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The 5 Percent
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20.01.2022 Q & A Wednesday: Q. "How do I stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed when I'm trying to do so many things in my business?" A. "Staying focused and avoiding overwhelm can be incredibly challenging when we work for ourselves because we don’t have anyone to keep us focused and on track!... The best way to handle it, especially when you have lots to do in not a lot of time, is to simplify your workload and focus on bite-sized chunks! Take a look at everything you’ve got going on in your business and pick one goal to focus on. One goal that you know will give you the best outcome / return for your business. You can keep the other goals on a separate list which you can look at when you’ve achieved your first goal. Focusing on this one goal, write a list of what you need to get you there (being as specific as possible!). Now you’ve got your shopping list for achieving your goal. Finally, for each item on your list, write an action that you’re committed to doing, to tick off this task (i.e in order to prepare my January advert for social media, I am committed to blocking out 2 hours in my diary to create the content.) Now you’ve got your to-do list AND actions you need to complete to reach your goal. Anything that isn’t on there can be put to one side until you’re feeling clearer and less overwhelmed!" Answered by Chloë Bisson - Mentor @ The 5 Percent
19.01.2022 Is there a market for your product or service? Before you jump in with both feet and waste time & money on setting up your business, make sure you know that there's a market out there for your solution. As mentioned in my previous post, if you don’t have a market for your product or service you don’t have a business. ... So how do you decide if your product / service is viable? Market research!!! This is particularly relevant if you are creating something relatively new. If you are opening a dog café, you need to know there are dogs in the area. Market research can be done in a variety of ways Looking at what your competitors are doing Surveys & Facebook polls Ask potential customers Talk to local business owners Go to networking events and chat to a few people about your idea One of the questions you want to include is What would you be willing to pay for ? and include a price range. Too many people have wasted thousands of dollars and spent hundreds of hours working on a new business only to give up because no one is buying. It can be daunting asking whether your idea has merit and whether people would be willing to pay for your product or service but it’s better to know now. So, write out 4 or 5 market research questions and go and find a few people to ask. Write down their answers, take notice of their feedback and you’ll be well on your way to starting a successful business.
19.01.2022 Time to reflect!! When you’ve been in business for a while, it’s always to good to reflect on how far you’ve come in that time. Sometimes we’re so busy being busy that we forget just how much we’ve achieved and it’s easy to just keep going in one direction without really evaluating whether that is still the right direction for you and your business.... I’ve spent the past few weeks doing just that. I’ve re-evaluated what I want out of the business and what direction I want it to go in. I reduced my social media time so I could really review and reflect and I’m going to be making some exciting changes to The 5 Percent over coming months. Can’t wait to share them with you. Is your business still going in the same direction or has it changed over time?
08.01.2022 Q & A Wednesday!!! Q. I’ve heard a lot about personal branding but I don’t how to start with personal branding? What’s the first thing I need to do? A. Personal Branding can be really powerful and transferable there are so many positives to working on your personal brand and it can open you up to lots of great opportunities. Here’s what I recommend:... Know you (who are you, how do you help people, what do you stand for, what’s your vision). Know your audience (what are their problems and aspirations, what do they want to learn or see from you or others). Create content in line with the above content in places your ideal audience is likely to be. Answered by Shannon Stone - Mentor @ The 5 Percent #smallbusinesstips #mentoring #businessqanda
08.01.2022 When I started my coaching business I joined a few Facebook groups ( I was still new to social media then) so I was more of a long-time watcher and not much of a contributor but one thing that I noticed was how many people were asking questions to do with their business, marketing questions, accounting questions, website questions, pretty much everything. And then I’d read the comments and it was great that people were answering their questions and trying to help but what I n...oticed was the variation in answers, there are so many ways to do things and I often thought, wow did that really help or is that person more confused than ever? When I decided to start The 5 Percent one of the things I wanted to provide was a way that people could get personalised answers to their questions from real experts, from real business owners who knew what they were talking about, so I brought together 8 experts and that’s exactly what they do. So I thought it would be a good opportunity to start to introduce the amazing mentors who provide their expertise to our members. So I’d like to introduce you to our marketing guru Shannon Stone Shannon is the ‘Marketing Girl’ who blends the creative with the conversions. She helps the personal brand that’s looking to ‘breakthrough’ right up through to the global company that needs to bring their online presence up to speed. Always looking from a strategic standpoint, and only working on the aspects that are going to fulfil your goals + have an impact on your bottom line, Shannon helps businesses spend their time and money in the right places for the best result. #smallbusinesstips #The5Percent #businessadvice
07.01.2022 I caught up with a friend a few weeks ago, she’s from Townsville and I picked her up from the city in my car. When she came downstairs and walked out onto the street she was looking for my car and then saw the Mustang, she jumped in and said: I didn’t know you had a Mustang. I thought everyone knew but apparently not...... Anyway, we got to talking about practicality & being a financial advisor she was definitely on the more practical side of the scale, but for me, I'm all about what looks good (when it comes to cars). Practical goes out the window. I spent 11 years driving a little black sports car, complaining constantly about the big doors, swearing that my next car would have 4 doors and be a little zip zip car. Well, that obviously didn’t happen. One day when my partner and I were out and about we thought we’d drop in and have a look at some cars, he was in the market, not me. Well, I saw the Mustang and that was it, love at first sight. I decided to take it for a drive OMG, it was fabulous. Anyway, we went home carless, I wasn’t in a position to buy a car at that time and we were really just window shopping anyway. 6 months later and again we stop in at the car dealer and again I take the Mustang for a drive and again we went home carless. As we know the universe works in mysterious ways and my little black sports car was on its last legs which meant I really needed a new car and what sprang to mind. The mustang of course. And two months later, there was a shiny new (my first ever new car) sitting in my driveway. 12 months on and I still love my car, practicality be gone, give me looks any day. Are you on the practical side or looks good side of the scale? Leisa Quagliata #theMustang #notpractical #mustang
05.01.2022 Life Changes in an Instant!! My partner is a huge AFL fan and over the years I’ve learned a lot about the game, the players and the personalities of this great sport. So I was saddened by the news that AFL legend Danny Frawley passed away yesterday in a car accident at only 56 years of age. I’ve watched him on tv and felt like I knew him.... Danny Frawley followed his passion, he followed his dream and played the sport he loved. He made a difference in the lives of the people around him and he left a legacy. And this started me thinking about life and just how precious it is. We go through life thinking there’s always tomorrow, but life changes in an instant and there are no guarantees. So don’t waste another moment being miserable, don’t wait for the right moment to start following your dreams, don’t waste time worrying about what she said or he said and most of all don't let fear get in the way of doing....... Grab life by the horns and go after your dreams, make the most of your time on this planet, make the planet a better place just by being a better person, by being grateful for what you have. You never know what tomorrow will bring so make the most of today. RIP Danny Frawley. #RIPDannyFrawley
03.01.2022 Q & A Wednesday!! Q. "Can I increase my price before offering a discount" A. "No, that is not allowed. Under Australian Consumer Law, there are rules about offering bargains or sales that might mislead consumers. If you are going to advertise a sale (for example was $150, yours now for only $100) the product or service must have been offered for sale to the public at the higher price for a reasonable time before the sale period.... What is reasonable depends on the circumstances. You also have to be able to show that you have actually sold a number of products or services at a higher price in order to advertise the discount as a saving. If you have made few (or no) sales at the higher price, then promoting the sale price in comparison with the pre-sale price is a risky choice. This also applies if you are using percentages (for example 50% off)." Answered by Michelle Whitehead
02.01.2022 Stop Selling!! Seems counter-intuitive when you’re in business, doesn’t it? But we all know what it’s like to be sold to and we hate it. If you’re anything like me you get hundreds of emails and lots of FB messages and the main message is buy this, buy that! ... And what happens is we tune out, we unsubscribe and we delete. So, what do you do instead? You need to become a solutions provider and take an interest in your customers, who they are, what their problems are, what challenges they’re facing, how they spend their time etc. Take the time to really understand them, build relationships and don’t make it all about business. Early on when I was starting out, I was told about an online marketer Miles Beckler. I’ve been following him for 3 years now, I subscribed to his YouTube channel, I get daily emails from him and I’ve never once thought about unsubscribing ... why? Because he took the time to add value and build a relationship with me (via email & YouTube) for a very long time before he even mentioned his product or service. He adds value first and it is real value, he talks about and shows me things I’m interested in as a business owner. I recommend him to other people, if I’m looking for something in particular, I’ll check out his YouTube channel first and it’s all because he built trust and added value right from the beginning. So, become that trusted person in your niche, add value, build relationships, get to know your customers, help them find the solution to their problems and you’ll stand out from the crowd. Start today with how can I learn more about my customers, what problems are they facing, how can I add value & help them. What problem do you help solve in your business?
02.01.2022 It’s Your Solution that People will buy! Every product or service provides a solution! Step 1 in starting a business is knowing what solution am I providing to my ideal customer.... Lots of people go into business because it’s something they are passionate about and they forget to think about their product or service in terms of will someone pay for this? And guess what, if no one is willing to pay for what you have to offer, you don’t have a business. I saw this recently, where a lady was struggling to get sales for her product (which was a hair scrunchy) but she hadn’t done any market research to make sure there were people willing to pay for her product. Hence her frustration and lack of sales. Every time we purchase a product or service we are looking to move away from pain or looking to fulfil a need, want or desire. Think about your product or service and write out 5 reasons why someone would purchase from you. What pain are they feeling, what results are they looking for, what don’t they have that they need. E.g. You might hire a personal trainer - To lose weight - To get fit - To tone your muscles - To have someone teach you how to exercise correctly - To have someone to be accountable to so you stick with your exercise regime There are hundreds of reasons Each reason you can think of will help you develop your marketing strategy in the future; it will help you write your blogs & posts and will help you educate your readers & potential customers. So, spend some time thinking about the results your ideal customer will get from your using your product or service and then write down the pain point and how your product/service provides the solution. Share below what solution you provide or will provide (if you haven’t started yet)
02.01.2022 You Can Do It!! Don’t let your dream of being your own boss fade away into the distance just because you don’t think you have the time or the skills to make it happen. Over the next 12 weeks I’m going to share the exact action plan that I used when I started my coaching business while working full time, and best of all you only need to allow 15 minutes a day to get started... . The key to starting your business and becoming your own boss is consistency. You can achieve anything when you take consistent action. Even if you only do one thing per day, at the end of the month you’ll have 30 things crossed off your list. You never know what is around the corner, so now is the right time to take action and get started!!! The steps I’m going to share have been used by hundreds of entrepreneurs, I spent a long time learning & researching before I started my business, I’ve learnt from Grace Lever, Chloe Bisson, Miles Beckler, Sunny Lenarduzzi, Kate Toon and many more, so I look forward to helping you become your own boss. #ditchthe9to5 #startabusiness #the5percent
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