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The Native Heart


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25.01.2022 We are in a very important part of the passage family, where you will feel yourself paddling through the density and what may feel heavy. This is where it is so very essential to notice what is arising, how you are feeling and responding. During this density your negative beliefs will become very clear and vocal with you. As will any aspects of self that have become seperate, fragmented from you and needing the light of your consciousness (your masculine light) and the light... of your knowing (your feminine light) to shine within those areas of self and be for her (you), what no one else was able to be for you at the time. We are deep in the process of learning to reparent ourselves. This is an exciting time to get closer to you, to be your own guide, to learn to feel excited when a challenge arises because it is an opportunity to know what truths you have been buying into within you, that arent in alignment with the being you are and therefor an invitation to know, fully know thyself more. Ive watched myself this last day, squirm at some of the posts I was sharing and the new content to come. Not because they werent my truth, because there was a part of me concerned as to how others would receive the newer me. Now I know that I dont care what others think or say and I also know its none of my business, however as I show myself in new expansive ways, a big negative belief presented that I found I had been giving my power to... how exciting! So as laid in bed this morning around sunrise, I took my own personal sunrise the light of my heart, to that negative belief and with a thank full heart released the belief and claimed what I know to be my truth and then unconditionally embraced that aspect of myself who felt she couldnt be seen. I laid there then and visualised myself/us in my canoe, paddling the new unchartered waters, hearing the voice of my higher self reminding me to stay in my knowing and what I am most passionate about and be the trinity. Life is not duality, it is a trinity and we are the balance point, the middle path. You are love! Artist: Herbert Herb Kawainui Kne of Hawaii

25.01.2022 Call of the Mystic, the starry eyed dreamer The dark of the unknown who dares be a believer ... Walking between worlds A beat, a drum Ever following Her own intuitive hum Softly singing her call to the wild waking the planet Soothing inner child A time of past Goes steadily by she becomes a beacon from the future This is I For no longer am I bound To a story Once shared I am whole Myself My heart laid bare Tis I, I am My own guiding light Powerful, loving Crystal clear sight I see thyself And thyself I see we are no different It’s always you and me. A poem dedicated to self. 16 Channelled Galaxy Flower of Life Medicine Drum $222 includes drum beater Hand painted from the One Heart

24.01.2022 Creation said: "I want to hide something from the humans until they are ready for it. It is the realization that they create their own reality." The eagle said, "Give it to me. I will take it to the moon."... The Creator said, "No. One day they will go there and find it." The salmon said, "I will bury it on the bottom of the ocean." The Creator said, "No. They will go there too." The buffalo said, "Give it to me. I will bury it on the Great Plains." The Creator said, "They will cut into the skin of the earth and find it even there." Grandmother, who lives in the breast of Mother Earth, and who has no physical eyes but sees with spiritual eyes said "Put it inside of them." And the Creator said, "It is done." - Creation story from the Hopi Nation, Arizona

24.01.2022 The simple & powerful Galaxy Flower of Life Drum

22.01.2022 On this Full Moon in Pisces my heart extends to you all a joyfull, peacefull new Spring & Fall season. I do have a question for you all, a question I asked to each one of the women within my program last night. It feels too powerful to not to share with you all on this Full Moon. The question being "Where do you feel safe, where do you truly feel the most safe?"... The answer we default to is never wrong, we usually feel most safe within our homes or in nature. Even the question in its self.. " where do YOU FEEL SAFE, meaning you are safety in itself, where do you feel you can be that is the question. And the answer I discovered during a very deep experience with a future counterpart of self I wish to share. We are at an essential stage within our journeying, within this collective rebirthing and transformation where we are being invited to KNOW, fully know that safety is a core fundamental state, a choice, a way of being within. Taking time to access this state within yourself when you are at home, when you are feeling triggered, overwhelmed, challenged or unsafe is the most perfect opportunity to have this dialogue with yourself. Choose the safety of your own being and feel, deeply feel what that feels like to you and rest yourself there in that knowing, your truth. Knowing that you are indestructible at your core, your greater self, your higher consciousness is the source that gives you this projection, this dream called life and no one can take that away from you, you choose first. You are safety in itself. To allow oneself to swim and dream in the infinite expansive heart space of your Creatorship. Adapting this natural state, integrating this central heart state of Safety as a way of being, no matter where you are, no matter what is taking place within this dynamically shifting world, you are Safety embodied. It is your soul responsibility to resolve and teach this within all levels of yourself that feel otherwise. You, your fullness is leading by example to those aspects of you that are yet to remember who they truly are. Your heart is greater than our oceans and brighter than the fullness of our Grandmothers Full Moon. You are greatly love & loved, Happy Full Moon Beloveds!

22.01.2022 Lets not give people what they want, but instead, be the vibration of what they need. Remembering they have a choice as to whether they meet you there. You are the example, the illustration, the symbology.

21.01.2022 This is Charlie Chaplin at age 26, photographed 100 years ago. Below is a poem he read on his 70th birthday, written by Kim McMillen. As I began to love myself I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living ... against my own truth. Today, I know, this is Authenticity. As I began to love myself I understood how much it can offend somebody if I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me. Today I call this Respect. As I began to love myself I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow. Today I call this Maturity. As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment. So I could be calm. Today I call this Self-Confidence. As I began to love myself I quit stealing my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm. Today I call this Simplicity. As I began to love myself I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health food, people, things, situations, and everything that drew me down and away from myself. At first I called this attitude a healthy egoism. Today I know it is Love of Oneself. As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time. Today I discovered that is Modesty. As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worrying about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where everything is happening. Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it Fulfillment. As I began to love myself I recognized that my mind can disturb me and it can make me sick. But as I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally. Today I call this connection Wisdom of the Heart. We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing, new worlds are born. Today I know: This is Life!

21.01.2022 Nature is amused by the secrets held within, revealing them only to the LightAwakened who care to listen and not just hear. Vision ignited by Great Spirit opens the eyes to 4D pulses, capturing glimpses of multi-dimensional realities and clearly enhancing the God-given Portals in which to journey. Sacred Geometry warmly draws the SoulBody towards further enlightenment and the mysteries interwoven become an interpretation relevant to the State of your current Being. Each Porta...l is an instalment of the milestones along the journey in revealing the array of Sacred works to undertake if willing and as agreed. Source will only Gift the works to you that would Hold your Heart in High Esteem and spin you upward into the Realm of Sacred and Ecstatic Gratitude and Love. Peace Blossoms spring from the steps you tread along your way, leaving behind the presence and legacy of where you have been, for others to absorb and glean instruction specifically for their SoulHearts. Every thought, action and feeling is energetically smeared out into the ether and is accessible to others. Sprinkle your thoughts and actions with sparkles of Joy, Graciousness and Love Absolute, to raise the vibration and evoke the New Light from the Diamond Matrix to create a canopy over the space of your Sphere and those who walk in it alongside you and beyond. by PureHearts Mysts )o( Copyright PureHearts Essences 2013

21.01.2022 Full Moon in Aquarius The beast of transformation. Meaning transformation in of itself, is a living beast, taking us through a deep passage of the unknown, our unconscious, of our negative beliefs and negative not being a judgement or something wrong, but simply a description of the mechanics of the energy... meaning limiting and restricting in its natural state. The beast of transformation is a powerful teacher, teaching us to learn to use what you dont prefer in a way tha...Continue reading

20.01.2022 16 Crown Chakra Spirit Drum... progress pic. She will be finished and up for sale tomorrow

20.01.2022 Im excited to share that my 12 week womens program and group circle is full!! However the additional international womens program and group circle run at EST, has places still available. If you would like to know more please message me for a heart to heart chat! This will be deeply expansive and integrative 12 weeks ahead, where I have the honour to walk beside and wholly support with my team, such a group of courageous beautiful women! Sounding out the year knowing, full...y knowing and wholly accepting, unconditionally... thyself. You are greatly love and loved! Ps if you are in Australia you can join international group which is run at 9:30am AEST once per week See more

19.01.2022 Form has been expressing imbalance because it expresses essence, and the essence of Spirit and of the Will have not been balancing in the Heart. Denial of the Spirit has caused many people to let judgements and programming in their minds run them. Denial of the Will has reinforced this, not only because the contributions of the Will cannot participate in the minds decisions when it is denied, but also because the Spirit cannot be fully present into manifestation and holds it ...there. When the Will is denied, the Spirit is equally denied its full presence in manifestation. The essence of the Will wants to receive the light of Spirit. The Will must be allowed to express anything it needs to express in the process of manifesting unconditional acceptance of the Spirit. The Spirit and the Will must accept each other unconditionally. To do this yourself, you need to start where you are. Accept all of your feelings, and let them open your mind to accept more of your Spirits presence. If you have intent to find balance, do not let your mind continue to tell your Will how it should be feeling. The Will and the mind need to communicate in such a way that the imbalances can end. Agreement means that nothing is overpowering anything else. Being able to accept everything involved in the process of coming into agreement, without overpowering or denying anything, is the practice. - Ceanne DeRohan Artwork by: Joshua Hutchinson See more

19.01.2022 Being conscious, being aware of what you consume, your waste, your purchases, your choices! You are OF the Earth and not just connected with her. Therefor using a reusable coffee cup, straw is a great choice for example, but so many seem to miss the obvious... your clothing. Is it polyester, nylon, acrylic, or cotton that is mostly full of pesticides and chemicals? Is the skincare and makeup you use clean, is it tested on animals?? Do you know? Do your research, look at a l...abel before you purchase. What is the footprint of the company you are buying from, where do they manufacture are they transparent? Is it fast fashion that will end up in landfill? Ask the questions before investing. There is not point drinking a green smoothie, meditating and yet not being aware of where you spend your money and what affect it may be having upon our Earth. Ignorance is toxic, being informed, educating self to make conscious choices for our planet is also wellness! Lets live as one with our Earth. Everyday is Earth day! Happy Sunday Artist: Vasil Woodland See more

19.01.2022 My experience in this mornings meditation was with the breath giving Cetacean beings of Sirius. When I asked for guidance to share with you all on this 8/8 Lionsgate, the message was simple. That each of you have the natural ability and are encouraged to connect within and access your own inner intelligence and navigation. We have all been given the time (in this now, within this current collective transformation) so we can specifically get in touch with and know thyself. ... Utilise this time to the best of your ability, to dive deep for at least 15mins a day in silence (without excuses as to what has distracted you from meeting yourself) and you will notice a positive difference within you, your responses, your connection, your wellbeing, your relationship with self thus others and you will also begin to know how you as a human transmitter to your higher self, receives guidance. We each and all have our own unique ways of doing such and the only way to know is to explore your own definitions. Unless you are finding your way to know thyself, know what isnt you, so as you may release and there for meet more of your truth, these high vibrational vortices of energy will turn your world upside and inside out, as a natural system designed to dismantle and deconstruct anything that doesnt align with who you sincerely are. As a gift so as you may be the Love that you are! You are the dream, the dance and the song!

18.01.2022 Where my heart now lies, when restrictions lift, we shall spread our wings and fly. New home, new self, new life... Vancouver Island.

18.01.2022 Good morning, beginning the week of the 1st September, will be my new 12 week program. You have the option to join for 12 weeks with unlimited one on one sessions to support you during the process as well as our weekly group online circle. You also have the option to join for our weekly online group circle only. Here is an outline of the teachings I will be covering during the program but not limited to, as my intention is to be a present channel each week and deliver what ...comes through my higher guidance and share what is needed for the group and meet each woman within the program where they are within themselves. This is a very interactive, deep, joyful, personal, connected and expansive experience and my greatest excitement to show up each week with you, for you. Please reach out if you would like to chat one on one about what is one offer further, or join our free group call where I will be sharing more information. Knowing thyself via I Connect, I Activate, I Integrate, I Transcend Learning to be comfortable in the uncomfortable Transforming darkness into light Staying focused and balanced within your embodiment, your knowing Following your excitement, your passion with physical action First Contact Consciously connecting with your future self of this Earth Consciously connecting with your future aspects/counterparts of advanced non-Earth civilisations Learning and integrating as a product of your future self and not the past self Opening the door to parallel realities Understanding the mechanics of positive and negative beliefs, conditioning and programming and how to release negative beliefs and align with what is the truth of your essence Emotional Intelligence The Oversoul Channeling - you as a natural channeling state Heart Song, your song, harmony lines Hybridisation program Opening conscious communication as one with the Earth her consciousness and the Elemental beings You are greatly love & loved!

17.01.2022 Well this is a first, as Ive pulled a name out of my bowl I looked down for the reveal and saw I was holding two pieces of paper, and I didnt feel to drop one. So I am honouring both names that came out. BIG Congratulations to Jade Renee Banks & Karlene Pass!! Karlene you have won one a different giveaway here before, it seems we are destined to work together further :) If you can both please reach out to me via messenger. Big thank you to everyone who entered. I will be ann...ouncing a new giveway this week. Stay tuned. Big love X See more

16.01.2022 My little family in our comfies, our most relaxed after a few days of celebrating my sons 20th! We are so close, so much love, laughter and unconditionality between us! See comments for the auspicious visitor who showed up to my bedroom window this morning. Happy Birth day my Jamel, what a beautiful heart centred man you have become, I am deeply honoured and so very proud of all that you are. Feeling Blessed, full heart! This photo is not for reuse or distribution in any way :)

14.01.2022 Good morning on this beautiful New Moon in Leo. We are all sailing into unchartered waters, further into the unknown. The expansive unknown is the point of creation where all births from. I have so much to share around learning to be comfortable within the uncomfortable and the new integration processes I have been downloading. I am excited to be holding a free online group call for international clients on your Thursday evening at 7:30pm EDT with all details for my new onl...ine program & group circle. I am also holding another free online group circle for those based within Australia on Tuesday evening the 25th at 7:30pm for those that were unable to make last weeks call, regarding my new 12 week program & online group circle. Both offer you an opportunity to ask any questions and essentially feel into the energy and foundations of the new programs. Please message directly to receive the zoom link to join. I am excited to see you on the call. You are greatly love & loved!

13.01.2022 At the moment women are being asked to stand in their power. Not to stand against something, not even to stand for something. But to stand in the energy of the divine feminine... an alignment where the polarity of for and against comes to rest. - Lucia Rene This is called the triangle, being the trinity, not the duality. Find your balance point, you are the apex. You are love and greatly loved!

12.01.2022 Who is joining us this evening at 7:30pm for my zoom intro call? Come along and say hello, ask any questions about my new program and group circle and feel if the offering resonates with you. Owl see you tonight... ha! Isnt she beautiful!

12.01.2022 This beauty has come back up for sale... sounding her song to her new owner.

12.01.2022 After completing teaching an amazing group of woman through my richest, deepest 12 week program thus far... I will be releasing details of my next 12 week program/s this evening! There be an international program as well as an advanced! Stay tuned for all the exciting details this evening!...

11.01.2022 SOLD - 16 Crown Chakra Spirit Drum For Sale Spirit of Orenda The energy that creates changes in ones life. Pure unfiltered energy via the channels of your essence, your Greater Source self. You as the receiver, the natural conduit that by nature responds effortlessly to every fractal of light, code, symphony of sound and motion picture that spirals via the gateway of your crown, intrinsically dancing through every cell within your being. Ancient DNA activated, new breath of... life, new visionary eyes in which I see me, us, this dream, lucid... we are all dreaming and co-creating together. With every beat of this drum its has never been so exciting to be here at this time, knowing I am life embodied, here to embrace the wonderment of it all, and I graciously accepted! $333 includes postage within Australia and drum beater Hand painted with See comments for video See more

11.01.2022 This morning I have needed to take myself to my Lakota family and sit in circle energetically. I have been consciously being schooled via my future self of this Earth and other Hybrid counterparts, however what this souls essence also desires is connection within community. I look into the mirror of my Lakota selves, where I am able to remember my agreements and find solace in their wisdom. The Lakota culture is focused on community, tribe. When they sit in circle everyone is... equal, whether you were the cook, the medicine man, a mother, hunter, a weaver... each had their role to play within the whole and each was honoured for such. When someone was acting out or seemingly being less of themselves, that would mean that person was needing more support not less and therefor the tribe would gather to support. The kinship these people held for one another, where strength, courage, wisdom, generosity, faith and heart were felt as one. The Lakota people felt a deep reverence for spirit and saw, felt and heard it in every aspect of the natural world. They would take time to be in nature where the tall ones (trees) are our relatives, where the wind speaks, where the creek sings. The Lakota people also represented being seen amongst community, being celebrated for being you, your passion! I feel before we can welcome our Hybrid families upon Earth, we need to first re member, know, the true spirit of community amongst us, self. I choose to be the community, the tribe, the bridge, the balance point I AM and trust all else that flows. I salute the light within your eyes where the whole universe dwells. For when you are at that centre within you and I am at that place within me, we shall be one. Crazy Horse Oglala Sioux My hand drawn image holding the energy of the Lakota, from The Native Heart Healing Oracle

11.01.2022 My apologies this post comes a day late, my day was full yesterday and therefor I felt more excitement to share this post tonight, rather than push myself to finish it last night. Following my flow has allowed for new inspiration to come through. Rather than share a detailed post of what my new programs will include, instead I will be offering a free zoom call on Thursday night for an hour, where we can gather in circle, I will go into depth about what is available to you, fo...r you. A more intimate and fun way for us all to connect and for me to channel the transmission through. I invite you to join me this Thursday evening at 7:30pm AEST. Please comment below if you wish to join the zoom call, there is no cost and no obligation, simply an informative call so as you may decide if this offering resonates with you. There will be a waiting room to join zoom and I will only admit those names that have commented below or messaged me directly. The program will start on the week of the 1st September and run for 12 weeks. You have the option of joining for 12 weeks and receiving unlimited support during that time as well as our weekly group online call or joining for our weekly group online call only. It is important to note the program only asks you to be present one night per week for the group call and of course what ever day you wish to schedule your one on one channelling sessions, if you are taking that option. All of these questions as well as the content will be shared within the complimentary zoom call. I am also running the same program internationally and will be holding another complimentary zoom call for those interested. Im so very excited to connect with you further! You are greatly love & loved!

10.01.2022 Sun in the sky who know how I feel... breeze drifting on by you know how I feel Full Moon in Aquarius vibes

10.01.2022 I have a very exciting announcement coming this week for those interested in connecting with the Hybrid Children, the Hybrid Races and First Contact!!

10.01.2022 Sound on! Big heart feels Our Cetacean family

10.01.2022 Since last nights post, Ive had a few people ask if I can list more information on the next upcoming program, for those who arent able to make this Thursdays zoom call. Here is an outline of some of the teachings we will be integrating but not limited to: ~ First Contact... ~ Consciously connecting with your future self of this Earth ~ Consciously connecting with your future aspects/counterparts of advanced non Earth civilisations ~ Learning and integrating as a product of your future self and not the past self ~ Parallel realities ~ Understanding the mechanics of negative beliefs, conditioning and programming and how to release and align with what is the truth of your essence ~ Emotional Intelligence ~ Oversoul ~ Channelling - you as a natural channelling state ~ Heart Song, your song, harmony lines ~ Hybridisation program ~ Conscious Communication as one with the Earth her consciousness and Elemental beings ~ Knowing thyself via I Connect, I Activate, I Integrate, I Transcend If you are unable to join us on Thursday nights call, please reach out and we can organise a private one on one call. For those that have joined me in the last program, I am opening a small advanced class, for those that wish to continue the journey of self. Our love & support to you

07.01.2022 Who else is running a new operating system?

07.01.2022 Letting relationships & agreements cease that no longer serve you. Allowing the relationships to dissolve. There can be very deep denser aspects of self that is moving through the resistance, moving through the very deep beliefs... I am wrong for being who I want to be, I am not worthy of making these types of choices, what I am doing is not ok. You are moving through in many different ways, moving through these deep deep deep cycles of imprinting within your collective and... many other collectives subsequently connected to your DNA. In the recognition of this, this is what you are doing on a deep level and to continue to encourage the movement in the reestablishing of your own connections. The encouragement of that dense aspect of yourself, to be exactly who she is. KNOWING, feeling, your ultimate observer self who knows you are absolutely worthy of being who she needs to be. You are absolutely worth itself, safety itself, the song its self that needs to sing and move and vibrate and establish boundaries and let old agreements go. It is recommended for you to continue to shine upon that observation. You arent just allowed to be exactly who you are, you are needed to be exactly who you are. By choosing to operate from those beliefs and to take actions from those positive beliefs, to inform yourself from those beliefs, that is how that part is able to integrate within you. As you make the choice, the fundamental choice that you, you, have the right in this beautiful play called life, of self exploration and to release old agreements & relationships with those that are no longer able to join you unconditionally, upon your journey of integration. By choosing to act on your joy, by choosing to inform yourself from your most preferred belief structures, you are not spiritually bypassing, you are not going into denial, you are not compartmentalising, you have reached the stage of clarity, of refinement, where what that part, the shadow, that dense part needs from you is to take actions from your higher perspective beliefs. This is fully stemming from many different ways that you are repatterining how to speak to these aspects that are remembering that they have always been in unity, that are remembering that they are safety, remembering that they are love, remembering that they are worth, remembering that they are eternal and as you continue to adjust your confirmation, your conversation with these aspects of you, you will feel these differences resistances relax within the body. You are the story, the character, the dream, therefor you choose the play, the characters you wish to dance the dance with. See more

06.01.2022 This beauty is sounding in her new owner

05.01.2022 New Moon in Leo ~ Following the beat of your own drum. Do you hear her, you, that rhythm that only you will know, your heart song, your feeling of elation, where you can not and do not want to contain your big heart energy, the feeling of movement, flow, dance, wilderness and pure joy! Hear the beat of all that you are mirrored back to you via the initiation, the trance of Gaias stirring intoxicating heart beat. Listen, replenish, respond to the call, feel your connection, l...ive your connection. Oh and the passion, you are an infinitely passionate being, who loves to love, who is love, who loves to feel and wield to the excitement that is coursing through your cells. Your heart chanting and spinning you into new vortices where higher expressions of you, greet you at the gateway holding a brighter passionate flame for life. You are the three fold flames of the heart, the trinity flames... ambient lights that further ignite the pathways to our Star families. You an indestructible & benevolent being, you are self expression that will no longer be suppressed, be the courage you are naturally. To follow what matters to you, unbridled, sensory, feeling, knowing the call, listening to the drum, singing your song, via the song lines, the harmony channels which are the native language of your greater divine self. Be authentically you with pride. Happy Newest of New Moon to you all! You are greatly love & loved! Ps I couldnt decide on one picture, so you are blessed with two. Photographer: Shaaz Jung

03.01.2022 Good morning! I have an exciting gift/giveaway to offer you on this day, to thank you for being you! I am offering one person the opportunity to join my 12 week group online circle at no cost. This group circle is part of my new womens program. Its is a beautifully deep, sacred space of teaching, storytelling, activations, remembering, sharing, channeling, heart song and joy that sisters create when we unite as one. The group online circle is held one night per week (begi...nning the first week of September) and is recorded for you to watch back in your own time. I am offering one placement for the group that is Australia AEST and one placement for the international group set to EST. If you would like an opportunity to join us, please comment below and I will draw a name for each group on Monday. How exciting. It is my honour & pleasure. If you know another who may benefit from this offering, please share this post. You are greatly love & loved! See more

03.01.2022 Any idea, person or object can be a Medicine Wheel, a Mirror, for man. The tiniest flower can be such a Mirror, as can a wolf, a story, a touch, a religion or a mountain top. For example, one person alone on a mountain top at night might feel fear. Another might feel calm and peaceful. Still another might feel lonely, and a fourth person might feel nothing at all. In each case the mountain top would be the same, but it would be perceived differently as it reflected the feelings of the different people who experienced it. Hyemeyohsts Storm - Seven Arrows Photo of Black Hills in South Dakota

02.01.2022 Standing in your truth, because how you feel matters

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