The Oxygen Lounge in Adelaide, South Australia | Beauty salon
The Oxygen Lounge
Locality: Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 422 923 323
Address: Kidman Park 5025 Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 228
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25.01.2022 Thank you to all my clients....past, present & future. Without you, this would not be possible. I'm truly blessed and humbled #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #smallbusiness #adelaidelocal #adelaide #adelaidelashtech #adelaidelashextensions #eyelashextensions #humility #appreciation #grateful #thankful #bestclientsever
24.01.2022 What a lovely day for eyelash extensions. #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #volumelashes #adelaidelashes #eyelashextensionsadelaide #eyelashextensions #lashartist #ruthiebellesuperbonder #lashlove #lashobsessed #smallbusinessadelaide #workingmum #womeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen
24.01.2022 You know who you are #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #friendship #family #love #women #supportingwomen #womeninbusiness
23.01.2022 ....I love educating clients. This lady is always very careful with her lashes but when she washes her face, she avoids her lashes for fear of losing them. However, the opposite is true. I can't stress enough the importance of properly cleaning your lash extensions with a good quality lash shampoo and soft brush for better retention of extensions and more importantly, the health of your natural lashes. By neglecting to shampoo them will cause a build up of sebum & skin ce...lls in your lash line which can lead to eye infections like Styes & Blepharitis. And frankly, they just look plain dirty - yuck!! So please invest in a lash shampoo and soft eye shadow brush, and don't be nervous in shampooing them daily so you can admire and enjoy your eyelash extensions longer between refills #theoxygenlounge #lashtips #tipoftheday #lashaftercare #aftercare #lashshampoo #adelaideeyelashextensions #educatiion #adelaidelashes #lashartist #lashspecialist #cleanlashes #eyehealth
22.01.2022 Dayam Bel!! @beldiv. The older you're getting, the younger you're looking Thanks for sending me this after your lash refill. #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #adelaidelashtech #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashextensions #lashes #lashextensions #volumelashes #handmadevolumefans #lashgoals #lashesarelife #lashporn #youthful #lashprofessional #lashexpert #lashstylist #lashartist #lashartistry #adelaidebrides #brides #bridallashes #bridesofadelaide #adelaidelocal #adelaide #adelaidesmallbusiness #salocal #sa #sagreat #smallbusiness #womeninbusiness
22.01.2022 I never get tired of this@sharon_vanhomelen_ #theoxygenlounge #adelaidelashes #adelaideeyelashextensions #thicklashes #eyelashextensions #lashgoals #lashvibes #bridallashes #ruthiebellesuperbonder #sabrides #adelaidebrides #adelaide #adelaidelocal #supportlocal #sagreat #ichoosesa #smallbusiness #adelaidesmallbusiness #lashlove #adelaidewesternsuburbs
22.01.2022 Just another day making people feel beautiful #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #volumelashes #lashfans #eyelashextensions #lashes #eyelashextensionsadelaide #adelaidebrides #adelaidelocal #adelaidelashextensions #bridallashes #lashesforall #bridesofadelaide #girls #girlsjustwanttohavefun #lashextensions #lashexpert #lashista #lashprofessional #lashstylist #lashtechnician #lashlove #lashgoals #lashporn #workingmum #smallbusiness #womensupportingwomen #prettylashes
22.01.2022 Pretty #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #volumefans #blueeyes #eyelashextensionsadelaide #eyelashextensions #longlashes #thicklashes #lashextensions #lashartist #adelaidelashtechnician #lashstylist #weddingseason #adelaideweddings #bridallashes #adelaidebrides #salocal #smallbusinessadelaide #ichoosesa #workingmum #womeninbusiness
21.01.2022 Thick, thick, thick #theoxygenlounge #adelaide #eyelashextensions #eyelashes #eyelashextensionsadelaide #adelaidelashes #olgadinef #volumelashes #thicklashes #nofilter #lashstylist #lashextensions #lashes #lashexpert #lashspecialist #lashpro #lashartist #lashgoals #lashlove #bridallashes #bridesofadelaide #brides #adelaidebrides #bridaleyes #bridesmaids #localbusiness #smallbusiness #sagreat #sa #workingmum #womensupportingwomen
20.01.2022 #theoxygenlounge #mothersday #motherslove #sons #my3sons #love
20.01.2022 #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #pretty #volumelashes #eyes #lashes #eyelashextensionsadelaide #nofilter #eyelashextensions #lashporn #lashartist #adelaidelashes #love #adelaidelashtechnician #lashexpert #lashspecialist #bridallashes #brides #adelaideweddings #adelaidebrides #sa #adelaide #smallbusinessadelaide #southaustralia #smallbusiness #workingmum #salocal #westernsuburbs #womensupportingwomen
20.01.2022 Thought I'd try this platform. Would love recommendations to get started
20.01.2022 My heart breaks a bit more each day I read, see or hear about the havoc and devastation the bushfires have caused on our beautiful land and for all the farmers and families affected Like many, I have donated to various fundraising appeals but I want to do MORE..... As I am on holidays for the rest of January, for the whole of February, I will DONATE $5 from every lash refill and $10 from every full set of eyelash extensions to @cfsfoundation and the Kangaroo Island Mayoral Bushfire Relief Fund. Australia needs us
20.01.2022 And for something different, a beautiful eyebrow and wax tint for the lovely Sarah. Spewing I didn't take a before shot
19.01.2022 I have the best clients!! Thanks for the photo Bel @beldiv. You're gorgeous inside and out #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashesbyolga #sassylashes #lashstyle #lashes #style #makeup #lashexpert #lashista #lashartist #lashtech #lashpro #lashstylist #adelaidelashes #adelaide #local #business #smallbusiness #salocal #workingmum #womeninbusiness #womensupportingwomen #sabrides #bridesofadelaide #bridesmaids #brides #lashesonfleek #bridallashes
17.01.2022 @esakoulidis your lashes made my job easy #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #volumelashes #adelaidelashtech #adelaideeyelashextensions #lashlikeaboss #lashexpert #lashpro #niece #niecelove #adelaidelocal #adelaidebrides #bridallashes #nofilterneeded #no filter #thicklashes
17.01.2022 For the health of the natural lashes, it's imperative to not only fill, but replace 'grown out' extensions with fresh ones ggat are atyached to the bas of the natural.lash. #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashtips #lasheducation #refills #lashrefills #lashlesson #lashtutorial #healthylashes #adelaidelashes #lashista #lashgoals #lashartist #lashspecialist #salocal #lashextensions #adelaidelocal #safesets #smallbusiness #workingmum
15.01.2022 Love, love, love
15.01.2022 Date night sipping Jansz at Tasting Australia, Victoria Sq #theoxygenlounge #tastingaustralia #jansz #yalumba #victoriasquare #sagreat #adelaide #local #salocal #localbusinesses #foodandwine
15.01.2022 Great retention after 3 weeks @ruthiebelleau #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #superbonder #lashlove #ruthiebellesuperbonder #adelaidelashes #lashartist #eyelashextensions #lashrefills #eyelashextensionsadelaide #lashgoals #volumelashes #lashretention #lashspecialist #adelaide #westernsuburbs #sa #salocal #sagreat #smallbusiness #adelaidebrides #sabrides #womeninbusiness #lashsalon
14.01.2022 Regular refills by a qualified and certified Lash Artist is integral to the health of your natural lashes. #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashprofessional #lashtips #lashshedding #lashfacts #adelaidelashtech #adelaidelashes #eyelashextensions #aftercare #lashcare #notrocketscience
13.01.2022 Wispy lashes with light texturizing. Those eyes!! #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashesbyolga #blueeyes #wispylashes #texturedlashes #texture #lashes #volumelashes #volumeset #volumes #lashfans #lashextensions #eyelashextensions #adelaidelashextensions #adelaide #lashextensions #superbonder #sa #blueeyes #stunningeyes #stunning #adelaidelocal #sagreat #safesets #salocal #smallbusiness #australia #mi crobusiness #adelaidemums #supportingworkingmums #brides #womeninbusiness #bridallashes #sabrides @ Kidman Park
13.01.2022 Truth! #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #mythbusters #truth #lashes101 #lashtips #adelaidelashtech #adelaidelashes #safesets #adelaidelashextensions #adelaideeyelashextensions #lashprofessional #lashapplication
11.01.2022 Love this transformation @rebeccamorse10 #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #volumelashes #adelaidelashes #ruthiebellesuperbonder #lashsistaadhesive #eyelashextensionsadelaide #lashartist #lashextensions #adelaidelashtechnician #lashexpert #eyelashextensions #lashesforever #lashlover #classylashes #adelaideweddings #adelaidebride #bridallashes #beforeandafter #transformation #salocal #adelaide #southaustralia #smallbusinessadelaide #workingmums #womeninbusiness
09.01.2022 Thought I'd try this platform to tap into my local community. Would love some recommendations so I can become visible. Appreciate the support xx
07.01.2022 Anzac Day 2019 #respect
07.01.2022 Lash vibes with @eddy_cupcakes
07.01.2022 Happy Mother's Day to all the unique mother's out there...especially to my mum #theoxygenlounge #mothersday #mother #mum #motherslove
06.01.2022 #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #aftercare #lashcare #lashes #lashprofessional #lashpro #lashextensions #lashshampoo #volumelashes #volume #volumelashextensions #adelaidelashtech #lashstylist #adelaidelashes ##lashgoals #adelaidelashextensions
06.01.2022 #theoxygenlounge #hny #2020 #happynewyear #gratitude
04.01.2022 Wispy lashes with light texturizing. Those eyes!!! #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #adelaidelashes #lashesbyolga #blueeyes #lashextension #lashextensions #adelaidelashextensions #getlashed #lashes #gorgeouslashes #lashset #adelaide #adelaidelashtech #lashgoals #lashartisan #lashtech #lashpro #lashexpert #lashstylist #lashartist #bridesofadelaide #adelaidebride #adelaidebrides #bridallashes #salocal #sagreat #salocalbusiness #smallbusiness #sasmallbusiness #workingmum #westernsuburbs #womeninbusiness @ Kidman Park
04.01.2022 Your eyes a made for lashing Erin Checker @eddy_cupcakes #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashprofessional #lashspecialist #lashingislife #lashlifestyle #lashartist #volumelashes #volumes #volumeset #fans #lashfans #adelaidelashtech #adelaidelashes #sasmallbusiness #sagreat #westernsuburbs #brides #smallbusiness #bridesmaids #supporting #supportlocal #workingmum @ Kidman Park
04.01.2022 Wispy volume for this Asian beauty #theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #lashartist #lashstylist #lashexpert #nofilter #lashes #volumefans #volumelashes #fans #adelaidelashes #lashporn #sultryeyes #lashpro #eyelashextensionsadelaide #sexyeyes #lashesonpoint #sexyeyes #exotic #adelaidelashes #adelaideweddings #bridallashes #asianeyes #adelaidelocal #smallbusinessadelaide #workingmum #womensupportingwomen
03.01.2022 Fun day was had with hubby at D'Arenberg viewing the Salvadore Dali Exhibition and wine tasting followed by lunch #theoxygenlounge #thecube #darenbergcube #darenbergwinery #mclarenvale
02.01.2022 It was a pleasure @andonopoulosmaria 3D - 6D fans theoxygenlounge #olgadinef #nofilter #eyelashextensions #adelaidelashtech #lashes #adelaideeyelashextensions #lashprofessional #lashartist #lashista #volumelashes #beautiful #beautifuleyes #lashgoals #adelaidelashes #volumefans #lashporn #lashexpert #lashlove #brides #bridallashes #bridesofadelaide #adelaidebrides
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