The Outlook in Warwick, Queensland | Local business
The Outlook
Locality: Warwick, Queensland
Phone: +61 401 075 109
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25.01.2022 Please note that on Friday June 8 all smoke detectors in all QRME buildings will be having their annual test carried out, meaning entry to every room will take place for a matter of a minute or so Thanku
24.01.2022 Hi dental students Just a reminder of checkout requirements :-- Empty ALL FOODS from fridge freezer and pantries and wipe down Empty yr rooms of all items including hangers and items under sink and wipe down... Make sure shower block has all products removed Remove mattress protector and place in laundry Leave room unlocked for cleaning and leave key in tray at front door ** failure to follow these rules may incur an extra cleaning charge Hope you have all enjoyed your time in Warwick
24.01.2022 Internet woes continue - I have spoken to Griffith and its not a problem with their network- its with eduroam- and Im contacting them- in the meantime Griffith advise to use a wired connection if u have appropriate lead
24.01.2022 Just a reminder to be mindful and respective of others in the share environment. Its important to keep your rental reputation with RTA blemish free for future rentals etc
21.01.2022 Hi all this week we have plumbers around as well as pest controllers if you see peeps lurking around outside
20.01.2022 I have had a couple of comments today about unidentified people in the accommodation building - PLEASE if you see anyone you believe not to be a student etc please contact me immediately - also please check fire exit doors daily to ensure they are locked
20.01.2022 Hi all Hope you are all surviving the current heatwave and are appreciating the Aircon right now . Could I ask that you take care to turn aircons off at all times when not in your rooms for obvious reasons Cheers
18.01.2022 Farewell Dentals leaving tomorrow! Please remember the checkout procedures-- Completely clear out yr room,your pantry and your fridge space . Wipe down fridge space and pantry in preparation for the new Dentals arriving Sunday Remove mattress protector and place in laundry Empty rubbish to the outside bins ... Leave rooms unlocked and doors opened and pegged back Leave keys in tray at front door Thanks for being low maintenance guys and good luck for the future See more
18.01.2022 We are having fire alarm issues at the moment and one of the sensors is being replaced next week In the meantime please adhere by all fire rules ie Careful in the kitchen with smoke issues Open everything when cooking No candles etc... Thanks everyone See more
18.01.2022 Hot water tap is being looked at on Monday and hopefully fixedHot water tap is being looked at on Monday and hopefully fixed
18.01.2022 Welcome to our 12 new dental students - thanks to everyone for arriving on time today Enjoy your stay !!
17.01.2022 Hi all just an update re microwave- Im as unimpressed as u all probably are right now - the new microwave is still on order just trying to source another
17.01.2022 Hi all please let me know of any issues in your rooms regarding air con or bedside lights before Wednesday please
16.01.2022 Dental departures/ Checkout procedure REMINDER Rooms to be completely cleared of personal items and bins emptied All food to be cleared from fridges/freezers and shelves wiped clean... Pantries emptied snd wiped clean Mattress protectors removed from bed and placed in laundry Air cons to be turned off Keys to be left in drop box at front door Failure to adhere to checkout requirements will incur a personal cost Thank you See more
16.01.2022 The swipe at the front door has been fixed- everyone test out yr swipe cards please and post here whether or not the problem is solved ?
15.01.2022 An end to an awesome year- Warwick Hospital will miss you guys
15.01.2022 We are having internet issues and Griffith IT are looking at it so hopefully it will be resolved soon
11.01.2022 Hi everyone hope you are s settled in and enjoying ur rural placement A few issues to touch base on/ dinner time in the kitchen with so many residents at the moment is crazy and very difficult and people are waiting long times to prepare meals / starting next Monday we will be designating half kitchen to each Wing for meal prep times on a trial and see how this works Also we need to improve kitchen cleaning duties as on Occassion the job being done is beloe par - its only a... small job but unless its done right there is no point to it , we will have a brief house meeting monday 19th to touch base on any other issues- please let me know if there are any issues you need raised at this meeting Cheers Cheers See more
11.01.2022 Just a reminder to all that the reserved parking spots are for Longlook students onlyJust a reminder to all that the reserved parking spots are for Longlook students only
10.01.2022 Fridge space! Due to a current full house and no room for more fridges - we need to be mindful of how we are using the available space. We have 22 shelves of fridge space (13 freezer) which means almost one shelf per person + door space. On checking I found a large chiller bag with fruit taking up space as well as a large casserole pot also. Unfortunately this has to stop as there is simply not enough room - it may come to numbering yr shelf and that is what you have to work with. You are allowed to provide yr own bar fridge for yr room- however it must be tagged by electrician and checked in with TABITHA before installing in room. Thanks for yr understanding everyone
10.01.2022 Hi Dentals I see tomorrow is your last day here in Warwick hope you have enjoyed your time here. Checkout procedures have been posted in several conspicuous places so please go through what is expected on departure day so as not to incur an excess cleaning fee. Thanks guys you have been an awesome bunch
10.01.2022 We have a new freezer arriving just after 4 today- will anyone be there to let them in?? Its going to be in Laundry area
10.01.2022 Good luck to everyone sitting exams this weekGood luck to everyone sitting exams this week
09.01.2022 Hi Outlookers- just a reminder- the Cleaner is having trouble keeping up supplies of hand soap, paper towels and kitchen spray- please remember these items are to remain in common areas and you are responsible for products for your personal use in your rooms - thanks
08.01.2022 DISABLED CAR SPACE- Until further notice- as long as we do not have anyone legally requiring this park, then it is ok to utilise it for general parking
08.01.2022 Looks like numbering fridge shelves may be the next move - we have people still without fridge spaceLooks like numbering fridge shelves may be the next move - we have people still without fridge space
07.01.2022 Hi all we have received advice from our Fire Safety Company and humidifiers are now banned. Any alarms triggered by one of these devices or breach of any other fire safety rules will result in appropriate action . Thanks for being mindful of our share accommodation rules.
07.01.2022 Aspire to Health held at Warwick August 9. A successful, informative and fun day had by students from Assumption College, Warwick Christian College and Scots College. Hopefully some future health professionals in these pics. A special thankyou to our Longlook students Ricarda, John, Shiv and Sarah- your input was amazing!
06.01.2022 Hope for Health weekend in Warwick - first year Med students getting hands on experience and a taste of a rural hospital
06.01.2022 We have fire training this Wednesday at 12 - anyone who can attend please do- its approx 30 minutesWe have fire training this Wednesday at 12 - anyone who can attend please do- its approx 30 minutes
06.01.2022 Hi all just a couple of reminders - please use only front load detergent in wash machines, do a weekly clean out of fridge space and keep common areas clean after use. A cleaning roster will be implemented this week
06.01.2022 Goodbye to our current dental students moving out tomoz- hope you have enjoyed your stint here. Just a checkout reminder - please make sure you take everything from your rooms including hangers and items from under sink. Take all rubbish to the bin. Remove ALL foods from pantries and fridge/freezer and wipe out shelves of both. Remove mattress protectors and pop in laundry and leave room keys in tray st front door. Please leave rooms unlocked. Thank you
05.01.2022 So we have had a bunch of bin bags and towelettes take a walk - obviously these items didnt disappear magically and thanks to u know who- we have a lead . So Im pretty sure they will be returned if this hasnt already happened.
04.01.2022 Goodbye dinner hosted by our 2016 Med students - joined by some of our amazing doctors from Warwick hospital
03.01.2022 We currently have a fridge space shortage as we are at capacity- so please cull old food weekly. Also a reminder to clean up after cooking as soon as you have finished- a share kitchen means you cant leave your mess with intentions to clean up later, cheers
03.01.2022 Hi all we have a few new housemates currently including speech students ,dietician students and mental health nurses- welcome all. We are near to capacity st present! Just a reminder there will be a meeting - a very brief one early next week - check whiteboard for day and time Also a reminder to PLEASE turn Aircons off when you are not in your rooms. Also remember to take care cooking to minimize smoke and tripping alarms by opening windows etc Keep warm
03.01.2022 Longlook 2017 Warwick get together - fun night was had by all - I hope
01.01.2022 We have a new freezer arriving just after 4 today- will anyone be there to let them in?? It’s going to be in Laundry area
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