The Learning for Life Autism Centre in Hawthorn, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
The Learning for Life Autism Centre
Locality: Hawthorn, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9853 4607
Address: 25-27 High Street South 3101 Hawthorn, VIC, Australia
Likes: 2102
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25.01.2022 To start these school holidays, we've got a FUN challenge for everyone in our Village Get your #LEGO ready for this building challenge, where L4Life favourites Hamish Blake and Tom Gleisner will be our special judges So stay tuned - more details are to come on Monday!... #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #L4LifeLEGOchallenge #Neurodiversity See more
25.01.2022 Watch our own half-hour episode of "L4Life LEGO Challenge", with Hamish Blake and Tom Gleisner reviewing and enjoying all the builds from our #L4LifeLEGOChallenge. Thank you for being our special guests, Hamish and Tom! Thank you so much to all the builders for joining in the fun of our LEGO Challenge and being part of our #L4LifeVillage. We hope you had a great time putting together your builds. Hamish and Tom really enjoyed looking at all t...he builds and were very impressed Just like Hamish said, all the entrants are amazing and are such cool builds, so all the builders should be so proud of their creativity and construction. But Hamish had to pick a winner, so big congratulations to our LEGO Challenge winners. Read more here: Each winning entry won a $100 Spotlight voucher, and the winning family entry has also won a family pass to the LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Melbourne. #HolidayChallenge #AutismAwareness #AutismAbilities #Neurodiversity #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #AutismFamilies
24.01.2022 We dedicate this to our awesome L4Life Village With all the challenges of 2020, you've shown bravery and resilience, and you did a good job Enjoy this lovely video, featuring photo and video messages from our Village to our Village, with Lindsay Field singing his version of 'Good Job' ... #L4LifeVillage #L4LifeCommunity #AutismCommunity #ABAcharity #ABAtherapy #ABAmelbourne #AutismAwareness #AutismAppreciation #L4LifeGoodJobVillage
22.01.2022 Thank you for sharing you photo messages of thanks, love and support for our clinical team, staff, L4Life kids and their families, and our Village supporters and donors These photo messages are part of our Good Job Village video, with a version of the song ‘Good Job’ by Lindsay Field (one of L4Life’s long-time ambassadors and supporters). Plus, it features special video messages from Charlie (L4Life Junior Ambassador), Emma Miller (Clinical Director), Pam Roy (CEO), Di and... Anna (Supporters), Mandy Sampson (Patron). If you haven't yet watched our video, you can here:
22.01.2022 To end this second week of #SchoolHolidays with more LEGO fun, check out the Boredom Busters challenges from LEGOLAND Discovery Centre Melbourne They're delivering daily challenges for kids to enjoy at home throughout the school holidays and home-lockdown. It’s all available for free via their website and Facebook page. #BoredomBusters is made up of videos, worksheets and activities to inspire kids to create, have fun and experiment with LEGO. ICYMI yesterday: Here's all about our #VillageLEGOchallenge A happy and safe weekend to you all #LEGOactivities #L4LifeVillage #AutismAwareness #AutismCharity #Neurodiversity #AutismSupport #AutismAbilities #HolidayChallenge #KidsWithAutism
22.01.2022 Run Melbourne did not go ahead as usual in 2020, under the circumstances of COVID-19. But we still wanted to bring our #TeamL4Life together (while staying apart) and get moving during the cold and isolated winter. So instead, we invited and encouraged our community to join in our challenge: L4Life Village in Motion. ... On the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th in July 2020, we welcomed all of our L4Life Village to get in motion! Everyone in our Village, from all locations, at any age or stage, with varying abilities, created their own in-motion challenge. Melbourne was in the middle of our second lockdown, with wearing masks being compulsory. But the weather was on Melbourne's side; perfect winter weather! It is so wonderful to see our Village being active and getting motion while keeping safe and healthy. Thank you to all who joined our #L4LifeVillageInMotion challenge! We love seeing all of the different adventures and challenges. See more
20.01.2022 Today is R U OK? Day A day we should all make sure we reach out to friends/family, members/colleagues, and ask RUOK? @ruokayday #ruokayday2020 Here is an article about #Autistic burnout, which is different to depression. It can be more about sensory overload or the stress/exhaustion of masking from @neurodiversitymedia At #L4Life we work with autistic children to give them skills (communication, self help, social skills) to help them understand the world around them and their own emotions/feelings. We value their uniqueness and understand they have different ways of sensing and thinking. Along with the skills they learn plus accommodations, understanding, appreciation of their strengths, challenges and differences, we hope that they can reach their potential and feel like they belong at home/school/work/everywhere! Don't forget it's OK not to be OK - but always know we are here to listen, and there is professional help. #AutismCharity #AutismServices #AutismSupport #AutismDifferences #Neurodiversity
19.01.2022 The I CAN Network has scheduled their #AWETISM 2020 Virtual Expo for Friday, 20 November. They're putting out an early call for #Autistic young people across Australia (ages 9-20) who might be keen to share their passions, unique reflections, interests and talents as part of this spectacular event ... Expressions of interest (EOI) are due by Monday, 28 September. To submit an EOI or learn more: #Autism #AutismStrengths #AutismAbilities #AutismYouth #Neurodiversity #AutismPassions #AutismSupport #AutismCharity
18.01.2022 Memories from 9 years ago - Recycled Ball! Everyone one wore opp shop clothes, own clothes from a previous era (wedding dresses included), a recycled halloween costume was eye catching, we even modelled a vintage collection from within our Village! Very nostalgic. Sustainable fashion before it was labelled that. Wilbur Wilde and Wendy Stapleton added more nostalgia and an energetic Swing Patrol dance troop inspired a few of our Villagers to start swing dancing (still going strong to this very day) Annabelle Hale - Artist !
18.01.2022 Victorian primary school students will all return to school on 12th October! Many people will welcome this news announced yesterday and other restrictions being eased slowly, some as they relate to children outlined here by the Association for Children with a Disability (ACD Vic). Enjoy the last day week of school holidays! Thanks for all who joined in our school holiday #l4lifelegochallenge which ended yesterday, we've had some great entries. We'll share the entries/winners and comments from Tom and Hamish on Thursday. Stay tuned!
17.01.2022 In case you missed yesterday's #AWETISMEXPO, you can catch up online and watch all recorded content from the day! See student presentations (including L4Life Alumni Charlie, of Charlie By Art), Q&As, workshops, speakers and forums. Available until 20th December. Enjoy! Go to: Massive well done to the team at The I CAN Network - it’s so wonderful to see the skills and passions of our young people with Autism ... #AutismStrengths #AutismAppreciation #AutismAbilities #AutismSkills #AutisticYouth #ABAcharity #ABAmelbourne #ABAtherapy #Neurodiversity
17.01.2022 Today is the International Day of Charity The day is about raising #awareness for charities and their related activities. It's about increasing solidarity, social responsibility and public support for not-for-profits and their work. #Charity, #volunteerism and #philanthropy provide real social bonding and contribute to the creation of #inclusive and more resilient societies. The U.N.'s 17 #SustainableDevelopmentGoals (SDGs) can be grouped into six critical areas: people, ...planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership. These have the potential to #transform our lives and our planet, by providing the framework needed by charitable and philanthropic organisations to enable all people at all levels, to contribute to the #betterment of our world. In Australia, L4Life is one of 58,381 charities - and we're so fortunate to have the amazing and special #L4LifeVillage that we do. To all who support us with their effort, time and donations, who contribute to our work and what we do, and who inspire us to keep going and growing, #thankyou! Learning for Life is where we are because of you; we can continue helping children with Autism reach their full potential, and provide them with the highest standard of #Autism services. #InternationalDayOfCharity #AutismCommunity #AutismCharity #AutismServices #AutismAwareness #KidsWithAutism #AutismSupport #Neurodiversity
17.01.2022 Who's taking part in our #L4LifeLEGOchallenge this week? We're looking forward to seeing all of your creative builds! With thanks to Spotlight, we’ve got five prizes the winners of each challenge category will win a $100 Spotlight voucher! The categories for this challenge are: preschool, primary, secondary, adult, and family ... At Spotlight, there's something for all ages; fabric, craft, party, home interiors, plus toys, games and puzzles. To find out more about our LEGO Challenge, go to: #AutismCharity #ASD #Neurodiversity #AutismAwareness #AutismAppreciation #AutismCommunity #AutismAbilities
15.01.2022 Update- our heart goes out to William’s family his body has just been found. Such tragic news Our friends in the Yarra Ranges please share and look out for William! We hope that he is found very soon safe and well.
15.01.2022 After 30 episodes for 2020, tonight's the season finale of Have You Been Paying Attention? ! Tune in at 8:30 on Channel 10 for some quality laughs Congratulations on another great season to our wonderful supporters Tom, Ed and Sam #Autism #AutismAwareness #AutismAppreciation #ABAmelbourne #ABAcharity #ABAtherapy #Neurodiversity
15.01.2022 Congratulations Dara! 16-year-old Dara McAnulty won the prestigious #WainwrightPrize for his debut book, 'Diary of A Young Naturalist'. His book enthralled the judges with a breathtaking account of his explorations into the natural world. Dara is the youngest recipient ever of a major literary prize. "When young #Autistic people are nurtured and accepted, miraculous things can happen." ... Watch Dara's wonderful acceptance speech here: #Autism #AutismAbilities #Neurodiversity #AutismStrengths #AutismDifferences
13.01.2022 It's a cold one in Melbourne today! Hope you're all staying warm inside - a perfect time to create a build for our #L4LifeLEGOchallenge For all the details, go to: You've got till tomorrow to send your entry (Sunday, 27th September at 5pm AEST).... LEGO and #Autism At L4Life, we know that like other educational toys, LEGO is good in therapy/teaching for: Imaginative play/problem solving/focus, Following instructions, Developing fine motor skills, Social skills (taking turns, sharing, collaborating), Skills can be generalised to childcare, school, kinder - LEGO is universal! It can be used to teach colours, matching, language, as a play break in between other lessons, maths/geometry, shapes/sizes, Building self esteem (the LEGO expert!), Pathway to latter subjects (robotics, coding/patterns) and careers! Many kids with autism like the order, control and fabulous combos LEGO allows. Here's a #flashback to just over a year ago at our 2019 Kwiz for the Kidz. Hamish and Tom co-hosted, and also judged our LEGO challenge. LEGO is great fun for everyone! #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #Neurodiversity
12.01.2022 Happy International Literacy Day At Learning for Life, the joy of books is included in all our teaching to encourage #literacy and to engage our kids with fun in the way they #learn. Books that feature a child's special interest/passion bring learning for life! Books are great for generalising skills learnt, for social interactions, social stories, teaching emotions and for joint attention activities.... Happy learning, reading and writing #Autism #AutismCharity #AutismFamilies #KidsWithAutism #Neurodiversity #ASD #AutismCommunity #InternationalLiteracyDay #AutismLearning #LearningForLife
12.01.2022 To start off term three school holidays with some fun, we challenged all the LEGO-lovers in our L4Life Village to a challenge - to build something starting with the letter 'C'. And our awesome Village community got building! The challenge was open to everyone, of all ages and abilities, any where. We had 30 entries by 40 people in six categories; preschool, primary ages 5-8, primary ages 9-12, secondary, adult, and family. There were builders as young as three old all the way to parents (ages unknown!). Thank you so much to all the people who got involved with our challenge; we have been so impressed with the creativity and skills of our Village! We hope you all had such fun building! We’re so thankful to have had LEGO Masters host and funny-man, Hamish Blake, join L4Life co-Founder and favourite, Tom Gleisner, being our special judges. Big thank you to Spotlight Australia and LEGOLAND Discovery Centre for donating the prizes for our winners. Read more here: See more
11.01.2022 Happy International Day of Sign Languages! #Auslan is a uniquely Australian language used by approximately 30,000 people! In some cases for people with #Autism who aren't hearing impaired, they use Auslan as a visual form of communication. It's just another option to enhance communication for children who are non-verbal.... #InternationaldayofSignlanguage #ASDcommunication #AutismAwareness #AutismAppreciation #Neurodiversity #AutismAbilities #AutismCharity #AutismCommunication See more
11.01.2022 Here is an update for our Village regarding L4Life's events for 2020. This year has continued to be a roller coaster that has taught us in the L4Life events team valuable lessons in adaptability, flexibility and patience in negotiating our way through the current COVID-19 environment. Our team has continued to be energised and truly humbled by the amazing support of our L4Life Village who have supported us and continue to support us during these unprecedented times To more, please go to: #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #Neurodiversity #AutismAwareness
08.01.2022 Welcome easing of restrictions - keep safe everyone!
07.01.2022 This looks like an interesting film spotlighting #Dyslexia. Watch Mical - premiering tonight! It's a #TrueStory about a boy's struggle to read because of his dyslexia, which in his childhood was not understood, and his mum's dedication and persistence teaching him and helping him reach his potential. Dyslexia is a #neurodiverse condition, along with #Autism and #ADHD. It affects the part of the brain that processes language. The misconception that not being able to read we...ll or learn to read quickly is linked to intelligence has hopefully been debunked and just like #AutismAppreciation, we should look at the strengths of people with dyslexia which can include greater spatial knowledge, holistic and innovative thinking Richard Branson is a great role model, an outstanding entrepreneur who is proudly dyslexic, leading the way in creativity and innovation whole heartedly. It is estimated that 1 in 10 people are dyslexic. #MicalTheFilm #DyslexiaAwareness #Neurodiversity
07.01.2022 For all the LEGO lovers in our #L4LifeVillage, here is our FUN challenge to start these school holidays Get your LEGO bricks out and start building something that starts with the letter 'C' L4Life favourites Hamish Blake and Tom Gleisner will be our special judges ... To read more about our challenge, please go to: We're looking forward to seeing all of your LEGO creations #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #L4LifeLEGOchallenge #Neurodiversity
06.01.2022 Big news for Vic schools and the disability community!
05.01.2022 Who's taking on our LEGO challenge? We're excited to see all the 'C' builds from our awesome #L4LifeVillage Remember to send your entries by this Sunday, 27th September at 5pm AEST.... For all the details about our challenge, please go to: #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #L4LifeLEGOchallenge #Neurodiversity
04.01.2022 Happy Friday Here is some great singing and positivity from a special young woman Anelise loves singing with her family and wanted to share her music to spread positivity; I started the Quarantine Sessions to inspire people who are going through these really tough times. Take a listen to her beautiful voice, singing 'What a Wonderful World': Watch this lovely interview with Anelise and her mum: Anelise Music, Joy & More
04.01.2022 #L4LifeLEGOchallenge - you have 3 hours to go! Send your entry by 5pm AEST today. For all the details, go to: LEGO can be associated with C for : Clever, Competence, Construction, Concentration, Challenge, Confidence, Co-operation, Collaboration, Connection, Communication, Conversation, Control, Calm, Creativity, Careers, Co-ordination!... What can you build beginning with C? Sunday play time, Sunday family time, Sunday fun time! #L4LifeVillage #AutismCharity #AutismSupport #Neurodiversity
03.01.2022 Some good news on this beautiful Melbourne day - outdoor playgrounds in Melbourne and Regional Victoria have re-opened Please remember that the 1.5 metre physical distancing rule is still in place for people outside of their household. Enjoy playing, and stay safe ... To find out more about the #COVID19 restrictions that have eased: #AutismCommunity #AutismSupport #FamilyNews #Autism #AutismAbilities #Neurodiversity #AutismAwareness
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