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25.01.2022 Sometimes the load of a hardship can be too much for us to bear and it can be difficult for us to find or know the way forward. Hardships can often engulf us and impact all areas of our life; our personal life, our professional life and our health. Sitting down with clinical psychologist, Dr. Rony kayrouz, we discussed the techniques and tips for how to deal with hardships when they arise, and how to change our perception of them from a heavy weight to an opportunity for growth.

23.01.2022 Fruit - Does it lead to weight gain or loss? Well, this depends on whether the fruit is consumed as a whole or as juice. Population studies have found that greater WHOLE fruit consumption is associated with lower risk of type 2 diabetes and can help with weight loss, yet more fruit JUICE consumption is associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as weight gain. ... Fruit is fruit though, right? We know the fibre content of fruit when had as a whole can change the rate at which the fructose is released into our bloodstream. But the effect is apparently not just in the fibre. Liquid calories in general may be less satiating. If you feed people 400 calories of fruit juice, they go on to eat 75% more of a test meal, than if you had instead fed them 400 calories of a whole fruit! Quoting from the Havard Health Letter: The nutritional problems of fructose and sugar come from when they are added to foods. Fruit, on the other hand, when had has a whole is beneficial in almost any amount" Of course, reaching for a healthy juice is a better option than reaching for a can of soda! But if you are on a weight loss journey, it may be worth observing how full you get after grabbing your next fruit juice, compared to when you actually consume it as a whole. Photo from my last trip to Bali’s beautiful fruit markets #fruitjuice #weightlossjourney #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritioncoaching #fruitsbasket #foodasmedicine #nutritiontips #nutritionmatters #fruitjuicing #juicing

22.01.2022 We all know the benefits of having a healthy lifestyle and how it can impact the likelihood of us developing a chronic condition. But why then, is over 30% of the worlds population still obese? With enough motivation, we can make the changes ourselves. But with our busy schedules and lives, rarely do we create the space and time on a regular basis to reflect on our dietary and lifestyle habits and have someone hold us accountable for the changes we have committed to doing. ... If we keep doing the same things over and over, we will continue to get the same results. The first step towards making a change is about being consciously aware of what your habits are now, and having a clear image of what you want them to look like. Like any goal, this is the first small step towards creating a different outcome.

20.01.2022 We often eat well because we want to feel and look good. But we rarely get a glimpse of what could be ahead if we don’t prioritise our health. In the pharmacy profession, I see the consequences of years of bad eating and living an unhealthy lifestyle, and how it impacts someones health and life. Here is a glimpse. Here are the 5 medications a patient was put on overnight, with a new diagnosis of diabetes. They were previously on one medication, and it has now increased to 6.... This may increase to daily insulin injections, depending on how well the diabetes is controlled in the coming months.. We often don’t realise how important eating well is, until something goes wrong or there is a new diagnosis of a health condition. Every day, each time we sit at the table to eat, we get to choose if our decisions are moving us closer or further away from good health and energy. Always think with the end in mind . . #diabetes #diabetesawareness #nutrition #nutritioncoach #nutritiontips #foodismedicine #nutritioniskey #diabetesmanagement

15.01.2022 Organic versus non-organic. Most people believe that organic foods are healthier. Which is somewhat true. Organic fruit and vegetables can have between 19% to 69% more antioxidant compounds than non-organic foods. They are also less likely to be contaminated with pesticides. Pesticides have been classified as a possible carcinogens for over 25 years. There’s also been a large body of evidence which shows a link between exposure to pesticides and elevated rate of chronic ...diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, and neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. But in these studies, they are often referring to people who live or work around pesticides. Exposure to pesticide residues that remain on food are at much lower levels! Although consuming organic foods does provide protection against pesticides, extensive studies just haven’t been done yet to see if this also means protection from the above diseases. As we all know, organic foods also tend to be more on the pricier side. Sometimes 40% more expensive. In my opinion, we get a tremendous benefit of eating conventional fruit and vegetables that far outweighs whatever small bump in risk from the pesticides. If organic is an option, that’s great! But if it’s not, it shouldn’t stop you from stuffing your face with as many fruits and veggies as possible Grateful to receive these sweet organic pears from the beautiful @maggielichaa Much love! #organic #organicbenefits #organicfood #organicfarm #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #sydneynutritioncoach #sydney #integrativenutrition #healthcoach #foodismedicine #nutritionfacts #nutritionmatters #organicveggies

15.01.2022 No matter how fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. If I’ve observed anything during Covid, it’s that most of us during this time have been chronically stressed, over-stretched with work and have found it difficult to switch off. In the short term, a little stress can be good in helping us be more productive, but chronically overworking and the accompanying exhaustion, makes us feel less productive, disorganised and... emotionally depleted. Self-care habits are just as important to our health, as is taking a needed medication for a health condition. Why do we see it as an indulgent activity, when making time and space for it makes us feel so energised, calm and relaxed? Taking intermittent breaks, setting professional boundaries, spending time in nature, and making time for doing the things you love and that uplift you, helps ensure you stay sharp, motivated and healthy. For me, buying myself some gorgeous flowers, making time for yoga and pilates, going for long walks in nature, and scheduling in regular events with loved ones are part of my weekly self care practices to keep me feeling uplifted and happy

09.01.2022 Dessert is so much more enjoyable when you know it’s healthy (if you ask me..). Guilt free vegan chocolate pistachio slice. Ingredients: dark chocolate, mint, pistachios, digestive biscuit, cranberries, and maple syrup . DM for recipe #veganrecipes #vegandessert #chocolateslice #veganchocolate #vegancake #nutritiontips #nutritioncoach #veganfood #healthydesserts #healthydessertrecipes #healthyrecipes #healthyfood #healthyliving

08.01.2022 Have you ever ‘gone with your gut' to make a decision or felt ‘butterflies in your stomach’ when nervous? Has certain situations made you 'feel nauseous’? We use these expressions for a reason. The gastrointestinal system is sensitive to emotion and is intimately connected to the brain. Anger, anxiety, sadness, elation; all of these feelings can trigger symptoms in the gut. The brain has a direct effect on the stomach and intestines. For example, the very thought of eating release the stomach’s juices before food gets there. The connection goes both ways. A troubled intestine can send signals to the brain, just as a troubled brain can send signals to the gut. It’s no surprise then, that our gut bacteria produce 90% of the serotonin in our body (our happy hormone!), as well as many other neurotransmitters critical for mood, anxiety and concentration (like dopamine, norepinephrine, and GABA). That’s why increasing studies have proposed a link between gut health and mental health. A landmark probiotic study from 2013 was able to show that people who consumed a probiotic for a number of weeks had a significant change in their brain activity, compared to the placebo group, suggesting that they were better able to cope with negative emotions. However, further and more rigorous studies need to be done to determine whether probiotics can significantly impact mental health. At a minimum, having good gut practices, such as having a probiotic after the use of a antibiotic, reducing consumption of processed foods and having a wide range of foods that help to allow the good bacteria in your gut to flourish is always beneficial! #guthealth #probiotics #probioticsupplements #bioceuticals #guthealthmatters #guthealth #gutfeeling #guthealthy #gutfriendly #gutconsult #naturalmedicine #foodismedicine #nutritioncoach #nutritioncoaching

08.01.2022 Our relationship with food can be complex. Over-eating and having an unhealthy relationship with food is at times interlinked with our emotional state and the hardships we are encountering in life. Often times, people use food as a way to distract themselves from an uncomfortable feeling, thought, or emotion, and use it as a way to momentarily escape. Having the right support to help you observe the pattern you’re in, and find the right tools, techniques and habits to bring into your life is paramount in helping you break through it. It was a pleasure sitting down with Dr. Rony Kayrouz, Clinical Psychologist, to uncover more behind the psychological aspect of our relationship with food.

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