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The Deering Group in Fortitude Valley | Business service

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The Deering Group

Locality: Fortitude Valley

Phone: +61 1300 475 096

Address: Level 7 757 Ann St, Fortitude Valley 4006 Fortitude Valley, QLD, Australia


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24.01.2022 So how do we Sense-make? I don't know about you but I have a habit of overthinking things.... (those who know me insert chuckle here).... I recognise I am at risk of doing the same thing with Sense-making. The good news is that we don't need to overthink this one. We sense-make all day long providing context to people, interactions and events. I wave, you wave. I see your face and I read your emotion. Interpreting a whole series of things that happen to us, and giving us the insight of how to react to them. Thousands of times each day. The question is if we do it all the time, how do we do it more consciously. How do we learn what it is we are doing on an unconscious level and make it available as a process we can engage with and deploy as we have need. This skill is especially critical when trying to understand how we sense make collectively and particularly within our teams and our organisations. There is a lot of power in this resource, let's continue onwards tomorrow. Before we go though, I would love to hear your thoughts on why you think sensemaking may be useful? If we haven't connected or you liked this post please let me know. Send me a DM, a request, or a thumbs up below. #creativity #business #culture #leadership #data #startups

21.01.2022 Making Sense of your purpose. I had the opportunity to attend a workshop from Seth Godin's @AkimboWorkshops, It was fascinating to watch what they did and how they engaged with nearly 1000 people on zoom. That is for another conversation though. ... The thing that caught my attention amongst some very interesting conversation was a question @SethGodin asked. Often we hear the old nugget of "What would you do if you knew you could not fail?" You couldn't fail.... when does that ever happen... Interesting but limited. Seth asked a slightly different question that caught my ear and my mind. Something I have been asking of my clients since latching onto this pearl. "What would you do if you knew you would fail, and you would do it anyway?" Now we are going somewhere. Somewhere near purpose. Somewhere near why we are on this planet, why you are on this planet. Somewhere near making sense of your work. The work you are meant to do. The work you yearn to do. So what is it that you would do if you knew you would fail? Are you doing it yet? I look forward to your comments. Have a kind and courage filled day. #leadership #culture #creativity #motivation #whatinspiresme

10.01.2022 So what is sense-making anyway? Let's begin this journey into sense-making. Before we launch though, I hope you don't mind my hyphen, I like to reinforce the elements of this idea, this practice, this skill. ... I think the hyphen doesn't just look cooler, it allows us a cracking place to start our journey. Let's define these words. Sense To perceive (something) by the senses; become aware of. To grasp the meaning of; understand. Making The process of making or producing something. The essential qualities needed for something. Now we could go for much cleverer and deeper definitions from learned folk who have gone before us (and we will) but I'd offer that this serves. Allowing me a little poetic license (please); Sense-making is the process of seeking awareness to grasp meaning, understanding, through our perceptions and the use of our senses. This sounds like something useful. A way to journey through whatever situation or complexity we wrestle with, or that we choose to embrace. Enabling us to get understanding, utilising all the resources we as humans can bring to the table. All 5 of our senses, or is that 7..... but that's for another day. As you journey through today lets allow ourselves the freedom to use our senses. To begin playing with sense-making. After all I think we don't play enough Be kind, be well, be true, be you. #creativity #productivity #culture #future #motivation #humanresources

06.01.2022 It has been a bumpy ride recently. Most of us have recently experienced a bumpy ride in this jalopy we are riding in called life. In those bumps and the grind, we can be excused for feeling off our game. ... Stressed, overwhelmed and frustrated. As we begin this week I would like to offer you a different thought. One you can comfortably carry forward. One that you can own. Go get today and all the wonders it holds. Our attitude You are good enough. You are enough. Be well, be true, be kind, be you. If you'd like to connect please drop me a DM and give me a If you would like to work with me please reach out. I help leaders understand what it is to do and be a human-centred leader. #leadership #management #productivity #creativity #humanresources

02.01.2022 Kind is not just a four letter word..... It is so much more. I wanted to say thanks. We have been looking at kindness together for the last month. ... It has been a pleasure to journey with you through my thoughts and through yours. Thanks to all the generous souls that have shared, commented and liked. Two offerings for you. Firstly, my definition of kindness, the definition of kindness that I hold to. Kind is being in service to others, with no intent or return beyond the benefit of the individual(s) being served. It’s this selflessness and sense of service that make our families, businesses and communities stronger, more prosperous and more powerful. Secondly, as a gift to you and to close this kindness chapter for now, I have included a link below where you can get get a copy of the chapter on Kindness from my book. I pray it is useful to you, and serves you on your journey. As you go about your day today remember that kindness begins with you. Let's go live out our kindness. #leadership #whatinspiresme #kindness #creativity #humanresources

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