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The Active Mummy
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24.01.2022 Just opened!! Registration to the "Social Distancing" Run! This is a virtual race that will allow you to run off some stress and stay active in leu of all these races that have cancelled. There are several options for joining, including a free option, and options for getting our unique finisher's medal. ... See details here:
22.01.2022 Clean Up Australia Day
22.01.2022 Legit the BEST Banana Cake/Breas recipe ever!
18.01.2022 So, tonight after a busy day at work (School Sports Day) I came home to my Dyson being turned on all day. GREAT! It was smoking and almost caused a fire #scary!! Anyway, as I googled vacuums I saw this!!!! WHATTTTTTT HOW AMAZING!!!!! #favouritetoy **edit my vacuum turned on during the day at some stage randomly. No one came home to turn it on, my doors were all locked and pets outside... I certainly don’t have time to vac in the morning soo... yeh I’m stumped!! Literally no idea how it happened.
16.01.2022 My school created a video for our amazing families.
15.01.2022 PE with Joe a home workout for kids and parents. I had an extra weight with Ami (my 3yo who decided to have a 4pm nap!! ) Link to Joe’s YouTube channel is in the comments. Remember you don’t have to be a skinny Minnie to have fun, workout, be present and active with your kiddies!
11.01.2022 We’ve got this guys! I’m here if you need anything.
11.01.2022 My Learning Support Teacher at school is AMAZING and created the softest, most beautiful play dough with our students last week. We then used it to extend our knowledge about the brain which we had being studying as part of our inquiry unit. The students constructed a brain and labelled the different parts. ... It was an incredible task and even our grade 5/6 students LOVED playing with play dough! Here is a play daough recipe and some other recipe ideas that you could use.
07.01.2022 The current situation in Australia and around the world is scary and confusing. I’m no scientist or doctor, nurse or carer but I am a teacher. I might not be able to do much but I am happy to try help in any way possible. If you are homeschooling, remotely or digitally educating your kids and you need assistance with understanding something that has been assigned for your child, please hit me up. ... I’ll try my best to answer your questions, provide feedback or point you in the right direction. Nothing is too trivial. Share the love people!! (From a distance! ) Xoxo Carla
04.01.2022 Yesterday, I went for a walk. Walking usually helps me gather my thoughts, relax and destress. However, this time my mind had other ideas. Since going back to teaching (almost full-time) switching off has been almost impossible.... During my walk, hubby texted me and said Milk obviously he meant Hey babe, I hope you are enjoying your walk. We’ve ran out of milk, can you please grab some on your way back. love you xoxo Any way, my initial thought was, ‘I’ll grab it from the servo just around the corner.’ But... then I walked past a milk bar much further away from home. I thought to myself, ‘No! Get it here and use them as weights as you continue home!’ So, that’s what I did! BOOM! It completely changed my walk and mindset. People were definitely laughing at me in their cars as I briskly walked along the footpath lifting milks every which way but, I didn’t care. I managed to completely switch off my teacher and mum hat for 20mins as I counted reps, breathed deeply and challenged myself. Last night, 4L of milk changed my mindset and got all my endorphins buzzing around my body. Try it out! The Active Mummy - Carla x
01.01.2022 Art Hub for Kids This YouTube channel is one of my favourites. It’s simple but amazing. The epic instructor along with his chosen young sidekick for the day draw a picture together. These pictures/cartoons/characters are sometime things you would consider difficult but I promise you, you and your children will feel like Picasso after following these guided draws. ... It’s totally free and you can stream it on any device. I’ve included a link to one of their vids on how to draw a whale. From here you will be able to subscribe and see all the amazing things you will be able to draw with your gorgeous babes. See more
01.01.2022 Are you a teacher or even a parent that wants to be informed?? Empower your children by making yourself knowledgeable!
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