TGM Stress Management in Brighton East, Victoria | Medical and health
TGM Stress Management
Locality: Brighton East, Victoria
Phone: +61 431 787 377
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25.01.2022 R U OK Day is next Thursday - 12th September -just under a week away...... This is our National day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that every day is the day to ask, "Are You OK?" and support those struggling with lifes ups and downs. This year, Trust the Signs, Trust Your Gut & Ask R U OK? We are never too young or too old to look out for one another and lend support.... Learn the 4 Steps: 1. Ask 2. Listen 3. Encourage action 4. Check-in Lets ALL be part of something amazing EVERYDAY! #ruokday #ask #listen #encourage #action #signs #stress #wellbeing #health #national
25.01.2022 Happy New Year to One and All -
24.01.2022 TGM Stress Management Bi-Weekly Newsletter Enjoy!
24.01.2022 11 Powerful Habits of Truly Happy People Generally, when we think of happiness we think of a things like the recent holiday, relaxing with a glass of wine, watching your favourite movie and yes these do bring happiness but only temporarily. In a study by psychologist Martin Seligman from the University of Pennsylvania he categorized people into three groups based on how they pursued happiness: The Pleasant Life: people seeking happiness by looking for pleasure.... The Engaged Life: people seeking happiness by working hard at their passions. The Meaningful Life: people using their strengths to work towards something they believe contributes to a greater good. Seligman found that people who pursued the pleasant life experienced little happiness whilst people who pursued the Engaged Life and the Meaningful Life were very happy. Happy people are highly intentional and if you want to follow suit lean to incorporate the following habits into your world: 1. Create your own happiness and dont wait for it to find you! very second you waste waiting for it to find you is a second you could have been using to create it. Make the effort. 2. Surround yourself with the right people: surrounding yourself with happy people builds confidence and stimulates creativity. Hanging out with negative people has the opposite effect. 3. Get enough sleep: you need to sleep to allow your body to recharge. Look at one of my previous post on the importance of a good nights sleep. 4. Live in the moment: its impossible to be happy if you are constantly somewhere else rather than in the moment. You cant change the past and there is uncertainty in the future so live for now. 5. Learn to love yourself: learn to accept who you are and appreciate your strengths. 6. Appreciate what you have: taking time to contemplate what you are grateful for improves your mood because it can reduce your cortisol (stress hormone) levels. 7. Exercise: getting your body moving releases endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals that are produced by the brain and are generally associated with feelings of pleasure, motivation, euphoria, social connection and pain relief. 8. Forgive but dont forget: happy people live by the motto fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Forgive in order to prevent a grudge. Negative emotions that come with holding a grudge are actually a stress response. 9. Get in touch with your feelings: dont repress your emotions; learning to be open about your feelings decreases stress levels and improves your mood. 10. Concentrate on what you can control: rather than dwelling on things you cant control, trying putting effort into things that you can. 11. Have a growth mindset: people with a fixed mindset tend to believe you are who you are and cannot change. People with a growth mindset believe they can improve with effort. Now, bring it all together!
24.01.2022 Put Your Heart Into Stress! Stress is part and parcel of everyday life; it just is! People often worry about the day-to-day hassles such as unpaid bills, relationships, traffic jams not to mention the relentless news about natural disasters and the never ending political farce. Some of these people may also be coping with more personal issues such as divorce, death or illness. All of these so-called psychosocial stresses first take hold in your mind. But the effects spread th...roughout your brain and body. Sensations you might feel include but are not restricted to: the feeling of your heart pounding, breathing faster/shallower or your muscles tensing. These signs and symptoms are all normal however if left unchecked, can lead to chronic stress which has more perilous physical effects that can harm your heart. Our bodies are an amazing vessel and so very complex. One of our abilities is our naturally built in fight or flight response to react and ultimately survive a real or perceived threat. The problem with this is that this response is not always turned off and can lead to life threatening health issues if not managed. Everyday mindfulness Some of us may not be so open to Mindfulness and have the attitude that its for the young generation or its for the hippies or simply associate it purely with the likes of yoga or mediation which is not necessarily your thing. Well heres the thing, neither is it any of the above: there are so many everyday activities you can do that will help you empty your mind of everyday worries and ultimately lead to a healthy life. To practice mindfulness you need to learn to train your mind to focus on the present moment without judging thoughts and sensations. An example here could be washing the dishes. Instead of fretting about your to-do list while you wash the dishes or letting your mind roam aimlessly, pay attention to the sights, sounds, and smells around you feel the sensation of the water, the sound it makes, etc. Absorb yourself into the moment. Maybe choose something you really enjoy such as playing a musical instrument, gardening, painting, or your golf swing. Focusing on each moment as it happens can help keep your thoughts from drifting to past or future worries. Start now, dont make excuses, take the time to practice the art of relieving stress and live a healthier, happier life!
22.01.2022 10 Ways to Make a Bad Day Better We all have bad days, the reality is that they are a normal part of life. We can however, choose how we react to them. We can dwell on the situation and drown in negative emotions or we can take the initiative and find ways to make a bad day better. This choice is empowering and positive and puts us in control of our actions and emotions. The Following are 10 things that you can do to make a bad day better:... 1. Reach Out Contact a trusted friend or colleague and see if they have time for a catch up. Often talking about what bothers you can release negative feelings and may also give you a different perspective. If you cant confide in someone, write in a journal to challenge the way you think about a negative situation. 2. Go for a Walk Take a few minutes to go for a walk outside. Sunshine, fresh air and the sounds of your surroundings can give you a real lift. 3. Achieve a Small Win How do you feel when you make good progress towards an important goal? You Feel great right? Research has shown that by making even minor progress on meaningful work enhances your mood and or motivation. 4. Be Grateful Stop and consider all of the good people and things you have in your life. Sometime we become complacent and can forget just how lucky we really are. 5. Schedule a Team Meal or Event Doing something positive for others can make you feel better when you have had a bad day. Organise something that your entire team can take part in and enjoy. 6. Praise Yourself Chances are that your feel a rush of pleasure, confidence or pride when someone gives you a sincere compliment. The problem is that compliments can sometimes be few and far in-between - this is why you need to learn to praise yourself and identify your accomplishments, etc. 7. Get Some Exercise It is well known that exercise can improve your mood. Go to the gym, walk, bike ride, whatever suits you - exercising for as little as 10 to 20 minutes has a positive effect on mood. 8. Help Someone Else Helping colleagues can improve your mood because it provides gratification and it distracts you from your negative emotions. 9.List the Pros and Cons Write down the negative aspects of your day and then think about what went right. What lessons can you learn from this situation? Are there any advantages or opportunities that you have missed? And what can you do to improve things? Writing things down like this has a therapeutic effect and it can greatly reduce your stress levels. 10. Put Things into Perspective No matter how bad your day is , it is unlikely that these events will alter the course of your life in the long term. Consider this simple but important question: "Will this problem matter to you in one month? In one year? In five years? In most cases the answer to this will be No and this question can really help to put a bad day into perspective. See more
22.01.2022 Its almost Christmas! -
22.01.2022 Rainbow Landscape with rainbow and clouds
21.01.2022 Get ready for OCTOBER Mental Health Awareness Month What are you doing about your mental health? As an employer, what do you have planned to assist your nut...s and bolts of your business manage their mental health? Did you Know?.... 1 in 5 Australians are affected by mental illness 4 Million Australians have a mental Health Condition 1 in 2 Australians have a chronic disease Mental Health Conditions are a leading cause of illness and disability In Australia More than 2.4 million Australians have a mental and physical health condition Mental stress costs the Australian economy in excess of $14.81 billion per year Todays workforce is experiencing job burnout and stress in epidemic proportions. Workers at all levels feel stressed out, insecure and misunderstood. Many feel the demands of the workplace have become too much to handle. The financial impact of stress on organisations is staggering through decreased productivity, higher staff turnover and low staff morale. And of course, not all stress is related to work; individuals of all ages have their own personal stressors be it financial, relationships, health, children, elderly parents to name a few. We can all learn to be more aware and take steps to ensure that our mental wellbeing is kept in check. It is up to each and everyone us to do this and not necessarily for our partners, friends or employers to do however keeping an eye on our loved ones or colleagues is always a good thing. Prevention is far better than cure. Love yourself and take the steps today to a better, healthier you! TGM Stress Management sends out monthly newsletters full of useful tips and information on how to stay healthier and stress free. Email [email protected] if you wish to go on the mailing list. There is strictly no selling on these newsletters, just information.
19.01.2022 We all suffer from some form of stress and that is normal - it is part and parcel of our every day lives. Some of us will have more stressors than others and we will manage them all differently (and we do need to manage them even if we think we are Superman/Superwoman). Some of the stress we have might be new and some might be being carried from day to day manifesting and interrupting our thought processes and our overall health and mental wellbeing. The attached article give...s some insight on how we can manage our stress on a daily basis. Even if you cant see yourself to following all of it, maybe take a few ideas and fit them into your daily routine to feel some benefits and relief. Wishing you all a great week!
19.01.2022 Are you feeling Stressed? One on one personal stress consultations now available! TANIA MENAHEM TGM Stress Management... E:[email protected] M:+61 (0) 431 787 377 See more
18.01.2022 Bi- Weekly TGM Stress Management Newsletter
18.01.2022 Stressed at Work? When we have situations that cause our stress levels to rise, there are 3 basic stress management strategies which I always find very useful known as the Triple As AAA: Alter Avoid... Accept Alter: We can always alter or change a situation and this can sometimes be the most promising strategy. We are all guilty I am sure, at making excuses for different things but we do have the ability and there is always a way to alter a situation if you really want to. Driving to work in the morning takes an hour and is stressful. Maybe find another mode of transport; ask a colleague to join you in the commute; play some great music or listen to a book whilst you are travelling. Avoid: Some things are just best avoided where possible rather than stressing. An example might be that you constantly get stressed as you are always late for appointments write the appointment in the diary for 15 minutes earlier and stick to it. Better to be slightly early and less stressed! Accept: Some times you just have to realise that some things in life are just unavoidable and accept the situation with good grace. An example might be paying taxes! Another might be going to the dentist. Give yourself some positive self-talk like I wont have to go again for 6 months or it will be all over within the hour. Play some relaxing music. For more reading and information take a look at the following article: Seeking more information on stress management? Call Tania on 0431 STRESS
17.01.2022 Strategies for Your Stress Management Toolbox -
15.01.2022 There is no catch, its Free, its Informative. Enjoy -
15.01.2022 Another fabulous week in paradise! Please find attached a copy of the most recent newsletter for your information and interest. If there are any subjects you would like to see raised in these newsletters please drop me a line.... Also, if you know of anyone who might like to receive these newsletters please either provide me with their details and I will add them to the mailing list or feel free to pass them mine. All the best Regards Tania TANIA MENAHEM TGM Stress Management E:[email protected] M:+61 (0) 431 787 377
14.01.2022 Happy Friday everyone! The weather in Melbourne is looking great for this weekend so for those of you who are sticking around, try to get out there and enjoy the sunshine and take a little time out for yourself enjoying the things you love. Have fun!
14.01.2022 Train Your Employees to Deal With Workplace Stress Did you know: 1 in 5 adults between the age of 24 and 75 will suffer from some form of mental health issue Mental stress costs the Australian economy more than $14.81 billion per year and the figure is growing... 1 in 5 people are turning to gambling as a way to manage stress Australians are working longer and harder than ever and are one of the most stressed out nations in the world In recent years, employers have gradually become aware of the need to include mental health and support for their employees. There is no shame to this as everyone has stress and it makes perfectly good business sense to be managing it as part of the daily business workings. As it happens, not all stress may be caused by work but as we tend to spend most of our days in the workplace, any stress related problems from the home front will soon manifest and may become a workplace stress. Stress can affect workers in a diverse range of industries; none come to mind that are off limits to it. The result of workplace stress can and may include high staff turnover, a high rate of sick leave, low productivity, low morale, poor sales, and in some cases injury in the workplace. Stress in this regard is usually accompanied by health issues such as migraines, depression, heart conditions, anxiety, insomnia, to name a few. Not maintaining a healthy workplace can be costly to business including the need to frequently fund recruitment campaigns and pay for the training of new employees (and there is no guarantee that the new employees will last long if the stress factors are not addressed) as well as earning the reputation of being a business known for its high stress levels or high employment turnover! Prevention is far better than cure; Stress can be managed. We need stress in our lives, but we also need to ensure that it is managed correctly and in accordance to our own, individual stress buckets.
14.01.2022 Time to De-Stress -
13.01.2022 Its Free; Own it; Use it! -
11.01.2022 Heres a thought for the day..... Smile!! I would like to say have a laugh but lets take one step at a time and try a smile! So few of us do this these days. ...It should be simple right? How many of us can honestly say that they get up in the morning and smile at the thought of the day ahead? Smile at your partner? At your kids? At your work colleagues? If thats all too personal, why not try smiling at the next stranger you pass in the street or at the shops (and I mean a natural smile, not some freaky grin that will terrify someone). I can guarantee you will make someones day by just giving them a gentle genuine smile and you may even be surprised how good YOU feel by sharing a smile. With any luck that receiving person may even pass on their smile to someone else and a chain reaction begins. SMILE! Have a great day! See more
10.01.2022 TGM Bi-Weekly Newsletter. Enjoy! TANIA MENAHEM... TGM Stress Management E:[email protected] M:+61 (0) 431 787 377
10.01.2022 Its almost Christmas time and here are a few tips to help you through -
10.01.2022 Your Monthly Dose of Stress Solutions -
09.01.2022 Another Month Another Newsletter
09.01.2022 Think Healthy and Be Healthy -
09.01.2022 Mondays dont get better that this: Eating Chocolate Reduces Stress! The next time you feel stressed, grab a piece of chocolate as according to new research: e...ating chocolate can actually lower your stress levels. This is only relevant when eating dark chocolate with a high percentage of cacao; typically chocolate with over 70 per cent cacao. Milk chocolate doesnt have this but does have high sugar content just to be clear. According to researchers at Loma Linda University Adventist Health Sciences Centre in Southern California, consuming dark chocolate can have a positive effect on your brain health. They also found that nibbling on dark chocolate improves your mood, memory and immunity the best invention ever! Enjoy your week! For more information on this article refer to:
07.01.2022 April is Stress Awareness Month! -
06.01.2022 Why Sugar Tastes Better When YouAre Stressed -
04.01.2022 I love my desserts - theyre the best part of every meal so this saying always brings a smile to my face (and a few extra calories and inches) - hence why I thought I would share it in time for the weekend. Wishing Everyone a Stress Free Weekend. Enjoy
03.01.2022 Work, Rest and Play stressfree -
01.01.2022 I attended "The Next Big Thing" presented by Ideas with Legs this morning at Federation Square with hosts Nil Vesk (thank you so much for my invite), Blythe Rowe and Paul Carson - thank you to all, some great information was shared and I also had the pleasure of meeting some interesting people. Have a fabulous weekend!
01.01.2022 Emotional and a Team of One? - this one is for you! -
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