The Spaniards Club of Western Australia | Event space
The Spaniards Club of Western Australia
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25.01.2022 Libros en español que puedes leer gratis durante el confinamiento La Sombra del Viento, El código Da Vinci o La bodega, de Noah Gor...don son algunas de las lecturas de las que puedes disfrutar sin coste alguno durante la cuarentena. Desde que se anunciara el confinamiento en España para evitar que se propagara la pandemia del coronavirus, son muchas las editoriales que han decidido aportar su granito de arena y ofrecer libros electrónicos gratuitos. See more
25.01.2022 GRUPO PILOTO CLASES DE ESPAÑOL The Spaniards Club of WA y The Spanish Club of WA organizan un curso piloto de clases de español para hijos de españoles. Las edades comprendidas en el grupo piloto serán entre los 5 y los 10 años. El grupo piloto se limitará inicialmente a las 10 primeras solicitudes. En función de la demanda, se contemplará crear grupos adicionales y la segregación en grupos por edades, incluyendo la expansión a mayores de 10 años. Se elaborará una lista de ...espera de cara a establecer los nuevos grupos a partir del Q1 2021. Lugar: Spanish Club of WA, 48 Baker Court, North Lake WA 6163 Fechas: Dos sábados al mes, empezando el 12/12/2020. 12/12/2020 26/12/2020 09/01/2020 23/01/2020 Hora: De 11am a 12pm. Precio: $40 por niño para diciembre y enero ($10/hora por niño). Este dinero se dedica íntegramente a pagar al profesorado. Bebida: Se puede comprar café, refrescos y bebidas en el bar del club. Comida: El club está considerando opciones para que haya comida para comprar. INSCRIPCIONES ABIERTAS Los interesados pueden dirigirse a [email protected] indicando los nombres de los niños a registrar y sus edades.
25.01.2022 Ya se ha vendido la mitad del aforo más o menos.
25.01.2022 You are invited to join us in celebrating our National Day You know you want to come. Dont miss out!... There will be tapas for sale Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en la celebración del Dia de la Hispanidad. Sabes que quieres venir. No te lo pierdas! habrá tapas en venta
24.01.2022 #COVID19: Ante la situación de excepcionalidad, el @MAECgob puso en marcha #Aloja, un servicio solidario de urgencia para asistir a los españoles bloqueados e...n el extranjero. A 10/04 se han recibido 347 ofertas de alojamiento y 260 solicitudes.
24.01.2022 #BREAKING: Just 3 new cases of coronavirus were recorded in Western Australia overnight. That is the LOWEST number of daily infections since WA's testing regime... began. "Three new infections today is unambiguously good news," said Premier Mark McGowan. "It shows that some of the things we've been doing have had an impact on the spread of infection. Two of the cases are from cruise shops, while one is unknown at this stage.
23.01.2022 BOOK TODAY!!! THE SPANISH CLUB OF WA ORGANISES A HALLOWEEN PARTY THIS WEEKEND!!!!! Halloween Come and join in the fun... Bring you friends Reserve tickets ph 0405016359 It might be Scary. It Might be a Fright. But it's sure to be Fun. Come and join us for a Halloween scare, Costume party on Saturday the 31st of October at the Spanish Club. 48, Baker Court. North Lake.
22.01.2022 Aunque los Reyes Magos ya nos visitaron en Perth el domingo, 3 de enero, es esta noche cuando repartirán regalos por todas las casas de los niños que se hayan portado bien este año.
22.01.2022 No os perdáis la próxima fiesta de la Hispanidad en el club español!!!! El Sábado 10 de octubre!!!
21.01.2022 In Spain Christmas celebrations finish today. Yesterday night (5th January) was a magical night for Spanish kids: the Three Wise Men delivered our Christmas presents and today (6th January) we eat Roscón de Reyes while open our presents.
20.01.2022 Los Reyes Magos de Oriente nos han visitado hoy en el Spanish Club WA en Perth. Gracias por venir desde tan lejos para traer regalos a nuestros niños en Australia! Os esperamos el año que viene!
20.01.2022 Gracias a los 3 Reyes Magos y a las pajes reales que han traído la ilusión a los niños españoles de Perth esta tarde. Gracias al Spanish Club WA! Gracias a todos los que habéis colaborado de una u otra forma en hacer de este día un día especial para todos! Sois los mejores!
19.01.2022 !VIENE A AUSTRALIA LA TUNA UNIVERSITARIA DE ZAMORA! Lean la carta de Oscar Mateos-Martin: La Tuna Universitaria de Zamora tiene la intención de realizar un viaj...e músico-cultural en Australia desde el 17 de Febrero al 5 de Marzo de 2020. La tuna española, de arraigo universitario, una de las tradiciones populares más conocidas de nuestro querido país, quiere hacer gala de su música, alegría, amor y trajes de época, en un periplo por tierras australianas, principalmente Sydney, Camberra y Melbourne. Esta ocasión, es una buena oportunidad para poder recibir una actuación musical y cultural de nuestra Tuna, en su centro "United"en Melbourne. De cualquier modo, estaríamos encantados de compartir un rato con ustedes, en compañía de nuestra música y buen humor. Adjunto envío nuestro dosier con información acerca de lo que hacemos y con un pequeño resumen histórico de la tuna en general. Pueden vernos en este video también: Si tienen interés pueden contactar personalmente conmigo. Reciban un cordial saludo. Oscar Mateos-Martin
18.01.2022 Por causas de todo el mundo conocidas se pospone el evento. Se reintegrará el importe de las entradas que habéis comprado. Lo intentamos después de la cuarentena, ok?
15.01.2022 LOS REYES MAGOS VISITAN EL SPANISH CLUB OF WA Los Reyes Magos de Oriente visitarán el Spanish Club of WA el domingo, 3 de enero de 2021 a partir de las 11am y traerán regalos para los niños de 0 a 12 años. El coste de la entrada infantil (niños de 0-12 años) es de $15 e incluirá:... - Comida (menú infantil); - Regalo de los Reyes Magos; - Merienda; y - Entretenimiento durante el evento NOTA: el coste de la entrada infantil sólo cubre el coste del regalo. Todos los costes adicionales (el local, la comida y la merienda infantiles, así como el entretenimiento para los niños) es cortesía del Spanish Club of WA, the Spaniards Club of WA y el trabajo de nuestros valiosos colaboradores y voluntarios. Los adultos que quieran asistir al evento podrán hacerlo sin coste alguno pero tendrán que sacar una entrada gratuita de adulto por razones de control de aforo. Si lo desean, los adultos asistentes pueden comprar tickets de comida por anticipado a precio reducido ($15/ración de paella). El precio de la ración de paella el día del evento será de $20 y no podemos asegurar que haya suficientes raciones para todos aquellos que no compren su ticket de comida por anticipado. No BYO food or drink. Fully licensed bar at the premises. Entradas ya a la venta en eventbrite
15.01.2022 This is our WA COVID-19 update for Sunday 12 April 2020. It is important people are well informed on the virus, so as new information or advice becomes availabl...e we will share it. ---- - Current cases - With around 1,000 additional tests completed since yesterday's update, three new WA cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed. All three cases are from metropolitan Perth. Two cases are related to the cruise ship Costa Victoria, with one case still under investigation. That brings WA's total confirmed cases to 517. As with all new confirmed cases, contact tracing is underway and all cases are in isolation. To date, WA has recorded 239 recoveries from COVID-19, bringing the total number of active cases in WA down to 272. To date, 22,601 Western Australians have tested negative for COVID-19. Of these 4,632 are from regional WA. ---- - Testing - The testing criteria for COVID-19 has been expanded significantly at all COVID-19 clinics. Anyone in WA will now be assessed for a COVID-19 test if they present with ANY of the following: - a fever of 38C or above OR - a documented history of a fever in the last few days OR - an acute respiratory infection (eg. shortness of breath, cough, sore throat) If you have these symptoms, please get tested, and help us identify every case of COVID-19 in WA as early as possible. ---- - COVID clinics - Nine COVID clinics are now operational - all metropolitan area COVID clinics are operational between the hours of 8am-8pm, 7 days a week. Please note that all metropolitan clinics will operate on reduced hours over the Easter long weekend, and will be open between 10am-4pm. The clinics now open are at: - Royal Perth Hospital (Ground Floor, Ainslie House, 48 Murray Street) - Fiona Stanley Hospital (Allied Health 2, Gymnasiums, East End, Bedbrook Row) - Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (C Block, Hospital Avenue) - Armadale Health Service (Ground Floor, 3056 Albany Highway, Mount Nasura) - Rockingham General Hospital (Elanora Drive, Cooloongup) - Midland COVID Clinic: Front of St John of God Midland Hospital (access only via Yelverton Drive) - Joondalup COVID Clinic: Ground floor Joondalup Hospital (Car park P4, Regents Park Road - Enter via outside walkway between Specialist Medical West and Physiotherapy Department) - Bunbury Health Campus (Corner Bussell Highway and Robertson Drive, Bunbury) - open 10am-4pm - Broome Hospital (Robinson Street, Broome) - open 8:30am-4pm In other regional areas, people should go to a public hospital, health service or remote health clinic. Please call ahead if you are concerned that you have contracted COVID-19. Patients will be assessed and where appropriate tested, provided with appropriate information and referred for further medical treatment if necessary. Those individuals who are tested and well enough, will be asked to self-isolate while they await test results. Anyone who is confirmed to have COVID-19, who does not require hospitalisation will be required to stay in self-isolation as instructed by the public health team. It is also extremely important that people who are unwell and are concerned they have COVID-19 should immediately self-isolate and then seek further medical advice. ---- - Closure of the WA border - Western Australia's borders are now closed to travel from interstate. An exempt traveller, who will be allowed into our State, must perform one of the following functions: - Health services - Emergency services - Transport, freight and logistics - Specialists skills, not available in WA, for industry or business continuity; - National or State security and governance; and - Courts and judicial services. There are also exemptions for FIFO workers and their families, however strict 14-day quarantine measures will need to be followed, when they first enter the State. Further exemptions will also apply on compassionate grounds. In addition, Western Australians who are already in quarantine for 14 days in the eastern states, will be allowed back to WA if they show no symptoms of COVID-19. They will need to return to WA within 24 hours of completing their period of quarantine, and then immediately self-quarantine for a further 14 days at their home. More information and a list of exemptions can be found at Additional, stricter directions apply to those coming to WA via the Kimberley, to protect people living in remote Aboriginal communities. Western Australians who are aware of someone breaching a requirement to self-isolate - please contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or WA Police on 131 444. ---- - Restrictions on travel within Western Australia - Restrictions over travel between regions within Western Australia are now in effect. All non-essential travel within Western Australia must now stop. Unless you fit an exempt category, you will now not be able to leave whatever region of Western Australia you live in. To be clear, those regions are: the Kimberley, Pilbara, Gascoyne, Mid-West, Goldfields-Esperance, Wheatbelt, Great Southern and South West. Due to their proximity and interconnected nature, Perth and Peel will be treated as one region. The exempt categories include: travel for work purposes; to attend medical appointments; to transport freight; those who do not have access to groceries or supplies within their region; returning to a place of residence; where necessary to attend school or an educational institution; caring for family members; and approved compassionate grounds. Western Australians that are currently outside of their region and are able to return, should do so immediately. The construction and freight industries, in particular, will continue to operate despite these new measures. Check points and mobile police patrols will be in place to monitor travel across boundaries and ensure people are doing the right thing. If your need to travel fits one of the exempt categories, please assist police by preparing documentation, such as a letter/email/SMS from an employer, to support your legitimate travel. ---- - Additional restrictions on travel for the Kimberley - New measures have been announced to stop the spread of COVID-19 to the Kimberley region. Travel restrictions are already in place in the Kimberley region, but due to the seriousness of the situation, additional stronger measures are needed to stop the movement of people between towns or local government areas. New boundaries, in line with the four local government areas (Shire of Broome, Derby West Kimberley, Wyndham East Kimberley, Halls creek) within the Kimberley region are now in place. People must stay in their local government area. The existing exemptions apply, such as provision of essential services or supplies, medical reasons or residents returning to their home. Residents who need to cross a regional boundary to return to their home, must self-isolate for 14 days. Kimberley residents are urged to stay home and cease all non-essential travel and activity. Indoor or outdoor activities of more than two people should be avoided, unless exempted. Anyone displaying symptoms should contact their local health facility immediately. ---- - Additional restrictions on travel for the Goldfields-Esperance - A new restriction on intrastate travel applies for Esperance. Unless for essential purposes, no visits to Esperance will be permitted. This is designed to stop the holiday flood, particularly from Kalgoorlie, over the Easter period and beyond, and has been implemented in conjunction with the local council. ---- We are preparing and taking every precaution to protect Western Australia from COVID-19. The Western Australian health system and our hospitals are very well prepared to manage infectious disease situations and have well established systems and processes in place. The State Government is taking this very seriously and we need to be prepared for a pandemic. Every action we take and decision we make is to protect Western Australians. We have already taken action with a suite of measures to prepare the State for the possibility of a pandemic. It is important that we all continue to remain calm and use common sense. The best thing we can do to protect ourselves is quality personal hygiene and exercise social distancing by avoiding unnecessary personal contact. That includes covering coughs and sneezes, washing hands often with soap or sanitiser, staying home from work or school if unwell, avoiding shaking hands or hugging, and maintaining distance from others in public. Please also continue to follow the advice of authorities and doctors - anyone who is instructed to self-isolate must take the order seriously, stay home and not put others at risk. This means you dont leave your property, you dont go to work or school, you dont go on outings and you dont have visitors - only leave the house to seek medical attention. ---- Official information regarding COVID-19 in Western Australia - WA Department of Health information Coronavirus information hotline 1800 020 080 Smartraveller information regarding travel advice for Australians -
14.01.2022 Thank you, Switzerland! Australia's national flag has been projected onto Matterhorn Mountain in the Swiss Alps in an illuminated message of hope and solidarit...y during the global coronavirus pandemic The Zermatt-Matterhorn region's tourism body posted the image to its Twitter account, along with a message of support for Australians, which made note of the bushfire crisis which tore through parts of the country over the summer. "Australia is having a hard time with the bushfires and now the coronavirus. Today we think of the Australian people and send hope and courage to get through the crisis well," the post read. STORY:
13.01.2022 BOOK NOW ON EVENTBRITE!!!!!
13.01.2022 "We are one, but we are many." #ABCyours We set out to brighten the spirits at this difficult time so invited Aussies to a national sing-a-long. 109 people, from all over the country, contributed to this beautiful rendition of an Aussie icon. ABC TV + iview.
13.01.2022 Sunday 23 February 5.30 pm Paella $20 Deliciosa paella de marisco con pollo elaborada al fuego con ingredientes de primera calidad. Ven y únete a nosotros, Rese...rva tus entradas en el club este fin de semana!! Delicious seafood and chicken paella cooked over woodfire with top-quality ingredients. Come and join us! Reserve your tickets at the club this weekend !! #spanishclub #spanishpeople #spanishfood #perthfoodspecials #spanishculture #spanishevent #spaniardsofperth #paella #paellademarisco
13.01.2022 Post original de Carlos Aimeur, un verdadero amante del cine, entre otras muchas cosas. En esta página web tenéis más de 60.000 películas libres de derechos en castellano, entre las que se pueden ver clásicos como 'Frankenstein', 'El pequeño salvaje', españolas como 'El perro del hortelano', el documental 'Twenty' sobre Pearl Jam, películas recientes como 'Self/less'...... Disfrutadla.
12.01.2022 La HISTORIA de las LETRAS que usamos en ESPAÑOL.
12.01.2022 Aprendiendo en nuestra clase Lunares
11.01.2022 Este sabado 9 de Enero viene el invierno a nuestra clase Lunares. Tendremos muñecos de nieve, juegos sensoriales... Y nuestra mascota Lola Lunares se ha Ido se compras... ¿Que tendrá en su bolsa Lola Lunares? Os esperamos para descubrirlo juntos
10.01.2022 #BREAKING - Little James has been found alive Western Australia Police Force says, "Three-year-old missing boy James has been located in bushland alive by a f...amily member who was assisting with the land search operation. "Given the time he has spent exposed to the rough terrain and poor weather conditions, arrangements will be made for him to have a medical check-up as a precaution. "WA Police Force thanks all the emergency service volunteers and community members who assisted with the search." Thank you to everyone who assisted in the rescue effort, we hope James enjoys some big hugs with his family tonight!
09.01.2022 ¿Quieres trabajar en Organizaciones Internacionales? Si tienes #idiomas, #titulación superior y #experiencia profesional, ¡echa un vistazo a nuestro boletín de #vacantes! Cada semana te traemos las últimas oportunidades de #empleo en #OOII
09.01.2022 APRENDER ESPAÑOL CON CORTOS Nuestros colegas de la Consejería de Educación de España en Brasil acaban de publicar Aprender español con cortos, libro que conti...ene seis guías didácticas para la enseñanza de ELE mediante cortometrajes de nuestra plataforma AulaCorto. Las seis unidades de que consta el libro están concebidas para los niveles A2/B1 del MCER y constan de la transcripción completa del cortometraje, actividades de comprensión audiovisual, y actividades y contenidos sobre el uso y aprendizaje de la lengua, sociedad y cultura españolas. Descarga tu ejemplar de la guía: Inscríbete en AulaCorto: See more
09.01.2022 Os recordamos que es el domingo a las 10:30h. La barbacoa, para los que no vengáis a la reunión será a la 12:30h approx. Kings Park. Un saludo!
09.01.2022 Hoy es la primera vez que Iberia aterriza en Australia en sus 93 años de existencia con motivo del viaje de retorno de españoles a Madrid. We are proud to announce: throughout its 93 years of operations today it is the first time the Spanish flag carrier Iberia lands in Australia.
08.01.2022 Hola Spaniards. Si necesitas hablar con alguien, pedir ayuda u ofrecerla, comentar o criticar, tenemos un wassap en el club para esto. En estos días extraños, seas socio o no, envíanos un mensaje y te añadiremos gustosos al chat. Entre todos sacaremos de este encierro algo bueno. ... Un saludo y a lavarse las manos!
08.01.2022 FAIRY TALES in SPANISH Children's stories translated into Spanish with optional English translation and slow audio from a native Spanish speaker. Great for kids... and adults too! Enjoy!
07.01.2022 Para los que el mus os viene de nuevo, aquí un tutorial muy didáctico.
07.01.2022 #BREAKING: WA social gatherings restrictions relaxed to a max of TEN people. Effective from Monday, April 27; - Indoor and outdoor non-work gatherings relaxed t...o a max of 10 people - People allowed to leave their homes for non-contact activities such as fishing, boating, hiking and camping - Wedding attendance increased from 5 to 10 people. - Outdoor personal training allowed, restricted to a group of 10 people - Home opens permitted - Restaurants and café's to remain on takeaway only - Public playgrounds will remain closed as they can't be cleaned regularly There were ZERO new cases in WA overnight. The states total is 549. There are only 55 active cases. Premier Mark McGowan said these are significant changes. "I just urge everyone if the new rules arent adhered to, then well have to consider reinstating them."
07.01.2022 Junta! Convocamos por la presente la Asamblea General Anual del Spaniards Club de WA inc. el próximo domingo 16 de febrero a las 10:30 h en Subiaco Market Square. Confiando en que acompañe el tiempo, organizaremos una barbacoa y actividades para tener entretenidos a los más pequeños.... El orden del día incluirá la elección de la Ejecutiva del TSCoWA para el año 2020, la presentación de las cuentas anuales y la discusión de nuevas iniciativas. El lugar elegido es el Viejo Observatorio 4 Havelock Street West Perth
07.01.2022 El Consulado de España Informa: Actualizacion situacion COVID-19 Espero estéis llevando esta situacion sin precedentes en lo mejor de vuestras capacidades.... Os adjunto una lista de los vuelos para esta semana aún disponibles para regresar a España, a esta hora. Los interesados deberán confirmar con la línea aérea. Si supieseis de alguno más, por favor posteadlo aquí o decidmelo. El gobierno de España urge a los viajeros españoles en países que aún cuentan con conexiones a España que regresen con carácter inmediato Para la semana que viene no hay vuelos programados. Aunque estos vuelos son caros, 1000 AUD$ más en turista hoy que lo que costaban ayer, la estancia en Australia por un periodo indefinido puede acabar resultando mucho más cara y complicada. VUELOS DISPONIBLES A ESPAÑA ESTA SEMANA (23 A 29 DE MARZO) - Qatar Airways: Desde Melbourne: - Martes 24 de Marzo: Salida 22:20 Melbourne- Llegada 14:00 Madrid - Sábado 28 de marzo: Salida 22:20 Melbourne- Llegada 14:00 Madrid - Domingo 29 de marzo: Salida 22:20 Melbourne- Llegada 14:00 Madrid - Jueves 26 de marzo: Sólo quedan billetes en business. Desde Perth: - Sábado 28 de marzo: Salida 22:50 Perth- Llegada 14:00 Madrid - Domingo 29 de marzo: Salida 22:45 Perth- Llegada 15:00 Madrid - Jueves 26 de marzo: Sólo quedan billetes en business - Qantas: - Lunes 23 de marzo: Salida 16:50 Melbourne Llegada 14:05 Madrid Confirmad directamente con la línea áerea.
07.01.2022 Western Australians have done incredibly well to keep our total number of COVID-19 cases to just 549 - a remarkably low number compared to other jurisdictions a...round the world. That number even includes over 80 travellers from the Artania cruise ship. We also have encouraging results when it comes to the number of active cases in WA. In fact, 478 of those people have beaten the virus, and after a medical assessment have been deemed to have recovered. Of the 63 "active" cases, currently only 16 are in hospital, and of those, only four are in intensive care. These are fantastic numbers which show that we're on the right track. But those numbers are not zero - and until they reach that point and remain low, we must stay vigilant. Thanks so much for your efforts. Keep it up.
06.01.2022 Guía para el aislamiento en casa - casos sospechosos o confirmados.
05.01.2022 No te lo pierdas!!!
04.01.2022 FREE TEACHING RESOURCES FOR SPANISH CLASS Our website is being updated periodically with new Spanis...h teaching resources. Surely you will find what you are looking for in this collection of free teaching resources for Spanish classes. See more
03.01.2022 Attention children, parents and chocolate lovers we have some important news! WA Premier Mark McGowan has signed a special 'eggs-emption' for the Easter Bu...nny to travel around Western Australia this Easter. Mr McGowan said he was persuaded to grant the 'eggs-emption' after receiving a letter from 9-year-old Taylah from Thornlie who was concerned about whether the Easter Bunny would be affected by the border closures. Mark McGowan / Twitter.
02.01.2022 CAMPEÓN DE FUTBOLÍN DE TU BARRIO? Ven y demuéstralo! Esta es tu oportunidad! No olvides comprar tu entrada!
02.01.2022 You are invited to join us in celebrating our National Day You know you want to come. Don’t miss out!... There will be tapas for sale Te invitamos a unirte a nosotros en la celebración del Dia de la Hispanidad. Sabes que quieres venir. No te lo pierdas! habrá tapas en venta
01.01.2022 This Easter long weekend will be very different. For most of us, it will be an Easter like never before. For one last time, I want to ask all Western Australian...s to listen to the advice and stay home. We cant be travelling during this pandemic. Were asking everyone to do the right thing and stay home instead. Instead of holidays and camping, were going to have to find other ways to do whats important this Easter. We can still take the chance to relax and unwind, and catch up with friends and family, in different ways. Video call your friends and loved ones, get some takeaway from your local, catch up on that Netflix show with your family. You can still stay active and get some fresh air while doing the right thing by social distancing. I understand this is no ones ideal Easter. Back in January, I was planning on taking my family camping this weekend. But we all have to do the right thing. For those who are working in our hospitals. For those who have lost their jobs in the efforts to slow the spread. For those who are most vulnerable to coronavirus. If we all pull together, and do the right thing, we are going to beat this thing. So, stay home, but stay connected and together we will have a good Western Australian long weekend.
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