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The Herbwife in Lismore, New South Wales | Local business

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The Herbwife

Locality: Lismore, New South Wales

Phone: +61 434 425 298

Address: RMB 475 Bangalow Rd 2480 Lismore, NSW, Australia


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23.01.2022 Chew your food. Great info regarding the interplay of cranial nerves.

21.01.2022 Found this great YouTube vid on the scientific data on Comfrey. It's very analytical, non biased, and scrutinised the scientific method on the studies done which led to Comfrey's outlaw status.

21.01.2022 "Being pro-vaccine is the factory default setting in the modern world. We all are raised on a steady diet of vaccine worship. Vaccines saved the world, didn't you know? Oh, how I wish you could see how I laughed in my mother's face when she suggested I space out my son's shots: "Oh, you're smarter than my doctor?" And oh, how I wish you could see the day the wool fell from my eyesthe day I realized for myself that this narrative was far more complex than anyone ever told me,... the day I realized for myself that I had injured my own child through my own ignorance. What will you do to change my mind? What new argument will you make in favor of vaccination that I didn't believe myself just a few years ago?"

20.01.2022 Love the way this man describes health.

20.01.2022 This sounds delicious. Time to harvest some of my lemon balm.

19.01.2022 Up until a month ago, I thought of my nervous system as a concept rather than a real, tangible thing. Rather arrogantly, and ignorantly, I thought of my ‘n...erves’ as being completely within my control. In the midst of an ongoing neurological meltdown involving blurred vision, balance problems, restlessness, pins and needles, extensive and intense chronic pain, insomnia, cognitive decline and feelings of dread, dissociation and faintness, my default position was to view it all as ‘in my head’, therefore in my control to improve and eliminate and, therefore, my failing to have been unable to manage. It turns out, after 3+ years of regular presentation to doctors who put me on mental health and pain management plans, that I had a serious vitamin B12 deficiency. And it turns out that all of these symptoms have dramatically improved with just a month of simple, cheap supplementation. It also turns out I have nerve damage, some potentially permanent, because of this basic missed investigation. It’s World Mental Health Day today, and I’m thinking about how while breaking the stigma of mental illness is still so critical, so is the call to make knowledge of nutritional deficiencies and dysfunctions and their connection to psychiatric and neurological symptoms absolutely mainstream and orthodox. If you are struggling with what has been perhaps labelled as a ‘mental health issue’, please advocate for yourself and insist, also, on comprehensive testing of nutrients and their absorption among all available functional tests. Because it might not be in your head at all. Didn’t come for easy; came for interesting. #worldmentalhealthday2020 #vitaminb12deficiency #healing See more

18.01.2022 People often think the topic only applies to men, but testosterone plays an equally important role in women. Common symptoms of low testosterone in women can l...ook like depression and mood swings, low libido, muscle loss or an inability to put on muscle. How does testosterone get made? Men and women make testosterone in different parts of the body, but the signaling system for both men and women starts in the brain. The brain sends a message down to the ovaries (if you’re a woman) and the testes (if you're a male) to tell the organs to produce testosterone. However, for a woman, only 25% of testosterone is actually made in the ovaries, with the other 25% coming from the adrenal glands and the remaining 50% coming from the peripheral tissues. In comparison, men make 95% of their testosterone in the testes, with the remaining 5% made in the adrenals. To find out what this means for you, and which fasts work for each organ, watch my full video >> Need more testosterone? Try my 3-1-1 Diet Variation for Testosterone: 3 days a week of Intermittent Fasting with Ketobiotic meals. Ketobiotic meals entail eating 50g of protein, 50g net carbs and getting 60% of calories from good fats. 3 days a week of Autophagy Fasting 1 day a week feast day, specifically eating foods that support progesterone since it is linked to testosterone, like pumpkin, squash, beans, seeds and tropical fruits.

18.01.2022 I found this very interesting. Coronavirus being spread via fecal/oral route, not inhalation.

14.01.2022 Homemade comfrey infusion. Liquid gold!

10.01.2022 A friend brought some of this tea over to try, and wow, is it powerful. It was quite tasty too. Very ish.

08.01.2022 Update on my comfrey harvest. Dried, chopped and ready for drinking.

05.01.2022 I need to grow and plant new Rosemary Bushes for our property. Going to try this method on our old and lanky bush, before pulling it out and replacing it.

03.01.2022 I have been inspired by Helena Anderson to start living more according to the feminine principal, and use more produce available on the farm. So - I harvested the leaves of two of our comfrey plants for dehydrating. Normally we bulk buy our herbs, as having nourishing herbal infusions, you go through lots very quickly. The last lot of comfrey leaf was exceedingly bitter, and has just gone unused. So I bit the bullet and picked a bunch of leaves thinking, if we go through i...t in a week, so be it. Comfrey grows quickly and it won't take long before I can harvest some more. For those interested in the process, photos below with descriptions.

03.01.2022 Paul Luman Testimonial: I’ve kept this quiet, but after reading the condemnation and censorship of the frontline doctors, I thought I would share my story. ...I contracted Covid and had the battle of my life for three weeks. Fever, chills, uncontrollable coughing, muscle aches and a brutal migraine. Those symptoms were akin to a severe flu, but double pneumonia was definitely a different beast. My lungs filled with fluid. I could not lay down, could barely walk across the room, and several times thought I wouldn’t catch my next breath. I was taken to the ER. They confirmed double pneumonia, tested me, and said I could be put on a vent or go home. Seriously. No other option. I’ve read too many stories of people not getting off vents so I went home in hopes I would get better on my own. I didn’t. My lungs only got worse. One night around 10:30, Megan received a call from the daughter of a Dallas doctor and said her dad had a 100% success rate with Covid patients. This was my sickest day and I was quickly approaching critical illness. Her dad, Dr. Cesar Gomez, prescribed a treatment he said multiple doctors were using with high success. He called in a prescription of hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, Zinc, a nebulizer with Budesonide, along with Vitamins A and D. When I woke the next morning I was already beginning to feel a tad better. By the next day I knew I was going to be ok. My lungs were improving and the migraine was gone. Within 48 hours I was walking and breathing much better. It worked and possibly saved my life. Yesterday I saw the same media who say we should stay in, close businesses, wear masks, all to protect the most vulnerable...come out and attempt to shame and debunk a group of doctors who say they can help. I wear a mask, I social distance, but I almost died from a virus without a vaccine. A treatment saved me, yet the first action by half of our country was not to listen with hope, but to say one of the doctors had weird beliefs, therefore, we shouldn’t listen. The doctors couldn’t be right, especially since Trump mentioned a similar treatment in March. I am not a Trump fan, not a Biden fan. At all. I think they both act like children. But, the lives of thousands should have NOTHING to do with which way you vote. Nothing. I don’t know the doctors in that vid, few of us do, but if there is help we should rationally consider it. Covid has become a political conversation. Period. We may not want to admit it, but it has. If Trump says it, it’s wrong. If Trump says it, it’s right. And, that is a terrible mark on our maturity, intelligence and love for others. Let’s be bigger than politicians who are attempting to be puppet masters in lieu of a November election. If a treatment works, we should shout it to the rooftops, no matter which way we vote. Does it work for everyone? I don’t know. Are there side effects? Maybe, but I figured any side effect was better than dying. (The only side effect I can pinpoint was light sensitivity for about a week.) Bottomline, I was told there was no treatment option and I feel very blessed to have found one that worked. Why fight that if you/me/we truly care about others? My thought? Let doctors make medical decisions and keep politicians where they belong. Let doctors do what they are trained to do, and let media be talking heads. Stop trying to debunk everything that doesn’t agree with your political narrative. Please. Let’s be good and better humans. If you know someone with Covid have them speak to their PCP. Get a second opinion, if needed. I wouldn’t recommend any regimen unless under the care of a physician. And, if you’re in the Dallas area, feel free to call Dr. Gomez’s office at 972-494-6713. There are doctors willing to help. Find one that will. Paul Luman Post: Paul Luman Facebook:

02.01.2022 I have recently come across this mlm business, and the products look amazing. Pricey, but amazing. I've ordered some X39 to have a try. These patches are designed to bounce back natural healing light waves from the body to initiate concentrated self healing. Kind of like drinking your own urine, but light wave based. ... Benefits I'll be looking for: reduction in redness of my face, better hair growth, skin improvement, and ambitiously - regrowth of three extracted teeth. If they work, I will be sure to let you all know.

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