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The Walking Podiatrist in Gosford, New South Wales | Podiatrist

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The Walking Podiatrist

Locality: Gosford, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 4340 1643

Address: 3 Mitchell Drive, Kariong 2250 Gosford, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Take time to move in anyway. Fast or slow, long or short, gentle or tough,... Shoes on or off, Grass, footpath, sand, bush or in home Walk, stretches, jog, swim,bike The buffet of movement are many. You choose! Enjoy

25.01.2022 Movement and stretch opportunities can be found anywhere while out living life. This morning I found this super cool rock and I instantly thought "calf stretch" for me with and my mate felt like squats with her baby for her. When we are looking for different ways to stretch or move a body part (includes the mind and brain), you will find it!... Happy looking!

24.01.2022 #healthtips Are you looking at your feet daily? If you have medical issues like Diabetes, Peripheral Neuropathy, Arthritis, A DAILY habit of observing your feet is HELPFUL!.... Look at: = SKIN condition- does it need attention with regular creaming or is there a painful crack or sores? Do you require to see a Podiatrist? = NAILS- is there a fungal infection or ingrown nail or nails that need a trim = DEFORMITY- bunions, overlapping toes or pain when walking. At the end of every day, LOOK and CHECK your feet as a part of your self-caring health practice. If are wanting a few more health tips, here is one for Bunions

23.01.2022 #slowingdown This eary morning (6am) I was chilling with this sister( from another mother) at the beach. I didnt try to cram in 5km powerful walk, plus 20 burpees, 50 squats and a 100m beach swim, instead...... We slowed down. Walked upto the lookout, stretched shoulders out, did handstands and downward dogs, I jumped into the water for a refreshing and grounding connection to water and earth Grabbed a green juice and then Sat in the sun and chatted. What a way to energize the body, mind, heart and soul. Remember that slowing down can be as beneficial as walking and moving lots. What #slowingdown did you do today?

23.01.2022 Someone asked a question about having tight hips and wanted a few moves to get them moving better. This can be an issue that start in the feet... if feet mobility is lacking, then the movements have to accessed at joints further up the body...ankles, legs, knees, hips and lower back. Hope this helps those less mobile pelvises (tight hips)!

23.01.2022 Swapping... There are simple tips that we can do every day that can increase our walking or movement abilities. One tip is SWAPPING... one positon or action for another.... For example. >> Hanging out the washing, instead of bending...SWAP it for a squat sometimes. >> Brushing your teeth whilst standing, SWAP it for slow squats or a calf stretch while brushing. >> Waiting for the Kettle to boil, SWAP the waiting time to do side bends, tabletop or benchtop stretch, a quick walk to the mailbox, get down and up off the floor or 5 burpees (I love them) >> SWAP a chair for an ottoman or the floor >>SWAP a lunch date with a walk date Just a few simple SWAPs... If you have any to add, please share in the comments below

22.01.2022 Case Study: Lovely female (45 yrs) bought a new pair of shoes(the same brand and style) she has been wearing for "years". She developed lower front leg and ankle pain when out walking since wearing her new joggers with her orthotics.... She felt that "something wasn't right" and had the perspective of "PREVENTING" potential future problems with her feet and legs. Assessment: Hypermobile feet (very flexible), flat feet (nil arch present when standing and stood like a duck( feet outward). Her gait showed rolling in of her ankles her ankles and no arch development. Diagnosis: Overuse and strain on her muscles around her ankles and lower legs due to rigidity of the new joggers and wearing her orthotics. Plan: Standing and walking realignment via a new and more body efficient standing position. Wear joggers with no orthotics OR buy new shoes that have a wide toebox area and less rigid. She cried as she knew something was wrong and now could see how her body was "dysfunctioning" with her feet and that she could do something about it. FEET to BODY Alignment matters. If you are having feet and ankle issues, book in for a biomechanical assessment dor a footwear assessment with me. Also if you want to know what I shared to help this with this client, you can grab my WALK THIS WAY Online 12-week program here.

22.01.2022 I hear this a lot... I wear good shoes, they were expensive Price does not always reflect shoes that create healthy function and happy feet.... These belong to a lovely stylish 80+ young lady who was wondering why the corn on her right 4th toe had come back. Shoes are a choice! How are your choices going? My favourite saying change the environment, change the outcome

21.01.2022 Foot Health Week in Australia is October 12th-18th. The Theme is: ‘Get Back on Track - Fit feet for a better YOU!’... As a podiatrist, this subject is particularly special to me, and I love promoting healthy feet and how we can achieve it! We all know that foot pain and feet problems can really be debilitating and no fun at all. So to help you get your beautiful feet back on track, I will be teaching a FEET FLOW MOVEMENT online class via zoom. This class will focus on improving the flexibility of feet and give a good massage to the muscles within. (My feet love this class and it's one of my favourites). So if you or your feet need this, join me and learn some simple exercises you can do at home. Here is the link to register Note: You will need a small rubber ball (my first choice) or tennis ball and a small smooth rock (for fun)!

21.01.2022 Our health journey (whatever that may be for you) starts with the thoughts and beliefs in our minds. There is evidence to suggest that we CHOOSE our mindset. As a Podiatrist and Movement Coach, I invite my clients to explore what simple small steps they can do and are willing commit do, and I empower them with a reminder of their worth and their capacity "get" to do much good for themselves and to reap the benefits of their actions. It is joyful to see them next time and to h...ear of their progress. So in saying that... How would you reframe what you say to yourself about your movement and health habits?

21.01.2022 Summer fun is coming and it's time for a change in shoes. Let's talk about summer footwear this week. If you have questions, post them up for discussion.

21.01.2022 Foot Health Week Post Footwear...something for the foot to wear! There are many conflicting statements about them and many clients I see are confused.... With the foot having 26 bones and 33 JOINTS in EACH foot, we need to provide a "HUT"(house) that suits our needs. Are your feet flat, wide, narrow, rigid, high arched, flexible, hypermobile? The most important message about shoes to make sure it matches the shape of your beautiful foot and it wears to your foot (imagine a baggy pair of pants that need pulling up or adjusting often). Having the "best" shoe for your foot will help get you "BACK ON TRACK- fit feet for better health! If you any questions, comment below. Cheers everybody

20.01.2022 Do you stand and walk with PUBIC BONE stick out in front? To locate the pubic bone, = find the 2 bony points in front of your pelvis on the top (like hands on hips)... = move both hands in a diagonal line down towards your pubic bone until they meet. (it would look like a V) Often the pelvis is tilted where the PUBIC BONE is pushed forward and your TAILBONE is pushed under you. So in order to have a "neutral Pelvis" position, both the PUBIC BONE and TAIL BONE have to be placed where neither bone is sticking too far forward or too far back. Most people have more of a posterior tilt and have to rotate the top of their pelvis forward or anteriorly. I will post a video during the week about neutral pelvis... in the meantime, go and see is you are walking with your pubic bone sticking out forward and see if you can make the adjustment to neutral ...and practice staying there all-day (hint: be gentle and don't force the position...mindfully know where your pelvis is and put it into neutral).

19.01.2022 Try this for fun...well it’s really to get you stabilising the joint behind the big toe better and ...some toe dancing!

18.01.2022 Glorious Sunday morning moves. Grateful for a body!

18.01.2022 Call all bunions, stiff toes and joints, and feet. My order of Correct Toes have arrived and I’m excited to share it with you. Designed by a podiatrist with the improvement of feet biomechanics in mind. ... If your toes are dancing all over each other or you can’t spread your toes... unfortunately this can affect how you walk and move. If you want to get your hands or should I say feet, comment or DM me. You can find out more here

17.01.2022 The water was blissful today! Grateful to move my feet , body and bathe in the ocean. Tried a few sprints to spice up my movements. ... What is something you could add today to spice up your moves?

16.01.2022 Adding a strap or backend of the shoe and a good fastening mechanism HELPS the SHOE stay onto your feet. --This allows you to take each step with little effort or force on your toes and feet. --It will provide some stability around the ankle and heel area than if you wore a slides/thongs/strapless shoes.... -- Increased stability will give you better balance --Less potential for tripping or falling So strapless shoes aren't "evil" for our feet, however, they wouldn't be the type of shoe that you should "live in" daily for years and decades Our feet need and want to move us for our entire life, so loving and caring for them today and tomorrow and forever will help achieve this. Have a look at your strapless shoes and see what you think?

16.01.2022 What is gait? This refers to how a person stands, walks or runs. Podiatrists perform gait assessments which looks at how you stand and load your body on top of your feet and how the body parts move during walking.... Examples of what is assessed... =Feet positioning...are you a "duck" with feet pointing outward? =How far or close you place your feet together. =What is the arch height?...high, neutral or lower or flat? =What is happening in the feet, knees, legs and pelvis when you walk? =What shoes do they wear? If gait is "abnormal" it can be caused by one or parts of the body underperforming or being overused. Unfortunately, this which can cause pain in the feet, ankles, knees and hips. If you are wanting to understand how to stand and walk using better body mechanics, WALK THIS WALK is the program to show you how it is done. Here is the link,

16.01.2022 Day 3: Foot Health Week Visual guide with yesterday post on standing and walking. Leave a question or comment if you want to know more. ... Enjoy the sun

16.01.2022 Day 2 of Foot Health Week. "Back On Track- Fit Feet for Better Health" Running is the way to get somewhere faster, HOWEVER, if our walking pattern is OUT OF would also be OUT when we run causing feet, ankle, knee and hips issues.... WALKING...what should it look like. 1. Start off with having your feet straight(2/3rd toes facing forward) and make sure your heels are away from each other and behind you(social distancing of the heels/ankles) 2. Lift your toes to get your Pelvis and upper body over your heels/ankles (you may feel like you are falling) 3. Take SHORT and SLOW STEPS with STRAIGHT positioned Feet and Weight over the heels. Take a gentle walk today and pay attention to feet position, weight over feet and steps.

15.01.2022 Textures! Do you like them under foot? How would textures benefit you and your feet?

13.01.2022 Ingrown Toenails! I have been seeing a lot lately in the clinic and mainly young people. There are many causes for getting one of these...... = incorrect or incomplete cutting of the nail edge = trauma to the toe like dropping something on it, stubbing the toe or someone standing on your toe = tight shoes = tight calves (causing toe walking) = nail shape and thickness = overloading of the toes due to shoes of body alignment = picking at and ripping off the nail (low-grade trauma or incomplete rip of the nail). Treatment...PREVENTION IS better than treatment. So a few tips that will help to get this problem... + make sure your shoes have enough room for your toes to spread + wear flat shoes with a good fastening mechanism + cut the nail completely...leave no sharp corners + keep feet and the skin around the toes hydrated + stop ripping nails or picking at them + work on stretching calves and keeping weight over your heels more BUT if you have swelling, redness and pain with a nail, apply tea tree oil to the nail to help with infection, and see a podiatrist. I have appointments available and finish up on 23rd Dec until 2021. If you need to see me ...0421 769 976

13.01.2022 Tight hip flexors can be due to sitting a lot...lunges are easy and helpful stretch. Check in with your body that you are not lunging with your lower back or excessive knee bend. Keep upper body vertical and move forward with your pelvis.

12.01.2022 TODAY!!! Join me for feet that will be happy! Feet Flow Movement ONLINE class. Get connected with your feet and start exploring how much flow (movement) is possible.... Cost: $10 USD ($13-14 AUD approx) To book, here is the link See more

11.01.2022 This was a great class, thanks Seleisa. Not only did I wake up but my feet joined me this morning. Definitely feeling the benefits. Janine.SThis was a great class, thanks Seleisa. Not only did I wake up but my feet joined me this morning. Definitely feeling the benefits. Janine.S

10.01.2022 What do you footprints say about you? How we stand and walk can have an impact on our feet, body and mood. Would it make sense that if we are moving forward in a straight line that the wheels aka feet should also in in a forward placed alignment? ... If you are ready to start getting your feet placed in a more helpful and healthier position... Post your questions in the comments , message me or you can Check out Walk This Way a 12-week online feet/walking program. An important part of living a healthy and moving lifestyle is your wonderful feet

09.01.2022 How to get into neutral pelvis!

09.01.2022 Children are not born with all their bones formed and have soft and flexible feet. It's important to consider what you use for their shoes. Often best practice to let them be barefoot as often as possible, and to have shoes that do not... : constrict or compress their feet : allow them to walk and run easily : cause them to have to lift their feet to walk : have the only purpose of looking good/ fashionable : have them scrunching up their toes to hold the shoe on : have a heel Teach them to love and care for their feet.

09.01.2022 Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps A Day? Well actually NO, so how many steps do we need to take for the health benefits. This easy to digest article explains:... - the importance of walking regularly (I recommend at least 5x weekly) - where the 10,000 steps idea came from - simple ideas to get extra steps or movement in general - how many steps do we need for health benefits and longevity - what are the benefits will you reap

08.01.2022 The answer about bunions... If you want more, grab this free pdf to help you with a bunion problem.

08.01.2022 This simple avocado seed has taken about 3 plus months to sprout from the top. The roots were established first with time and then the sprouted top. My husband watched and watched and watched...sometimes almost giving up and tossing the seed. ... But he didnt! Sometimes we can be like this seed. We are trying to walk more, move differently and even change how we think about our health...but feeling or seeing there is no reward of a sprouted top! Take note that as you patiently do the simple work, you are establishing the roots or foundation of your movement practice. It has take me a few years to see the rewards of daily and deliberate actions. It takes time. Enjoy the time. Improve with time.

06.01.2022 Spring is in the air and folks are out swimming in the early morning( super brave). It might be time to release the limitations of winter and awaken to spring new movements for your feet and body. Comment on what new moves/ activity you are trying today!

05.01.2022 This week is FOOT HEALTH WEEK, so look out for daily post on how to "GET BACK ON TRACK" Fit Feet For A Better You! Cheers Seleisa

05.01.2022 Foot Health Week-end! If you think about what we need our feet, I am in awe. Today being a beautiful Saturday... My feet served me like this ...went on a 7km walk, jog and practiced handstands ...did some squats with weights ...weeding, mulching, planted 2x mandarin trees from a awesome dad ...raked and clean around my practice ...taking my kids to soccer or friends catchup And its now lunchtime. So I share my morning adventures not to boast, rather to make the pointbof how important it is to care, nurture and strengthen your feet. Here is a video of sone simple stretch and maybe relaxing exercises for your feet after of them serving you

04.01.2022 Did you one of these photos show one of the reasons why the bunion problem happens. Which one? If you are experiencing the bunion problem, you can grab my free pdf on 3 simple tips to help you with your bunions( if you have them or want to prevent them) and you will find the answer to the question. ... Here is the link I’ll post answer and explain why soon.

04.01.2022 Some exercises to help your feet improve their ability to perform for walking and life

03.01.2022 As we start to enjoy the longer light, we can take time to enjoy the company of others while walking, moving and playing. If you are struggling to walk and move and your feet or body is stopping the playtime in your life should checkout Walk This Way 12-week course programmed to keep you walking and playing. Have fun in the sun!

02.01.2022 The COMFORTS of life...let's talk about beds, chairs and shoes! Our environment shapes us in our body and function, and the height of things can LIMIT the range of motion in our joints to be utilised in its full capacity. Your bed height or chair height can STOP you from squatting lower past 90 degrees. How often are you sitting during the day? (consider travel, meals, media use, toilet, socialising). By continuing to do these same moves every day, every week, every month and... every year, it may be clearer to you as to why you or someone you know can no longer get down to the ground and back up. A few years ago, I decided (darling husband was happy to try) to remove by bed legs... and then I removed the base and now we have our mattress on the floor. We now have the daily opportunity to squat lower than 90 degrees at the hip, and practice getting down and up from off the floor (well almost). I hope to progress to a thinner mattress or form of bedding soon (my darling husband may not be as keen), but the point is creating the environment where my body will adapt to another level of comfort whilst maintaining a moving and working body. Lastly, shoes! They can bring a smile to your face or not. A comfortable shoe should NOT be causing rubbing and friction to skin or feet, allow your toes to move freely and spread apart, not causing aches or pain while wearing them and after. Many feet problems can be linked back to poor design and choice of shoes. If you are ready to move your body better and step into a comfortable body, WALK THIS WAY -12 week online program is what you need. If you have any questions, ask me. Cheers See more

02.01.2022 Send your feet some love. I did some prep work for the FEET FLOW Movement Online Class this Saturday... my feet are feeling happy and so good this morning.... Cant wait to help get your feet back into flow by working on our little joints. If you need this, registerwith this link and see you Saturday

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