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Jo Roberts-Thomson, Naturopath in Kotara, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service

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Jo Roberts-Thomson, Naturopath

Locality: Kotara, New South Wales

Phone: +61 403 951 833


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25.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and mother figures of all kinds, those who mother, nurture, support and guide And many blessings and thanks also to Mother Earth who supports and nurtures us all

25.01.2022 How are you going this week? Lets keep looking after ourselves and each other and remember to be kind - everyone responds to stress in different ways so lets not judge each other but offer compassion instead Im still operating and still consulting - all online now. Im still here for you and your health Please reach out if you need to

24.01.2022 Time to boost your immune system and keep it in top working order! The beauty of herbs and nutrients is that they can boost your immune system, increase white blood cell activity and act as antiviral agents. So as well as taking a herbal tonic when we are unwell, we can also use herbs to be proactive and reduce the chance of getting sick Herbs that help to boost your immune system:...Continue reading

24.01.2022 One of my core values as a person and also as a Naturopath is gentleness . Its always been something Ive valued and been drawn to, and Ive noticed more and more over the past few years especially that I am drawn to gentle people, I like gentle colours, enjoy gentle music etc Part of this is my nature, I have always been this way and I guess its in my DNA as my parents were both gentle people. Because of this I was treated gently growing up which I appreciated grew t...o value in myself and others I think another reason that I value gentleness is because Im sensitive I have a sensitive Nervous System so strong things can bombard it and overwhelm it. I used to think it was a drawback being sensitive because Im very sensitive to other peoples energies but now I see it as my superpower because it means I can pick up subtle changes - and I find that the more gentle I am with my NS and the more I look after my whole self, the more I can pick up smaller and smaller energies and the more and more subtle feelings I experience which brings me a greater depth of joy In my work as a Naturopath I believe in gentle treatments - obviously as a Herbalist that means using gentle natural and herbal remedies rather than strong chemicals, but even within that it looks like using the gentler remedies (I dont use essential oils as a rule because I find them too strong), using lower doses when less is enough, using gentle remedies like Bach Flowers and homeopathic remedies when indicated and not overwhelming people with too many supplements. It also means sometimes delaying targeted treatment until we support the body as a whole to be ready for that, and providing the body with what it needs and allowing it to heal rather than exerting our will onto the body (even if that will is well intentioned) Id love to hear if you feel like youre sensitive or have a sensitive nervous system or if that has changed over the years? And if you resonate with wanting a more gentle approach then reach out, Id love to support you (gently) Jo

24.01.2022 Washing hands with soap and water is so important for stopping the spread of germs Important reminder especially with the current corona virus scare. Wash hands regularly, and dont forget to sanitise your laptop and phone!!

24.01.2022 Have you checked in with your body today? Our body is always communicating with us, its up to us to listen #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #listentoyourbody

24.01.2022 Can you accept yourself just as you are? I've been doing a lot of work around self love and self acceptance over the past few years and I came to a new level of it recently. I realised that while I have found self love and do accept myself, I was accepting myself while holding in my mind a future or past version of myself - and that I needed to love and accept myself just as I am now, TODAY - imperfect, still evolving, warts and all, mistakes and all. Not just the me of the p...ast who was younger/fitter or before I made xyz "mistakes", or the me of the future who will hopefully achieve my dreams. The TODAY version of me isn't as young as she used to be and hasn't yet achieved everything she wants to. She has made choices that if she could go back knowing what she does now she would do differently. She's still evolving and is imperfect and makes mistakes all the time. Can I love and accept her just as she is right now? Of course I have goals and dreams and things I want to do and change, but even if nothing ever changes can I accept myself as I am TODAY? It surprised me how more challenging that felt than just saying I love and accept myself but subconsciously meaning "as long as I do xyz or achieve xyz". So I have been working on that, and I'm definitely making progress. How about you? Can you love and accept yourself just as you are today? We all have goals and dreams but imagine just for a moment that none of them ever happen - are you OK with the you that you are right NOW? The age you are, the job you have, the income you have, the body you have, the health you have, the relationship you do or don't have, the life you have? Not just when you earn that certain income you're striving for, meet that perfect partner, improve your health, achieve those goals, or whatever it is for you - but right now? Something to think about. Let's do this together. I'd love to hear how you go Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #selflove #selfacceptance

23.01.2022 I feel so grateful that I was able to support the bushfire affected areas today by making up and donating lots of herbal tonics, creams and remedies #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #bushfiresaustralia #bushfirerelief #donation #herbalsupport

21.01.2022 OK so the kids are back at school and it's time to treat yourself to a Mini Retreat - 4 hours just for you at Newcastle Health Collective being looked after by our amazing practitioners! You will receive two 1-on-1 sessions with qualified practitioners, a group sound healing experience and yummy nutritious food plus more! There is a morning session and an afternoon session - both on Saturday 22nd Feb ... Click on the link to find out more or message me - I'll be there doing Iridology and Reiki See you soon! Jo

21.01.2022 Todays thoughts... lets all take this time to dream our new normal

21.01.2022 Hi all Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here for you and your health, still operating, still seeing clients either in person or via Skype/Zoom If you would like to come in person, I am careful with hygiene and wash my hands between clients (as I always do) and am doing some extra disinfecting of surfaces, door handles etc. The beautiful NHC building also has hand sanitiser at the front desk for you to use ... If you are unwell or prefer to stay home, we can still have a consultation via Skype or Zoom, or over the phone. You can book your appointment as normal using my online link, and I will contact you to see which option you would prefer, or you can put it in the comments section I am happy to discuss Covid-19, happy to do an immune boosting tonic for you and recommend immune supportive supplements, or put an extra immune or antiviral herb in your regular tonic. Happy to answer any questions as I've been reading a lot about it I can also support your anxiety levels and give you calming herbs and suggest techniques to use to manage your anxiety over the coming days and weeks which is really important for your physical and mental wellbeing And of course I'm also happy to discuss and help you with all your regular non-Covid health concerns whatever they may be! If you would like an appointment, some support or just to ask a question then feel free to contact me via messenger, text or email If you're concerned, reach out. If you would like support, reach out. If you're anxious, reach out. if you have questions, reach out. If you're feeling isolated at home, reach out. I'm still here for you Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #covd19 #imhereforyou #reachout

20.01.2022 Love this, rest is so good for our adrenals and nervous system too (not to mention our immune system) Have a restful long weekend

17.01.2022 Some wise advice about being gentle with ourselves and taking time to process all the recent changes

17.01.2022 What are you noticing more now and what are you more grateful for now than before COVID?

15.01.2022 NEW BUG ABOUT TO HIT OUR SHORES AND YOU DONT NEED ANYTHING TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM IT.... Breaking News!!!!!! ******************+++* There is a widespread..., worldwide, incurable WAVE of Love spreading across planet Earth. This Love is SO Fast everyone, faster than a wildfire, more potent than Any virus beginning with C(or any other letter for that matter), quicker than any media distraction change, more penetrating to humanity than any potential Vakcine hazard, more powerful than any sect or creed, wiser and more revered than any message ever before it. Thats right everybody, Love is spreading fast. So fast than it cannot be stopped. It is believed to have originated in the heart of every being already existing on planet Earth, and that is what makes it so potent and relentless. Sources say this Love is the Natural State of Humanity- therefore it only makes sense that the time would come when none else could trump the mighty force of LOVE - bursting forth in a mighty takeover- from the heart of every being. Though much has tried to, and-many have made it appear to humanity that Love was no longer the strongest force in the universe. But Love has come out of remission folks. And it is relentless. Brought on by recent events taking humanity to an all-time low, the stage was set for the ultimate Cosmic alchemical equation to play out en mass. The pendulum was seen swinging from one of the guardian Motherships stationed around the planet and it has been reported that Love is already way beyond viral status. It seems to be entangled with every cell of every body and is radiating right now- from the dna spirals of all- its healing, transformative field of LOVE. It is dominating the body field now of every human -sparking Never Before Seen acceptance responses in the human cell. It is as though human tissue readily alters itself and natural increased immunity support and homeostasis are affecting many already. You should be able to recognize this global outbreak of Love in your own body, though at first it may be unclear as some symptoms mimic previous reality modules. Look for symptoms of: Increased sensitivity Discombobulation w/current reality Emotions high Possible depression/anxiety as body releases old grid Heart palpitations Fear (usually accompanied by a sense of mighty change) Sleeplessness as body receives high frequency remembrance Confusion Feeling stunned or weak Bursts of laughter or silliness A disillusionment of old fear-based system Increased compassion Need to be truthful Stronger sense of self Need for more or less food Sudden new ideas -especially humanitarian in nature New interests in charity work Easy to invoke tears Miraculous healings Deeper body connection Increased understanding Etc Symptoms are expected to shift as the Earth integrates this incredible overtake of the Love Vibration -released from the core of every human. Previous keepers of the fear-matrix are responding with a symbolic or actual exit stage left as their systems may not be compatible with the Love frequency now settling in to and through each and every body of Earth. If you find this phase uncomfortable it is recommended you do one or more of the following: Sleep more Dance Take deep breaths Laugh Make Love Walk and play in Nature Sing Drink more water Swim Take a bath and hum Smoke Cannabis Get a massage Snuggle Channel energy into Art Connect with an animal Or whatever inspires you and helps you feel good There is absolutely zero known cure in all of existence for this Love. It is here to stay. If you are here, your body has the capacity to hold the full measure of this Love. Please standby for full Integration. There is no need to fear. I repeat - this Love is incredibly contagious and yet the outcome of succumbing to this heart-opening Love is a better life, deeper breaths, increased connection, higher levels of global cooperation and local creative alignment projects, Earth healing and more. More reports of benefits are urged to be reported below. Though the old matrix authority system suspects human intervention at the root of this global love takeover, the heart of one experiencing the mighty change right now knows Earth was timecoded for this. There is no going back. Do not Panic. I repeat do not panic!!! In fact -rejoice! Take of your masks and notice the symptoms of this Love in everyone you see. Your acknowledgement of anothers Love takeover will assist the other in a smoother transition into a world that is in resonance with Love. Thank you for your time. Enjoy your integration phase ~written by Stasia Bliss WELCOME HOME TO THE LOVE BUG I HOPE YOU CATCH IT...I HAVE...YAY

15.01.2022 I'm back! OK well I actually never went away but for the last couple of months I've been only offering online consults and focusing mainly on my home and family while my daughter sat the HSC And now I'm back to offering in-person consults here at my home clinic in Kotara ... And of course I still do online consults if you live out of Newcastle or can't come in person I have a waiting list of clients who have been waiting for me to offer in-person appointments again so if you are one of those people, thank you for your patience and I will be contacting you shortly And if you're not on my list no worries, there are still a few weeks left of this year and plenty of time to get some support around your health. Just book in via my booking link or send me a message with any questions! Looking forward to seeing you soon! Jo

13.01.2022 Hi all I wanted to let you all know that from 1st August my prices are increasing, including appointments and herbal tonics If you would like to lock in the current prices for a while longer, then you can prepay for up to 5 appointments at my current prices. Just contact me by DM, text or email before 31st July to let me know what you would like to pre-purchase ... Note: prepaid appointments must be purchased by 31st July and used by 1st October (Payment may be made by payment plan over 4 weeks if required). Hope you're having a lovely day Jo

13.01.2022 Short 15-20 minute Immune Boost appointments now available online Want some immune boosting advice from an experienced Naturopath from the comfort of your own home? Lets cut through all the information overload to find out whats right for you and your family... Short targeted information without needing to do a full consultation Personalised immune support herbal tonics to cover all your needs can be made and posted Practitioner quality supplements can be ordered online if needed and posted direct to you All in 15-20 minutes Bookings can be made online through my booking link or PM me Im here for you. Lets support your immunity and your health together Talk soon, Jo

12.01.2022 Today I was featured in a live interview for Newcastle Health Collective. We talked about my underlying philosophy in the work I do and what sets me apart from other Naturopaths (as we are all beautifully different ). I also talk about some of the techniques I use to look into the different layers of healing including the emotional connection to our physical symptoms Enjoy and feel free to message me for further info. Jo

11.01.2022 Im still here for you! Online consults means I can wear jeans doesnt it?? Making up some herbal tonics today Reach out if you need support with your immune health, stress and anxiety, or any other health issue ... #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #stillhere #workinginjeans

11.01.2022 On the fence about seeing a Naturopath?? (see what I did there? ) Now is the perfect time! Lets look at your health together and see where we can get you back into balance ... Judgement free, gentle support, no pressure for supps... and I currently have a special on until the end of January 25% off your first consult if you havent seen me before. If you have seen me before and refer a friend then you both get 25% off! Just type January special in the comments section when you make your booking - and let me know who referred you so I can give them their discount! Bookings must be made by end Jan and taken by 15th Feb. PM me for help or questions. See you soon!! Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #januaryspecial

10.01.2022 Hot tip on these super hot days... Make sure you are drinking enough water AND getting enough electrolytes #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #electrolytes #dehydration #hydration #hotweather

10.01.2022 The importance of PLAY I admit sometimes I forget to play I can get caught up in DOING all the THINGS - working, running a business, parenting, running the household, dog wrangling, errands, exercise, and fitting in time for self care, meditation, journaling, getting enough sleep, and of course some down time - whew! ... It's easy to get caught up in ticking things off the to-do list! But play (and joy and laughter and connection and creativity) are so important - not just a luxury but a necessity! These playful activities release endorphins, raise our mood and our vibration. Play relaxes the body, and if you are in the creative/play zone you can get into a state of flow where your breathing deepens and it is meditative - and often this is when our best ideas come! (Because we have allowed our left brain to switch off and to switch into a more creative gear.) Play doesn't have to be the full fun-park variety either, for you it could look like creativity, art, doing a crossword or sudoku (I love sudoku!), singing (ooh I love singing too!), or any number of activities that use a different part of the brain and allow us to switch gears, be creative and HAVE FUN! It's great to have fun with other people at times but you don't need other people to have fun - it's also great to have fun by yourself and to remember the things that light you up I'm making a joyful effort to bring more FUN and PLAY into my day, my week and my life. If this reminder resonates for you too then let's do this together! And let me know how you like to play - I'd love to know Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #play #fun #remembertoplay

09.01.2022 If youre struggling financially at the moment because of COVID-19 but would still like an appointment then please reach out I dont want anyone not to get the health support they need during these difficult times so I have brought in a pay what you can policy for April and May. I also have payment plans available to spread out the cost as another option. Well all get through this together Im here for you!... Jo See more

09.01.2022 Thoughts for today... its a good time to process old and new emotions, especially grief, which will have a flow on effect of keeping our lungs healthy, because everything is connected

09.01.2022 I've been doing a lot of thinking and inner work lately and I'm starting to come back out of my "cave" feeling ready to share with you all again One of the many things I've ruminated on is the kind of world I want to live in. I believe that one of the beautiful benefits of this huge COVID year is that it's a big shake-up and opportunity for change both personally and on a global scale. It's a great time to really think about what parts of our life we want to keep or let go... of, and on a global scale to stand up for change I believe if we hold a vision of the world we want to create then we can hold space for that reality and walk towards it. I've been holding space for the kind of world I want to live in every day, and also for the human I want to show up as in that world I'm feeling called to share my vision with you. I believe in a world where there is true connection between people, each other, with ourselves and with Mother Earth. Where people innately and naturally love and trust and look after themselves, and trust their own inner guidance, their bodies and each other. Where we have no need or desire to give our power away to other people, to institutions, authority figures or medical professionals, but instead tune in to and trust our own higher wisdom and body wisdom. Where we can choose to work with a trusted medical professional to respectfully guide and offer their wisdom and experience while having our choices and inner wisdom respected, and also having health freedom. Where our leaders lead with courage and kindness, and with thought to the impact of decisions several generations into the future. Where we all work together to look after each other, ourselves and the Earth. Where food is whole, fresh, unprocessed and free from toxins, as are the waterways and all of the Earth. Where nobody is afraid to speak their truth or be uniquely completely themselves. Where we know that our bodies are a reflection of not just our physical health but also our mental, emotional and spiritual health. Where status, wealth, achievement and physical appearance arent as important as inner beauty, truth and true connection. Where we all have innate body sovereignty, health freedom, equality, self trust, self care, personal responsibility for health and healing, and a belief in the bodys innate healing ability. What kind of world do you believe in? Jo xx

08.01.2022 I was interviewed this week about Naturopathy for Newcastle Health Collective’s series on all the modalities they offer. We started talking about Naturopathy generally and then about the way I personally like to practice: I love to treat the body gently, take time to explore what’s going on, and to support my clients to uncover and release the emotional layers under their physical symptoms.... Have a listen and let me know - do you think your emotions play a role in your physical health? Jo

07.01.2022 Not long now til our mini retreat day!! Get your tickets ladies and gents!!

07.01.2022 If youre struggling financially because of COVID-19 but would still like an appointment then please reach out - I have brought in a pay what you can policy for April and May. I dont want anyone to miss out on the health support they need. Just book an online appointment through my booking link as normal then contact me privately via messenger or email and let me know what you feel you can pay. I also have payment plans available to space out payment as another option.... Im still here for you Lets get through this time by helping each other out See you soon, Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #covid19 #paywhatyoucan #letsgetthroughthistogether

06.01.2022 I am making some videos through a collaboration Im in that will be used in large companies as part of their well-being for staff. Thought Id share them for you also! This one is about boosting the immune system. Enjoy!

06.01.2022 Intermittent fasting - great for many BUT its not for everyone. If your adrenals are under stress or your blood sugar erratic, fasting will raise cortisol and we would need to support those things first Sensitive people will feel things more so if youre sensitive like me then put some supports in place first Also if you have a serious health issue (eg heart condition or liver or kidney pathology) then it may place too much of a strain on the body ... Any questions then feel free to get in touch! Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #intermittentfasting

06.01.2022 One of my core values as a person and also as a Naturopath is gentleness . It’s always been something I’ve valued and been drawn to, and I’ve noticed more and more over the past few years especially that I am drawn to gentle people, I like gentle colours, enjoy gentle music etc Part of this is my nature, I have always been this way and I guess it’s in my DNA as my parents were both gentle people. Because of this I was treated gently growing up which I appreciated grew t...o value in myself and others I think another reason that I value gentleness is because I’m sensitive I have a sensitive Nervous System so strong things can bombard it and overwhelm it. I used to think it was a drawback being sensitive because I’m very sensitive to other people’s energies but now I see it as my superpower because it means I can pick up subtle changes - and I find that the more gentle I am with my NS and the more I look after my whole self, the more I can pick up smaller and smaller energies and the more and more subtle feelings I experience which brings me a greater depth of joy In my work as a Naturopath I believe in gentle treatments - obviously as a Herbalist that means using gentle natural and herbal remedies rather than strong chemicals, but even within that it looks like using the gentler remedies (I don’t use essential oils as a rule because I find them too strong), using lower doses when less is enough, using gentle remedies like Bach Flowers and homeopathic remedies when indicated and not overwhelming people with too many supplements. It also means sometimes delaying targeted treatment until we support the body as a whole to be ready for that, and providing the body with what it needs and allowing it to heal rather than exerting our will onto the body (even if that will is well intentioned) I’d love to hear if you feel like you’re sensitive or have a sensitive nervous system or if that has changed over the years? And if you resonate with wanting a more gentle approach then reach out, I’d love to support you (gently) Jo

06.01.2022 Just checking in... are you travelling okay? Reach out if you need to

06.01.2022 Lets do some deep breathing together now - great for lung health, stress, anxiety or before bed

03.01.2022 Sitting in my garden today doing self care via grounding and mindfulness and so I thought I would share a mindfulness technique

03.01.2022 Ive spent the last 2 days learning a new technique called Naturopathic Emotional Release, or NER for short, and so I am now an NER practitioner NER allows me to discover if there are any emotions, blocks or stresses underlying your physical symptoms, and also allows me to help clear them. I look forward to using this with clients from next week. Any questions feel free to message me

02.01.2022 I was interviewed this week about Naturopathy for Newcastle Health Collectives series on all the modalities they offer. We started talking about Naturopathy generally and then about the way I personally like to practice: I love to treat the body gently, take time to explore whats going on, and to support my clients to uncover and release the emotional layers under their physical symptoms.... Have a listen and let me know - do you think your emotions play a role in your physical health? Jo

02.01.2022 Naturopaths can sometimes get a reputation... for being "gung ho", for giving you a lot of supplements, doing a lot of tests, maybe putting you on a detox or a strict program... and it can sometimes all feel a bit overwhelming! It comes from a good place of course, the desire to help, to fix, and to get results FAST! But if you're sensitive, or unsure, or if you've had an experience in the past where that approach hasn't felt right for you, then it can all feel too much... I want you to know that I'm different. I know that you're sensitive. I will listen to you and to your body. I know that YOU know your body better than anyone else and I want to honour that I'm happy to take things slowly, go gently and work together with you to take small steps in the right direction until you're feeling better Maybe we can just start with a herbal tonic, or just some good quality Magnesium, or whatever feels right. There's no rush, no pressure and no hard sell I believe in gentle treatments, listening to the body and taking small manageable steps in the right direction If this resonates then feel free to get in touch. Jo #thenurturepath #naturopath #herbalist #iridologist #iridology #nutrition #health #herbalmedicine #reiki #nurturinghealth #mindbodywellness #naturopathy #newcastlehealthcollective #gentletreatments #nonjudgement #healtheducation #naturalmedicine #nopressure #takeitslow #sensitive

02.01.2022 Thoughts for today... we are all connected, now more than ever

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