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25.01.2022 Lets play my favorite game, the game of "What if..." What if Covid could leave as fast as it appeared?. It could burn its self out or mutate its self out or jus...t simply stop.? or What if Doctors discover that a long time used, safe and trusted vaccine for a different virus works effectively on Covid and could be used immediately, no trial needed? While people are energetically feeding this to be a long-term-thing what if we put energy into the idea it doesnt have to be? Remember back at the start I said Covid is the messenger not the message? The message was stop, look at your life, look at your relationships, look at yourself, look at what your lifestyle, look at your Planet-your environment, look at your leaders, look at society systems, look at justice/injustice, look for the truth in everything, look at whats important or whats no longer important, look at what needs to change and initiate that. This was our big reset and when enough people have done that then the Messenger will no longer need to stick around... It could happen tomorrow See more
21.01.2022 Today my wish for you is to experience a spontanious smile to see something or hear something or even think or feel something that causes your face to smile, your whole face! Right up to your eyes and your forehead! Instantly, unconsciously, infectiously and to feel how that feels in your heart. Today I wish for you that Today my wish for you is to experience a spontanious smile to see something or hear something or even think or feel something that causes your face to smile, your whole face! Right up to your eyes and your forehead! Instantly, unconsciously, infectiously and to feel how that feels in your heart. Today I wish for you that
20.01.2022 25 min heart connection MEDITATION for peace and relaxation - Shae x
17.01.2022 are you ready for a HUGE week?...As if every week this year hasnt been!! This week is different though, this week marks the end of a energy cycle that has had us each self reflecting and soul searching deeply all this year. Mars is moving direct and on the 13th we have our final of 3 Pluto Jupiter conjunctions. This heralds the end of our compulsory 2020 inner soul search! you will feel the effects of this massive energy shift, like a weight is released, the brakes are off ...and you will feel ready to move in a different direction, forward now-full steam ahead as we begin to leave the 2020 energy behind and move into the wonderous promise of restructure of our life -2021. The self work done in 2020 is the energetic foundations for the next 35 or more years. 2021 Foundations coming from information, insights and self awareness gained- self work done, mixed with Universal Divine Energy working with you to magnify and bring in what you deserve based on the fruits of your labor. x See more
16.01.2022 Today my wish for you is a 'penny drop' moment- a glimmer of insight, a flash of understanding that frees you from confusion about something important to you and the new life you are creating. Today I wish for you that Today my wish for you is a 'penny drop' moment- a glimmer of insight, a flash of understanding that frees you from confusion about something important to you and the new life you are creating. Today I wish for you that
15.01.2022 Hi Fairies! x interesting Energy this week as many of us find ourselves immersed in some old yucky familiar feelings of a repeated challenging situation or mirroring there of. Feelings of fear, non validation, being bullied, helplessness or a situation involving intimidation, control or abuse of power echoing a past situation may be playing out. Almost as if there has been a time loop and its all happening again.Thanks to the Eclipses and retrogrades this is just a chance to... release the emotional energy around this patterning for you. ... Remember this is not then! Remember you have grown and changed since then. Remember you dont have to go about it the same way. Remember to hold your power and use your spiritual learnings and tools this time. Remember this time you are aware and wisened. Remember this might be the last play out of this ingrained pattern for you and the emotional Energy you hold around this!. Remember a totally different out come is very possible. Remember this is an opportunity to heal, to reclaim your power, to face or confront a situation from a higher perspective, to release and end the old energy of playing that role once and for all !! This week just follow the Energy, let these situations and the Energy around them unweave. The Universe is helping us to wind things up, bringing final endings and completions.Be very very smart and Brave and bravely face these Energy play outs from from a vibration place of self love and kindness, unconditional love, balance, equality and fairness, honesty and integrity with the best wishes for all those involved. Be Gentle with yourself but stand tall, You got this Bless and Release. Cheers, Shae x
15.01.2022 mid August to mid September 2020 Energy Report. Shae x
15.01.2022 September Energy Report 2020 Tarot Card-The Knight of Swords Oracle Card- Come to the Edge Rune- Nauthiz... Crystal-Chalcedony And just like that we are throwing open our windows and our doors, letting the fresh Springtime swirling air dance through our home and our lives!. The scent of sweetness and joy fills our head and our hearts. The battle worn Warrior in us has a moment of rest, of self acknowledgement. Our resilience, our silent bravery as we realise how we have grown, adjusted and self reflected over the last 6 months ...2 years...5 years and more while simultaneously feel ready for our new life, our new World to unfold. Septembers Astrology brings us multiple Earth Trines resulting in tantalising tastes of things to come. The Knight of swords Tarot card appears again as it did in last months Reading speaking to us about the continued 2020 movement forward, action, revelations renewing our perspective and challenging our beliefs. This Energy is still running for the next few months churning out many truths, insights and information. Septembers revelations are more likely to bring a sense of heart warming connection, relief or a feeling of things coming together. Yay! At last a breather!. This month think Roses, beautiful buds of potential flourishment - but still mind the thorns. Images of a Circus Magician dressed formally in black and white and the feeling of surprise, wonder and gleeful awe as he pulls endless ribbons of couloured cloth from his sleeve and tosses them in the air, floating drifting dancing down. This my friends is September. Allow the gentle September sunshine to nurture, soften, heal and excite your Heart. Lots of Love Shae x
13.01.2022 Energy Report 15th July 2020
12.01.2022 August Energy Report Tarot Card- The Knight of Swords Inspiration Card-Truth be Told Rune-Perth Crystal-Moldavite... Frustration, anger, pressure and a Mars in Aries loose tongue- Wow! And just like that the cat is out of the bag! Shock, surprise- Its done, or its said, or its been found out, or its been heard , or its been uncovered, or its been discovered, or its been seen, or its been revealed, or its been acknowledged or its be confirmed- a light bulb moment personally and collectively... and there is no way to squish those cats back into those bags! Under a Divine and Karmic Energy of Higher Justice the re-balance process on Earth begins in earnest and the first step is revelation and exposure of truths, big things small things, then the second thing is the Universe steps in on our behalf to slice away the false truths and outdated beliefs and habits that may have been lifetimes and generations in the making. A major theme of this month is the uncovering of manipulation of power, who is manipulating who? Why? What? and how? Me or you? Us or them? big things small things. In August The Great Renewal, Rebuild action sees us taking steps forward now as we begin the climb upward towards the end of the year. We discover new freshness to move forward, carrying with us now only that which resonates with our Soul and leaving behind all that is no longer important or needed. Imagine if you will a small country town hall. (Pre social distancing!) A meeting of everyone in the town. The hall is over flowing with people all talking at once. There are 2 people in a heated argument with each other, voices raised and just as one blurts out a massive home truth the rest of the hall falls silent. The home truth echoing through the silent hall. Staring faces, open mouths, pointing, gasps. Welcome To August my friends! A game changer of a month indeed! Be a good Human. Love, Shae x The Healing Realm
08.01.2022 November Energy Report 2020 Tarot Card- 5 of Wands Oracle Card- Not for you Rune- Uruz... Crystal-Pietersite Let go of what ever is leaving or being denied to you. Just let it go. Simple and as complex and challenging as that. If it is out of the reach of our grabbing hands then may be it is not for us, shock horror!!.. or may be the Universe wants to present it to us in a different way or give us something else all together different that ends up being a much better fit. Ego Impetuous Child Energy vs Spiritually Guided Trusting Soul Energy. Are we brave enough to taste what the Universe is serving up to us while blindfolded? to let the universe take the drivers seat?- or not. Are we each able to let go of who we were trying to become?, the card board cut out of what we thought Success was? or the Hollywood movie set we had created in our mind of what Happiness would look like?. The costume dress ups of roles we were trying to play, the designer brand names, the latest cool fad or in-thing to do or be part of??? Novembers Energy is like this- Christmas morning as a child and there is a present for you under the tree. You have been hoping and wishing for a bike. All the other kids have a bike. You want one because they all have one, you wish and hope yours is the shiniest bike and the bell rings the loudest, all the other kids would wish they had your bike instead of theirs. But the present is too small for a bike and your heart sinks. You feel sad, disappointed, a little embarrassed and angry at Santa- how could he get this so wrong??. Begrudgingly you open the parcel and see a -Skateboard. No one has a skateboard- is that even cool? Will the other kids laugh at my skateboard? I know nothing about skateboards but ok, I will have a go. Wow, this is fun. Wow, I like this. Wow I am really ,really good at this. I love my skateboard , kind of makes bikes seem boring! I feel super Special. Thanks Jupiter and Saturn, oh I mean Santa. And there you go. Thats the Energy of November. Are you ready to become the you you never considered? Are you ready to work with the gifts and opportunities the Universe is presenting you? Let go of the bike illusion and be the unique Superstar, feel good Skater the Universe always destined you be. Feel the Human you sing in tune with your Soul to the November music of divine love from Universe. Shae x
05.01.2022 Here is a beautiful heart connection and new World visualization I recorded with my special Spiritual Masterclass fairy ladies, one of who suggested this needs to be shared at the moment to build the positive energy and help heal and soothe in general includes trancey stuff so ideally listened to when you are tucked up in bed for the night, like a grown ups bed time story lol. So get comfortable in bed, relax and close your eyes and follow along.enjoy x click on this link -Shae x
04.01.2022 25 min heart connection MEDITATION for peace and relaxation. Enjoy ..Shae x
01.01.2022 October Energy Report 2020 Tarot Card- Ace of Swords Oracle Card- Serendipity Rune- Othila (reversed)... Crystal- Chiastolite oh wow! Things are getting exciting!.. In May I said the second half of this year was like us making and baking the most amazingly magical cake (life, world), a Cake the likes of which we have never seen or tasted before! A Cake that will be baked and iced and ready for decoration in December. Over the last 6 months or so we broke from old family recipes ( conditioning and traditions) and collected ingredients intuitively (our hopes dreams and wishes) we measured and weighed up( decisions, choices, new plans and new perspectives) and mixed in ( insights, intentions, re evaluated values and beliefs) and placed it in the oven for the alchemical baking process to take place ( Spirit, the Universe/God/Goddess, Energetic influences out of our human control) the magic of turning a mixture into our delicious Cake( our new life, our new world). In October we get to open the oven door, to gasp and gaze in wonder of whats being created, to taste the edge and to smell the sweet, exciting, tantalising, never-been-smelled-before fragrance waft through our life, homes and the greater world in general. October brings the beginning of gifts from the universe- the delivery your tool kit for your new chapter. This could include blessings of opportunity, being in the right place at the right time, prophetic dreams, remedies to situations or win falls of all kinds. The Universe know exactly what you need as it has been watching you work at your unique Cake and now is alchemising the fruits of your labour. We all think we know what we want but the Universe is going to do better- deliver to us exactly WHAT.WE.NEED. May your October (and November and December) be filled with Strawberries and icing sugar - Divinely magical breakthroughs and blessed joyous new beginnings. Happy Baking. Shae x