The Perfect Health Centre in Cowra, New South Wales, Australia | Yoga studio
The Perfect Health Centre
Locality: Cowra, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 6341 1817
Address: 45 Macquarie street 2794 Cowra, NSW, Australia
Likes: 943
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25.01.2022 ***NEW Online Meditation Program Starts July 8*** Bringing Meditation Down To Earth - This 4 week online program makes meditating simple and easy to understand. This program's brought such great success in helping people finally breakthrough in their meditation practice with amazing results. "I found the program very effective and continued daily meditations. My stress has reduced, I have less tension in my shoulders and neck and I'm sleeping so much better."... Join me for this new way of learning to meditate. Click on the link to find out more. See more
25.01.2022 Hello everyone, I am sure you are all worried about this Covid-19 virus. It seems it can affect anyone. You never know who is carrying the virus and you cant j...ust confine yourself to your room. Well in this time of crisis, Id like to share a few points which I am very confident can help boost your confidence in how to fight this pandemic. As you all know, I have always shared that any bacteria or virus can affect anyone when their immune system is already compromised. The same is true for this Covid-19 virus. We all know that this virus can be transmitted through spit, sneeze or a cough from an infected person. But we need to remember that once the virus is in your system, it will require a conducive environment to grow. For example, if three friends get infected at the same time, one of them can go down the hill very fast as compared to the others, while one only has some symptoms for a few days and timely medical intervention can help them easily. This is what our immune system does. Therefore, if you can follow certain regimes at least you can be assured that you are creating a protective layer around you. This is what Ayurveda advices: Start the day with a ginger, lemon and honey drink. Gargle with black salt, at least x3 times a day or do it 30 minutes before you go out of the house. Put one drop of warm sesame oil in each nostril. This will create a defense line to prevent the virus from entering your system. Hold one teaspoon of warm sesame oil in your mouth and swish it around for 2 minutes and then spit it out. Do this 2-3 times a day. Chew x1 clove for 2-3 minutes until it is broken down and then swallow it. Do this 2-3 times a day, especially before you go out. Eat only warm cooked food. Take the following Ayurvedic remedies: * Prana Care: Take teaspoon, mixed with honey, 2-3 times a day. Best for your lungs, that are vulnerable to attack by the virus. * Chyawanprash: Best immune booster. Make sure you only use therapeutic Chyawanprash and not a commercial variety, which can be loaded with white sugar. * Drink Kapha tea during the day as it has a number if ayurvedic spices that help to clear your respiratory system. Hope this advice can help us all to fight this virus more effectively. Help others by sharing this information if it appeals to you.
24.01.2022 ***Yoga This Week At The PHC*** Were going ahead with yoga this week at this stage. If there seems to be a need to stop, well let you know. As with everywhere else, the same precautions apply like not hugging, staying at home if youre not well, washing your hands, etc. Of course, we already say Namaste for our greeting so thats fabulous! If / when we cant meet face to face, Ill offer the option of online classes until we get back together again. Yoga, breathing and med...itation are all great tools for maintaining not just a strong immune system but also calming your nervous system and keeping a calm mindset, so lets keep the practices going. Ill also be posting about daily practices to help your immune system that you could add on to the recommendations from health authorities. To start the week, Yoga is on at 9.30 in the morning. Look after yourself and all going well, Ill keep seeing you on the mat. Robyn See more
24.01.2022 Were closing our doors & opening into infinite potential. Yoga will now be either @ River Park or online, with the potential to go totally online as the need arises. Consultations with Robyn will all be online. You can choose the online platform when youre booking. Treatments are postponed until further notice. All gift vouchers will be honoured when we return. This applies from tomorrow. Bowen Therapy will continue this week and then postponed indefinitely from Monday.... There will be more courses and products available online and if you have any enquiries either fb message us, go to our website or call us on 63411817. Stay well and we look forward to seeing youon the ether. Robyn, Jenny, Jenny, Bec & Di See more
24.01.2022 FREE Meditation tonight @ 7pm. This follows on from the recent meditation program - Bringing Meditation Down To Earth. The first Wednesday of every month, I'm hosting an online meditation group for anyone who would like to join. Use this zoom link - would love to see you there. Robyn
24.01.2022 MEDITATION? A bit woo woo... Hear from Tam, who did the Bringing Meditation Down to Earth program in its first run. Tam shares her journey from doubting meditation to breaking through and benefitting from the creation of a twice-daily practice. ... Sign up today! The course begins again on July 8, and runs for four weeks.
23.01.2022 Yoga Is ON - Tonight 5-6pm Join Robyn ONLINE and finish your long weekend SMILING
21.01.2022 Why winter is the right time for a massage! Ahyangha is a whole body massage that will leave you feeling calm and rested, help you to sleep better, digest better and clear your lymphatic system. In Ayurveda, winter is Kapha time when everything is heavier and moves more slowly. You might feel sluggish, heavy, stiff and tired. ... The antidote - warm, aromatic oils, rhythmically massaged into your body, which loosens toxins, relaxes the nervous system, and provide rest, nourishment, and rejuvenation. It improves blood circulation, tones and moisturizes skin, wakes up the lymph system, and calms the mind and nervous system. The PHC's happy to share that Bec and Jen are back massaging and would love to welcome you onto the table to clear some winter heaviness and COVID stress. Click this link to book your massage now. There's a book now button in the top right corner for easy booking.
21.01.2022 I am loving teaching Yoga online - I love the pre-class catch ups and the fun and vibrant community that's been created. Classes are being taught on Zoom and log-in is simple. If you'd like to join our yoga community flick a message through and I'll send you all the details. I've made it super simple with either 10 class passes or 1 month of unlimited yoga PLUS there's an online Yoga Library. Love doing yoga from home as the weather turns cooler and there's no need to leave your warm lounge room. This week there's a class every day, Monday to Saturday. For the complete timetable and times go to the PHC website
20.01.2022 ITS RECORDED Bringing Meditation Down To Earth starts tomorrow night, 8th July at 7pm. REGISTER NOW Many "longing to be" meditators have shared theyre going to be away for one of the sessions and asked is it recorded? Yes Each week youll receive a downloadable recording of the session and access to all of the support material. Ive had clients do the whole program using the recordings and reported back that they loved it. Loved being able to do it in their own time and are still meditating - every day! Itll work whether you do it live or you listen later. The information is easy to understand and implement. I asked one of the participants in our last group to share her experiences - Cherie has found meditation a great tool to support her health at every level and particularly helps her to enjoy more calmness as she continues to work with long-term anxiety issues. Register now to start on Wednesday 8ty July and access all the benefits of a daily meditation practice. Cherie shares how this program helped her become a daily meditator and how its helped her mental health.
20.01.2022 I was reading about Mother Theresa today and came across this - How inspiring! People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered, LOVE THEM ANYWAY If you do good, people will accuse you of Selfish, ulterior motives,... DO GOOD ANYWAY If you are successful, You will win false friends and true enemies, SUCCEED ANYWAY The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow, DO GOOD ANYWAY Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable, BE HONEST AND FRANK ANYWAY What you spent years building may be Destroyed overnight BUILD ANYWAY People really need help But may attack you if you help them, HELP PEOPLE ANYWAY Give the world the best you have And youll get kicked in the teeth GIVE THE WORLD THE BEST YOUVE GOT ANYWAY. See more
19.01.2022 Cant Cramp Our Smile <3 Order here: With your family and your friends. Available other colors & size.
19.01.2022 ONLINE YOGA CLASSES THIS WEEK: Monday 9-10, Tuesday 9-10, Wednesday 6-7am, Friday Yin/Restorative 5-6pm, Saturday Level 2, 7.30-9am. Click here for the full timetable and to register for online classes.
18.01.2022 **Fabulous Facebook Livestreaming** Dr. Ajit has been doing really informative Ayurvedic talks on facebook. Next Monday he's speaking on "Childrens Wellbeing" I highly recommend tuning in - here's the link!
17.01.2022 ****JUST HOURS TO GO**** I'm so excited about the BREAKTHROUGH Meditation Program starting online TONIGHT. This program has already helped so many people navigate this challenging year feeling more empowered, calmer and clearer and having greater health and success than ever before. ... Not only will you: Learn fool-proof methods of how to meditate and Hear clear scientific research supporting meditation, You'll also have The meditation recording to use as often as you like and Your own journal for 100 DAYS to support you all the way through to New Years Eve! To register click the link Be Quick - Registrations CLOSE TONIGHT, September 21st @ 5pm, AEST. Every Week You'll Get The Recording If you can't make the class, each week the session's recorded. You'll receive a copy of the recording plus the meditation separately so you can do it all by yourself - over and over again. Meditation is THE most life-changing thing you can do. It opens up the door to infinite change on every level; health, relationships, purpose, fulfillment, abundance & spirituality. REGISTER NOW
17.01.2022 Isnt this gorgeous! For anyone having a difficult day. x
17.01.2022 Lets help each other boost our immunity. We know that Stress makes us sick and Happiness makes us well, so Id love you to share your go-to for making you laugh. Anyone else for Kath & Kim? Its uuumor Kim, uuumor!
16.01.2022 YOGA IS BACK Online & @ the Studio - click here for full details Tues 9-10, Wed 6-7am, Sat 7.30-9am ONLINE Thurs 5.30-6.40pm at the Studio. Reply to the PHC here to book your spot for Thursdays class and we'll be in touch with details.... Let's keep the Yoga wheel turning. See more
16.01.2022 ***SATURDAY YOGA IS NOW 7-8AM*** Kick-start your weekend with a vibrant, focused, one-hour Yoga class. Feel energised, clear, calm and strong with this level 2 class, connecting breath, movement and energy channels. STARTING THIS WEEK - ONLINE Use your Yoga zoom link to join or go to our webpage to register and receive the link. See you 7am on Saturday
15.01.2022 IT'S RECORDED Bringing Meditation Down To Earth starts tomorrow night, 8th July at 7pm. REGISTER NOW Many "longing to be" meditators have shared they're going to be away for one of the sessions and asked is it recorded? Yes Each week you'll receive a downloadable recording of the session and access to all of the support material. I've had clients do the whole program using the recordings and reported back that they loved it. Loved being able to do it in their own time and are still meditating - every day! It'll work whether you do it live or you listen later. The information is easy to understand and implement. I asked one of the participants in our last group to share her experiences - Cherie has found meditation a great tool to support her health at every level and particularly helps her to enjoy more calmness as she continues to work with long-term anxiety issues. Register now to start on Wednesday 8ty July and access all the benefits of a daily meditation practice. Cherie shares how this program helped her become a daily meditator and how its helped her mental health.
15.01.2022 ***FREE ONLINE YOGA @ 5.30 TONIGHT*** Im going live on Zoom at 5.30pm Thursday 26th. Pull on your tights and log-in here See you soon! Robyn
15.01.2022 Hmmm, Yoga classes Monday and Tuesday classes both 9-10am @ River Park, near the car park. Wednesday morning online - details available soon. Then, well let's see. I'll keep the site as up to date as I can. Go here to check out the timetable AND if you just want to stay in, the 7 days of Yoga online package has been reduced to $50 for Covid-19. These are 7 classes recorded earlier this year with breathing practices, lymphatic joint releases, sun salutations, meditation and more. Click here to buy your own copy to keep forever PS That picture is me not doing yoga at our retreat in Bali this year.
15.01.2022 Were ONE WEEK out from the second run of our MEDITATION program! Find more information or to REGISTER NOW click here: See you there!
14.01.2022 We're closing our doors & opening into infinite potential. Yoga will now be either @ River Park or online, with the potential to go totally online as the need arises. Consultations with Robyn will all be online. You can choose the online platform when you're booking. Treatments are postponed until further notice. All gift vouchers will be honoured when we return. This applies from tomorrow. Bowen Therapy will continue this week and then postponed indefinitely from Monday.... There will be more courses and products available online and if you have any enquiries either fb message us, go to our website or call us on 63411817. Stay well and we look forward to seeing youon the ether. Robyn, Jenny, Jenny, Bec & Di See more
13.01.2022 Saturday 7-8am - Yummy warm Yoga Even though it's cold, practicing Yoga in winter is great because..... *Yoga is Warm and the cold makes you feel stiff and sluggish. *Yoga Boosts Your Immune System. ... *Yoga Boosts Your Energy *Yoga Improves Those Long Winter Naps. *Yoga Opens Your Heart. *Yoga Keeps You in Balance. *Yoga Strengthens Your Heart & Lungs Check out all our classes online @
13.01.2022 Yoga On Zoom Or In The Room It's so exciting to be able to offer Yoga in different ways and in changing time slots to meet everyone's needs. Covid has opened the door for variety and adaptability. Each week we'll be changing the timetable to give you more great choices. This week Yoga is Monday night @ 5pm, Tuesday @9am, Wednesday 6am, Thursday5.30pm (@PHC) and Saturday @ 7.30am. ... Check out our full timetable with details of how to connect with all our classes and our online library. No better time to do Yoga than right now to bring your health into your own hands.
12.01.2022 ***Change in our YOGA timetable*** There will be no classes at the studio until further notice due to social distancing recommendations and guidelines from the Yoga Associations. Watch this space for details of classes moving forward. Please let others know to avoid last-minute disappointment. Namaste, Robyn
11.01.2022 *ONE WEEK TO GO!* There’s just one week until the hugely successful Bringing Meditation Down to Earth program starts up again. REGISTER NOW: This is a life-changing opportunity. Just look at our feedback: - I’ve established a new daily meditation practice - I sleep better and have more energy - My relationships have improved tenfold Robyn has curated every piece of this program for you, and this course is an open and safe space for questions, trials and tribulations. REGISTER NOW: Enjoy a new life with a daily meditation practice - that’s simple and easy to achieve!
11.01.2022 ***Yoga This Week At The PHC*** We're going ahead with yoga this week at this stage. If there seems to be a need to stop, we'll let you know. As with everywhere else, the same precautions apply like not hugging, staying at home if you're not well, washing your hands, etc. Of course, we already say Namaste for our greeting so that's fabulous! If / when we can't meet face to face, I'll offer the option of online classes until we get back together again. Yoga, breathing and med...itation are all great tools for maintaining not just a strong immune system but also calming your nervous system and keeping a calm mindset, so let's keep the practices going. I'll also be posting about daily practices to help your immune system that you could add on to the recommendations from health authorities. To start the week, Yoga is on at 9.30 in the morning. Look after yourself and all going well, I'll keep seeing you on the mat. Robyn See more
10.01.2022 Just TWO DAYS to go. Have you registered for the Meditation Program starting on Wednesday night? Im so excited to be putting this breakthrough program out for its second run - AND Ive just added another 4 weeks of support.... 4 Weeks of weekly information sessions and then another 4 weeks of community meditation to really get you into consistent daily practice. Each week youll be introduced to an aspect of meditation: Week 1 - Meditation - The Antidote To Stress In Your Life Right Now Whats meditation, why it works and how do you do it? Week 2: Ok, Ive Started, Please Explain... What are the effects of meditation on digestion, blood pressure, sleep and anything else? AND how do you know if youre doing it right? Week 3: Feeling Happier, Calmer & Clearer Meditation and mental health. How does it help? Learn different practices for different situations. Week 4: Meditating For Life The what, how and why of creating an ongoing practice with input from a Harvard trained meditation researcher. And each week youll meditate. Because thats the bit people struggle with - the "DOING". So many people have tried, maybe even started - but continuing, thats the tricky bit. Is This For You? This program has been developed for anyone who has thought theyd like to learn more about meditation and maybe struggled with it in the past. Whether youre a business owner, farmer, employer, employee, retiree, single mum, single dad, grandparent or student - really anyone who has thought how can I improve my health and happiness day-to-day. Its a big YES if: Youve heard about the amazing benefits of meditation, been interested but just havent made it part of your life yet. Youve started meditating and just not been able to keep the practice going. You just wanted to know more, get more information and understand meditation better. Starts on the 8th July @ 7pm online. Register now to finally breakthrough your mediation blocks and tap into the life-changing benefits of a daily practice.
10.01.2022 ***FREE ONLINE YOGA @ 5.30 TONIGHT*** I'm going live on Zoom at 5.30pm Thursday 26th. Pull on your tights and log-in here See you soon! Robyn
09.01.2022 The Bringing Meditation to Earth Workshop is BACK - WATCH THIS VIDEO for all the info you need! The 2nd run of the workshop begins on the 8th of July and runs for four weeks online, with Robyn Lynch as your experienced host. The first meditation workshop was hugely attended and praised by all participants. ... It is the PERFECT time to get into meditation and you'll enjoy the simplicity of the program. We hope to see you there! Find more info and register at this link:
06.01.2022 We're ONE WEEK out from the second run of our MEDITATION program! Find more information or to REGISTER NOW click here: See you there!
05.01.2022 Yoga On Zoom Or In The Room Its so exciting to be able to offer Yoga in different ways and in changing time slots to meet everyones needs. Covid has opened the door for variety and adaptability. Each week well be changing the timetable to give you more great choices. This week Yoga is Monday night @ 5pm, Tuesday @9am, Wednesday 6am, Thursday5.30pm (@PHC) and Saturday @ 7.30am. ... Check out our full timetable with details of how to connect with all our classes and our online library. No better time to do Yoga than right now to bring your health into your own hands.
05.01.2022 Ayurveda ONLINE Cooking Class | Saturday 12th September, 10.30-1pm. Do you want to cook to nourish, heal and enjoy? In this workshop you'll be exploring more about food choices to balance you right now. You'll look at a more individual perspective on cooking and also how you can apply that to balance your family's needs as well.... Meat And Three Veg - Or Not! In this workshop we'll unpack the 1,2,3 Method of preparing a meal Ayurvedically. Similar to the way you might have said, Ok we can have mince, what will we do with it. Except in the Ayurveda 1,2,3. Method, you look more holistically at what needs there are, and then begin the process. This is something that will empower you and expand your recipe repertoire way beyond waiting for a recipe from me. There'll be information, live cooking demonstrations and time for Q&A. Registrations close Friday 5pm so I can send you all the details and all you need for Saturday Morning Live (as opposed to Saturday Night Live - just amusing myself - lol) If you're a big YES PLEASE, Click below to REGISTER NOW to change the way you look at food preparation and diets forever!
05.01.2022 Can't Cramp Our Smile <3 Order here: With your family and your friends. Available other colors & size.
05.01.2022 Meditation For Rural Communities Program - Now being held online. Have you registered? As each day passes we're being asked to take care of ourselves and reduce social contact with more awareness. How could it get any better than a FREE online meditation course? YAY! Stay at home, get really comfy, pop on your pj's, make a cup of tea, log-in and sit back and enjoy the ride. The great news is, you can start without ...driving there, you can finish and you're already home and you'll get all the same information, be able to ask questions and not put yourself or others at risk. Once you register, you'll be on the email list and all the information about how to log on will be in your inbox early next week so you can make sure you're ready to go. There'll be troubleshooting info and somewhere for you to contact if it still doesn't work. Click here to read more and let's get ready to keep calm and carry on. See more
04.01.2022 Saturday 7-8am - Yummy warm Yoga Even though its cold, practicing Yoga in winter is great because..... *Yoga is Warm and the cold makes you feel stiff and sluggish. *Yoga Boosts Your Immune System. ... *Yoga Boosts Your Energy *Yoga Improves Those Long Winter Naps. *Yoga Opens Your Heart. *Yoga Keeps You in Balance. *Yoga Strengthens Your Heart & Lungs Check out all our classes online @
04.01.2022 Just TWO DAYS to go. Have you registered for the Meditation Program starting on Wednesday night? I'm so excited to be putting this breakthrough program out for its second run - AND I've just added another 4 weeks of support.... 4 Weeks of weekly information sessions and then another 4 weeks of community meditation to really get you into consistent daily practice. Each week you'll be introduced to an aspect of meditation: Week 1 - Meditation - The Antidote To Stress In Your Life Right Now What's meditation, why it works and how do you do it? Week 2: Ok, I've Started, Please Explain... What are the effects of meditation on digestion, blood pressure, sleep and anything else? AND how do you know if you're doing it right? Week 3: Feeling Happier, Calmer & Clearer Meditation and mental health. How does it help? Learn different practices for different situations. Week 4: Meditating For Life The what, how and why of creating an ongoing practice with input from a Harvard trained meditation researcher. And each week you'll meditate. Because that's the bit people struggle with - the "DOING". So many people have tried, maybe even started - but continuing, that's the tricky bit. Is This For You? This program has been developed for anyone who has thought they'd like to learn more about meditation and maybe struggled with it in the past. Whether you're a business owner, farmer, employer, employee, retiree, single mum, single dad, grandparent or student - really anyone who has thought how can I improve my health and happiness day-to-day. It's a big YES if: You've heard about the amazing benefits of meditation, been interested but just haven't made it part of your life yet. You've started meditating and just not been able to keep the practice going. You just wanted to know more, get more information and understand meditation better. Starts on the 8th July @ 7pm online. Register now to finally breakthrough your mediation blocks and tap into the life-changing benefits of a daily practice.
04.01.2022 ***YOGA THIS WEEK AT PHC*** Saturday morning Yoga at 7 is a winner - have you joined us yet? It seems that staying in is still the thing to do as COVID precautions remain front of mind. While COVID is front of mind, its important to have our health even further to the front. Stress, fear, anxiety all deplete our immune system. Meditation, breathing and theses particular systems of asana movement all help to reduce these factors and improve not only immunity but happiness and ...mental health. The other thing we're really loving about Yoga online is the community - getting to see each other, have a chat and catch up with what's going on. This week we have the following classes: Monday: 5-6pm Level 1 ONLINE Tuesday: 9-10am Gentle ONLINE Wednesday: 6-7am Sunrise ONLINE Thursday: 5.30-6.40pm Level 1 @ PHC Saturday: 7-8am Level 2 ONLINE Go to the PHC website for up to date details.
03.01.2022 See you ONLINE at 7am for Saturday Morning Yoga. New time, new class.7-8am Start the weekend energised, strengthened and clear. And youll be finished in time for breakfast, kids soccer or ready to enjoy a wet weekend. How can it get any better than that? Click here for full yoga details
03.01.2022 YOGA IS ON TONIGHT @ 5.30pm Have you booked your place?? Reply message to grab your spot in our Level 1 Live Class.
03.01.2022 Isn't this gorgeous! For anyone having a difficult day. x
02.01.2022 OutdoorYoga | Sat. 21st 7.30am Join me at River Park near the pool car park. Bring a mat or towel & something to sit on. $10pp.OutdoorYoga | Sat. 21st 7.30am Join me at River Park near the pool car park. Bring a mat or towel & something to sit on. $10pp.
02.01.2022 *ONE WEEK TO GO!* Theres just one week until the hugely successful Bringing Meditation Down to Earth program starts up again. REGISTER NOW: This is a life-changing opportunity. Just look at our feedback: - Ive established a new daily meditation practice - I sleep better and have more energy - My relationships have improved tenfold Robyn has curated every piece of this program for you, and this course is an open and safe space for questions, trials and tribulations. REGISTER NOW: Enjoy a new life with a daily meditation practice - thats simple and easy to achieve!
01.01.2022 **YIN+RESTORATIVE YOGA @5PM** Join me online tonight for an hour of kicking back. Use your class pass or unlimited monthly pass or come and we'll sort it out when you get there. If you don't have the link, message me and I'll send it through. Bring a hand towel, 3 rubber bands, 5 cushions, a large towel or blanket. See you tonight, Robyn
01.01.2022 YIN/RESTORATIVE YOGA 5PM - Are you in?? Bring 2 blankets, rolled-up large towel, large wheat pack, cushions or pillows and an eye pillow if you have one. See you @ 5 for some really advanced relaxation.
01.01.2022 ****JUST HOURS TO GO**** Im so excited about the BREAKTHROUGH Meditation Program starting online TONIGHT. This program has already helped so many people navigate this challenging year feeling more empowered, calmer and clearer and having greater health and success than ever before. ... Not only will you: Learn fool-proof methods of how to meditate and Hear clear scientific research supporting meditation, Youll also have The meditation recording to use as often as you like and Your own journal for 100 DAYS to support you all the way through to New Years Eve! To register click the link Be Quick - Registrations CLOSE TONIGHT, September 21st @ 5pm, AEST. Every Week Youll Get The Recording If you cant make the class, each week the sessions recorded. Youll receive a copy of the recording plus the meditation separately so you can do it all by yourself - over and over again. Meditation is THE most life-changing thing you can do. It opens up the door to infinite change on every level; health, relationships, purpose, fulfillment, abundance & spirituality. REGISTER NOW
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