within Japanese culture that has its roots in Zen philosophy. At a time when we need to be adaptive and resourceful, wabi sabi is a salve that enables us to find beauty in what is around us, in all its imperfection and impermanence. As Beth Kempton writes inWabi Sabi: Japanese wisdom for a perfectly imperfect life, what we need right now is a new way of seeing the world and our place within it. She says wabi sabi teaches us to be content with less, in a way that feels like more. Australian journalist and author Julia Baird, inPhosphorescence: on awe, wonder and things that sustain you when the world goes dark, writes about wabi sabi as the sheen of antiquity, the patina of a life lived. Finding beauty in the modest, rustic, imperfect and the impermanence of all things. The upcycled natural-fibre clothing in my wardrobe has all the hallmarks of wabi sabi. They are derived from nature, imperfect, mended, modest and always works in progress. I’ve used natural colour (bark, leaves, and food waste including passionfruit and onion skins) and various stitching techniques to evolve them for fresh life. I do this for originality, sustainability and purpose. It is not that I can’t afford new, more that reusing natural fibres already in the world is the right thing to be doing at this time of uncertainty, ecological stress and fashion excess. You can purchase Ruth at newsagents or online, and read my story on textilebeat.com #Ruth #RuthMagazine #wabisabi #upcycling #slowclothing #slowfashion #diy #QCWA
12.01.2022 They say many hands make light work, and a group of Beenleigh residents are putting that theory to the test, working together to sew masks to send to Victorians. www.7NEWS.com.au #7NEWS
12.01.2022 Slow Clothing as antidote to fast fashion
10.01.2022 UPCYCLING as a way of life and making the best of everything and every situation. Nature always cycling and evolving: we are too. My topic for this arvo with HEIA. #upcycling #ecology #HEIA #homeeconomics #slowclothing
10.01.2022 Woven to Our Ancestors: Local, handmade, authentic art by @delvene_cockatoo_collins_art is an asset for Straddie. Her eugaries sculpture at Pt Lookout (second last photo) is so new the sign is yet to be mounted. Was so lovely to chat with Delvene and her partner Che, who was on the ARLP leadership course I did back in 2009/2010. Thanks Cazza @carolwatson2102 for pix and company. I can justify gathering Delvene's teatowels, as my opshop found linens are wearing thin.
10.01.2022 "... personal attributes that hold a key to positively influence clothing longevity are Respect and Authenticity." #slowclothing
09.01.2022 Upcycling is endless and the talented team at Sustainable Couture are demonstrating how. Their annual Alice Springs event has had a nip/tuck/adapt/upcycle to now be an online event on September 3 and you can follow the Virtual Runway event One Stitch At A Time tomorrow night. Find out more @sustainable_couture #upcycling #sustainablecouture #slowfashion #slowclothing #makers #refashion #ecofashion #lesswaste #circularfashion #diy
09.01.2022 I am so looking forward to this in-person three-day workshop organised by Slow Clothing Noosa. It feels like a rare and real opportunity. There are limited places which means lots of time for conversations and hands-on creative upcycling. October 16-18, see you there.
09.01.2022 Chatting Slow Clothing later this week with Amy @amybauerdesigns for her #amysartcaberet conversation series. Amy is on the west coast of the United States and this Saturday Nov 28 at 2pm PST I will be on my couch in Brisbane Australia where it will be Sunday Nov 29 AEST at 8am. Look forward to our live YouTube chat Amy https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCoqMq6fn8Dt9bebSLoWPdwQ... #slowclothing #amybauerdesign #slowfashion #upcyclingasawayoflife #creativeliving #slowliving #diy #slowclothingphilosophy
09.01.2022 Seeking inspiration by catching up with creative friends, this time the talented Helen Kelly @brisbanehandlettering Helen did the illustrations and quotes for my 2017 book Slow Clothing and we hope to collaborate again. Ideas still churning around in the incubator. We took a semi socially-distanced selfie for the record. #slowclothing #slowliving #creativelife #diy #selfreliance #resourcefulness regenerativeliving
08.01.2022 Journalist and broadcaster @jan__fran gets it! Slow clothing is a philosophy. It is a way of thinking about, choosing, wearing and caring for clothes so they bring value meaning and joy to every day. Great article by Jan Fran in The Sydney Morning Herald about meaningful clothes in a sea of fashion excess. https://www.smh.com.au//two-years-ago-i-swore-off-buying-n So many resourceful and sustainable ways to find and liberate dormant clothes that might otherwise become l...andfill, including this weekend's @garagesaletrail #slowclothing #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #fashionrevolution #textilebeat #lesswaste #waronwasteau #FightforPlanetA #upcyclingasawayoflife #upcycling #diy #relove #preloved #secondhandfirst
08.01.2022 Yes to all this! Lockdown changes attitudes to the way we dress #slowclothing
07.01.2022 ALIGNED values for sustainable, circular fashion/clothing. Lovely to have a visit from circular fashion advocate Kati of @loopistyle and chat about Secondhand September, Revive and Slow Fashion Season amongst lots of other things. These days I seem to have little need to buy anything, new or preloved, because I'm using and adapting natural fibres I already own. (Shoes the only exception because feet are long-term.)... I spoke out publicly about loving preloved natural fibres back in 2013 and it is great to see how far things have come since then. #SecondhandSeptember #Revive #SlowClothing #slowfashionseason
07.01.2022 UPCYCLING clothes using botantical brews becomes play for grown ups such as Meg @robeandcrown and me. White garments are beautiful when pristine new but personally I find them hard to keep that way. Great to use up the ironbark leaves and bark I've had brewing/stewing for a while and give our seethrough whites a new lease on life. Now all the spent vegetative matter is in a garden bed to be recycled back into soil. Upcycling really is a way of life.... #naturalfibres #naturalcolour #upcycling #eco #slowfashion #slowclothing
06.01.2022 Yes, mending is an act of rebellion. It is also fun, creative, resourceful and sensible. Smart people mend :)
06.01.2022 OUR CHOICES matter in the Fight for Planet A. Craig Reucassel on ABC TV haa shown us that the citizenry, through the decisions we make everyday, can make a difference. Catch up on this three-part series on iview if you missed it. I was a bit shocked to see land clearing continuing apace in north Queensland, inspired to see seaweed as the solution for methane emmission from animals and motivated by people and communities making choices to reduce their carbon footprint. Buyin...g local food and switching to renewable energy are great places to start. #FightForPlanetA #localfood #ourchoicesmatter
05.01.2022 MADE it to Page 59 of the Churchill Trust Annual Report. Some nostalgia for what might have been, therefore I had this printed on cloth as a momento. Resuming my Virtual Churchill series ARISING from Disruption soon because real-time overseas travel will be a while coming. Thanks to my friend and photographer Patria Jannides for main photo of me wearing rescued silk refashioned as a statement of sustainability and creative reuse. ... Thanks also to Meg @robeandcrown for the reflection photo. Really grateful to have a safe haven at home in Australia when there is so much suffering elsewhere in these pandemic times. #ChurchillTrust @churchill_trust #ChurchillFellowship #ARISINGfromDisruption #upcycling #waronwasteau #PatriaJannides #diy #creativereuse #slowfashionseason #silk #wearyourvalues
04.01.2022 Minjerribah sunrise and sunset. A few days on Cylinder Beach is nature's medicine. This is my first trip away since November. Sharing the Queensland love for those who can't get away. #minjerribah #straddie #sunrise #Queensland @ North Stradbroke Island
04.01.2022 PERMACULTURE is an endless design process for living alongside nature in regenerative, resilient and bountiful ways. I've been doing a 16-week introductory Permaculture Design Course at @northeystreetcityfarm and today is the last session with this group, and this teacher Michael Wardle from Savour Soil Permaculture. Thanks Michael for great info, inspo and 'it depends' approach! Doing the course affirms the ethics and principles I live and work by with slow clothing phil...osophy. Some of the technical aspects about soils, water and trees also refreshed my knowledge from BAgrSc university days many moons ago. #permaculture #permacultureprinciples #regenerativeliving #PDC #slowclothing #agriculturalscience #natureinthecity
04.01.2022 UPCYCLED table linen dress was my outfit of choice for the @upcycle.recycle.design.studio zoom chat today (photo 1 taken in our garden). I only sew for myself and made this after a subtraction-cutting design session with Darin @daroscouture in 2018. But localism, local making and upcycling, are arising in our pandemic-influenced world and many people are seeking to support local artisans who adopt ethical, sustainable and transparent processes. Three creative upcycling ...professionals with work on show (until September 19) at the Upcycle Recycle Design Studio at 7 Clovelly Rd Randwick are (see photos 2, 3 and 4) @sovereigncollection @sallysmithstudios @herclolab You can find their work online, or visit the studio if you are in that part of Sydney. #upcycle #upcycling #recycle #recycling #design #upcyclerecycledesignstudio
04.01.2022 Such a useful visual demonstration of the plastic fibres hidden within stretch denim. Natural fibres are biodegradable and regenerative, and much nicer to wear too.
03.01.2022 Chatting with @womenofnoizzze @womenofnoisebne on ZED Digital tonight about living with authenticity, individuality, purpose and meaning. #slowclothing #slowfashion #indiestyle #diy #upcycling #WOW #WOWGlobal24 @womenoftheworldaustralia #wabisabi #authenticity #nonbinary
03.01.2022 Purposeful refashion #workshop during Yass Valley Council's Less Waste Week Since lockdown sparked interest in all things DIY, now is the time to explore our inherent desire to work with our hands and discover the maker within. Play-based upcycling of dormant clothing from your wardrobe or opshop is a great way to start thinking more about adaptation and resourcefulness when it comes to what we wear. Sustainability consultant and author Jane Milburn has been a slow fashi...on practitioner all her life which springs from a love of natural fibres and learned creativity. Join Jane for a Zoom session where we chat about Slow Clothing actions and choices to reduce our material footprint, learn to make yarn from old t-shirts, and discuss creative ways to bring new life to old favourites or cast-offs. Tonight, November 24 at 7pm (AEST) until 8.30pm bookings here https://us02web.zoom.us//tZAkce2tqD8iGNWt9keV6Lo0mIc3ceTD1 This session is part of the Hands-on for Less Waste project funded by the NSW Environmental Trust. #lesswaste #slowclothing #slowfashion #sustainablefashion #upcycling #diy #waronwasteau #FightforPlanetA #dresswithconscience #sewitagain #textilebeat
02.01.2022 Excited for this - a three-day upcycling, slow clothing immersion session at Pomona Community House as part of their great upcycling challenge. I will be there October 16-18 and this may be the first and last face-to-face three-day workshop for 2020. You can be part of it for just $150 for the three days (this includes lunch each day too). Thanks NOOSA SLOW CLOTHING Pomona Community Noticeboard
01.01.2022 One day, two days, or three days of upcycling this weekend at Pomona Community House. Bring along your sense of adventure and embrace the upcycling challenge. I'm providing several boxes of natural fibre clothing and denim to share. BYO lunch. Places limited.
01.01.2022 Closer, fresher, better - that's local food. These awesome food growers and educators Peter Kearney of My Food Garden @mfgguy and Jacki Hinchey @blue_dog_farm shared insights at our recent Conversation Starter on conscious consumption series at Pine Rivers Heritage Museum @moretonbay_galleriesandmuseums We ranged across topics such as nutrient-dense food, physical and mental health benefits of gardening, drive-through supply chains (aka reko rings), potential for urban ag...riculture and regenerating land in measurable ways. The conversation was recorded and the video with be available later via the Moreton Bay Regional Council website. It is great to have the opportunity to MC such events and draw on my previous experience as president of the Rural Press Club, working with farm groups, my agricultural science education and current permaculture design study. Thanks Kate @embellysh and Simon for photos. The final pix are from when Jacki came to visit, since we realised her daughter just lives down the road from us. Such a small world. #localfood #growyourown #ConversationStarter #PineRiversHeritageMuseum #moretonbayregionalcouncil
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