The Natural Balance Co. in Warragul, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service
The Natural Balance Co.
Locality: Warragul, Victoria
Phone: +61 432 118 023
Address: 83 Victoria Street Warragul, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 The liver in Chinese medicine falls under the Wood element and aside from its essential and very important role of filtering and detoxing it is also home to many of our emotions. Metaphysically - the liver is related to anger, particularly frustration or repressed anger. When the liver energy becomes congested or out of balance, you could begin to experience feelings of unhappiness, irritability, anger, or bitterness to name a few. When these emotional states become chronic..., we can become emotionally toxic, and the liver’s normal ability to process toxins starts to decline, on an emotional level but also as a physical manifestation too in some cases. Anger and frustration are such natural emotions, but our attitudes and belief systems around feeling these emotions are usually anything but natural and normal. So I encourage you to take time to consider if you are holding onto any conditioning around allowing yourself to feel out your anger, your rage, your bitterness or frustration and lean into ways to reprogram those thoughts as this can change the way your health expresses itself. Or book a Kinesiology appointment to get that shit sorted right out
23.01.2022 Today I bared some of my heart to you all touching on a subject that I truly believe has been glamourised within the spiritual space. I often get asked by people how they can step into this space but I believe this space, this life chooses you, and it chooses you when you are good and ready for it but what I do want to speak of for those on the outside looking in and those on the inside, in the absolute thick of it wondering what the hell is going on - that the shadow work,... the energetic upgrades, the spiritual development, the downloads, it’s painful, its uncomfortable and confronting and sometimes it’s downright horrific, it doesn’t just last for a moment, it can be days, weeks, months of integration~ and I’m sick of hearing that this is all part of it yet know body actually speaks of it and when they do, it’s in a manner that completely strips it of the truth and it’s depth, creating some fantasy around it . This work is not for the faint hearted and it is a lifetime commitment to the pain, to the darkness, to the birth, the death & the rebirth, to feeling out of control, out of yourself, sometime very alone and unsupported, trying to navigate firstly what the fuck is happening to you and your body and then trying to navigate what the heck to do about it. So what do I believe we should do? Well I believe it starts with validating ourselves and one another and what we are experiencing - it starts with seeing one another, hearing one another, acknowledging one another. For someone on the outside ~ it starts with accepting something that you cannot see, you cannot feel and you probably do not fully understand, it starts with setting aside what you think you know and believe and making space for what your friends, your loved ones, your partner feels & for those of us in the midst of it ~ it starts with accepting that what we are experiencing is very real, very raw and validating that what we feel, how we feel it on all levels is worth acknowledgement , accepting that energy is a ferocious power that can lift us up and just as quickly drag us back down through hell ~ it’s about accepting that there is not one without the other, there is no progression without See more
22.01.2022 Wow okay so this has got me feeling so many things ~ this is why I do the work I do ~ this work, it saved my life, it changed my life, it catapulted my life into directions I never even thought possible, it has unraveled me so I can find my true self at the core. Working with energy has been the most incredible gift to my life ~ kinesiology has been the most incredible gift to my life and now I get to share it with others and watch and be apart of it changing their lives too. Honestly I don’t have many more words other than this shit moved me.
21.01.2022 Anyone else in the depths of this right now? You are not alone
20.01.2022 Do not date a mystic If you want the life you have If you are comfortable and cozy, stay away.... Whatever you have built around yourself to create comfort ~ it cannot stand in the blazing fire of a mystical woman. She is no trophy She is no bodily pleasure maker She is the seer of souls She is the womb that births the divine into flesh and bone into matter. She doesn’t mean to burn your village to the ground, but she has seen what you are meant to become. You are not a peasant sheering sheep, as you have thought. You are a king dressed in rags, who has amnesia Allison Napoli Author
20.01.2022 OH MY GOD!!! It’s happening! I finally get to share my excitement with you all! This episode is dropping tomorrow talking all things kinesiology, a little about my story, how to find yourself a good practitioner and so much more! Make sure you tune in tomorrow to listen to me and @connectingbalance share so much goodness!!!! link can be found in @connectingbalance bio ~ go subscribe and rate so you don’t miss an episode!
18.01.2022 In celebration of all the Heart work I have been over the past few months I thought it was about time I put this together In Chinese medicine the Heart falls under the Fire element & it is said that the heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of ones being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom, and spiritual transformation. It rules the physical, emotional, mental and subtle bodies ~ it truly is a powerhouse but when the Heart is imbalanc...ed is can show up physically as shortness of breathe, palpitations, emotional stress, anxiety, disconnection from self and others,sleeping issues, aswell as the lower vibration emotions I’ve noted above. Huangdi Neo Jing quoted As long as the heart remains on its rightful path, the nine orifices will follow and function properly. If the hearts desires become too abundant, the eyes will lose their sense of colour, and the ears will lose their sense of sound But it’s when its in balance that you truly get to experience all the beauty life has to offer, filled with awareness, self love and self worth, love for others and all that surrounds you, connection to oneself physically, emotionally mentally and spiritually along with so many other beautiful things. Do you feel like you are harbouring some of these emotions in your Heart? Are you struggling to let go and let in forgiveness, are you holding onto hate & anger? Or are you struggling with low self esteem and self worth? This is where Kinesiology gets to shine, it leads me to these blockages within your body , across all levels and then I get to stand by you as we work through, test and correct them, allowing your energy to flow freely again. We get to shift these emotions from your system allowing you to experience all the positive the Heart has to offer. If any of this feels like is resonates with you, get in touch, book an appointment or even jump online and schedule in a free discovery call with me so we can see how kinesiology could help you
15.01.2022 My morning cacao had me feeling like an Earth Nymph today ~ truly embodied in stewardship to this planet
12.01.2022 The number one question I get asked is ~ how does a distance Kinesiology session work? Well a distance kinesiology session runs relatively the same as a face to face session in clinic would. It’s a phone session with one major difference and that is the use of the bio feedback system or muscle testing technique which in clinic would physically be done on the client, but during a distance session I use a technique called muscle surrogacy. This allows me to set myself up as a ...surrogate on your behalf and access your energy and subconscious. The muscle testing technique is used to access the nervous system which acts as a memory drive to our entire lives on both a conscious and subconscious level, this is where we find the gold. Not only that, when working with me there is an added layer to your session as I work very energetically and intuitively, so it can make your session very multi faceted. I love to have my clients activity participating in any physical balancing they can during their session as well, this is how I love to teach and encourage people to facilitate for themselves as the techniques are not just limited to that one session but can be used across the board for many different things and areas in your life. I understand and respect that distance sessions are not for everyone but I don’t want there to ever be any doubt that your session is going to be less than or you won’t receive the same incredible changes using this method of kinesiology because it is truly just as incredible The distance sessions run for 1 hour but I’m not sure who I’m kidding because I always run over haha and afterward you will receive an email with an overview of your session which you can refer back to with any important information regarding homework, supplements etc any breakdowns of how to use specific techniques going forward and any other juicy bits of information that we can easily forget after we have finished the session. The best part is, you can access this service from any where in the world and all in the comfort of your own home, making it more flexible for everyone. If you have any further questions about how kinesiology works or any more detai
11.01.2022 I’ve spent years out of love with myself- pulling, picking, shredding apart every inch of myself from the inside and the out ~ blaming my body, blaming my children, blaming my environment, my health, my mental health, blaming everything instead of trying to accept everything. This year though i was called in to learn the hard lesson of loving myself fully, all of it, even the parts i dont like, i was told to make space to accept them, to let them be what they are and not emotion to them and to release the ones i had previously allowed to make homes within parts of my body. I found this photo in my phone (swipe) and it called and inspired me to share this part of myself. There was something about its rawness, its filter-less, authentic-ness that lead me to express what id say is probably the most vulnerable part of me, its the part that scares the absolute shit out of me, take me to hell and I will come back the fire but ask me to love my body...that instils a fear in me like nothing else ever has. Its hard being in a body that doesn’t look how you picture it to be - its hard being in a skin that doesn’t feel like yours, doesn’t fit or feel comfortable on you, that doesn’t empower you the way you see it do for others but I’ve made the conscious choice to learn to love it - love myself, whatever and however that looks, a little more each and everyday - but the truth is, its fucking hard and some days, most days, i still fall back into that negative mind trap but there is also truth in the fact that i love myself more than i did yesterday and well, that’s fucking something See more
09.01.2022 ’m taking some time to come back to myself ~ for how long? I honestly do not no but it requires me stepping back from my social media platforms because they are consuming my energy at a rate I cannot properly replenish. It’s not fair for me and it’s not fair for you. My life is calling for me to have a good hard look at where I put my energy and now more than ever it needs to be put into myself and my clients ~ everything else has to take a back seat. I am still going to be w...orking and kinesiology appointments will not be affected ~ this goes for new and old clients, working with you all gives me life and allows me to be aligned with my purpose, it is truly what I love. If you do require to get in contact with me for whatever reason ~ I will only be available via email or my booking system in my bio. So please be aware if you come to this space to get in contact I will not be here to answer. I look forward to what’s on the other side of this rebirth and seeing you all there love & light to you all. [email protected] See more
09.01.2022 You know when you can feel the fire growing within you, it’s flames burning bigger, brighter ~ the heat its ommiting becoming more and more intense, so hot you can’t touch it, can’t get close to it without getting burnt, without being engulfed by it... I chose to walk straight Into it, I chose to become the fire rather than turn away from its burn. Every cell in my body is rising from the ashes, I am the Phoenix, a symbol of death and re birth, emerging from the mother to a new cycle, one so potent I almost walked away from it because fear came knocking on my door encouraging me to turn away but I like to play with death, so I stared it straight in the face and stepped into the fire to be ravaged by the flames, to let it consume all of me and I took the fear into the fire with me and burned it alive, along with everything else that no longer served me See more
09.01.2022 Masculine & Feminine Energy Our masculine energy is characterised in doing achieving and uses logic and reason, with clear purpose. Whilst the feminine is intuitive, it is soft and receiving, allowing and creative , characterised by being ... And when they are in balance ~ it creates perfect harmony a beautiful expression of both the light and the dark, the hard and the soft, the beauty and the beast. Swipe to see the wounded and the sacred and take a moment to check in with yourself and your balance of each energy ~ take note if you are more aligned to one more than the other and if so, bring yourself back to that sweet spot right in the middle.
09.01.2022 *GIVEAWAY TIME* With everything going on at the moment we thought why not team up with some amazing small businesses and put together a prize that will brighten up someone’s day!Prize Pool $600+ Alsabox: Shared Graze Box + Stitch & Hide Cassie Clutch Wallet Balance & Grace: Lux Crystal Infused Candle + Amethyst Crystal Cluster... Eat Nourish Love: $50 Voucher towards a Cake of your choice! Four Feathers Healing: Bath Soak, Smudge Stick & Crystal Malia Hair: $100 Hair Services Voucher The Dusty Collective: 2 x Handmade Polymer Clay Earrings The Natural Balance & Co: $50 Intuitive Oracle Card Reading Wood By Kasey: Your choice of Mini Shelf or Wooden Blocks 1. Follow the accounts tagged below: @alsabox @balance.grace @eatnourishloveau @fourfeathershealing @maliahairboutique @thedustycollective @woodbykasey 2. Like this photo 3. Tag your bestie that would love to win this giveaway! *1 Comment = 1 entry* Enter as many times as you like, so get tagging!
07.01.2022 Happy day of Venus ~ Fridays are governed by the planet Venus and are a day when romance and beauty should be in the spotlight. This is the day of the week in which you need to appreciate those around you and pursue creative endeavours. Basically, you are tasked with bringing beauty in your life.... Friday’s shouldn’t just be seen as a gateway to the weekend but thought of as a day of its own , one full of sensuality, indulging and comfort. Call in the your inner goddess Aphrodite, to strengthen the sensual, romantic and joyful nature of Fridays.
04.01.2022 Thursday ~ Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of positivity and expansion. This makes the fifth day of the week an amazing time to learn new things and expand your consciousness The energy of Jupiter on this days calls in productivity ~ there is also a lightness and positivity that helps us get those lingering tasks from the previous few days done. ... Because of Jupiters support in expansion this can be the perfect time to start new hobbies, new practices and rituals, spiritual, mentally or otherwise. It’s also a good time for financial matters and managing your money. Tune into The fifth days energy by making a point to feel gratitude and positivity from the moment you wake. Set the intention I Grow at the beginning of your day of Jupiter.
02.01.2022 How deep is the ocean? Because that’s where Scorpio season may have dragged you these past few weeks , right into the dark and shadowy depths of yourself, have you been feeling it? It’s intense, confronting and uncomfortable but it’s also where the transformations happen. This intensity can be too much for some. It can have us detaching from ourselves, numbing ourselves, shying away from our own reflection out of fear of what truth we might find if we dare look in the mirror.... So that’s why In the lead up to the Scorpio moon it’s important to be grounding ourselves, bringing ourselves back into our bodies and offering ourselves a safe, loving and non judgmental space to experience fully what is coming up for us during this time. I’ve noticed a theme for myself and the collective. Generational traumas showing their faces, yearning to be heard and healed. Have you been noticing this yourself? Are you perhaps seeing the patterns from those before you? Are you carrying generational weight and responsibility like it is your own? Are you feeling the chains that have you bound to your past? Or has it all been too much that you have become numb, switched off and detached from the shadows your light is shining on? The biggest thing I have learnt throughout my healing journey is that it doesn’t need to be walked alone. Don’t be afraid of the dark, instead find someone who makes you feel safe to walk into it with you
01.01.2022 Tomorrow & the next couple of days I will be switching off and taking some time to return to myself ~ return to my own energy and my own needs. I share quite a lot of heavy information across multiple different platforms, I engaged in conversations daily with sometimes hundreds of people some positive and some not so but I love each and every second of it. Nothing makes me more excited or proud than someone questioning the narrative and nothing makes me feel more alive than ...being apart of that but it also requires a lot of energy & I have been leaking it out like no tomorrow of late haha so it’s time for me to take a step back and re charge. My mind, body and spirit are calling me back to my centre, back to my breathe, back to my mediation, my journaling, my rest and to Spirit and Earth & I encourage you to come to yourself if you are feeling overwhelm and anxiety ~ the world will keep on spinning even if you stop ~ so let it love & light to you all. See more
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