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That Marketing Girl in Camden, New South Wales, Australia | Businesses

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That Marketing Girl

Locality: Camden, New South Wales, Australia


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25.01.2022 I know I've been a lil' MIA from my feed lately [HAA] & there's been a ton new followers, so thought I'd drop a line & re-introduce myself! For those of you who are new around here, my name is Mia & I'm the founder of That Marketing Girl, also known as TMG! We're a remote team of three [more on that to come, just wait ] with my office based in Camden, NSW. I LOVE my medium black [it's two shots of espresso from a pod machine, a name I coined myself ] or a skim/ cap if I'm out & about. Oat milk is great, you should try it out, best non-dairy mylk alternative in my opinion! I am the BIGGEST sucker for sweets & if I'm not working, I'm probably still thinking about work [lol small biz life], wasting 23.7hrs on tik tok, dreaming about my next getaway post rona, or binging 90 day fiance. Or looking for chocolate If you haven't seen on my stories, I am also a cat mum to my darlin' lil' Echo, he's a black cat we adopted a few years ago. Apparently he was a stray - which I find EXTREMELY hard to believe with his appetite & attitude I grew up seeing both of my parents running businesses, so I guess it was kinda inevitable I'd start my own! I started TMG as a side hustle when I was 21, now it's blown up & I am so bloody proud of what I've achieved. Honestly, you really can do whatever you set your mind to, it just takes an undeniable passion, expertise & drive! WOWZA! Talk about word vomit! If we haven't spoken before, I'd love for you to drop a line below & let me know about you! [Or your fav couple of all time from 90 day fiance *cough Michael & Angela* or how you like your coffee ] See more

24.01.2022 Your social media marketing will NOT be a success without getting clear on these three things... 1 KNOWING YOUR IDEAL BUYER PERSONA This is the person you want to do business with. The more you know them on a deeper level, the more you can create content that resonates with them and has them engaging! ... Have think about your ideal buyer personas: Personal interests What would make them laugh and *must* tag a friend who can relate! What they're struggling with What they would L O V E to achieve! 2 WHAT MAKES YOU DIFFERENT TO THE REST There's thousands of other brands. What makes YOURS stand out? Communicate this through your socials, whether it be your creative, copy writing and everything down to your tonality, brand style guide and everything else between! Have a think about: Picture a competitor. How are you different to what they sell/offer? What can someone get from your brand, that they won't get from the rest? 3 A RECOGNISABLE BRAND Yes your logo and colour palette/icons are part of your brand, but go beyond this. Consider the following: Do you have consistent visuals across your graphics, fonts etc? Do you use a familiar tone in your copywriting/the way you address your stories? Your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room. What are people saying about yours? Would your style of branding connect with your ideal buyer persona? If not, it's time to make some improvements! Have you nailed each of these components? Otherwise, whose got some homework to do? Photo cred: Hidden leaf productions

24.01.2022 Just a teeeeeny bit obsessed with one of our new clients, The Good Rug LLC It's not hard to manage social accounts when you've got a wonderful client to partner with, beautiful content to tell your story and a laser-focused customer journey mapped out with Ads, EDM's and a fantastic site to navigate. Whilst working together for only two months in social media management, we've achieved exceptional results like:... 259% increase in Instagram reach. 1054.9% increase in Instagram engagement. +470 new Instagram followers. What a wonderful start! Go and visit to shop their beautiful rugs and pillows now! See more

24.01.2022 OMG HAPPY SECOND BIRTHDAY TO US I look at what I have achieved in two years and could cry [happy and grateful tears of course!!!]. I am so so so blessed to run my lil' business, to work with so many fab brands + ultra driven business owners and have some pretty awesome gal's who make our team so much more amazing!! Creating and running That Marketing Girl has given me so many opportunities that I am so grateful for. The opportunity for flexible work, to grow an... IN-CRED-I-BLE team of talented women, the opportunity for a sh*t load of lessons [professionally AND personally lol, starting a business has been my biggest and most time consuming self-development endeavour to date], to make so many connections, SO MANY INCREDIBLE BUSINESS PAL'S and most of all a lifestyle that I cannot believe I'm leading at 24!!! Thank you to everyone's support, faith and business in myself and TMG. I truly am so humbled and thankful for it - Mia @ TMG xxxxx

23.01.2022 I'm a big believer in words holding a LOT of power. ... Which you've probably seen if you've watched my stories where I legit look like a crazy plant lady talking to my plants, telling them how amazing they're growing [The words I tell them too hold a lot of power, alright!!!]. Call it what you want: manifestation, words of positivity, encouragement, belief, the internal dialogue you repeat to yourself in your head WILL become what you believe.... And when you believe in what you're telling yourself enough, you'll be more consciously aware of it and without realising it or not, likely achieve in.... good OR bad. This is why your self-talk is everything! To do anything great, you need a great mindset. You have to be able to trust yourself and believe in your capabilities! In business, your mindset is everything. Do you think any of the businesses you admire on Insta and outside of, got to where they are by letting their internal dialogue keep them small and limited? I highly doubt it! Always play big Once you start to change your mindset and your internal dialogue, you will immediately start to see changes everywhere else. Now, I'm no mindset or headspace expert, I have my tough days [don't get me wrong!] and I'm simply just sharing my view. But if you want to grow, you have to stop letting your self-talk limit yourself! Print out some of your favourite quotes [can you tell I'm a fan of this method ], grab a deck of affirmations or positive quotes, cut back on the things that make you feel crappy about yourself [friends, family, tasks or whatever where you can] and become more aware of what it is you're telling yourself. "What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create" - Buddha Make sure you double tap and save this post if you needed to hear it See more

21.01.2022 Introducing to you the newest member of our team, Mel Welcome to TMG Mel! SO great to have you here! Mel joins us as part of our organic content wing, in planning, creating and managing some pretty awesome content for our clients. In the last few months alone, she's already crafted some killer content that's gone viral for our clients, hit our strategic objectives and fallen nothing short of extraordinary! Already obsessed with ya' Mel, thanks for being part of TMG. We and our clients are stoked to have you as one of our marketing gals!

21.01.2022 Ladies. I don't care if you're starting out in biz & aren't even profitable yet. GET A GOOD LAWYER ... And get your agreements all drafted up, making you bulletproof! No matter what industry you're in. Even if it's not service-based. Focus on your legals!! Protect yourselves! Take it from me. Seriously. The most expensive lesson I've learned in business stems from this.... Brand new to business, I had a nasty experience where I was fooled by someone's intentions to pay me for the services I had already completed. I was lied & deceived to. I was manipulated into trusting them by them having paid every few invoices, commencing work when fake remittance was sent over & told lie after lie about bank issues, transfer issues, you name it. I heard it all! I won't go into full details, but I will let you know that I was NOT going to let someone take my work for nothing. Nah-ah, no chance. People told me to let it go & accept the big loss, but I'm a Scorpio & there's no freaking chance I'm letting someone lie to me & walk all over me So I spoke to debt collectors, spoke to lawyers & was not going to give up. I may have looked naive, but I knew right from wrong. And if you're ripping me off, you're likely ripping anyone else off too. That's not on either! I started the debt collection process, which continued into a legal process & it continued for a year+. Thankfully, the large debt was finally settled. For me personally, it ended up becoming an issue of morale & principle over receiving money. It is NOT okay to agree to work you cannot afford or have zero intention of paying for. So if there's anything you can learn from me, it's getting a rock-solid agreement that strictly stipulates your payment terms. And if you feel in your gut that someone is taking advantage of you, they probably are! We gotta stand up for ourselves & be firm in our agreements. Going through this has taught me a lot about being black and white with your terms & realising that not everyone has good intentions. And if you're experiencing similar - keep pushing - if my overdue invoices can be paid to me 18 months later, yours can too See more

20.01.2022 The very one thing I used to PRIDE myself on was my level of authenticity on socials. And I hate to say it, but it just hasn't been me the last few months. Don't get me wrong, I'm a super honest person, extremely transparent & what you see is what you get. Just there's a lot on here I haven't shared the last 5+ months. We've all had a rough go this year [in fact, I'm definitely one of the lucky ones] but some of the cards I've been dealt with this year were DEFINITELY NOT wha...t I had anticipated. I wasn't sure if I would share this on here, but f**k it. I experienced severe stress + burn out from rapid growth [an ABSOLUTE BLESSING but ya girl couldn't keep up so wingin' it with 2 new team members it was] a long term relationship break down, had my mental health on the absolute ringer & to top it off, moved back into my family home to live and work, rebuilding life as I knew it. I'm so grateful for these challenges though, because they are character, strength & resilience-building. It's not easy floating a business in times like that But I survived, I pulled through! And I'm a better person and business owner for it. There's defs been some fan-bloody-tastic things that have happened this year too, but I'm not here to brag, I'm here to keep it real. The great things? Well, you've defs seen those on here! If I've learnt anything this year, it's: HAVE GOD DAMN BOUNDARIES. With your work, relationships, self respect, you name it. It's okay to step back! You're not a machine! It's okay to ask for help! If you know me it's that I'm a highly driven all or nothing kinda gal. I would rather gouge my eye with a rusty fork than ask for help. And I'll admit it, I had days this year where getting up out of bed & unpacking my things was a mission. It's okay to ask for help & to outsource/delegate work. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! Take breaks! Move your body! Do stuff that fills your soul. And if you need to, get on a mental health care plan & speak to a professional. Not to be super cliche with these reflective end of year posts, but I really hope this helps someone. Wishing you all an amazing Christmas & New Years, - Mia @ TMG xx

20.01.2022 #TMGtips How to write catchy (and conversational) captions! You know, I harp on and on and how important it is to have on brand and scroll stopping visual content. ... But JUST as imperative is the quality of your copywriting! Your pretty flatlays aren't gonna draw me in if there's zero substance to your caption! ... So if you want to create better copy (that's marketing jargon for copywriter, aka words ) SAVE this post and follow these four steps! HAVE BRAND GUIDELINES Define your tone, brand personality and formalities of the way your write. Consistency is SO important for brand recall! Don't know how to get started? Speak to a copywriter to pull the strategy together for you. TYPE THE WAY YOU WOULD TALK Have you ever read one of my TMG captions? Allow them to be your example HAHA. What you see is quite literally what you'll get when you're talking to me in person, through DM's or online. Type the way you'd normally speak and just watch the difference in your engagement. KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE INSIDE AND OUT Ever thought about how much more effective your messaging would be if you catered to one person, vs catering it to everyone and anyone? Specificity is key and learning about your audience and the way they consume content, engage with content and relate to your content is SO. DAMN. CRITICAL. DON'T OVERTHINK IT Caught up in writers block or doubting everything that comes to mind? Write it out. Then come back to it with a fresh head. Always works a charm! If you found this post helpful, give it a save to return to later! See more

19.01.2022 Does anyone else feel like the last two months have been a complete and utter whirlwind?! Where the heck has the time gone?! It's nearly September, what the !!!! [which means it's nearly my birthday season Spring, which means it's nearly my November birthday month, then nearly my b'day Nov 18th, THEN nearly Christmas, then New Years, AHHH!!] It's wild cause lil' me honestly thought life would be back to normal by now... and that I'd be swirlin' round on a dancefloor with gal pals with a cocktail in hand Outside of you-know-what [the virus word], a *lot* has happened over here last few months, especially within TMG. There's just something about a worldwide pandemic that makes peoples butts get into gear and focus on their digital marketing! We've started partnerships with some incredible brands, introduced a new service [need some amazing content photos taken of your products? #HitUsUp - taking Sept bookings] AND more excitingly, welcomed a NEW TEAM MEMBER onboard!! I'd love for you to meet who has joined us, please stick around my Facebook page this week to meet her! I'm going to wrap this biz update up here, I hope that you're all staying sane in these weird times, smiling and thriving : Hidden leaf productions

19.01.2022 The humble "bottom of funnel" campaign, also known as my all time favourite money maker with Facebook ads This is a type of re-targetting campaign that we've been running at the end of a customers purchase journey. It's called "bottom of funnel" because the ads served here are for people who have made their way right through the sale purchase journey, but haven't purchased yet - it's basically our last ditch effort to get them across the line and make some At this stage... of your Facebook Ad funnel, you should have a ton of data ready to re-target with a killer offer, like we have here! Investing into data pays off when you run a campaign like this! 59 purchases $7.72 per purchase $455.56 turned into $3,136.82 ROAS of 6.89 [for every $1 spent, $6.89 was made in return] Sometimes I tell myself to start my own eCommerce business with results like this Moral of the story: Be patient! Invest in ad spend, invest in a strategy and better yet, invest in a good Ad Manager #ManagedByTMG

18.01.2022 I looooove a humble brag. Just check out these results for some of our social media management clients over December 2020. God, we're good We get giddy piecing together an organic strategy and it's a non-negotiable when working with us. Your social media strategy will clearly outline your target market segments, diving into every nitty gritty detail, so we can best understand your audience to craft wickedly engaging content for them [and obviously we detail a whooooole lot... more than that too - but you get the gist!] Time and time again, it's understanding our audiences values, and quite often, it's communicating messages to them focusing on these values surrounding community, championing small business success and authentic story telling that hooks 'em in! Congrats Brick Studios on the successful production and launch of Campbelltown City Council, NSW #WeAreCampbelltown campaign, and Charli James Hair & Co on the launch of your second location Charli James Hair & Co Tahmoor. Gosh just look at the brands we work with and the awesome things they're doing Love it!! More info on our social media management services ->

15.01.2022 4 quick tips to BOOST your Instagram engagement [SAVE this post!!!] 1 Post your still images in portrait rather than square [like this post]. Your content will take up more space on the feed and catch people in their tracks! 2 Take advantage of carousels. If someone scrolls past without engaging, Instagram will be likely to show your post again but with a different slide, in the hopes to catch your audiences attention.... 3 Story it up! Show your face, talk to your audience, build connection and watch the DM responses come rollllllling on in! 4 Cut back on the promoting and start sharing more interesting content. Think behind the scenes content, sharing your business journey, introducing your team. Works a charm at building the know+like+trust factor! And one more bonus tip cause you've made it this far! Post a meme or relatable post to your audience. Think of something that will hit a soft spot, make them laugh or neeeeeed to tag a friend! Let me know which tip you'll be trying out below! Photo cred: @hiddenleafproductions See more

14.01.2022 It's getting close to one of my most favourite times of the year [other than my b'day ] - BLACK FRIDAY/CYBER MONDAY SALES We've been in the Facebook Ad and Content Creation trenches getting ready for a big retail period for our clients. Don't sit on the fence - Aussie consumers are becoming accustom to these sales and are holding back on their wallets to spend over the long weekend. And it's looking like spending far ahead of Christmas will risk a drop in December [when yo...u'd usually expect a peak in retail]. I suggest putting together an irresistible offer if you want a chance to compete. And *always* making sure that: Your UX on site is easy to navigate. Your social posts are all mapped out in advance. Your ad funnel is mapped and and approved in advance by Facebook [hint: start now!]. Your EDM automations are ready to roll. Wishing you a generous ROAS over this period - Mia @ TMG

14.01.2022 There's something about 2020, a pandemic and turning 24 soon [I swear two seconds ago I was just in uni?!] that has me getting all in tune with my emotions, spirituality and personal + business growth. Looking back over everything the last year, I've realised that I've put a lot of expectations on myself to exceed and grow grow grow. More clients. Bigger teams. Bigger ad spend. Big big big! Which is great and all [I do not stop until I get what I want] - but it means that ya ...girl doesn't do a lot of relaxing, reflecting or taking moments to appreciate the fruits of a *lot* [lotlotlotlot x 1000000] of hard work. Over two months ago I started practising yoga and meditation. I remember in my first class sitting there thinking OMG.... this is going waaaaay too slow. Can we up the pace or something. And then it hit me. HELLO WOMAN!! Slow down. You need this. My brain was too wired in the "go go go" pace that it was literally rejecting something slow, mindful, intentional and calming I've been practising a lot of mindfulness, yoga + meditation + breathing exercises, and pausing and enjoying the fruits of my labour since that realisation. Sitting back and appreciating it all. It's making a big shift in my mindset. I truly believe that starting and running my business has been the biggest transformation [and test lol] in my personal and professional growth. Business growth happens in stages and every stage will need a new version of you [@James Wedmore]. I'll finish this up with a quote I love. I'm not sure who to credit sorry, but here it is. I hope it helps someone who needed to see this as much as I did: "Destroy the idea that you have to be constantly working or grinding in order to be successful. Embrace the concept that rest, recovery, and reflection are essential parts of the progress towards a successful and ultimately happy life" Look after yourselves!!! xx Mia @ TMG

13.01.2022 Introducing to you the newest member to our team, Kim! Welcome onboard Kim! SO lovely to have you here! Kim joins us as an ad manager and content creator! She's bloody amazing at what she does and the results we're already seeing through her work is nothing short of amazing Our clients are lucky [and so are we ]. There's a crazy story behind how we started working together - and I think there's a really great moral to be learnt from it too! Kim actually reached out in ...January this year for our community manager role which the sanity-saving-couldn't-live-without Shaylie now has! Throughout the year we've stayed in touch, built a fabulous relationship and remained connected. Which goes to show if you really want something, make it happen - it will eventually be! Remain in each other's circles. Your network is your net worth! Thanks for joining team TMG again Kim! Stoked you're part of the marketing gal gang

12.01.2022 Having high quality visual content immediately amplifies your brand. Socials are a noisy place. You want your brand to cut through. To be brutally honest, the way that someone perceives your brand is really dependent on the quality of visuals on hand. So if your photos, graphics or videos aren't up to scratch, remember how your customer/client will perceive this #foodforthought We recently completed some Content Photography for Eco Baby Boutique and the results just speak for... themselves Beautiful, on brand and makes you wanna tap to shop now right away! Best of all, there was no hassle for our client. Just send off to Shaylie's (our amazing content photographer) studio, photos captured and products sent back. Too easy! We have a few different packages to capture your products in their best light. Shoot us an inbox to learn more, otherwise you can get more info here ->

10.01.2022 And to think this client started at a $40 daily budget 12 months ago! Want to know the KEY to results like this? INVESTING IN TESTING You gotta spend a looooot of money to make money on Facebook! If you saw the amount of campaigns that flopped, you'd be shocked!... NOT AFRAID TO SCALE Doing great result wise? Scale it! Incrementally increase your budget. GROWTH MINDSET Having a scalable model and the resources on hand to keep up with dispatching, shipping, stock acquisition, on top of growing a team and building strong relationships with suppliers - oh yeah, and spending a lot in the process! EDM SEQUENCING You need to have your automations churning in the back end, along with continually nurturing your audience. IMPROVING SITE UX A poor site won't equal conversions. You've got to invest in making sure your site is easy to navigate and optimal to get people buying! There's more elements to this than you realise! Oh yeah, and how could I forget, there's also your customer experience. Your return and shipping policy. Site credibility indicators. Your payment methods. AND your hooks and offers - everyone wants to feel like they're scoring a great deal! ...And of course, your Facebook ads. See, while results like this are incredible, they also don't happen by chance. It takes a pro-active business owner who is implementing everything above, as well as a robust Facebook Ad Strategy. And the reason I'm telling you this is that I'd rather be 100% straight up with you than sell a false hope. You can set anything you set your mind to! Even growing a 6 figures in revenue with your online store Enquire for Facebook ads now ->

07.01.2022 Kelly McLaren Allied Health Therapy & Wellness and I worked together not too long ago with a 1:1 and look at her kill it already! We focussed on the foundations of using Instagram, mapping out her ideal buyer persona, content pillars for social media posting and, you guessed it... SHOWING UP Which I definitely think she's nailing so far! Well done Kelly The 1:1 consultation includes a pre-sessoin questionnaire so I can learn the ins and outs of your business + what you're struggling with, pre-session prep, your 1:1 AND a recording of our session AND de-brief notes from the session -> so you can sit back, absorb and not worry about consuming everything all at one. It's completely written out for you! If you'd like to book in for a tailored 1:1 session, shoot me a message or visit

06.01.2022 Always running out of ideas of what to post? [Save this post for inspo ]. Then this tip will be a game changer for you! I'm gonna break it down in a few simple steps! 1 Go to your Instagram Insights.... 2 Go to Posts & select "see all". 3 Arrange via "engagement" over 3 months. 4 Voila! Your most engaged posts from the last 3 months appear! How does this help when you're stuck on what to post? You can literally reverse engineer what's completely hit it off in the past with your audience! Think about the different variables that would have made this post a success. Was it the visual elements? The message you conveyed? Heck, even the hashtags you used? Take note of everything that potentially went well and do more of it! Who is going to give this tip a crack now? Let me know! See more

04.01.2022 So you're telling me that it's nearly the end of October, what the hell?! I can't believe how much we've achieved in TMG and what I have personally this month! This month we said hello to some fabulous new clients across Social Media Management [hello Brick Studios and Charli James Hair & Co ], Ads Management [top secret ] and even had some great 1:1's too! I also onboarded some new clients too which is *super* exciting!! Maybe I'll hint about them later? We're in strateg...y development phase now! Our little team of three [myself, Kim and Shaylie] also turned into a team of four, which again, I'm STOKED about! If you told me a year ago I'd be managing myself and three others, I would have choked I can't wait to introduce Mel to you all. Oh my god, you're gonna LOVE her! #watchthisspace Amongst all of this, I also moved houses Yes I think I've gone mad HA. I also really drilled into my self care and kept up my meditation that I spoke about in an earlier post And I have to report, the usual business-owner-stress has been kept at bay! Who would've thought looking after yourself would cut back on it?! Like probably so many other of you, I am mentally preparing myself for Christmas chaos [hahahahha wish us luck] and most exciting of all, my birthday month [cause one day is NOT enough]. I just have a few more outfits to sort out for it hehehe. I hope you've all been well, SUPER busy and smashing through your personal and business goals! What's the biggest thing you've achieved this month? I'd love to hear about it below!! - Mia @ TMG // Hidden leaf productions

01.01.2022 New around here? Hi, I'm Mia, founder of That Marketing Girl [also known as TMG]. TMG is more than just a boutique social media marketing agency, our small & mighty team work with a range of small - medium businesses in leveraging their social media presence to turn cold prospects into sales ready advocates. Our service is so personalised that yep - it will feel like you’ve got your own marketing ‘gal in your back pocket. If you'd love to know more about working with us, reach out and say hello over inbox! We're always down for a chat

01.01.2022 I used to think that running a business from my home office and having a remote team was a weakness in how clients perceived TMG's professionalism, credibility and culture. ...Then swooped in the pandemic and WFH was on the rise, and boy did my opinions shift quickly!! Sure, I'd love the company in my office, but I get a business and lifestyle on my terms. I get to pick my hours. I get to wear whatever the heck I want And better yet, stripped back overheads [#hellye...ah!!]. Don't get me wrong, there's a ton of perks and flexibility. But it doesn't mean that it's all sleep ins, long lunch breaks and being free at the drop of a hat. Ya girl thrives off routine and it's all 9 - 5 here [for the most part!] here. Do you run your business from home? Or have you been made to work from home during the pandemic? Let me know about your working situation below Photo cred: Hidden leaf productions

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